-VFf£v ■ - '-i; ■; • . ; Monday, PeWtrtfy i, m ' s ? r ■ * —fi- . rig 1 -- - ■■ \ J ' - A Bitter PiD > ■ • .. _ ~' t ~ ' BY WILLIAMS * ——- • . BuO'E D "TtS£ASoOG. . . -sum *r mm MSwie^me. j MOM’N POP ~T —= i f , {HEItO ' ¥ ">/" iSM'T'fHAT A.4 f c 1 «s» ildSsgtfgP) tSssAfe^,; I '?'|S| ! v ' ''''-' \ 7 THOVkSt~YOU ASKED "S * ( MOT WORRIED -? C«.CK LET Xl (5T ’ ! - £,^lo^\ V«s . \ WITH YOU -VJ£LU- J l JJS Hftt<; V M. WOMEN-& NEA Servtee Writer Washington, Jan. 30.—"0h, how blessed it is for brethren to dwell together in harmony.” Representative George Huddleston, as Alabama, was talking about the Republicans and Democrats in Con gress. As be sees it, the two par ties are just alike. Every time any thing really important comes up, he says they get together on it. “Ob. how I love these eras of amity.” tie adds. “Rut,” as an after thought, “I wonder whether they are going to produce any good results for Ithe country.” * A * $0 it appears that Congressman Huddleston was sarcastic, when he I said, “How blessed it is for brethren ■to -live together in harmony." S He was taking a crack at the “op iposition party” management in Con gress for not ; being genuine opposi tion. Nominally Huddleston is him -aelf of the opposition—a Democrat. jßiif he acts a Jot like an insurgent, j just as t'ae Wisconsin representatives are insurgent Republicans, i f He professes, however, to be a reg ular. I • * * ; is to say, you can consider ' i him a regular if this description fits one: ’ “Oh, yes,” he confesses, “I wear the party yoke, • “I put it onr my shoulders and I gropn and I grunt and I go forward and lean against ray fellow ox, for of course I' am an ox when f wear a yoke. • “I wear the yoke of party regular ity as best I can, but let me say that .it is hot a ease in which the galled ■ ' jade doesn’t wince. I cry aloud. 11 am not the captain of my sotil. * ’ “I am compelled to be reasonably regular but I am no more regular than I have to be.” ■ CoMs Will tomorrow Cold* break in 14 hours for the millions who ilae‘Hill's. Fever and headsfchea go. La prippe yields in j days. This is the quick, the scientific way to end these dangers and discomforts. Don’t trust lesser helps, don’t wajt. Get back to normal at once. All druggists Price 30c CASCARAj.gUININE Gei Red Box with portnk A TffiE DAYS’ ~~#ipji|QYfi||o DANGER SIGNAL Persistent coughs and colds lead to serious trouble. You can stop them now with Creomulsion, an emulsified . creosote that is pleasant to take. Creo njulsion is a new ihedical discover; with two-fold action; it soothes and heals the inflamed membranes and in hibits germ growth. Os all known drugs, creosote is rec , ognized by high medical authorities as ope of the greatest healing agencies sos , persistent coughs and colds end otijei forms of throat troubles. Creomulsion contains,-in addition to creosote, othci healing elements which soothe and hetjl the infected membranes and stop the irritation and inflammation, while tin creosote goes oh to the stomach, is ab sorbed into the blood, attacks the seat . of the trouble and checks the growth of die germs, v, , . > Greomulsion. ig guaranteed satisfae tory in the treatment of persistent epughs and colds, bronchial asthma, bronchitis and other forms pf respira tory diseases, and is excellent for build ing up the system after colds or flu. Money refunded if any cough or cpld is pot relieved after talring according to directions. Ask your druggist Creo mulsion Company. Atlanta, Ga. (adv.) . V GIBSON’S A White Pine and Tar tough Syrup Especially Prepared For tiuldren Gibson Drug Store The Rexall Store 2-I- ' ... .. \ Special All This Week Four large cans, (35c size) Del Monte Sliced or Grated Pineapple 500 Votes, to the Dollar on this i • i£em all this week Cabarrus Cash * Grocery Co. ,1 PHONE 571 W - "■ L-= Cutest Thing New York Mirror. Teacher—Johnny. I’m only punish ing you because ITove you. Johnny—l wish I wgs big enough to return your love. * •Timmy—Father, the Sunday sch-iol teacher says if I am a good boy. I will go to heaven, nnd you say if I am a good boy I will go to the circus. Now, who is right? I was trying to illustrate the word Haberdasher to my five-year-o’d broth er, and asked: Buddy, if you owned a stiore that sold shirts, suits, collars, t’.es and such, what would you be? Instantly, little Buddy replied: “Well-dressed, Edith.’’ Free Love Gets Young quartet in County J tJt. Lexington Dispatch. _ It was a case of “free love” not running any too smoothly when two young couples who had not wed were , .brought before recorder's court Monday night on the charge of livr ing together here ns men and wives. Four months oil the roads was ap portioned to each of the young men and three months In jail to the young women—or rather —with the After given the opportunity of pay ing the costs and going buck home, or anywhere else outside this county. Arthur Wagner and John Wagner, the young men said their names are, and they also testified they are double first cousins. One claims Hillsboro as his home,' while the* other apparently had not particular qhoice of home town. Nellie Fry nnd Sara Walton are the names the girls gave. One is '■from Asheboro, the. other from Goldsboro originally but lately of Greensboro, so the authoritic-s were told. The four came here some two or ‘hre# weeks ago. It is related, and took rooms at the home of a Mrs. Stucks. living north of the city. According to her testimony in court - they represented themselves to be ■ married. But her suspicions were .aroused and an investigation dis .c’osed there had been no wedding bel’s. They are supposed to have come here from Greensboro. A double wedding ceremony as a .solution of their difficulties was dis cussed following the conviction, but there appears to have been a scarcity of funds. Yesterday morning all were still in -jgib but an effort wn.s being made to sfeure money from relatives, at least enough to pay the costs for the girls und lot them go free. The young-, women are reported to have expressed eagerness to marry their “free- love” husbands. Who Es Responsible for the Divorces? 1 If. distributed about the number of divorces that threaten the very secur ity of our nation, listen to this'from the Religions Telescope and then sa.v | “Amej£” “Perhaps ministers are re spoiyJßle for a part of the divorces. Wheijfa strip of a girl and an apol ogy of a boy pull into the parsonage for q| nfiptial knot, the preacher bujjfiwSTb stop' song enough to makk some inquiry as to tile fitness of things in general, and tile fitness of these two things in particular.” TIMES-TRIBUNE PENNY ADS. -mnr rr-ar.ia;una: «ua:••= “i-“a. i;, : ; hFu-ig S-Y ( INSURE ' When You Start to Build : The right time to take cut insurance is when you start J building. Then if through any cause your building should . 1 , burn, even before completed, the Insurance will cover your loss. N (ti Fetzer & Yorke lnsuran.ee Agency Successors to Southern Loan and Trust Co. P- B. FETZER s*. A. JONES YORKE rigger, U.J EVERETT TRUE BY CONt)O fFTOLD YOU, AR.. || YES, cocce.cToß, that 1 kmow, but i was X'O PAY THAT PABSIMG- THIS WAy ©ILL ON THE ICS*', AND X AND THIS IS THOUGHT j ■ - A rIL R 'l THATSU. St ! a“chSk p E !!! r so rr be on the- — < 25 TH * AMP WHEN i FlAy THE 25TH. I MEAN -J “THE - 2.5- TH \ll J r . I DINNER STORIES ] . ■; , Y j Main Decoration Mislaid. I Mistress (impatiently)— Haven’t j • you got the flowers ready that I am ( to wear in my hair tonight? Maid—Yes. mum, the flowers is ready, mum, but —l've mislaid the I hair, mum. 1 Double Calamity. “Yes, I am so/sorry for her, poor thing. You know her husband ran away with their cook.” , “Isn’t that terrible? And cooks ttf? so scarce, too.” * ' No I'se For Mtoney. Willie held his nickel tightly while ] the Sunday school teacher told of the collection for the poor heathen. j 1 “Oo they have ice cream cones where the heathen lives?” he asked, i “Why—on," answered the teacher. ( “Or movie shows? -Or candy ;] stores?" “No.”- ' “Well, then." said YVillie, pocket ing his money, “they ain’t got at. < use for money, anyhow.” • , Happens Often. Wife! “W-hat do you mean by com- 1 : ing in at this hour?" Husband :Y“Why. m’dear ish only ten o’clock.” Wife (looking at. alarm clock) : i “You’re crazy. It's past 12.” Husband: "Hav' it yer own way. |' m'dear, an' b’loave a 98-cent clock l 'stead of me.” Helpless. Wife (with newspaper) : “Just think of it! A couple got married a few days ago vifter a courtship whicli lasted fifty years.” ■ Husband: "1 suppose the poor old man was too feb’.e to hold' out any longer.” Not Reliable. “Pop, I’m quitting school tomor row.” “Why. sonny, don’t you like your teacher?" “Naw. Yesterday she told us that six and six wuz twelve and today she i said it wuz- nine and three.” His John Hancock Illegible. “I beg yonr pardon,” said the hotel clerk, "but what is your name?” "Name.” echoed the indignant guest who had just signed the register. * “Don't you see my signature there on tile register?" "I do." answered the clerk. "That : aroused my curiosity.” ON THE TOP HAIR RESTORER The only genuine preparation tha\ gives back the natural color to grey hair (no dye). Absolutely cures dandruff; stops falling hair and itch ing scalp immediately.; grows hair on bald, heads where the roots are not 1 dead. », This treatment of tne scalp is a discovery of Dr. Fitzwater, of Hot Springs, Arkansas, and is abso- , lutely tjio best knew:! remedy °f this i Irtnd'sold on the market by any in stitution in America. Sold exclu- ] sively at Cline's Pharmacy. Money i back proposition if results are nol obtained. Be sure to call for On ] The Top. oooooooooooooooooOoocxxjoooooooooooooooooooooooooc I {AyviriAXrridj I- / WvN.t r. 11 ■HII^ 8 FANCY DRY GOODS WOMEN’S WEAR 1 OOOOOOOOfccOCXXJOOOOOOfXXXJOOOOOOOOOCOOtXXJOOOOOOOOOC ooopooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo TEN YEAR LOANS Cabarrus Farm Lands !! J Lowest rates to borrower. ]j ■ j! | No inspection fees. ' j ,;j| No*Life Insurance—No Stock. -Interest due Novem- S ■ji ber Ist. Pre-payment privileges on any interest date. THIES-SMITH REALTY COMPANY CHARLOTTE, N. C. A. F. HARTSELL, LOCAL AGT., CONCORD, N. C. ji cftnndt pay satis- ft factory prices. Hold yqfr.iens for February delivery, which is us- Ml ually the best month in J&’year to sell faeift To Our City Trade: We are nol out of the, race for your grocery business. Our || stock is complete at all times and we can supply your every need in V groceries, meats, vegetables,-fruits and produce, and can satisfy you 1 in Quality, I*ri®e and Service: CH. BARRIER & CO. j xxxxxxxwoooooooowoeoooetto^gcooocioooocxxxxioooocyy. IDELCO LIGHT | Light Plants and Batteries Deep and Shallow Well Pumps for Direct or Alter- X nating current and Washing Machines for Direct or Al- Q ternating Current. R. H. OWEN, Agent —Phone 669 Concord, N. C. ‘ ' —: —x j DO YOU KNOW ■ # There are nearly one million parts assembled in an autom lc? Most | 'HI of them help to make itjgo, but there is just one. important part to igj make it STOP when you want to—GOOD BRAKE LINING. i| We are specialists and use only the Rest—Rl SCO BRAKE LINING. jj| Leave your car here tomorrow morning and drive it home tomorrow In night with good brakes. Our charges are reasonable. | We use a CADY BRAKE LINING MACHINE which drills and | J :ounter s ilks the rivets, together with a riveting machine which uses I H solid copper tubular rivets that never score your brake drums, I | AUTO SUPPLY & REPAIR CO. |j PHONE 228 : .... j. i •TTr'i'rrTriT in; T'rryp I ooooooooooooooooooooobbbooocooooooooooooooooooooc SPECIAL SPECIAL j | ; Help your friends in the California Tour Contest. Pay ]ij i i your account on or before the 10th of this month and re !j ceive 500 Tour Votes on the dollar instead of 100. We © | also give votes on all cash purchases. CONCORD AND KANNAPOLIS [j H. B. WILKINSON ' ' OUT OF THE HIGH RENT DISTRICT j : ii; _ . , .... » fr 1 Concord Kannapolis China Grove Mooresville x S OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOU PAGE SEVEN