PAGE TWO jPENNY CQIUM N BCiURB BAM K IN MT PLEAS-1 ■Pt A*: WOODMAN HALL ON WgyiTRDAY NIGHT. GOOD' NEW MAN AGEMENT. PUBLIC INVITED. 1-' 3-3 t-p. of This Week—Four Rthirty-five cent cans sliced or grated fe pineapple tor a dollar. Also five RnDdred v votes. Cabarrus Cash |gp>cery Co. ■ , 4-2 t-p. Car Green Cabbage and Ruta | baga turnips just arrived. Phone ■ft. EdpA. Cook Co. 4-2 t-p. ■ Foot Check Lines, $3.30. Concord ■Mi? A Navy Store. 3-40-p. Br Rent—-S Unfurnished Rooms for HU housekeeping 'suitable fort 6 couple or, ladies. 18b North Union Ketreet. Call Gil. / 4-lt-p. F«w Spring Hats—Copies of Paris’ Patterns. Miss Brachen. 4-3 t-p. nr Bale —Seven Room House, on Lot | 100 feet frontage and 165 feet deep Em| Bethpage Road. J. R. Nash. Route 2,4-3 t-p. For Sale—4so White Leghorn Pul | lets, March hatched. Day old i. chicks every Wednesday. We hatch eggs for the public. Pine Hill Farm, j Harrisburg. N. C., C., L. Sims. ftjj \ -■ , 3-2 t-c. lost—Ten Dollar Bill Tied in Purple handkerchief—on street betweeD Charles Store and Cabarrus Mill, j Mrs. S. A. Gray, 223 Young St. 3-2 t-x. [r. <3ar Owner —l-et Us Put. Your ' car in good running shape at low cost. AH work guaranteed. J. P. i i-Peacock, Uorl Motor Co. l-6t-x. Hr- ' let Us Repair That Leaky Radiator. Work guaranteed. Corl Motor Co. l-6t-x. H*. ; - Tinting Instruction—Young Men or young women can fit themselves for permanent positions at good wages by'learning some branch of ( the printing trade. There is a' growing demand for young, well trained workers. Our schopl teach es hand composition, proof reading, press work, linotype and monotype operating and mechanism. Requires from six]to eihgt months. A good education is necessary. No night classes. School operates eight hours each day, except Saturday. Full particulars are found in our cata logue which we send free if you ask for it. Southeastern School of Printing," 508 Union Street, Nash ville. Teqn. 29-ts-p. Phe Times-Tribune Job Office Keeps on hand 4 large stock of everything needed iji the line of printing, and , can serve .you on short notice, ts. * Counting Cards Kept In Stock at The Times-Tribune Job Office and can be printed on a few hours no tice. ts. - —^ Four Autos Stolen in Charlotte. Charlotte Observer. State Highway Commissipner, W. 3. Wilkinson, is minus au automobile « a result of a period of usual activ ty in which thieves made way with tur automobiles in the city. ; Mr. Wilk ; nson's car.? a Chrysler ■oadster. was parked on Poplar street rnd was taken from its parking some ime Monday. „ Three other cars were taken, pre nmably by the same thieves. An An erson touring car, the property of R. towe. who lives on the Charlotte om-ord Highway, was taken some me early 'Monday morning. A Ford toutios car belonging to I>. '. Rudisill. an employe of the Am rican Hardware and Equipment corn fan.y. was " removed from the street front of the store while Rudisill «s at work. C. A. Stillwell, of Blacksburg, was »*>?OOOOfK>OPOOOOOOOOOOOPOriririr\jwinni-i«intw«wwj I Best Banty Hen—Box Baxter. 25 cents. Biggest Chicken—Felix Fink, pass to Y games. Best Guinea Pig—Parks Laffcrty, Jr., ticket to Star Theatre. Smallest Dog—Ellen Spencer, pass to Y games. Pigeons—John Query. 50 cents. Largest Cat—Mary E. Boger, 50 cents. Smallest Cat—Lorraine Blanks, 50 cents. Best Dog—Lewis Patterson, SI.OO. Ugliest Dog—Kenneth Burrage, 50 cents. Best Collection Tobacco Ttags—W. P. Whiley, 50 cents. \ Best Collection Cigar Bands—Wil liam MeCHntpek. 50 cents. Winners of the prizes are asked to call at "the Y and receive them. LANDIS Jtfti'G STORE , V VISITED BY THIEVES ■ Police Here Asked to Be On "Wajleh For Two Young Men Believed to Be the Robbers. local police officers ltjive been asked to be on the watch for two young men. one of them a cripple, who are believed to have entered the Linn-Edwards Drug Company at Laf)dis early Sunday morning. The following goods were i taken from the store. Concord police have been told : j. One Elgin watch: 13 Ingersoli j watches; one case of finger rings: one case of watch chains; 14 sets of cuff 1 links; ten fountain pens; one easel of pocket knives: six straight edge razors and one shot gun. In their report of the robbery, the f owners of tlie drug store said it is I believed the store was robbed about I 5 o’clock Sunday morning. The young! men suspected spent the night in Lan dis, but were gone early Sunday morning. They were last seen, of ficers lfere have been advised, near the Jackson Training School. STEWARDSHIP MEETING at McKinnon church Presbyterian Churches of City and Several in County to Participate in Conference. The general public is invited to attend the stewardship conference at j the McKinnon Presbyterian Church tonight. , The conference will begin at 7:30' o'clock wit'a the following churches participating: First Presbyterian. Second Presbyterian. Rayleas Memo rial. Brown Mill, McKinnon, Rocky River and Harrisburg. Rev. Eugene Elexauder, of Salis-' bury, chairman of the stewardship committee of the Concord Presbytery, will be in charge of the prgoram. J. B. Spillman, secretary of the stewardship for the synod ;of North Carolina, will deliver the principal address. Wants to Know “How Come.” Mooresville Enterprise. Mr. James P. Cook, editor of The Uplift at the Jackson Training School in commenting on the wonder fill discoveries of scientists and evo lutionists with regard to the develop ment of man frotu the monkey, wonders why the same scientists are unable to tell the world how’e come a black Minorca hen lays a perfectly white egg. All of which takes us hack u few years when the i late Joseph P. Caldwell frequently sug- * gested to science to exjiiain why a rabbit wabbles ita noefar why do a Nannie goat have horns? Swapping Wives at WiR. Salisbury Post. “We got tired of our wives and. we traded." This is the explanation of-1 sered by two Ohio men who were arranged recently iu court. | Reminding that many years ago two men of Cabarrus swapped wives. 1 one giving an old musket “too bot.” In neither caae do we know the reaction of the trade on the two wives. -Guess they were satisfied, neither could have been much worst ed- «* '-I*' L - ■**— - ' -- - * ... T *', r- i.'. f ' ; * . - ,■ ‘ - * ; ■. . ' !! PAINT HEADQUARTERS jj I * t X; " V N ' i | Now is a good time to do your inside painting. We have a complete stock of Wall-Tona A WASHABLE FLAT WALL PAINT for permanent beauty and real practical value. Painted Wall finishes done in Wall-Tona are IDEAL. We recommend Wall-Tona for all interior decorative work where a ■ ’ .. i .. , n- .. . i - j ; rich, lasting, hon-glossy wall finish is desired* - g*• , > ] i # ■ j • . •■ru v " !i ' , Wall-Tona is made by one of the oldest'paint manufacturers in* country and sold by YORKE&WADSWORTH CO. The Old Reliable Hardware Store Phone 30 * * Concord, N. C. Phone 30 : -1 k ' : I ■^^^Oamages Th« Canby. Ore ! school board dl» missed Miss Roaemonde Lee Shaw, i aged 27 when she married Clifford Bamuelaon aged 16. a pupil. That was a year ago Now Mrs. Samuelso* Is suing the board for *25.000. She 1* working In a department store, send, ing her husband to high school. EVILS OF ALIMONY Man can’t sleep out of doors with out (reeling to death rif yetting rheu- N i iiii ism; he can’t keep his nose under write*- over a minute without being 1 dn.rimed. He’s the poorest, clumei cst excuse of all creatures that in habit the earth. ll* has to be coddled, swathed and bandaged to be able to live nt all. , Ha Jg g rickety sort of thing any | way you take him—a regular British ' museum of inferloritiee. He is alwuys undergoing repair*. A machine ag unreliable as be la I v'mid have no market. Tto lower animals appear to ua to get their' teeth without pain or incon i vi-uienoe; man's come through after mouth* ol Cruel torture, at a time when he is least able tobfar It As soon as fi* gets them they ijust be pulled out again. Tbe second set will laat tor n w hile, bot be will uever ... " v, '. get n set font he can depend upon until the dentist makes one. Man -starts in as a child, and lives on diseases to the end. as a regular diet. He has mumps, scarlet fever, whooping cough, croup, tonsilitis. asthma, bronchitis, quinsy, consump j; you, yellow fever, blindness, influeu , ’ za, rqibuncles, pneumonia, softening ■of the brain and a thousand other maladies of one sort and another. He's just a baskettu: ul pestilent corruption, provided for the support und entertainment of microbes. Look at the workmanship of him in some particulars: What's his appendix for? It has no value. It's sole interest is to In in wait for a stray grape seed und breed trouble. - ~r~i i —————-———-———— »> W-'W WM.i n ijiui.. : . ujl l m pg .. \ HUDSON N i In tsm yearn of valu* leadership, . Hudson Super-Six perform- , ance, quality and pri . - jMSHH ■ Thursday feUnnry 4, the xifver windpipo, a creature tliat is mended, all from top to bottom. Old Bill Brown, the; incorrigible, had finally succumbed to the pleas of the new pastor and promised to be ' at church the following Sunday. tsiei»; thut day came, however, the iSinister found Bill starting forth on a fisliigg trip. t “Pear, dear,” sighed the reverend. “I wonder what I'll have to say to you to get you to, start going to our services." “Wil.” replied Bill, somewhat con science stricken, "I've always wanted to do something for ye i.' y% know that, parson. Tell yop what—Ml think, over yer question for-ye, and inebbc I can give ye an idee.”