Thursday Eebruafy 4, 1&26 Uncle Abner Stumbles Onto One of Life’s __ Little Mysteries r N I®=^ ■'' tv \Mooten umoewieAZ, \( ) PlPi / WOOL©* FELT 4 X |Jg|| / / k tL Bods am' BY goulY, / If Hg % wh* FKT are SHU- /_ ■ o ° i > _ v- •. - i-t> tnanimnma-i».j MOftTN FOP~ ~ PY~TATU>R ~ r / MI6S CLARK. I’VE CALLED To *\ fOH MR. BARTON - POSTTUjJ -£M 4-^ , A 1 HAVE Se-tIRED CvVERINQ -J. PH KNOW WHO I THAT IftUR RING / THSFT OF YOUR »N 6IS ~ Til fW. Took IT? f L IS NOT VERY /_L_ QE SUFFICIENT Tb WARRANT AN / 13 6 ( L FAR AWAV <—' P , R\ / NoTMpW-BOTXCAN > V/" -And THe ewe vjHo is ’S' *V a 0( \ s \ *«* ■' < ( E^f N Jr^^t ReC V ( /l 1 y \ME FOR Trf£ PAST FEVJ DAYS-/ -so THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE Gag-Rule In Senate das Double Ap plication. ' By CHARLIES P. STEWART NBA Service Writer Vapllgtoi. February 4.—At first thought it may seem as if there'll be nothing very severe iu a rule limit ing senators to an hour apiece to dig- ( cuss gay given subject before tbe up- ' per- bouse of Congress 'for considera tion. * » » It speeds up business, of course. But there’s another principle involved, which most folk who favor gag-ru!e appear to overlook. l , It’s the principle that the Senate, a? originally created, is supposed to act as a brake on the House of Rep resentatives—to prevent ’half-baker legislation. Gag-rule keeps it from acting that way. *■ * * * It’s perfectly true that a Senate minority frequently has kept the ma jority from doing what it wanted to ; do, by talking everlastingly, and ty ing things up, until finally the ma jority had to give up and drop some \ measure it had had its heart set on. • * * Nevertheless, minorities do have their rights, or ought to. At any rate, the “founding fathers’’ thought so. That’s why they stood for unlim ited debate in the Senate. Limita- 1 tion’s all right in the House of Rep resentatives. That’s the popular body —supposed to be responsive to na tional fads and whims, and to g off at half-cock occasionally. Its- crea tors’ theory was that “Stop. Look, Listen” was the correct motto for the Senate. And unlimited debate there iB the minorities’ one white alley. It’s ob structive, certainly. It was meant to be. Improve Tour English. Tiic Pathfinder. 1 It is not what we know but how much' we make others think «te know which counts. By loading up with a few words, which are perfectly good words but which no sensible person would ever use, you can floor any of those knowledgioue persons who are at way j trying to floor you and make you feel cheap. For instance when one of them thinks he has just about finished you, you chime up to this effect: "Do you mean that in a pejorative sense?” he will be unable to give an answer, because he will not know what "pejorative” means. It means contemptuous, deprecatory or dis paraging. slighting or imputing evil. You pronounce’ it “pe-jor-a-tiv,” with accent on the “jor.” Practice it an hour a day uiitil you can use it as nonehant’y as if yon had known it since the day of your birth. Capital of The Pathfinder. QuA is tile capital of Rus sia .’lit the present time and «nat were it/s .former names?—Aim. Mos cow is the present seat of the Rus sian government. Under the ojurist I regime St. Petersburg was the capital. Shortly after the outbreak of the World war the Germanised name was changed to Pelrogrnd. and later the Bolsheviki changed ,it to Leningrad. Miller’s Antiseptic Ail, Known as Snake Oil Gees Creeping and Crawling Down Into Creaky. Stiff and Swollen Joints, Linibering ’Em Up In a Few Minutes. This great oil, known as “SNAKE OIL.” is the only thing of its kind yet discovered. Will penetrate the thick est sole leather in 3 minutes, then there is little wonder it relieves Rheu matism, Neuralgia, Neuritis. Stiff .TointN, Chest Colds arid Sore Throat almost like magic. Over 5,000,000 bottles sold under absolute guarantee and less than a dozen bottles returned, a rrieord never before equalled by any, pain remedy. Don’t -buffer long,cr get this most penetrating liniment anil know what it means to be free from pain. Now on sale, all leading drug gists.—(^dv.). D’Orsay Perfume Is to the personality what im agination is to mind. |Magi<} Mystery and Romantic j / ON SALE AT "" Gibton Drug Store The Rexall Store Special All This Week - Four large cans, (35c size) -.Del Monte Sliced or Grated Pintle SI.OO 500 Votes to the Dollar on this I iteih all this week Cabarrus Cash Grocery Co* PHONE 571 W Cutest Thing; - New York Mirror. Johnny—Mn, my teacher is very mean. ' Mother —Hush. You rausn’t- speak . like that about the teacher. i Johnny—Well, she ia, she borrowed 1 my knife to sharpen a pencil to give me bad mark. t Little Jeanette, age 4, while look ing through the family album, sud denly exclaimed: Look, auntie, this man took ' The prong-horned antelope, the swiftest four-footed animal of ouf westenr plains, is native only to Am erica. -r Willie Ritola, the “Flying Furr,”-is a carpenter by trade. Johnny Weismuller smashed 50 ( swinuning records before he was 20 years old. North Carolina’s Credit Best in His tory. Winston-Salem Journal. The credit of North Carolina is right now the best il has ever been. Governor McLean, just back from New York, is said to be greatly 'elated —and be certainly has a right to he — over the fact that the bonds of the State are now being sold on the market on a basis of an interest rate of 4.30 per qent. the highest pricse ever paid for North Carolina bonds. A news story in the News and Ob server says: “The last issue of $20,125,000. which Governor McLean and Treas urer B. It. Lacy have just delivered, were sod by the State on the basis of an interest yield of 4.49 tier cent, and the highest market price ever before recorded was on a basis of 4140 per cent. This is in the class of the interest rate paid by the United States- Government, but Governor * McLean is confident that the State can in the future get an even higher price for its bonds.” All of which reminds us to wonder what has become of those well-mean ing gentlemen who said that the State’s credit would be ruined by going so heavily in debt for highways and schools. The “Program of Pro gress” has had precisely the opposite effect" from what many believed it would have on the State’s financial standing in the world. Instead of in juring the State’s credit we have boosted it by spending money on roads and .schools. All of which goes to prove that North Carolina, is abundantly able to push forward with her highway and school program. Surely the bugaboo pj: l' klnd of cod liver •ho b » tU ? new kind made b >' extracting t e ,X"Z m ! neS , and other flesh-building* lTOless qlI awa C y° mentS a “ d throwin * tf >e .Wmim , Burke ’ 8 Cod Liver Oa and rton Tablets at any first class drug store 3oe liow quickly you build up. Cod Liver Jil and Iron is a combination sure to in crease your woight and build energy. Fori sale by Gibson Drug Store EVERETT TRUE BY CONDO - - i .... eveRETT —1 MS TAX'S - =r --= : r— ==r Yduft- V ■ - - g= ■" ' ■ DINNER STORIES Inexperienced. “I see,” said Debunk, “a silver ‘ coin is said to Inst about twenty j seven years. The fellow who figured i that never had the gallopin' dominoeN 1 stop at two cases.” These V'nited States, There was a young lady in Ga., With a face that I know would have , Ba. She looked rather neat As she went down the street, Hut she looked like the deuce com ing ta. At an amateur show in Sioux City A lass tried to sing a nioux ditty, And while she can’t sing, | 1 She put over the thing, j Because she is simply tioux prity. There was a young lady from Kans., Who was clever at making up stans., But her verse was returned By the editor, spurned. (The response that lie usually haus.) So Convenient. N \ ‘‘See here!" exclaimed an indignant* motorist, drawing up beside a native on a country road. "Why. do you have all these bumps every here and there oil the road?” '"Why, mister.” was the answer, “didn't you notice? Them was put there so as to give a feller’s ear a start to jump the puddles.” New Boss. X: Is it true that poor old Bill has married again. Y: Yes. He’s under entirely new management. Should Have. Fresh Co-Ed: I was so confused. I don't know how many times he kissed me! I House Chairman: What! With that going on right under your nose! Two of a Kind. He: All, I wish I had some of the cakes my mother used to bake* for me! She: And I wish I had some of the dresses my father used to buy for me! The Highest. “You are an artist? How do you get a living at it?” “Ah, that’s the art!” Sreil COUGH OR GOLD THAT HANGS ON Persistent coughs and colds lead to serious trouble. You can stop them now with Creomulsion, an emulsified creosote that, is pleasant to take. Creo- j mulsion is a new medical discovery with two-fold action; it soothes and heals the inflamed membranes and in- J hibits germ growth. Os all known drugs, creosote is rec ognized by high medical authorities as one of the greatest healing agencies for persistent coughs and colds and other forms of throat troubles. Creomulsion i contains, In addition to creosote, other J healing elements which soothe and heal , the infected membranes and stop the 1 irritation and inflammation, while the creosote goes on to the stoiflach, is ab sorbed into the bided, attacks the seat of the trouble and checks the growth of the germs. Creomulsion is guaranteed satisfac- ■ tory in the treatment of persistent coughs and colds, bronchial asthma, ! bronchitis and other forms of respira- , tory diseases, and is excellent for build- ! ing up the system alter colds or flu. j Money refunded if any cough or cold is j not relieved fter taking according to j directions. * Ask your druggist. • Creo- | mulsion Company, Atlanta, Ga. (ad-,) ! V ■ » ooooooooooooooooooooooqooooooooooooooooooooooQood || FANCY DRY GOODS WOMEN'S WEAR S roOOOOOOCuOOOOOGOOOOOOOGOOOOOOOOOOOO&OOQOOOOOOOOO goooooooooocoooooooooooooooooocoooooooooooooooooo TEN YEAR LOANS Cabarrus Farm Lands \j. Lowest rates to borrower, jjj No inspection fees. V |! No Life Insurance—No Stock. Interest due Novem- !j j[ ber Ist. Pre-payment privileges on any interest .date. \ THIES-SMITH REALTY COMPANY | CHARLOTTE, N. C. S ij; A. F. LOCAL AGTL CONCORD, N. C. § j Alemite Lubricating Service | Drive your car, around and let us grease it with ALEMITE CHASSIS tt and TRANSMISSION LUBRICANT, a lubricant that really allows i E the easy shifting of gears, even in zero weather, and one that really j | makes a difference in the flexibility of the springs, and riding quali- I 1 ties of your car. 1 I CAR WASHING Tire changing free crank case 8 SERVICE , H Central Filling Station PHONE 700 Bl special the California Tour Contest. Pay* re the 10th of this month and re- ‘ n the dollar instead of 100. We sh purchases. , jj AND KANNAPOLIS (LKINSON HIGH* RENT DISTRICT ! China Grove Mooresville 5 OoooooooooooooooooooooooOQo| PAGE SEVEN