PAGE TWO PENNY Ht* Pay Every" Day-Distribut* 150 l 1 necessary products to established If. uner*. Extracts, soaps, food prod- P 1 uets,- etc. World’s largest company St will back you with surprising plan, f 'Write Dept. K-6, 231 Johnson I Ave. Newark, X, J. ftgt-p. ! Wanted—Young Man or Wsasaa In §g* terested in learning office work. Send self addressed steamped en ▼elope for full information. Bex 1387. Winston-Salem, N. C. ! novas— Snapdragons. Sweet Peas, Carnations, wreath designs, sprays, If etc. Mrs. J. C. Query. 37 North Crowell Street. Phone 141 W. 5-2 t-p. Watch the Red Chicken Coop at The Concord Market out on Barhrick street for good fat hens. H. A. f - Graeber, Proprietor. 5-%-p. For Rent—3 I’nfumished Rooms for light housekeeping suitable for - couple or ladies. 186 North 1 uion Street. call 911. 5-3 t-p. Fresh Fish—Large Roe Shad, Buck ■had black bass and mackerel pteak. Phone 510 and 525. Chas. C. Graeber. 5-2 t-p. Player Rolls at Kidd-Frlx’s That Certain Party—Fox Trot Who—Fox Trot + Brown Eyes. Why Are Yon Blue. Down by the Old Mill Stream- Ballad I/ittle Mary Phagan Carolina Sweetheart—Waltz Stepping in Society— L Fox Trot Bet Us Walt* as We Say Good-bye Old Rugged Cross Footloose —Fox Trot Death of Floyd Collins—Ballad Kidd-Frix Si. A S. Co., Inc. 5-3 t-c. ..Freeh Fish—Roe and Buck Shad. Phone 510 and 525. Chas. C. Grae ber. 5-2 t-p. Oranges, Oranges. Extra Fancy Fruit by the peck, dosen or box. We deliver it to your door, charge it. if you say so. Phone 565. Ed M. Cook Co. 5-2 t-p. . 16 Foot Check Lines. $3.50. Concord Army A Navy Store. 3-4 t-p. New Spring Hats —Copies of Parts? patterns. Miss Bracken. 4-3 t-p. j For Sale —Seven Room House, on Lot | 100 feet frontage and 165 feet deep on Betkpage Road. J. R. Nash, , Route 2, Concord. 4-3 t-p. | Mr. Car Owner—Let. Vs Put Your | car in stood running shape at low cost. All work guaranteed. .T. P. Peacock, Corl Motor Co. l-6t-x. I Let Vs Repair That Leaky Radiator. Work guaranteed. Corl Motqr Co. I4t-x. | Printing Instruction—Young Men *r 1 young women can fit themselves 1 for permanent positions at good wages by learning some branch of the printing trade. There is a growing demand for young, well trained workers. Our school teach es hand composition, proof reading, press work, linotype and monotype operating and mechanism. Requires from six to eihgt mouths. A good education is necessary. No night classes. School operates eight hours each day, except Saturday. Full part’culars are found in our cata logue which we send free if you ask for it. Southeastern School of Printing, 598 Union Street. Nash-/ ville, Tenn. 29-ts-p. The Times-Tribune .lob Office Keeps on band a large stock of everything needed in the line of printing, and can serve you on short notice, ts. Mourning Cards Kept In Stock at The Times-Tribune Job Office and can be printed on a few hour* no tice. ts. OOOOOOOOOOOOGMXXJOOOOOOOCXMOOOOQGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOg EFIRDS HEADQUARTERS FOR MEN'S WEAR Spring Suits, Two Pairs Pants For Men and Boys Young Men's New Model two pants Suits $18.75 to S24JO Young Men's Suits, one pair pants priced $8.75 to $16.75 Boys' Two Pants Knicker Suit* from $3.75 to $9.50 | Child's Knit Jersey Suits, sizes 2 to 8 I priced i. $1.45 to $3.751 I Men's Odd Trousers,.. $2.95 to $5.951 I •No Place For Values Like I C OLUMN If Yon Wan* » Bargain in Adding machine, see C. H. .Peck. 6-3 t-p. Fm- Rent-Modern Six Room, Brick veneered bungalow on Kannapolis road. K W. Prealar. «4H». Paper-shell Pecgna, >BfW> p.ums, grapes, Japanese periurn roous, Satsuma oranges, figs. Qnal ' ity. and satisfaction guaranteed Wri.‘e for free catalogue. Baas 1 Pecan Company, Lumberton, Mis ! maaippi 6-lt-p. Salesmen—slso Month and Expenses selling cigars. Experience not nec essary. Send self addressed stamped envelope for information. Nation al Cigar Company, High Point, N. C. S «-lt-p. For Sale—Seven Room House, an let 100 feet frontage and 165 feet deep on Bethpage road. J. R. Naah, Route 2, Kannapolis. 5-St-p. Sheet Music Hits at KhM-Frix’s AH 35c. or three far sl-00- Save Your Sorrow I Never Knew N , Normandy. \ Paddlin Madebn Home. Ppl of My Cradle Days The Baby Looks Like Me Cecelia Carolina Sweetheart Hong Kong Dream Girt Fredhie Death of Collins Over the Hill The Ship That Never Returned Wreck of the Shenandoah I'm Knee Deep in Daisies Roil 'Em, Girls The Prisoners’ Song Just a Cattage Small Will My Dreams Come True? Blue Ridge Mountain Blues. We also have these in Victrola records. Kidd-Frix Music A Sta tionery Co., Inc. 5-3 t-c. Grapefruit. Grapefruit, Extra Fancy fruit by the dozen or box. Phone 565. we deliver. Ed M. Cook Co. 6-2 t-p. i Apples, Apples, Extra Fancy Apples by the peck or box. Phone 565, we deliver. Ed M■ Cook Co. 5-2 t-p. Children's Waterproof Raincoats $2.95. Concord Army A Navy Store. 3-4 t-p. ! All Trunks Reduced. Concord Army A Navy Store. 3-4 t-p. ; 8. C. Rhode Island Red Hatching I eggs. 15 for $2.00. Jesse McClel- I lan, 166 E. Depot St. Phone 706 J 1-ts-p. We Have a Good Many Nice Building I lots in different parts of the C'Jy for stale. If interested see D. A. McLaurin, Real Estate and Build ing Contractor. Phone 435. l-6t-p. 1 Call 865 For Moving Van. 1 Do Work I- of all, kind, large and small jobs i appreciated. All jobs guaranteed. Prices right. Zeb P. Cruse, Mov ing Vans. 30-6 t-p. For Sale—"For Hire” Caros For Jit neys, at Tribune-Times office, 10 cents each. 17-ts. Far Rent—6-Room House on Marsh street, next to N. A. Archibald. Bee J. B. Sherrill. 29-ts-o. For Reid—The Mrs. Joins M. Cook residence in the heart of the city. Seven-room house. See J. B. Sher rill. 24-ts-p. 1 For Rent-—The Mrs. John M. Cook house in heart of city, on West Oorbin street. Seven room brick house. See J. B. Sherrill. 29-ts-p. Engraved Wedding Invitations and announcements on short notice at Times-Tribune office. We repre sent one of the best engravers in the United States. ts. ■ff-g-r u:r y i .i ■ '*- ?i' ,jl_ -iimsqp W AND ABOUT THE CTTV f TO BUILD HOUSE AT POULTRY DEMONSTRATION Poultry Fanciers Invited to Demon • Stratton at Home •* F. W. L. Klntta. A somewhat novel demonstration of farm poultry house const ruction wilL he given hy R. D. Goodman, County Agent, at the farm of P. W. L. • Kluttz. near Rimer. Wednesday, Feb- 1 ruary 10, beginning at 10 a. m. The J (umber will be On the ground anfl the builders on the job. “Mr. Klutta says that he is tired of haying his checkens use the sheds for shelter gad the farm machinery for roosts,” Hr. Goodman said. “It might be to the general ad vantage if many others took the same view of poultry management.” The orchard pruning demonstra tions that were scheduled far last Wednesday had to be postponed on aecopnLof the rain. They have been set for Thursday. February the 11th, via.,- At the orchard of J. Ivey Cline. Poplar Tent, 10 a. m. and at the residence of Rev. F. A Barnes, Gil-1 wood, at 2 p. m. CONCORD HIGHS BEATEN BY ALBEMARLE QUINTET Two Goals in Last Minute of Play Brought Defeat to tie Locals. Two field goals, one or them about half the distance of the eouft, and both thrown within the last minute of play, brought victory to the Albe marle high school basketball tfeain "here Friday night in a game with the locate. Final score in the game was Albe marle 25. Concord 23 and until the fatal last minute the locals held a lead of two points. With defeat al most upon them, two of the visiting tossers cut loose with long shots and bath found the basket.’ Concord players passed up numer ous chance* to score. They had plen ty of chances to shoot but the baH just wouldn't find the opening in the basket. Play was fast and close through out and was witnessed by a large crowd. LAYMEN'S MEETING HERE NEXT THURSDAY Meeting WM Be Held For Men of the Salisbury District. A Layman's meeting Tor the Salis bury district will be held at Central Methodist Church Thursday, Febru ary 11th. The meeting will open at 10 a. m. and will run into the after noon. Lunch will be served at the church by the ladies of Central con gregation. Among the speakers on the pro gram are Dr. E. K. McLartJr, Dr. F. J. Prettyman, of Gastonia, and Dr. A .J). Wilcox, of Charlotte, Charles H. Ireland, of Greensboro and others. These meetings are being held throughout the Western North Caro lina Conference and are proving in teresting and helpful. The puj>li£,i», cordially invited to attend. ; —-7"-.V <t§ . Jack Songer Dies in Hospital in Bal timore. Jack Songer. son of Mr. and Mrs. J. N Songer. of Miami, Fla., and a grandson of Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Rid eiihour. of this city, died in a Balti more hospital during the night, rela tives here have been advised. The body has been carried back to Miami. Jack was injured several days ago when he fell and stuck a knife in his eye. He was rushed to the Baltimore hospital but complications set in ea rout* and he was unconscious when he arrived at the hospital His condi tion grew worse until the end came during the night. „ Mrs. Hidenhour left during the day to attend the funeral in Miami. Welcome High* Trim Kann.jwJt. Kannapolis. Feb. 5 —The Welcome High strengethened their bid for state cage honors last night when they de feated Coach Gilliam's Kannapolis co horts in the Lexingtbn gymnasium by a 31 to 15 count. The Welcome team failed to get go ing in the initial semester, the for wards missing several set-up shots. It was not until the last period that the winners located the basket and began to click off points with any degree of regularity. To aid German artiats in disposing of their work in the preseat unfavor able market a society has been form ed in Berlin to sell works of art on the installment plan. 7" ■ I J - - I . . . ni r ■ ■WMJSS—3PS - - 0000 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOPOOOOOOOOOOOOO—pOffiOOOOnr' NEWEST MODELS FOR WRING I rvii oriunu I Beautiful New Patterns in Blond Kid and New Pat- 9 ent Pumps, both open and one-strap, medium and Spike O heels— \ Priced $3.95, $5.95 to 56.95 We still have some most desirable styles in Patent 8 and Satin Pumps at Greatly Hetfnced Close Out Prices. Xj I v-:! ■ ' ‘T’- fl 1 fH£ CONCOtm DAILY TtMBUNfe MORE NUTRITION RETORTS r? , ANtNMJNOED »V NVRSBQ. Results of Exam'natkms <n Logan and. Corbin Street. Schools Are Mtab City and county nurses who are as sisting in the work of organising nu trition classes ; n the publih schools of ; the city, have completed the work of ■ examining the children in the pgi | raary grades at the Corbin street and Logan Schools. In each school they found childaen as much as.2o per cent, under weight, eleven colored children in the Lagpa school being so rated. The report for the primary grades at the Corbin Street School is as fel lows : / Total number weighed 79. Overweight 22. Normal weight 17. Lew than 7 per cent, underweight le. 7 Per cent, underweight, 8. 10 per crag, underweight 12. 15 per ceaL underweight 9. 20 per cent, 'underweight 1. , f The Logal School ffijJort follow*:' Total No. weighed 176. Overweight 3S^ Normal weight 17. Less than 7 per cent, underweight 44. , 7 per cent, underweight 13. 10 per cent 28. 15 per cent, underweight 24. 20 per cent, underweight 11. Children in the primary grade* at No. 2 school also have been examined and the result of the cxaminatiqas will be ano u need later. Parents of children found as much as 7 per cent, under we : ght are advis ed by the nurse* to take immediate steps to build up their children. It is dangerous for children to be more than 7 per cent, under normal weight, it is said, and parents of the children placed in the nutrition ebsaea. are to co-operate with the nurses so the children can be benefitted. Y DIRECTORS HEAR REPORTS AT MEETING Find Foil Program of Activities at Association. Building—Want to Raise Pledges. Meeting at the association build ing Friday night, members of the board of directors of the Concord Y. M. C. A. heard reports from secre-i taries, discussed plans for raising pledges and gave attention to various routine matters. > It was pointed out at the meeting that the association needs badly the money that was pledged last year, and the directors expect to begin actiyj work to get this money paid daring the present month. If the pledges are all paid, it is said, the association will be in good financial condition. The several secretaries of the Y made reports to the directors, show'ng a very splendid program of activities during .tbp year. ,i.. „ “Alter* _ were gixs*,.some attention although the secretaries have final jurisdiction is most of them. Directors made it plain at the meet ing that they appreciate the fine sup port being given to the association by Coneord people. The Y equipment is being used aow by more people than ever before in its history, it was pointed out at the meeting which was characterized by a splendid spirit of co-operation and optimism. Southern Textile Stocks Show Forth ■ er Advance. Keen intercut has been shown in southern textile stocks dnring the past week, and the weekly average of 25 leading stocks as released by R. S. Dickson A Company has risen 60 points. The present average stand ing at 120.44 as compared with 119- 84 of last week, and 113.28 as of • Jnly 15, 1923, a net gain of $6.56 • per share since July. Renewed activity in trading of . common stock of textiie mills during the past week gives reason to believe that the market will yet reach higher levels. More profitable operation and declaration of substantial dividends amoag the leading mills is attributed as reason for the advancing market. No spectacular change* took place iu hid price during the week. However, advances ranged from $1 to $lO per share with dedtems 3$ teats to $2. James Watt, inventor of the steam engine, was so poor that he was given a room free when studying at the bat versity of Glasgow. * Ml '/■ IU. frf ■'*■*■*“;■ 11 r ' hi ' h»i CHURCH NEWS ANNOUNCK^Og I Hay teas Mian rial Frctoytertan 9:30 a. m. Sunday school, M. C. Day vault skteerinteodont. 11 $. «n Subject of sermon, “God's Bockoning Sky-’ine* Tp. m Subject, “The Guarantee of Success " , , After the 11 o’clock service the <S*n gregstion will be called to Hart the elders, deaeons and trustees of the church. a * Brawn Mill Prmbyteriaß. 10 a. m. Sunday school, Fred Renniek superintendent. fit. preaching service. Beginning Sunday. February 14th, I shall, the Lord willing, preach a series of seven sermons on the book of Revelations. This is one of the most interesting books of the whole Bible. It iis full of important mean ing. admonition, instruction and com fort. And God says in the -firm chapter and t'jird verse: “Blessed (happy) is be that readeth, and they that hear the swords of this prophecy, and keep those things which are writ ten therein; for trie time is at hand." Let each, one read this glorious book and let all voome out to hear the word of this prophecy, begiuing Sunday, the 14th at 7 p. m. and then may each one "keep those things which are written therein; for ttoe time is at hand." The subjects of the seveo sermons are: First: “la the Messages of the Sev en Churches.” \ Second: "In the Vision of the Sev en Seals.” Third: “In the Vision of the Sev en Trumpet Blasts." . Fourth: “In the Vision of the Sev en Symbolical Figures.” Fifth: “In the vitdon of the Seven Curses.” • Sixth,: "In the Doom of His Ene mies.” Seventh: “In the New Creation.” We most cordially welcome all to any and every one of our services. Com* warship the Lord with us. WALDO P. ROBERTSON, ' Pastor. Trinity Reformed. (W C. Lyerly, Pastor) (Services in the East Corbin Street School) The Sunday School meets at 9:45 a. in. J. O. Moose is superintendent. Serrices at 11 a. m. and 5 p. m. This congregation welcomes you. i ■ Kerr Street Bantiat. » (A. T. Cain, j.i,s,^r) Sunday School at 9:45 a. m., J. J. McLaurin superintendent. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. by the pas tor. Morning subject, “Obeying Or ders.” Evening snbject, “The At’ traction of the Cross.” Every mem ber is expected to be present. Cbme to Sunday school and help your dam to wiu tie banner. B. Y. P. X. at ti p. m. Prayer service Wednesday at 7 :30 p. in. Regular conference to night at church. You are made wel come here ,at all time*. i Central Methodist. (R. M. Courtney, Pastorl Sunday school at 0:45 a. m., How ard L. Collie superintendent. Preach ing at 11 a. in. and 7 p. m. by the pastor. At the evening service the second of the series of sermons on the family will be given. The aubject will be "The Man of the House.” A most cordial invitation is extended to these services. First Baptist. Bible school at 9:4b- a. m.. H. B. Bollinger superintendent. Usual wor ship at 11 a. in. and 7p. m. Pastor's morning theme, “Faith Iu Action.” Children's sermon. “The Hunter and (he Bear." Evening, “The Chri*t- Kuled Community.” See ad. else where in this paper. B. Y. P. D. — Junior, Intermediate and Senior, meet *t 6p. m. A cordial wekxmm to ' St. James Lutheran. Sunday school at 9:-S a. m., F. H. Adden' superintendent. Meu's class in the Bell £ Harris building. Chief service at 11 a. m. Subject of sermon by the pastor, "Believest Thou This?” p Luther League at 6p. in. Vespers at 7. Addresses by Mrs. J. F. Crig ler. president of the International Hission study group of Charlotte: and Mrs. J. J. Nicuin. returned mis sionary from South America. This church welcomes you. Epworth Methodist. i * <J. M. Vayrner, Pastor) Sunday school at 9:45 a. m.. W. 3, JC( rzine superintendent. At 11 tt.-wi: the sermon will be preached by Rev. N. R. Richardson. The Senior Epworth League will have charge of t'ae evening service. Prayer meeting .Wednesday at 7.15 p. m. Epworth extends a hearty welcome to all. Kerr Street Methodist. V Sunday school at 9:45 a. m., F. M. Sloop superintendent. Preaching at 11 a. m. Preaching at 7 p. m. Preach tog at. Center Church at 2:30 p. m. All am cordially invited to these serv- Up V. O. DUTTON. Pastor. A. R. F- Church. t (M. R. Gibson. Pastor) •. .Sabbath school at 10 a. in., J. E. McCllntpck superintendent. Preach ing at 11 a. m. Sermon by Rev. A. i. Ranson, D. D., pioneer missionary of A R. P. Church to India. Dr. Ranson will show pictures of India at the 7:30 service. Y. P. C. U. at 6:30. Prayer meeting at 72)0 p. m. H Wednesday. An invitation is ex (ftended to all friends to hear L>r. Ran- I IJwair J. Sherrill superintendent. A. || G. Odell assistant superintendent, [j Weekly attendance of all Methodist jltian Advocate through February. Lett o'*., attendance growing.] [LcbS* At thr*mwtfn till | Uerament of the Lord's Supper shall ■ ' 7-- PARKS -BELK CO. GRAPEFRUIT APPLES Mr* J. G. Park*, buyer of the Parks-Belk store*, is now in the orange groves of Florida and has shifted us a solid car load of the finest Oranges and Grapefruit that is grown in Flori da. Mr. Parks is seeing this fruit picked and buying in car load lots is getting the very best quality at the lowest possible prices. These Oranges are packea 126,138, 150,175, 196,216 to the crate, all guaranteed to be strict- > ly fresh and sound. Beginning Friday, Febru ary sth, and as long as they last these will be on sale at $3.95 a crate. ORANGES . rn* No. 324 ——2 o c dozen (lL No. 260 88c alNo. 216 80c dozen * No 176 88c Dozen . No 150 ,— L 40c dozen 6 No. 126 45c dozen No. 96 50c dozen GRAPEFRUIT jft TL ‘O C No- 36 ——• —■ i—~----- each yUB / U ' No. 46 2 for 25c - -• -1 * * No. 54 -L-i-JI-.’- .i 10c each IT il V V No. W -* for 15c Also more of those good juicy Virginia Ap pies, the finest cvqr grown, and at the lowest possible prices $2.50 Bushel Boxf2 for sc; 5 for 10c; 25c dozen These are Winesap and Roam Beauty Apples PARKS-BELK CO. (Grocery Dept, Second Floor Rear) o’clock worship and sermon, we shall have a son, service at 5 o’clock. The choir has made considerable prepara tion for this service and aft are cor dially invited to worship with ns at this hour. THOH HIGGINS. McGill Street Baptist. ( J. R. Penotll, D. I)., Pastor) Bible school at 8:30 a. m.. L E. Polk superintendent. Worship and sermon at 11 a. m. Talk to children on a flower from Nazareth sent by a friend. Subject of sermon. "Jesus, the Flower of Nazareth." Evening service at 7 o'clock. “What Wifi Jesus Bo When JJe Cometh?" B. V. P. L\ at 6 p. m. Juniors at 5 l>. m. A welcome awits you. First Presbyterian Church. (Jesse C. Rowan. Pastor) Sunday sihoM at 8:45 a. m„ C. F. Ritchie superintendent. Preaching b, the pastor at 11 a. as. and 5 p. tn. There wiH b* no raid-week service on account of the Township Sunday School Association which will hold Its Herndons February 10. 11 and 12 pt Forrst Hill Methodist Church. To all aerriees in the First Presbyterian Church the public is cordially invit / Calvary Lutheran. StindaS school at »:4r> a. in. Chief service atfll lj«ht Brigade at sp. m. Luther League at 6p. at. The public is taost cordially' invited, St Andrews Lutheran. I Monday sXol ati»:4s a. at. Light Brigade immediately after Sunday school. Claw Jn emteidiiem at 2p. m. Lather League at tt p. m. Ves- Pw* at 7 o’clock. The public is cor dially invited. lAn* Thm tt 4W- John 8. Oilfiller; of county, aud an officer frooi tk% Ire day aftcrnL«* k ta^red >m iw«ri-fl''t' 4*. ’ ijL , •- -A* T*ssfNoSß(t* . . *r ■ r*'?_ . ; i wr WfWwmpaPiL'n-M*. ■ ■; gallons of liquor and arrested three men near Cleveland. The men ar rest nA and who are indicted in con- Maetioq wiUi the liquor are; Mart Hbstemakcr and Henry Shoemaker, white, and Duncan Hill, colored.* A Ford touring car was also taken and is being held. The liquor was not in the car but the officers ex pect to produce evidence tending to r' <M>o<MXM»ooooocK)ooooooooooo!Sio<>»o<M)qEMia>ool5iooooic I IsOO P. M. “THE CHRIST RULED COMMUNITY” O 11 A. M. “FAITH IN ACTION" And a Story For the Children > “THE HUNTER AND THE BEAR" I AT THE— * first Baptist Church Mr. Trueblood's serpion subjects for next Sunday. ; There are some interesting letters in today’s piper on “The Christ-Ruled Church,” last Sunday night’s sermon. Read them! < ” , -. ~J[ [ • •' - . 11 ' ?| f : ' A wjgrm heart and a helping hand awaits you—un churdted people oi Concord are extended* a special invi- | X tatitoa. See Numbers. 10:29. y^W^O^^oooooooßMonnntKNwnpfwnoppqoooßtig I *J m OPPOSITE NEW HOTEL . jufll f “,nnrwy- r nrxiriiT-rv^f Saturday, February d, connect the nutomobild with the booze incident. The liquo? was hid in the woods. ' The men were brought to Salis bury and the caee ie set for trial ia the Rowan County Court' Saturday of this week. Henry Shoemaker and Duncan Hill gave bond in the dura of *3OO but Mart Shoemaker bad not arranged bond up to noon today and ia being held. mmmmrnmmrnmam

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