PAGE EIGHT Is This The Higher Edacatum? _ Student Says That Universities Are Editor’s Note: Thomas W. Dun can. a senior at Drake University, Des Moines, ia.. recently elected "stu dent philosopher" of t'ac school, has aroused much comment recently by writing for his college paper. The Delphic, a biting criticism, of uni versity life. Accordingly. XEA Serv ieerasked him to summarize his views on- modern college life in a special astieie, aud that article is herewith presented. To show that Mr. Duncan is not a student who lias been soured by being left out of those college activities that he” criticizes, the following excerpt from a letter from him is printed: * "This story is not written by an f outsider looking in: rather by an in-1 sider looking out. For, here at Drake, j I have been connected with the radi-1 eal group, also with four fraternities —5115.0/ them a local social, one a 10-; cal dramatic, and two national pro fessionals. This is not a sour-grapes. attack 1 r I have represented my college on j the varsity debating squad, I have servin' as Delphic editor for over a I year, and now l am Delphic colum nist. ■* I have known four o’clock dates, hot dances, etc. In other words. I am just the ordiuary college . student.'’ Florida Bulb Growers Making Bid for Holland’s Business ' S A NARCISSUS FIELD NEABORMOMD BEACH toothers in Central Florida are other pioneer oper itors who are winning success in bulb raising The embargo on European bulbs caused by the diseases (bat foreign plants have brought into this country »as given impetus to the bulb raising in the United States and especially its possibilities in Florida. The United States Department of Agriculture as a result if'its research in plant growing in Florida reports (hat the bulbs of the paper white narcissus can be (pieed successfully there. j .“I plant the bulbs,” said Mr. Goodwin, whose lower farm at Fort Pierce has attracted great at tention. “about October first to get them in bloom tor tha ..Christmas business, and then start a con- Inuous succession of planting to catch the markets g January. February and April. It takes me about «y It is not at «tt dHßeult to obtain a degree from the universities in middle America—on the contrary it is almost, unbelievably oasy. like stray cum moayliore; like the to* they muri needs conform to the steel lines Os the machine; and, like the dogs also, they emerge from the machine at the end of four years in strings of nice little link sausages, all alike, hope lessly alike. .... The courses in a modern middle western university are designed for the duinbell. The obvious is always insisted upon. Simple, patent, facts are emphasized. And these gullible youngsters, these Jphns and Marys, labor under the delusion that thay in becoming educated, cultured. One can hardly blame thepoor pro fessors. It is what John and Mary wish, what their, parents wishi Classes are meant to be only alight, unpleasant interruptions in the social whirl. Over half of the people hi our eol leges should not be there. Thcy have neither the inclination nor the capac ity for a rigorous course of study. Our universities need a general houseeleaning. They should be c tea rad of the rubbish of athletics, fraterni ties and sororities, and soar o'clock dates. Then, perhaps, we should have educational institutions comparable to such old world universities as Cam bridge, Oxford and Heidelberg. Un til then, the modern college student will remain a Mt. I want to mention a remark once made by BM> Ingersoll. He said, in subsance, that colleges were places where pebbles were polished and dia monds were dimmed. And, as usual, he was right! (Copyright, 1026, NBA Service, Inc.) “How do you know this is an age of prosperity?" "Because more people are being pinched by traffic cops than by poverty. RHEUMATISM While in Fsance with the American Army I obtained a Franco prescrip tion for the treatment of RheiftntHsm aids Neuritis. ; I have given this to tbdWnde w ith wonderful results. The proscription cost me nothing. I aria nothing, for it. I will mall It if you will send be your address. A postal wjfll bring it Write today. PAUL CASE, Dept. ?-3, B*oe*tou, Mass. . [T Jfl I Come see these new as *«**« ' with oven heat control And note f/ie special offer *2SS (fawn- Feb. 5 to 20 * t I S months to pay IF YOU want to have which makes the dinner v 1 the beat in cooking code itself. equipment, come in and And if you want to save letussbantfyouthenew money, come in before gas ranges in this very the end of the safe. To > unusual sole. Each one beamedgetting anew host control device your order in today. Concord & Kannapolis Gas Co. St South Union Street . # , Owoort. N. 5. y •■: 1 ■ 'Thufsdav. Eeb. ff. 1926