Friday, February li, 4926 CONCORD THEATRE One Night Only, Wednesday, Feb. 17 th : IBSiSfiißHi l Jolly, Bill Conklin, Harry Slipidot Clifton, Gen. McGuire, Fritz Gartell, Roy Roberts, Bob Driscoll and Thirty-Five Minstrels j PRICES: 50c, Ssc and SI.OO Reserved Seats Now on Sale at Box Office, Phone 811 BIG FREE STREET PARADE A-T NOON * ' Seats Are Going Fast. ' Secure Reservations at Once BAND CONCERT AT 7:30 ■ DIERFLAG j iji The above letters when properly arrange*! form the name of a late V [V President. Everyone sending in the correct solution will be awarded a I , | beautiful lot. size 20x100 feet, FREE ANI) CLEAR FROM ALL l|i 'I 1 ENCUMBRANCES, located incite of our new subdivisions between V ( l| New 4rl: and Atlantic City. , ! ■!'K I APRIL 15, 1936 r % "I i!jl maxilm aev&copment corporation X [V 110 West 40th Street* ' Dept. 455 New York City X j ” joooooooooopcoooooooooooooooQocoooooooooboooooae^ | The Very Appearance of These i| Pumps Tells You Spring k Here ! In calling at this store' you frill be amazed at the transformation. 5 \ YAu will say “Spring is here' I —and it isi These Pumps convey the i i theme of Spring. »You'll sec it on every pair. And, you'll insist upon a ] ; having one or two pairs; they are so beautiful. Most luxurious mu- j J i terials and trimmings, .clever leathers and a stria ft array of colorings R iji .give you the gist of this marvelous display. With so much to offer, B -L *ve muintain prices down/to a most modest level. Can we expect you? Q j Ruth-Kesler Shoe Store | oooooooooooooooooooooopooooooooocooooooqoooo®«o®o f. .-V EVERETT BY CONDO f | V wcu, evereeTT, -s sec I II yooß OCT> FHieiMX>, LiALTeR, ,1 ... ..... .... ! Colonel HitoM) G« Wt*t He fi»- ptet®u 1 Rntf Wiuilcd. * m*** *■ Wasl>M#»ot>. 11.— Although Congrewman Ytanfc R. ReM, Coioguai “Billy” Mitchell’s lawyer, issued -a bittfer denunciation of President-Co«l --for hk prompt approval of The I court martial sOnfruce against lb* colonel, ft ought not to ** assuraod that Mitchell and Reid teehunder any- I thing but obligations to the president ior not Wfdng them waiting. Mitchell wants to %>. fulminat ing again as soon as possible. So f lung as his case hung fire he couldn't do it. 4 I Now his campaign’s going to start in earnest. , Tiie truth i—* 'i* Been PEePel&Alep.oN y aakifeY # lTeiL'lbo L SbAie!RiMG l H | kasg^tase me °~n l i ABouT-Thess. _ lAN'\W\ » i BB«MeEAT/v6seTs /rrEP ! OW WORE gj ALL! TAE HEELS poppa STAtoD LESSM AmRIES WES*. W, GtjRM OMER J » LL KETCH ' TS FLAT ° M \ TUem re OMOUrt KIGrH HEELED BOOTS. el92 6»v■«*wcciiw. HIPN POP y ; a ' t «AV,MR, (3UNM -EVIISH VOUt* Go V ALOMQ 'AIiTH ME Tb THE CeMTRAL , i TRUST CQ-1 HAVS SOME MON6V > iM TRU6J FOR ME THERE AND X < S NEED T& 9E IDEMTIFieD BEFORE / Vi» L J > h£^ r 'l\ O,LSR>CKLEfT i lood o r S - VJELL MR.QUNKi I'M t \ > f greatly iNoesTeo Tt> You tess _____ t^vor. , ; - ■ ■■ ■ * ' -ggy 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 1- | FANCY DRY GOODS WOMEN’S WEAR ] 11 Just Received Our New Bulk Loose |i Seeds of All Kinds for Planting ! j And we carry the Best Laying Mash and Grain that ;p' ; Money can buy. We have Startina and Baby Chic Chow 1 - for the baby chicjcs. ! jj,, , Call us and we will bring it to you. CASH FEED STORE ! PHONE 122 SOUTH CHURCH ST. If ooocx)CKX>oooooo * 3 I Alemite Lubricating Service ji Drive your ear around and let us grease it with ALEMITE CHASSIS 1 3ij and TRANSMISSION LUBRICANT, a lubricant that really allows I I the easy shifting of gears, even in zero weather, and one that really 1 jj makes a difference in the flexibility of the springs, and riding quali- 9 | ( ties of your car. . CAR WASHING . TIRE CHANGING FREE CRANK CASE fl \ SERVICE Central Filling Station 1 PHONE 700 T XilS'J gSiiaiSliiltSJfStJlßa 13* ' j H. B. WILKINSON | OUT OF THE HIGH RENT DISTRICT u Concord Kannapolis China Mooresville i | '?■:!. ' ‘ I HOT WATER IN A JIFFI? HHan Pays for itself quickly. s " A E. B. GRADY g PLUMBING AND HEATING DEALER Office and Show Room 39 E. Corbin St. Office Phone 334 W " » '' ■ i PAGE SEVEN