PAGE EIGHT She’ll, Judge Big Dog Derby ’ * v M/ ,-, - rifflwWffiirf-# >■' / ‘>4 - | \l, - 1 ■ “ v., ■|M * ■' -, 7 v ~-7 - “ * _ *mr *>, jjjp ««©. tr ■ ■'' . •'*•''' *., Lydia Hutchinson of Blackfoot, Ha., who gained fame last year by riving her dog team in the big American dog derby, will not race this ear. _ Instead, she has an official position, and will be one ot the judges 'J. of the spectacular 4 race. ' tolisbury’s New High Sclsjol Building. Salisbury. Feb. 10.—OP)—Salis bury’s new high school building, cost ng approximately half a million dol iirs, which has been under construe* ion for about a year, ’lias been com peted. and the high school students lave moved to the new structure, and legun their work in the new’ looa ion. The building is said to be the last rord in school architecture, combin ng beauty with practicality of de ign, and is completely equipped broug’liout. The building is located I I New Awnings For Spring Delivery I Our 1926 samples have been received and show a big improvement in Quality, Design and Beauty. Many changes have been made with reference to Con struction, and best of all, there is no advance in prices < on orders placed before our spring delivery date. We are now taking orders for March and April de- ] ! livery, at last year’s prices, and giving our customers ad- j vantage of the new 1926 patterns and designs. I Place your orders now. Get your awnings when you j J need them, and enjoy them before you have to pay. j j Phone 347 for Samples and prices. No obligation to buy. ji Remember we are the Awning people, and will give you the best money can buy. Concord Furniture Co. j THE RELIABLE FURNITCRE STORE mtef It i'r ■- -1926- SOMETHING TO REMEMBER No Dealer in Concord Sells Coal for Less than I do"' Best Furnace Coal SB.OO to $ll.OO. ' ! Best Grate and Stove Coal SB.OO to $9.00. Best Steam Coal $4.00 to $7.50. Best Gas House Coke—Made in Concordsß.so. Start the New Year Right by Purchasing Your Coal where you can get QUALITY and SERVICE. A. B. POUNDS QtKiOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWOOeMMOOQnfyKHrop^qppoog NEW ! ! For tomorrow and next week several new early Spring Models. Among o the lot is the above style in the popular Santerne Kid, a new spring v color. This pump is exactly like cut and is an unusually pretty Btyle. A This and lots of other new ones on sale now QC to (Q V IVEY’S w*«fO x THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQg, I. ■ ' 1 on a ten-acre tract of rolling land on the Lincoln ton road, just off South , Fulton street. , The school has been named “Boy* ( den High School,” in honor of A. II } Hoyden, for many years chairman j of the local school board. The supercilious young man W’as 1 being shown to his room in a small J hotel. “This will do.” he said pa tronizingly. “Aml-er-I suppose ev ery one heali dresses for dinner.” “Oh. yes, sir.” replied the young chambermaid, “meals in bed is charg ed extra.” THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE -i- - ■ - Concord Daily Tribune TIME OF CLOSING MAILS The time of the closing of mails at the Concord postoffite is «a follows: Northbound 130-A1:00 P. M. 3tt*-10:00 A. M. 34 4:10 P. M. 38— 8:80 P. M. 30—11 :C9 P. Southbound 39 9:30 A. M. 45 3:30 P. M. 135 8.4)8 P. M. 29—11.00 P. 14. » I JT-- .... LOCAL MENTION [ The weekly meeting of* the Con eord Rotary Club will be held at the T. M. C. A. tomorrow at :30. Prank Troutman, of the Clerical force of the (iibson Drug Store, is confined to his home by illness. Judge John M. Oglesby is presid ing over a term of Jackson County Superior Court this week. Sylva is is the county seat of Jackson. One new ease of diphtheria, one new ease of scarlet fever and two new eases of chicken pox were report ed Monday to the county health de partment. All members of the High School Parent-Teachers Association are ask ed to attend a meeting of the asso ciation at the school building tomor row. Wednesday, afternoon at 3:30. Members of the Floral Club will meet tomorrow at 12 o'clock noon with Mrs. E. Sauvain at her home on North T’nion street. Members are askeit to please note the change in the hour of meeting. A heavy frost covered the city tjtis morning, the temperature being lower than it had been for several days. Wenther forecasts indicate that sea sonable weather will be Concord's portion for the next several days. Mrs. J. Samuel Query died Monday afternoon at her home in Ports mouth, Ya., death being due to heart trouble. Her husband was a brother of the late J. Caldwell Query, of this city. Coach Denny and his basketball players from the local Y. M. C. A. left this afternoon for Hickory, where they will play the I.enoir-Khyne team tonight. Judging from scores dur ing the season the two teams seem very evenly matched. Reserved seats for the big Arnam Minstrels at the Concord Theatre on Wednesday night at 7 :80 are now on sale. A tremendous crowd is expect ed—better get your tickets early. Prices 50 cents, 75 cents and SI.OO. with tax added. Police officers report the arrest of a man here Sunday afternoon with six pints of liquor on his person. His name was not divulged. It was re ported that he would be given a hear ing in recorder's court Friday after noon. Several mad dogs have been re ported in Concord during the past ten days. Reports reaching here from Kannapolis state that several persons in that town have been bit ten by mad dogs recently, and a num ber of dogs have had to be killed. Influenza cases are being reported almost daily in Concord now. While the disease has many of the character istics of the malady that was so fatal In 1918 and 1919 it is not so serious and physicians have been able in most cases to arrest it before it reached a serious stage. Six defendants paid $l4O in police court Monday afternoon and judg ment was suspended upon payment of the costs in the case charging a man with operating his automobile , with out a State license. A man charged with assault with a deadly weapon paid the biggest line SSO. More than 75 members of the older employed boys' class of the T. M. C. A. were present Monday night for their gym work. All of the members of this class work in the textile mills of the city and make up one of the largest classes of the kind in the state outside of strictly mill T. M. C. As. The funeral service of the late A. J. Shinn, of No. 5 township, were held this afternoon at 3 o'clock at Mt. Carmel Methodist Church, and the in terment was made at the graveyard there. The service was conducted by Mr. Shinn's pastor, Rev. A. G. Lof tin, assisted by Rev. A. R. Surratt, of Charlotte, a former pastor. Plßns are going ahead rapidly now for the meeting of the Kiwanis Club at the Y. M. C„ A. Friday evening when "ladies night" will be observed. The program being arranged is a very elaborate one, and the entertainment committee plans to make the meet ing one of the 'finest in the history of the club. Improvement was reported Monday in the condition of Amos Davis, of Winnsboro, S. C„ who is ill with pneumonia. Relatives here were ad vised that although both of Mr. Davis' lungs were affected by the disease it was clearing up rapidly, and bis con dition was regarded as less serious than on Sunday. —-- 11 1 " ' - » 1 e CONCORD PRODUCE MARKET J (Corrected Weekly by Cline A Uooae) FJ(w*c named represent priest '. paid for product on the market: I Eggs ,30 Con. M jlo ; potatoes $1.50 , Turkey* • 25 1 Onions ‘si^ 1 Country Ham jH ' Country Shoulder I on , Country Sfdee - .20 1 Tonug Chickens on | Hens ‘2l j Irish Potatou ~ " W j ■ - . - 25.000 ESCAPE INCOME TAX IN NORTH CAROLINA Increase in Exemptions to Relieve f Many Former Payee*. - 1 Raleigh. Feb. 15.—The increased exemptions under the new federal .tax bill will relieve 25.000 people in North Carolina from the linyme.t of an income tax this year. Internal Collector Gilliam Grissom estimated today in announcing »thnt 50,000 individual tax return., are being mailed out with notice of the SSOO increase in the exemption for single person* and SI,OOO for fy-ads |of families. f » Although the income tax paying ,1 period began January 1. the de partment held up the individual tax blanks awaiting definite informa ' tion ns to the extent of the increased . exemi>tion allowed by the new tax bill and the new tax rate. A friend ly letter which Mr. Grissom is en closing with each tnx blank calls at tention to the fact that the exemp tion for a single person U now sl.- 500. whereas last year it was only SIOOO. and for n married pet-son $3,500. whereas it was $2,500. , Reduced By Half. Os the 50.000 individuals whose income is lees than $5,000 the year, half of them fall within the rlaesifi ention set up by the increneed ex eruptions, Mr. Grisson estimated. In other words. 25,000 who last year, with the SI,OOO exemption for single persons nndthe $2,500 exemption for heads of families, had to pay a tax will pay none under the greater exemption*. All who paid a tnx last year will get a blank this year, however. Many people, Mr. Gillian) said, like to file their returns whether they pay a tax or not, so that their nann-s might be on the records- The time limit for filing returns expires March 15. Mr. Grissom's letter to the tax payer, which besides announcing the greater exemption expresses ap preciation for the co-oj>cration given tlie department in the past reads as follows: Grissom's Letter. "This office takes pleasure in send ing you individual income tax re turn blank form 1040-A to be made by those with net income of not more than $5,000; we beg not only your proiqpt but immediate atteution. "IVe also wish to call to your special attention the larger personal exemption and the reduced rate of tax. On line 13. the personal exemp tion will be $1,500 for a single per son (formerly only $1,000) and $5.- 500 for a married person (formerly only $2.500i; pn line 14 'balance taxable at 2 per cent should be re duced to read 1 1-2 per cent; on line 15 'total income tax (2 per cent of iteml4)' should be reduced to read 1 1-2 ]>er cent of item 14. All other instructions printed on enclosed form 1040-A must be observed. "We wish to take occasion to thank all tax-payors personally for the courteous co-operation which this office has always received at their hands. “This friendly aid has enabled (he district of North Carolina to rt-du, e the cost of collections more than oqy half and has made this the most economical of any district in (he I'nited States. "This is the North Carolina spirit and our success is due to you and those like you and for this prompt aid we return our grateful thanks, with assurance of our desire to serve you. "Respectfully. "GILLUM GRISSOM. “L\ S. Collector,” Girl Quits Rum. Fags, Oaths. AU For Beau. New York World. Two friends at dinner in a mid town club last night dwcussed the romance of a mutual acquaintance. ’Alice is pretty Wind of him isn't she?” said one. "She's head over heels in love with him," rejoined the other. "She's quit drinking, she's quit smoking, she's quit swearing.” And he wasn't joking When he said it A drop of her blood beneath 0 rose bush was formerly supposed to bring a girl beauty. W. O. W. NOTICE. * Regular meeting' of Elm Camp No. 16 W. O. W. Tuesday evening at 7:30 o’clock in the Pythian lodge Room Every member urged to be present. GEO. 8. ORAEBER. C. C. R. C. LITAKER, Clerk CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank each and every one for the many kindnesses during the sickness and death of our sweet darling little boy, Ralph Elbert. Also for the beautiful floral designs and flowers given. May God bless each and every one. MR. AND -MRS. 8. E. BECK AND FAMILY Badin. N. C. In M afcr of Ralph Reek. One of the sweeteßt flowers from our garden is gone. Only three short years and twenty days hud it been planted. It was watered with the dews and blessings of heaven, and was.growing so sturdy, so bandsotne and strong. It was too sweet, too precious to be pierced by the thorns of this world. Jesus, in His great love and tender mercy, looked down and saw it bud ding here. He uprooted it from our hearts and gave us a star. But ke transplanted it in his garden to bloom and gave it a crown. The name of this precious flower was Ralph, the sweet fragrance was his smiles. Just one glimpse of tbia flower brought gappines. but now it is gone. It has faded from our sight but not from'our memory. Our vi sion is so plain. He had pneumonia and suffered that dreadful pain. But be bore )t 1 very gently, and is pow reaping his i aweet reward. ,n ! It broke our hearts to give hint 1 up. y*t w# think that it was best, fog I through these dark clouds of sorrow 1 we can still aee bis smiling little face I 'and he fa safe hi the arms of Jesust I enjoying that blessed rest. A. B, * > , ' TOMra» isawsip o§x§ A Now and then the Prince of Wales travel* Here and there and rides horses ' off and on. After this we are going td mention I the Pripce of Wales when he doesn’t fall off a horse instead of when he doe*. Man *in Spain sent Cooiidge. presi dent, a hat, a Spanish hat. He can wear it to daily bull fights. Irving Berlin, married Composer, | will write a musical comedy—since I his father-in-law gave him the air. Before a man's married there isn't much use in working and after he is married he hasn't time to work. Englishman won $25j,000 in Can nes. That's as much as a Florida realtor makes in a week. tCopyright, 1!I20, XEA Service, Inc.) FIELD OK DIAMONDS ’ FOUND? Discovery of “Sparklers” in Miss issippi Will Make Henry Ford’s Millions Look lake Chicken Feed, Says Report. * tlkykn, Miss., Fob. 14.'—"Howdy, millionaire." l’ike county farmers said as they slapped one another, on the back today, although refusing to i get excited over the reported dis covery of "diamonds” on their farms ' by L. W. Delate), geologist of Chica- S°- All day automobiles poured into the town from neighboring parts of Mississippi and Louisiana, bringing hundreds of visitors to see the "find” which The McComb Daily Enter prise dec la res, will make "Henry Ford’s millions look like chicken feed." Detand said today drilling opera tions will begin within the next ten days. A two-inch (Hire will be drilled to test the formation. A statement covering the entire matter will be given out at Jackson early iu the week, Deland added. Dr. Delaud, who has leased more than 2,700 acres of land, declared all indications point to a genuine diamond field, it is supposed to run from the Louisiana lien iu r. genera'.- 'y northwestern direction for a dfs tanee of about 11 miles in I’ike county. The "discovery" was made known Friday and practically the en tire city was a bee-hive Friday night. Although crowds, taking advan tage of Sunday, milled about the street- today, no pro]>erty is chang ing hands and everyone seems to be "sitting tight." Doubting Thom ases are still in the majority and even the most enthused retain their usual cautiousness. Tile announcement of Dr. E. N. Lowe, agate geologist thnt he> in spected the geologcial formation of the I’ike county lands several years ago after a rejaorted “find” and found a number of beautiful hut worthless crystals, seems to have eoo’ed the ardor of a large [tercent age of the populace. Dr. Delano de clares tbat\ the stones found several days ago have tested as blue dia monds and have bceu sent to Chi cago for a final test. “It must be religion' was the cryptic remark of one Pike county farmer when informed that some thing "more precious thau silver and gold" had been fouuil near the city. The leases obtain'd by geologist specify that operations are to begin within 15 days. Residents of the community eagerly await events. Star Theatre Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, February 17th, 18th, ,19th 3 BIG DAYS Wt-xraoul walsh smsm ««St lOttWCl" «*» "152 J Sswtirsss 1 1 Tempt- I The smitten youth I approaches and'. '• \ Tou must see “The Wan- I defer” The Story of the First Black 1 Sheep. This is a Picture You i Should See. ADMISSION 15c-35c Ifc Carries «■ Cast Everyone . X _ Will Jx>ve | LOYAL ORDBB OfTmOOSB i Ragular meeting of Concord Lodge No. 404 Loyal Order of Mooee Mon day evening at 7:80 o’clock. All mem , ben requested to be preaent. • W. 3. HETHCOX, Sec. New Way to Stop Night Coughing Stmpl* Method Brings Quick Relief For almost instant relief from hack ing, irritating, sleep«robbing night coughing there is a very simple treat ment which, often with a single dose, stops all irritation and permits sound sleep the whole night through. | I This treatment is based on the pre scription known as Dr. King’s New Discovery for Coughs, You simply take j one teaspoofiful at bed-time and hold it in the throat fox’ 15 or 20 seconds before swallowing it The prescription has a double action, it not only soothes and heals soreness and irritation, but it | quickly removes the phlegm and con gestion which are the real cause of night coughing. People who have not sfept well for nights are often surprised how quickly this simple method checks coughing ar.d banishes the entire cough condition completely. Dr. King’s New Discovery is for coughs, chest colds, sore throat, hoarse ness, bronchitis, spasmodic croup, etc. Fine for children as well as grown ups —no harmful drugs. Economical, j too, as the dose is only one teaspoon ful. At all good druggists. Ask for ATE TOrt FAST > South CvoKniaa Took Black- Dnaght For Indigestion, and Say* He Could Seen Eat Anything. Ballentine, 8. a—Mr. W. B. Boukntght, of this place, gave the following account of his use of ' Thedford’s Black-Draught. “Just after I married I had indi gestion. Working out, I got in the habit of eating fast, for which l soon paid by having a tight, bloated feeling after meals. This made me very uncomfortable. I would feel stupid and drowsy, didn’t feel like working. I was told it was indi gestion. * Some one recommended Black-Draught and I took it after meals. I soon could eat anything any time. “I use it for colds and bilious ness and it Fill knock out a cold and carry away the bile better and quicker than any liver medicine I have ever found.” Eating (oo fast, too much, or faulty chewing of your food, often causes discomfort after meals. A pinch of Black-Draught, washed down with a swallow of water, will help to bring prompt relief. Bloat ed sensations, eructations, bad breath ahd other common symptoms of indigestion have disappeared hfter Black-Draught has been taken for several days. NC-164 RHEUMATISM. NEURITIS, Pill “Heet” Relieves Instantly With applicator attached to cork, just brush ’’Heet" over the pain area, whether in knees, feet, legs, hands, shoulders, back, neck or body. In stantly, you feel thie harmless, glori ous, penetrating heat draw the pain, soreneaa and atiffnesa right out of the aching or swollen joint, muscle or nerve. Besides, “Heet” scatters the congestion and establishes a com. “Heet” containa two soothing, pene trating ingredients, too expetasive to use m ordinary liniments or anal gesics. "Heet” is a clean, pleasant liquid; doesn’t stain, blister or irri tate the skin and costa only 60 cents at any drug store. BroSn HUS H CHEST Ease your tight, aching chest. Stop Br ’»»k 5p the oongeation. Feel a bad cold looaen np in just a short time. ” Bed Pepper Rub is the eold tas edy that brings quickest relief. It cannot hurt you and it certainly i seems to end the tightness and drive the congeetka and soreness right out | Nothing has such concentrated, penetrating heat at red peppers, and wheu beat penetrate* right down into colds, congestion, aching muscles aad *°™. stiff joint* relief come* at once. thwa minute* the congested mt is warmed through aad through. When •t any drug store, You wiU have th* quick** rdUf known. , 6 Spring Hats | a Made to sprung in j brimfuls ! To them March on i; * a date on the calendar 8 to keep between now and * I Pardon for saying so, I new ideas that the Fall , Hat you are now wearing is as ancient as the leg of mut ton and the tandem. * Open house today at Concord’s First Spring Hat Opening Stetson and Schoble Spring Hats TO NEW SPRING CAPS : |i HOOVER’S,Inc. “THE YOUNG MAN’S STORE” 1 \ aooooooooooooooeoooceoooooooooeoQoeoooooooooooooc iSiis Coupon is Worth^^ l Take this Coupon and 75c and get a SI.OO Bottle of SMI-LAX, ■ 5 the New and Wonderful TONIC and LAXATIVE COMPOUND. We jj j have only a few bottles to sellqit. this price as an Introductory offer, i | After this is gone it will cost you SI.OO a bottle wnich is the regular » ! price. J [ This medicine is carefully and properly made from the preparations j ■ and compounds of (toots. Burks and Minerals that have been used for - generations as a TONIC and LAXATIVE. I ! Recommended as an aid In the treatment of the foilairing com ; plaints: Law of Weak and Rnn-Dgnm Condition of ibe Sj s -5 tent. Indlgestioa. Constlpition, Stomach and Liver. ar FOR SALE BY LEADING DRUG STORES 1 j , -fnrs« I I I-I.II1,'I:i a lulu i j.ii?i i".v r < -grTim4H.l !im-rrutu!!.i.t,t Though a retrieving game dog is a development of modern times, a Doc tor Calus wrote in the sixteenth cen tury of dog* that brought back the “boulta and arrows" that had missed the mark. CSE TRIBUNE PENNY ADS. Iv Fire insurance is a hun- 1 dred per cent, protector ■ of your investment. Our j reliable edmpany will pay you your loss in full tyheji the fire fiend wipes out "your savings. fflZK^KiAiAiieiicr JXy/IKJ QAfIK BLDG. The best sympathy rr ia only human for • ft*- neral director to feel «ym pathetic in the presence of bereaved patrons. But it is real sympathy when he recog-. nixes an obligation to see toTt that the highest character of burial equipment ia furbished at honest prices. Sueh a policy hat been responsible for the success of this concern. Typical of the burial equip ment furnished by us to the Clark Grsve Vault, recognised as a leader in the vault indus try. because it gives positive aim permanent Pffltwtkm, ■ N WILKINSON’S FUN- N t KRAL BOMS Call o—Day sr Night ri abv ' . -s Tuesday, Feb. 16, 1926 Just Received Two Big Shipments of Mel rose Flour and Liberty Self- Rising Flour Melrose Flour leads all. This big- lot yras bought cheaper, therefore we sell cheap new. Use Melrose. Buy it before it goes higher. Liberty Self-Rising is “Mel rose” in high grade quality. Buy. your flour from >. Cline & Moose P. S.—Clever .deliverymen go quickly everyYrHefe. ’**'* I WON**DIBEASE A RmSSpiEi v ■ tr o' oUIM 'Mtv t>sssw< •* oui risk. : ... - -V f trum.n, uw ' PEARL DRUC k-. CONCORD COTTON MARKET TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1026 Cotton 19 and .19 1-2 | Cotton seed .52 1-2 i! Buy Our Trade | Cards hom 1 Contestants ! Price $1.25- Worth $1.50 i Contestants get : 625 votes for ev- i i ; ery card sold. Save 25c and help contestant 11 Cards Good in at our 8 | Shop During 8 California J Tours Cam | paign | c jssaru p Office 88-87 W. Depot St •

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