PAGE EIGHT | ARABIAN DESIGN || Adds Beauty, Comfort and Refinement to your home, 1 ■ H Protects your home and your health. Keeps sun and rain ?. 9 ;out of your windows and off your porches. Make your i §j home more comfortable and adds real beauty to the sur- ;; P« roundings. ; fi“ - We are now booking orders for spring delivery, at last * fe .year's prices. Place your order now, get your awnings [ j|* when you need them and enjoy them while paying. |a Will gladly arrange terms to suit your convenience. ? fil Phone 347 for Samples and Prices. Will not obligate ij j|”you in any way. We are the awning people. j Concord Furniture Co. \ THE RELIABLE FURNITURE STORE -1926- | SOMETHING TO REMEMBER j No Dealer in Concord Sells Coal for Less than I do. ] I Best Furnace Coal SB.OO to $ll.OO. ij j! Best Grate and Stove Coal SB.OO to $9.00. ! , | Best Steam Coal $4.00 to $7.50. |!| j| Best Gas House Coke —Made in Concordsß.so. 1 Start the New Year Right by Purchasing Your Coal ' ! where you can get QUALITY and SERVICE. A. B. POUNDS NEW I D For tomorrow and next week several new early Spring Models. Among C X the lot is the above style in tbe popular Santerne Kid, a new spring J O color. This pump is exactly like eut and is an unusually pretty style, j! jr This and lots of other new ones on sale now £0 to V IVEY’S ; THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES S j —""""""-MM——i Profits depend upon the yield of crops from your acres cA pound of Cotton, Tobacco, Com or other crops, from HIGH YIELDING | ACRES carry less of cost of land, seed, cultivation, etc., than from Low Yielding Acres, because there are more pounds to share the Cost. Use “Planters” Brands ' of Fertilizers for High Yields of Cotton, Tobacco, Corn, etc. Planters’ Factory has large capacity, lo- v < cated on three railroads and deep water, and can give prompt shipment. “Planters” has the reputation jl l of producing the Best Fertilizer that can be made. CMaterials in Car lots a Specialty PLANTERS Fertilizer & Phosphate Co. For Terms, Prices, Etc., Apply to J. L. CHOAT 2 Huntersville, N. C. a . THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE Concord Daily Tribune TIME OF CLOSING MAILS The time of the closing of mails at the Concord postoffibe la aa follows: Northbound 136—41:00 P. M. A. M. | 34 4110 P. M. 38— 8:30 P. M. 30—11:00 P. M. Southbound 39 0:30 A. M. 45 3:30 P. M. 135 8:00 P. M. I 29—11:00 P. M. , \ j LOCAL MENTION One new case of scarlet fever and one new ease of efaieken pox were reported to the county health depart ment Tuesday. The Tittle Lights of St. James Lutheran Church will be entertained by Karl Thomas on Thursday at 3:30 in the parsonage. The Red path's 1026 program in Concord will begin on May 31st, ac cording to information just received in ('uncord. Lenten Services will be conducted at Calvary Lutheran Church this evening at 7:30 o'clock. The public is cordially invited. Five more plasterers went to work on the new ‘hotel structure this morn ing. bringing the total to about ten. This work will be rimhed during the next few weeks. Marriage license was assued Tues day by Register of Deed Elliott to Samuel (r. Kee. of Concord Route No. 7. and Miss Rodie Fink, of Con cord Route No. 6. Dr. C. M. Sisk, director of county health work for the State board of health, was a visitor in Concord Tues day. While here Dr. Sisk conferred with officials of the county health de partment. E. C. Barnhardt, Jr., i* able to be out again after be in o' confined to his home on North Fnion street for sev eral days by illnetw. The condition of his son. E. C. Barnhardt. 111., in al so reported as improved. * No session of the city police court will be held today, officers stated thin mornig. One man charged with being intoxicated probably will be heard, but no regu'ar session of the court will be necessary as this is the only case docketed. Members of the local Knights of Pythias lodge are planning an iuter csting program for a special meeting to be held here tomorrow night. Re freshments will be offered at the meeting which i« expected to be at tended by a large crowd. Egg« are dropping rapidly in price on the Concord market now. This is the season of the year when chickens of all sorts and breeds lay without interruption audthe local market is well supplied. Some local poll! try men are sending their eggs to markets in other states it is said. Youngiers have laid aside all other toys now and are playing base ball in all vacant lots and fields of the city. When spring weather comes baseball comes into its own and hun dreds of boys can be seen daily now* playing the game in almost every location that ogere sufficient room. Members of the Company E. bas ketball team plan to go to Winson 9alem Friday night for a game with the Company G team of that city. The . local team has won every game played so far in the city league end the players are said to be in good shape for Friday’s game. Con<!*ord people could hardly wish for more perfect weather than they are enjoying now. The nights are rather cool, but temperatures re cently have not dropped below the 30-dpgree mark at night, and during the day temperatures have hovered around 50 and 55, making conditions almost ideal. Playing in the city league, the Co. E. basketball team Tuesday night de feated the DeMolay team 25 to 11. The game was played before a good sixed crowd at the Y. M. C. A. The soldiers have not loßt a single game in the league so far, their work hav ing shown improvement daring the coaching of Marvin Long. Jimmy Flowe, star with the Cabar rus baseball team of KannapolM in 1922 and 1023, has been sent to the Vernon team of the Pacific Coast League by Larry Gardner, manager of the Asheville team. Flowe signed wfth Asheville last year and friends predict a successful career for him in the far west. , The Y. M. C. A. basketball team was defeated Tuesday night 51 to 20 in the game with Lenoir-Rhyne Col lege at Hickory. The game proved I one of much interest to n large crowd and although the collegians were in the lead during most of the game, the locals managed to keep interest high lecause of their snappy play. I James Ezzel. son of W. F. Ez •ell, the latter janitor at the court house. was buried Tuesday afernoon. Tbe father of the deceased stated thia morning that he was deeply appre ciative of the many kindnesses shown him and hie fnmily during the illness and death of his son. He ia especial ly thankful for the white friends who showed interest in them, he said- The Lenten services of St. James I Lutheran Church will begin tonight at ,j 8 o’clock. The general theme for the Wednesday evening services will be: “God’s Way,” The subject for this evening will be “The Natural Way of Salvation." Services will also be conducted on each Friday af ternoon at 4 o’clock. The teacher {raining class will meet this evening at 7:15 preceding the Lenten wor ship. A cordial invitation is ex tended to every one to attend these services. The father of Joie Ray, the Chi cago runner, was a boxer in hia younger days and he wanted Joie to I be a fighter instead of a runner. THE DAY! If you would rise and make your way. Your chance is here—today’s the day. But you must work—though others play. You can’t afford to shirk. For the will to win is the reason why The other ihap has climbed so high. You’ll never succeed—unless yon try, And make up your mind to work. Working with hands and working with head. Working for more than your daily bread. | Working and planning nnd looking , ahead, i Showing you're worthy of hire. Keeping your eye on the high water mark. Working with smiles from daylight to dark. Doing each job with a joy in; your heart. Never to slacken or tire. Let the work of one day. be a guide for the next. Let this labor of love fill your soul. Then you'll find like the pilgrims that are gone on before. You are on l'.ie right road for your goal. —Practical Knowledge. Pest and Flagg’s Cotton Letter. New York Feb. 16.—Dullness con tinues the outstanding feature of the market with no suggestion as to when the ice is likely to oreak up. Price fixing is in evidence On a scale down in volume sufficient so far to absorb offerings as bearish speculative traders appear willing to provide. It is believed by many that much more of that, remains to be done and that old limits for buying remain unchanged and would pro vide an effective check on any decid od tendency to decline following more agressive tacticn by profession al traders. ! i That element, however, seems to have gone about as far as they con sider prudent, pending some strong confirmation of their views by de velopments in connection w'th, the actual. If pressure from that source should make its appearance in any important way it would quickly be reinforced and driven home by heavy selling for short account by tbe pro fessional element. As long, however, ns March bolds its premium nnd grounds exist to believe that ’May will presently exhibit the same characteristics, a Considerable de gree or doubt will exist as to wheth er reports of slacks demand and an easing of Phe bapis are not chiefly traceable to sources Where the wish it father to the thought. At any rate the existeucc of such premiums is hardly compatible with actually distressing conditions among holders of cotton, whether mills, mer chants or farmers. Such conditions might arise but it is highly doubtful if any of the present sellens have any solid reasons for expecting that or are doing more than exercise the undoubted prerogative of every American citizen, free, white and 21. to do a little guessing on his own aeeount. POST AND FLAGG. University for Geniuses. After five years of research Prof. Louis Terman. of San Francisco, and a group of psychologists, have selected the 1.000 “most gifted” children in California. The next step is lo ask for an endowment of 35,000.000 with which to build n university where these “geniuses” can be properly edu cated. Prof. Terman -says that too much time and money are now spent in America in an effort ’to educate stupid and mediocre children who will be unable to make any use of their training.' He wishes to "give genius I a chance.” If his university is real | ized it will be “an experimental sta tion in genius.” IJBB PENNY COLUMN —IT PAYS S lf you would benefit by these special terms $ 6- deduction Note that the sale ends *2— down— Saturday 13 l"A to pay IF YOU want to have which makes the dinner 1 the beat in cooking cook itself, equipment, come in and And if you want to save let us show you the new money, come in before gas ranges in this vary the end of the sale. To unusual sale. Each one be sure of getting a new is equipped with the range at a saving—put heat control device your order in today. Concord & Kannapolis Gas Co. S» South Union Street Concord, N. 0. TOM SJMSiP What everybody seems to save up for a rainy day is pessimism. Things could be worse. It’s a long time before vacation. Enjoying your work is more fun than enjoying its profits. A street car on time saves nine cuss words. There are parts of the United States so dry they are almost as dus ty as the Pacific Ocean. A Wilmington. N. C., baby of two months named Ruth can walk al ready, but you can’t believe these proud fathers. (Copyright. 1026, NEA Service. Inc.) Courage! A woman writes: “I frankly admit that I dislike getting old. I feel that 1 am swiftly passing through my allotted time. Each year seems j But 1 would not enre to live over a: to go swifter than the preceding one. single hour in my life. A home and diildren are a part of the routine of a normal existence which 1 have been denied. Every woman wants a de voted husband, and home and chil dren, but not every woman is ac -1 corded those blessings. 1 am em ployed in the business world, having a nice position and work that I like very much. lam very thankful that CONCORD PRODUCE MARKET (Corrected Weekly by Cline A Moose) Figurer named represent pries paid for produce on the market: Eggs , .30 Corn sl.l0 1 Sweet potatoes $1.50 1 Turkeys .23 1 Onions $1.75 Peas $2.00 Butter .35 Country Ham ,30 Country Shoulder .29 Country Sides 220 Young Chickens .20 Heus .18 Irish Potatoes 2.00 RBlm's Antiseptic Oil, Knswa m Snake Oil STOPS PAIN j From coast to coast men and wom en are singing the praise of “Snake Oil.” a most powerful, penetrating pain relieving liniment. It will pen etrate thickest sole leather in 3 min utes. Mrs. B. Werner. New Or leans. La., writes: “Thanks to your wonderful penetrating oil, it relieved me of Rheumatism and deep seated phest cold after other remedies failed.” “I had rheumatism so bad I had to walk ou churches for nine years,” says H. C. Hendrix, old soldier of Minneapolis, Minn. “After three months treatment with ‘Snake Oil’ laid off my crutches and now can walls like a boy.” J. B. Moore, Pittsburgh Pa., rail : toad man, says: “’Snake Oil’ is the only liniment that ever gave me relief from rheumatism. I use it regular : after being exposed to bad weather.” ■ For rheumatism, neuralgia, lumbago, i stiff joints, paiu in back and limbs, corns, bunions, chest colds, gore i throat, “Snake Oil" is said to be without an equal. Refuse imitations. This great oil a golden red color. Mfg. only by Herb Jnice Medicine 00., U. S. A. Get it, your druggist’s.— 1 (Adv.). 1 can work and earn my living. Have you anything to' say to n person wtio is not so fortunate as to be pble to have the things which a normal per son claims as a natural inheritance, and to whom marriage, a home and children seem like impossible attain ments, and impossible joys.” One of the busiest men in Englattd today is Sir Bradford Leslie, the great bridge builder, who, although he is in his ninety-fifth year, still visits his office every day. At present he is giving most of his time to designing a helicopter—an aeroplane that can rise vertically from the ground and remain suspended in the air. IT ALWAYS PATS TO TUB TIMEB-TRIBUNE PENNY ADS. WELL KNOWN HARRISBURG FAR MER SAYS ITS HIS DUTY TO ENDORSE IT. HERB JI ICE Ended Stomach Trou ble. Pains in Back and Constipa tion. ‘ Your HERB JUKJE has been such a help to me and relieved me of stomach trouble in such a short timej that I feel it is my duty to give this statement and to tell others about th's medicine," said Mr. M. L. Tsim bert, a well known and prominent farmer living on Route 1. Harris burg, N, C., and who has been a resi dent of Cabarrus County for the past [2O years, when he called to see the HERB JCICE man a few days ago. "Several years ago,” continued Mr. Lambert, “I began to have trouble with my stomach after eating. It seemed my food would not. digest properly and would sour and ferment ns soon as it reached the stomach, and right there I made the mistake that thousands of others make —I tried to wear it off. I would take a dose of soda, which would relieve me for the time being, but did not remove the cause, and I gradually grew worse until I reached the stage where I could hardly cat at all. I was consti pated all the time, which allowed the poison to accumulate and upset my I entire system; liver was out of order ' and would fill up with bile, causing , severe bilious attacks, and I had se ■ vere pains across my back and side, caused. I suppose, from my kidneys being so irregular. Borne time ago . I noticed a statement from a frieud of ■ miae about HERB JCICE, so I be gan using it also. As I said before, it i has been such a help to me that I 1 feel as though it is my duty to tell i others about it. In all I have used ' | five bottles of HERB JUICE and I ' now feel and look like a new man. ■! HERB JI'ICE has relieved me com ' pletely of the stomach trouble and it j is a pleasure for me to be able to cat I and enjoy a meal once more without ! haring the usual after effects. Not ! only has HERB JCICE relieved me | of the stomach trouble, but it has reg- I ulated my bowels, also kidneys and | liver, and I never have any more bil ious attacks or those pains in my 'back and side and I. have gained several 1 pounds .In weight. The benefit I have derived from HERB JUICE has convinced me beyond a doubt that it is all it is advertised to be and I do not hesitate to recommend it” For Sale by GBmon Drug Store. Al so F. L. Smith Drug Co., Kannapolis. gocswwpweoogooooooeooooooQooooooooooooooooooooooo' g Made to be sprung ir> brimfuls ' of newness To them March Ist is on- j i to keep between now and Pardon us for saying so, \ \ new ideas that the Fall. '■ | Hat you are now wearing is as ancient as the leg of mut | ton and the tandem. Open house today at Concord’s First Spring Hat Opening Stetson and Schoble Spring Hats TO NEW SPRING CAPS i HOOVER’S,Inc. J | “THE YOUNG MAN’S STORE” r~ j Take this Coupon and 75c and get a SI.OO Bottle of SMI-LAX, k ! the New and Wonderful TONIC and LAXATIVE COMPOUND. We fc ! have only a few bottles to sell at -this price as an introductory offer, p j After this is gone it will cost you SI.OO a bottle wnich is the regular If 1 price. I This medicine is carefully and properly made from the preparations K i and compounds of Roots, Barks and Minerals that have been used for fi jj generations as a TONIC and LAXATIVE. I Recommended as an aid in the treafeutut of the following com- | • plaints: Loss of appetite. Weak and Run-Down Condition of the Sys- fj I tern. Indigestion, Constipation, Stomach and Liver, j; FOR SALE BY LEADING DRUG STORES |; - Though a retrieving game dog is a development of modern times, a Doc tor Caius wrote in the sixteenth cen tury of dogs that brought back the "boults and arrows" that hnd missed the mark. USE TRIBUNE PENNY ADS. TiiiuM Tfimre iiinWiiiMl I The deed to the propr \ | erty and a fire insurance I j policy belong in the same ! I safety first deposit vault, f ; We will furnish you with i j both the home and the j j protection. Iflraa&gMAaicr ' CABARRUS NStotlAjr JMWHKf BANK BLDG. The best sympathy IT is only human for a fu neral director to feel sym pathetic in the presence of bereaved patrons. But it is real sympathy when he recog nizes an obligation to see to it that the highest character of burial equipment is furnished at honest prices. Such a policy has been responsible for the success of this concern. Typical of the burial equip ment furnished by us is the ClarkGrave Vault, recognized as a leader in the vault indjjs- i try, because it gives positive pemaMßt jfitfftiwii WILKINSON’S FUN. ERAL BOMB j Call •—Day or Ntgbt Wednesday, Feb. 17, 192 ti ■■■ ■■■■nini i—————■ ■■*■■■ I, s —— Just Received Two Big Shipments of Mel rose Flour and Liberty Self- Rising Flour Melrose Flour leads all. This big lot was bought cheaper, therefore we sell cheap new. Use Melrose. Buy it before it goes higher. Liberty Self-Rising is “Mel rose” in high grade quality. Buy your flour from Cline &' Moose. P. S.—Clever ( .-deliverymen go quickly everywhere. DISEASE REMEDIES /ft T MytHunfaSalveana Soar), faille (I I 17 the treatment of Itch. Betetna £/] Ringwqrm, T attar or other itch- J Ing aun dieeaeea. Try thk treatment at our tiak. ECZEMAP Monty back wlthout question If HUNT’S QUAR ANTE*) SKIN DISEASE REMEDIES 54 Ulunt'e Salve and Soap),fail in C jfe—JO* the treatment of Itjjh, Ecretna, VfT/ J Rinaworm,Tattar or other Itch- fV / / i ing akin dlaanaaa. Try this * * * treatment at our riak. PEXJtL DRUG t ... ' CONCORD COTTON MARKET ~ WEDNESDAY, FEB. It, 1926 Cotton .19 Cotton aeed .32 1-2 I Coming Home! From School Teach the children at- j j tending school to keep ] j their feet dry and warm. | | February is a hard month | j on child health. Clothe ] | them warmly and send J | coats, wraps, scarfs and ( | little suits and dresses for Dry Cleaning once a ! month—germ-free \ and a clean. fi "MASTER” V Cleaners and Dyers W-‘ OSes 25-87 W. Depot St

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