Thursday, Fe& rsociETVH WEEK OF PRAYER WILL , BE OBSERVED IN CITY Services Five Afterneons Next Week at St. James Lutheran Church. All over the T'nited States, in practically every State in the Union, the women of the t’nited Lutheran Church of America will observe their Week of Prayer and Self-Denial Feb. 22 to 2K. The first week in Lent is generally chosen and every afternoon a prayer service is held. The needs of the fhurch studied and, preparation made for the Self-IJenial. Offering on the last day. The women of St. James will hold! them meetings in the church auditor ium every afternoon at four o’elock, with the exception of the Thursday service which will be held at 7:30 p. m. Tlie program is as follows: When They Prayed, based on Acts 4:31-83. Monday, February 22—They Were Filled With the Holy Spirit. Leader, Mrs. V. L. Norman. Tuesday. February 23—They Spake the Word of God With Boldness. , leader, Mrs. J. A. Black welder. Wednesday, February 24—They That Believed Were of One Heart | and Soul. Leader, Mrs. It. E. Riden hour. Thursday, February 25—Not One Said Aught of the Ttrngs He Pos sessed Was His Own. Leader, Miss Wilma Correll. Friday, Feb. 26—Great Power and Grace Was Upon Them All. Leader. Mrs. F. 11. Adden. Honor For Miss Coltrane. An unusnal honor came, to Miss -Jenn Coltrane yesterday when the Cabarrus Black Boys' Chapter of the D. A. It. decided to place a chair in honor of her in the new .Auditorium which the National Societg will build in Washington, D. C. This auditors ium is to cost about $1,525.000 and will occupy a commanding site in the capital city. The Salisbury chapter has also de cided to place a chair in honor of Mrs. E. O. Gregory, and Mrs. C/W. Tillett’s chapter in Charlotte has hon ored her in the same way. It will please the friends of Miss Coltrane (which term embraces prac tically the entire town) to hear that she lias been thus honored; and it will be a matter of statewide interest to lfhow that her co-workers at home appreciate what she has done both locally and in the work of the Nat f.onal Society. Mr. and Mrs. Barnhardt Give Dinner. I)r. and Mrs. It. S. Young were honorees at an elaborate dinner Wed nesday evening, given by Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Barnhardt S-.\, at their home on North Union street. The rooms were beautifully decor ated with cut flowers, yellow bell be ing used iu the library, and narcissus and rose carnations in the liv’ng room anddi.iing room, Quantities ofttei -HrStfmofis, narcissus and fern forms ed the center of the table. Mr. and Mrs. Barnhnrdt's guests Were: Dr. and Mrs. R. S. Young, Jr., hfr. and Mrs. E. Snnvain, Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Hartsell, Sr., and Mes dames ft. S. Young, Sr., and C. L. Smith. Miss Batte Viee President of Class. Many friends here of Miss Virginia Batte, duughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Batte. will be interested to hear of her success in her studies and college activities at North Carolina College for Women. Miss Batte is vice president of the sophomore class, and is also a member of "The Carolinian” staff. Send in Society Items for Tribune. Friends and patrons of The Daily Tribune are asked to mail or 'phone in personals nnd other social items. During the afternoon and evening such items should" be ’phoned to Mrs. W, M. Sherrill, 'phone ISO, and dur ing the morning to The Tribune office, ’phone 78. * Leaving For Panama Cruise. Mrs. C. A. Cannon antLehildren ami Miss El’zabeth Black afe leaving this afternoon for New York, where Mr. Cannon and Mrs. J. IV. Cannon will join them. The party will sail Saturday from New Y'ork to Panama. USE PENNY COLUMN—IT PAYS QRONCHITIS J Apply Vicks at bedtime, WKW rubbing it well in. Then spread on thickly and cover with hot flannel. Arrange bed-clothes so vapors will bo inhaled. | V'CKS CW IT HHSm* Jmrw Vmd Fsarfr rtOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO u BEAUTIFUL BLUE WHITE - DIAMONDS ! Sparkling With Fire and 801m -111 dor 1 1 1 All carefully, selected for i , 1 1 their perfect cutting, rich color, 1 1 nml wonderful brilliancy. The , ji [ mountings are of 18k sbl'd i iji white gold, also yellow gold, 1 ’ very latest designs, artistically | j engraved and pierced, Easy j i terms. ' i 1 v . ! S. W. Preslar ! JEWELER i Ask us about the ‘‘Lucky Two- i i hundredth” PERSONAL, Mrs. H. C. Herring, Mrs. W. D. Pemberton, Mrs. D. L. Boet and Mrs. E. A. Moss were the guests of friends in China Grove Wednesday afternoon. • «t a Little Miss Beatrice Rabon is con fined to her home with pneumonia. • • • MrsrWeedon, of Blowing Rook, who has been the guest of her daughter, Mrs. R. B. Rankin, for several weeks, left today for Darlington, South Car olina. _ • • * Miss Louise Morris, who has been |spending several days with her par ents'Mr. and Mrs. YV. W. Morris, has returned to Spartanburg, S. C., where she attends Converse college. • * * Mrs. H. G. Gibson, Mrs. R. E. Rid enhour, Jr., and Mrs. E. F. White, J-’., are spending today in Charlotte. v Mrs. W. G. Caswell is confined to her home by .illness. • V • yj The condition of Miss Nelle Edison is reported as unchanged. Miss Edi son is suffering with a severe attack | of laryngitis. * * • Leslie Correll has been confined, to his home for several days with influ enza. • • • Mrs. Frank Alexander, of Char lotte, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Harris Hwink, on South Church street. • • * J. M. McGraw is confined to his home on Isabelle street by an attack of influenza. • * » Mrs. J. A. Creech and daughter, Mierf Ruth Creech, of Chickamauga, Ga„ are visiting relatives in Concord. Mr. Creech spent the week-end here. • • a Mrs. ,T. P. Allison, of Concord, nnd her house guest. Miss Maggie McDow- * ell, of Morganton, were guests Wed nesday of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Ram say, of Salisbury. • • * Miss Love Banner, of Mt. Airy, spent last night and this morning in Concord the guest-of Mrs. A. C. Cline. Dr. T. N. Spencer, G. L. Patter son, A. P. Hartsell, C. H. Barrier nnd G. Ed Hastier left this morning for Salisbury to attend the meeting of the Piedmont Chamber of Commerce which was held at the Yadkin Hotel at 12 o'clock. * * ■ .T. Coy Pearce, of Durham, is spending today in Conconnd. • • • ,T. H. Herman, of Granitevillc, Mass. is spending several days in Concord. « • V S. H. Warren, of Hopedulc, Mnsg., was a visitor in Concord yesterday. Ellen Pemberton Class to Hold Meet ing. Mrs. A. G. Smith and Miss Helen SfMtfier are entertaining the Ellen Pemberton Sunday school class of the Central Methodist. Church tonight at 8 o'clock at the home of the latter. Friday Afternoon Book Club Gives Dinner. The. Friday Afternoon Book Club members are to entertain their hus bands, at, a dinner this evening at the home of Sirs. W. M. Linker. Mrs. Bell Improving. Mrs. Leslie Boll’s many friends will be glad to know that she shows marked improvement. Mrs. Bell was operated oil Sunday for appendicitis. Infant 111 With Erysipelas. The eight weeks old child of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cook is ill with ery sipelas. The condition of the baby is so critical today that little hope is entertained for its recovery. Horses are barred from four of Washington's boulevard*. '"''■'l' - ■ HlS—'M'—t No Kisses yp- ' •.<- x. •V \ W Iff yM ■r ■ M Ik. flfl Mra Mildred ot'tfbiMlSrwant* iota of love and kisses and because her huaband wnhi give her either | all* la suing him for divorce She , any* the only way hall pat bar la with bis flats KIWANIANS TO DO HONOR TO LADIES TOMORROW Annual "Ladles Night” Will Be Ob served With Fine Program at the Y. M. C. A. Members of the Concord Kiwanis Club will do honor to the ladies to morrow' night when they gather for their annual "Ladies Night” meeting, to be held at the Y. M. C. A. B. E. Harris is chairman of the committee which mapped out the pro gram and he will preside at the meet ing. Other members of the commit te are J. P. Cook, T. N, Spencer, L. T. Hartsell and Howard L. Collie. The program as announced by Mr. Harris this morning follows: America. Invocation—Rev. C. H. Trueblood. Luncheon. Song—lt's a Hard Thing to Beat. Address of Welcome—J. P. Cook. Solo—Mrs. H. G. Gibson. Stunts. Reading—Mrs. J. W. Stallings, Jr. The Mummy Song. Drawing of Prizes. Closing Song—Kiwanis Luncheon Song. Mr. Harris also announced that at tractive favors will be presetted to the honor guests. So far as is known now every mem ber of the club will be present mid each of them plans "to be accompanied by his wife or other invited guest. Members of Hie committee and their wives and President and Mrs. Barrer will make up a reception com mittee that will welcome the mem bers and their guests. The meeting will begin D. A. R. Meeting. The D. A. R. chapter of the Cabar rus Black Boys met Wednesday after noon with Mrs. P. B. Fetzer, jr., and Miss Clara Harris, as joint hostesses at the home of the former. The reports of the various commit tees showed that the work of the chapter was being carried pti with great enthusiasrh by the members. It was voted to place a bronze tablet on the rook near the Jackson Train ' ing School where the "Cabarrus Black Boys" met, and commemorating their services ill the Revolutionary War. The chapter plans to purchase a chair in the D. A. It. Hall Wash ington, D. C., and place a plate on it in honor of Miss, Jenn Winslow Coltrane, a member of the Cabarrus Black Boys chapter, who has done so much towards forwarding the work of the D. A. R. At the meeting yesterday Miss Coltrane graciously acknowledged the honor paid her nnd expressed her appreciation. Delegates nnd alternates for the state and national conventions were appointed. The state convention will be he’d in Charlotte March tjnd, 3rd and 4th. Mrs. L. T. Hartsell, Jr., was.elect ed a member of the chapter. Mrs. W. M. Sherrill read short sketches of types of colonial homes. Mrs. Fetzer and Miss Harris served a delicious salad course to their guests. Shakespeare Harris Honor Guest as Stag Dinner. J. Shakespeare Harris was honor guest at an elaborate dinner Wednesday evening given by Mrs. 11. O. Caldwell at her home on the Kan napolis road. The dinner was in celebration of the eighth-first birthday anniversary of Mr. Harris. - V The dining room table had as its central decoration a bowl of fragrant pink and white carnations. After a delicious four course dinner was seryjd the guests were enter tained by the “Cook’s Crossing string band,” Who played the old-time melo dies that never lose their popularity. The guests were: 1). B. Coltrane, 11. A. Brown, T. H. Webb. B. E. Har ris. C. J. Harris, R. V. Caldwell. Dr. 11. 0. Caldwell, Jr., and H. O. Cald well. Mrs. Sauvain Entertains Floral Club. Mrs. Stanton Northrup, Mrs. R. S. Y'oung. Jr., and Mrs. William A. Ritchie were three attractive honor guests Wednesday when Mrs. E. Sau vain entertained members of the Flor al Club, and several guests at a lunch eon. A profusion of jonquils, snap dragons and yellow bells were in the living rooms, hall and dining room, where luncheon was served on small beautifully appointed tables. Ten members of the Floral Club; were present: Mrs. Sauvain’s other guests were: Mesdames Stanton Northrup, It. S. Young, Jr.. William A. Ritchie. It. S. Young, Sr'., To T. Hartsell, Sr-, L. T. Hartsell, Jr., C. F. Ritchie. It. E. Itidenhour. G. L. Patterson, Weedon. R. fe. Jones, B. E. Harris, Jr., T. N. Spoueer and Miss Jenn Coltrane. George Washington Party. The Parent-Teachers’ Association, of the Corbin Street School is giving a George Washington party, in the school auditorium Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Mrs. Ross 111. The many friends of Mi's. J. Lind say ltoss will regret to learn of her continued illness, at her home on North Church street. Briar root for pipes has become so popular in this country that France In reaping n rich harvest from its ex portation. In 1924 its value was 80,000,01)0 francs. New Zealand farmers have golf courses in their sheep pastures and tennis courts on their lawns; furth ermore, they take time to p'.ay. Dancing Lessons Each Saturday Afternoon From 2 :00 to 4:00 O’clock- Merchants and Manufacturers \'v i- Club ■' Classes Will Start on Satur day, February 20th ) MISS DOROTHY MAL LARD , Charlotte, N. C. THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE ROTARY MEETING. Work of County Highway Depart ment, Its Problems and Ambitions Discussed at Meeting. Concord Rotariaus met for tbeir j regular meeting at the Y Wednes day, gave attention to various busi ness matters and then heard data and discussions regarding the work of the County Highway Comuiission. T. H. Webb and W. G. Brown were in charge of the program and as each has been intimately associat ed with the problems of the commis sion since its inauguration, they were given unusnal attention. Mr. Webb spoke first, the people of the county bud receiv ed full value for every dollar invest ed in roads since the commission had been in operation. He also told the club that but for the fact that he was a member of the Rotary Club whose motto is “He Fronts Most Who Serves Best,” he would not have accepted the chairmanship of the commission, and added that he was proud of what the commission has done. Mr. Webb gave most credit for the commission’s success to Mr. Brown, its engineer who told the club of the work that has been done, the roads that have been built and what the commission has n mind for the future. The talks were un usually instructive and gave the members a good insight into the operations and accomplishments of the commission. I)r R. S. Young was the guest of Ed. Sauvain at the meeting and D. W. Sims was the guest of F. C. Nib lock., SEEKING RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR STREET EXTENSION Most of Property Owners Give Lands For' Extension of Church Street. It was stated by a city official this morning that most of the right-of-way for the extension of Church Street from Corbin street to the corporate limits has been secured. Property owners and city officials agreed last night on an extension of the street, it was reported, and a right-of-way was secured all the way except over the property tvnicb ad joins Corbin street. It was also reported that the work of extending Spring street on to Tribune street from its old terminus at Chestnut street probably would be completed within another week. The city has perfected plans for widening East Depot street where it adjoins the hotel and bank property. The Sidewalk will be lowered and the street widened, under plans reported to have been adopted. Need Clothing For Nine Boys. There are some boys ill Concord so destitute of clothing they can't make a change. These boys are unclean because they have to put on dirty clothes every time they take a bath. They need clothing and they need it now. They need something clean from "the skin out’’ The King's Daughters have been asked to secure clothing for tbeke -youngsters. The call for aid is passed on the public, with the belief that Concord is interested enough in hu manity to c'are for those who are helpless to aid themselves. The boys rangs in age from 7 to !) and there are nine of them. Per sons who wish to aid are asked to send their clothing to the Kings Daughters' closet at the city hall. Everything in Keadines for Clinic Saturday. Dr. S. E. Buchanan, county health officer, reports everything in readiness for the orthopaedic clinic to be held here Saturday afternoon at 1 o’clock. Dr. Alonzo Myers, of Charlotte, who has been very successful in work for crippled persons at other clinics held iii this and ether counties, will be here Saturday to examined these present. Persons who have been ex amined for the first time, are urged to attend the clinic, which will he held without cost. The clinic has been made possible by an 'appropriation made by the county eommisioners at a recent meet ing. - Members of “Sunday Gang" Guests at Movie. About 125 members of "Our Sunday • Gang" were guests of W. E. Stewart, manager of the Pastime Theatre, yes-: ferday afternoon. \ Last week Mr. Stewart asked the youngsters of the gang to see the program to be offered Yesterday and bis invitation was accepted by 125 members of the organization. The boys went to the theatre in a, body and saw the show which began at 5 :30. Those seen afterward were: loud in their praise of Mr, Stewart' . for his courtesy to them. The pic ture shown was “The Great Divide ”; “Fountain pf Youth” Is Electrtified Puddle. Boston. February 18. —Teamsters thought their horses had taken a dip . in the fountain of youth today when ■ they splashed through a big puddle of water at Blackstone and North streets. Stolid dray horses displayed unprecedented liveliness and plodding , old nags were transformed into skit - « tisli colts. Finally a bystander stuck both i hands in the puddle and then leaped away. The Edison Electric Light Company was called. Workers found; f a short circuited conduit had given 1 the puddle a charge of 120 volts. Can’t Tell Him Much. You can always tell a barber By the way he parts his hair: You can always tell a dentist When you’re iu a dentist’s chair. And even, a musician— You can tell him by his touch. You can always tell a printer. But you cannot tell him much. | . i,The largest gas well :ill the world is lone located near-Amarillo, Texas- Its yield of gas amounts to no !ck of Moore’s Paints, Stains, Enam ! els, Varnishes, Brushes—in fact any hing to do your paint job. You will j/ certainly save by seeing us before that spring painting. YORKER WADSWORTH CO. 1 , 1 Ttye Old Reliable Hardware Store . Phone 30 Concord, N. C. Phone 30 Jj At least three hundred royal and princely young men of Siam re now studying in Europe and America, the most oft hem under assumed names. Neu- York's newest and most beautifully furnished hotel Accommodating 1034 guests Equal Distance from Pennsylvania and Grand Central Stations. ...Broadway at 63rd St ... | ROOM WITH PDIVATE BATH *3§° ALL OUTSIDE ROOMS | T dTi\-fifwnoNwmm /! IV . INSTITUTION- I JLpnneyta %# # W?JLDEI>AKEMENr STORES ’: #O-54 South Union Street. Concord. N. 0. Meet “The Early Bird” Our Feature Spring Waverly Cap j t First in Style—* First in Value—< First in Quality! J And Only—- We believe we havs S Produced in “The Early B Bird,” the greatest Cap ’ i I I Value in America 1 Tail \ ored of all-wool ca&si- j Si 1 \!\ n ? eres > P u re silk messa- ■ II v n u llsw m *’ ne lining, soil - proof ■II "* U1 (| B/J) p M leather sweat-band; non- .*. f7\ ft/ ftll 'SS M breakable, waterproof r (\rJ\A / Faun-Tan! BlUe * F ° X ■ • Let Us Be Your Hatter __vv 1 gpOOOOC'OOOOOCXJOCXXJOOOCIOOOOaooeOOOCJCKXXXXXXXXSOOOdO K. L. CRAVEN & SONS PHONE 74 I r*OAi Hn, J ; j A * Mortar Colors " I t>ooooocx)ooooooooooooooooooocouooooooooooooooooQeo IMS GET RESHTSOURPENKV IDS, HE PAGE FIVE