Saturday, Pek 26, 1626 Dinner Stories Wife—Only one man when in love over told the truth. Hubby—Who was that? Wifey—That was Adam whep he oild, “Eve. you're the only woman in the world for me.” I Anna—l wonder if, I shall lose my Books when I am as old as you? E Belle—You’ll be lucky if you do, Hear! j • I “W'.mt is your definition of a man- H man?” v .( ■ Mabel looked at him coldly. The ■pck struck 11. She hid a yawn be- Hnd her hand and said: " j H“My definition of a manly man is He who doesn’t stay -on and on and! HH just because he knows the girl ■t strong enough to throw him |J % Father, in Paris: ‘‘Look. my baiby has a tooth." : “Don't let the Americans j.H<‘ old couS t house is good enough is. That's the/feeling. Just BH the leaks and give iat a once s H^B— anything to save cost and keep. JHB taxes. This sort of sentiment' a defeat Tuesday of the elec- to vote bonds for a new court Somethink like three to one. bigger odds, indicated how are thinking over the prob- Bof increased taxes to meet a new house. Tile American Legion a fine effort »t the last to save day : but its gobd intentions went iHH naught. Our commisirmciv! must face the attitude of the people towards spending money re|>nirs or remodeling and an ug- grand jiu'.v and judge who B>' it must be HAie. Sentiment is Hrong against sfpndihg much for re* Bairsi-say not lMge than jUl.OOO; The are hret». towards spending [Hiy sum like jn.OOO. Some urge the site be purchased now. while [Hid is not so high, and build later. Hit keep pile olds eourt house only as IB temporary relief against a better - much like wasting to put fortly much on it. Se. H- arc back where we started. The i mny muster courage Hiough to build a new court house; Hit none thinks that this will be done. ■ "The Marve’.ous Men of Muscle,'’ |Hi illustrated article of unusual in" which tells of Warren Lincoln Hravis, George Jowett, Carl Moerke, HHo.v L. SmrvU. Sigmund Klein and Hrthur I/eslie, rite strongest men in «■ world, is only one of many at fatnetive features iu the M uncle Build ■B*. a Macfadden publication .for BHareli. Bernarr Macfadden writes |Bti "How to Build I'p Your Chest.” Hi is number is crowded with articles flp-bich every man and boy t should Bead. so ■. —j, _ I EVERETT TRUE BY CONDO | -ANV At TWO* Hiot 1 *Y i “Doubts about his Patriot! sn 6ot l am looped. ceriT. Ane«fC4N/ rtvs«t_w .► T+wrr's (UHAT IAH fOO H&R CeMT. AMC-RICAN* Jf | Wp \ H fO=> Pfiß twice" THAT'* 2-00 P6R CSMT i — I , ‘ T , _ Cutest Thing Mother: Bobby, why can’t yon two play without quarreling? Bobby: We are playing firemans and Lena won’t jtupp off the roof. One day little Johnny was told by bis mother to bring some kittens in to the house, and to be very careful with them, to handle them as if they were Sowers. A short time later his mother saw Johnny bringing the git tens in, holding them by The tee'.. His mother cried out that he would hurt, them, and a puazled look came into his face, as he thought he tad been hold ing them by their stems like flowers. Last, summer during the hot weath ,er I placed some fly paper on the kitchen table. My daughter, aged four, watched the flies being tangled. A few minutes later I saw her with the fly paper spread on the floor, trying to get her naked feet caught on the fly paper. Suddenly she cried out, "Oh mother, I am learning the Charleston." The cat settled herself very com fortably in front of the fire. Dolly regarded her with inter At. Suddenly thie oat beghn tee purr, and Dolly threw a pail of cold water over the 1 c»t, am she told us later she thought the cat was beginning to boil.. I : 3orry to State. Hickory Record, The Concord Tribune wants to know “Where Does the ‘Real Stuff Come From?” It had reference to a story the other day that moonshine I liquor made in North Cardlinn was sent to sea port town* ,irnd poured into interesting looking bottles and then shipped back to the inland states for sale as the “real stuff.” Can't you just see some of our old mountain corli being carted away to some island country where it is doctored into “real stuff?” And that, we venture, is where it comes from. The story mentioned the Eastern part of, North Carolina, but 110 such laurels shall be whisked away from the magic Western section. To be more exact, we would point un | hesitatingly at the South mountains and name it the source, of supply. 1 < This, newspaper has been accused of j advertising the industries of that South Mountain section so such an extent that the demand cannot be .supplied. Possibly we are gui'ty. If .the supply cannot be «topi>cd. it is ! just as well that we patronize horn industries. Here is a firm belief that thy South mountain product is as pure as any of tbe rest. Keep Him Out. Statesville Daily. Newspapers readers will recall' the noted and notorious G. C. Berg doll, who, aided by his mother's wealth evaded the draft in war time and escaped to Germany, where he has since lived. “A few days ago he came into public notice on his way to jail under a change of wronging a girl. The case is- yet pending, but thfre is a suggestion that' Germany may deport Bergripll. It's a pity" that Germany, which Harbored him when he sought refuge there to es -ape taking up arms for hie home coun try,, could not be compelled to keep him. with all his undesirableness. But our chief concern in this conn-, ■try is that he doesn't head . back this way. If he makes the attempt the American legion boys and ,all other citizens should meet him at the port 'of entry andtlirow him over- ' boar. We couldn't get him when ue 1 would have been given punishment Somewhat comnvnsumte with his 'deserts. As the war period recedes the hates and prejudices that are a part of it recede and are succeeded b.v a spi t of general amnesty toward all who offended in war matr ters. Therefore if Bergdoil shou’d be returned to this country lie would hardly receive adequare puuinhmenf; 1 and under ail the circumstances his absenge is preferred to his presence , —even his physical presence in jhill ; Our only interest in Bergdoil ia to see that he stays out. He doesn't be long with us. =g-^ii..;-'. «r:-.!3» 1 .staff By CHARLES t. STEWART NEA SetvftSe Writer Washington, Feb. W.—The rmpos sihle's happened. Calvin . Coolidafe has talked too much. At any i-fate, the “presiden tial spokesman” has. • • * Congress consists of regular Repub licans, regular Democrats and so called radicals, Who arc rebel Repub licans, mostly. In the 68th Congress, as in A is, the 69th, the regular Republicans had a safe majority in the House of Rep resentatives, so leave the House of Representatives out of consideration. But in the Senate the democrats and- radicate together are strofirfer than the regular' Republicans—that is so say, wtien .they vote unitedly. * • • In the last Congress that’s what they did, tying up everything. '< , So, between sessions, tbe regular Republicans buttonholed ttip regular Democrats and said, “Let's cofhbine against these dam radicals and you Shall have some of the gravy.” .* * * Thus was formed what the radicals called the “coalition,” though the reg ulars, on both Bides, batbd the ex pression. Every time the regular. Repufalicaas , wntnted to dw anything of any conse quence, they proclaimed, “This is non ;partisan,” whit's- enabled the regular Democrats- to--vote for it. * • * Hence the expression of apprecia tion from the "presidential spokes man.” The regular Democratic senators’ home folks hadn't been paying much attention to what their senators were doing, but when a Republican “presi- 1 dentin’ spokesman” , complimented them they sst up and took notice. Whereupon the. “coalition” blew up, with a deafening report, in the midst of the Senate debate on the tax bill. . As for the tax bill, “Go to it! Rip it : Up l ! Ruin it!” yelled Senator Smoot, : 'its sponsor, in an aeess of fucy, as he I saw what the combined Democrats and radicals were doing to if. Judged tbe Public by Their Horses. Henry Ward Beecher, it is said, told Doctor Newell Dwight Hillis, when the latter was starting out to preach, to study the horses in a com munity first indstead of the people He said, “If they have fine, spick and span horses, those people have ’high ideals and yon can do them a lot of good. But if they have poor, broken down. hnif-starved horses, get out of there. You can’t save those people’s ■souls because they have no souls to save.” yhefurer |ra| The furnishings of ajT J| man s office give 'the LB B|H first impression of his M M ■3 ideas of progressiveness. WJf ' fl if they arc not modern i T 4 '|S they hinder your busi- xfiv PS ness. Let us make es- w7 ' timates on new ones to- Bp 'lj|9 “Fixtures of Character” L< U W. J. IIETHCGX a*. W. Depot St. Phone 669 rj Now is the Thne to Plant Hyacinth" ' Bulbs AM&ht*' Gibson Drug Store The Remit Store —WE— Are Not Afflicted With a Cash Register Conscience Our Patrons’ Good Witt fs Our Largest Asset WB DELIVER PROMPTLY «76—PHONES—886 Sanitary Company ' 678— PHC5NSS— 886 THE CX)NCORD DAILY TRIBUNE Right in Style 1 'toootr * j You ougaTa be h '77/ m. ■ ■ w) ASMAAteP OM6UI?- j | OUT OUR WAY BY WIT.HAMS j / DATS A QUEER \ / MUFFl M QUEER X /wavfohter \ s i / Rnnr rv£ \ 018 A HAVMSE B e o * \ I MEOictwE, V-0 caimT Poor . | His LIQOIO IMfE-R A haio roum Bottle upside i r |#iHid s ' ERWAW DOvNM • VMATER MSWiL I,^ I i WASH FUwK CAkJT* DRIVE HIS HORSE TO DRIMK", CTRamLI'AM^ Bur HISJHORSE WILL PRIME HM TO ORIMH'WET. c ..««v NXAixmacx.iac- POT BY TAY».OR (\t The rheomaTism L 7 -Buff lviwjtTo bSureS ISBoThERIMG YOU L\ ftSTAVAVTo&ETOUT Mm \ I \ - • vmyDwo’T 'Voo eo V %x.tra WMk ii **£*£**■ / ( E°ek T ) , ANoseEC«r.i y? KE CHARGES TEN BUCKS — C~T\ 'S 8 E FORE —-^l / -QW* True- L ] ( fejWJSSCSre pi RHEUMATISM > L? Tou L ALL / ANY- Jim ( 1 GAVE YOU LAST *j X> OOOOOOOOOOOOOOCXXXXXXX>OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC»C . , fMkmAXnhdLj j it Tiiimiiihihmi \m | FANCY DRY GOODS WOMEN’S WEAR j I Let Us Insure the Life of Your | Baby Chicks By Feeding Them Startina and Baby Chic Chow We have plenty on hand all the time. Also Chicken Chdwder and Hen Chow. Will give you more eggs. Cash Feed Store PHONE 122 SOUTH CHURCH ST. ! Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo<>oo< ' I Now Is the Time To Sell Your Sur- | 1 plus Hens I , | I We extend our guarantee of 20c per pound for fat H r hens to Thursday Noon, February IBth. i- Leghorns and Small Hens Discounted. Egg Market weak and very uncertain. j§ | We are the largest poultry, dealers in the county and W always pay top of market. See us before you sell. 1 C. H. B ARRIER & CO. XJOOOOOOOOOCOOOOCXSGOOOOOOOSJOOeiaXXXSOOOCXXXXXXXXXXX I DELCO LIGHT Light Plants and Batteries ' Deep and Shallow Well Pumps for Direct or Alter | nating current and Washing Machines for Direct or Al ■ ternating Current. R.R OWEN, Agent —Phone 669 Concord, N. C. ] ’ > °oPo oo oooooonflr>fafMV>iryxw{?ooooooi | Alemite Lubricating Service 9 IDrire y° u r car around and let us grease it with ALEMITE CHASSIS Bf and TRANSMISSION LUBRICANT, a lubricant that really allows ft the easy shifting of gears, even in zero weather, and one that really ft , makes a difference in the flexibility of the springs, aad riding ouali- ft ties of your car. ■ CAR WASHING TIRE CHANGING FREE CRANK CASE 1 SERVICE Central Filling Station PHONE 700 j Solid Car Load Fiber Furniture § j | Just Received I Q ' v, ‘ a™ oov able to furnish you with anything you might wish , O for ill this very popular furniture. Whether it be a three or four or O ve p ece Suite for the Living Room or one odd Rocker, we are sure I O you will find just what you want in.ouv stock. Beautiful Two-Tone i g finishes, upholstered bucks, loose spring filled cushions, and the very ? O beat of tapestry used' in upholstering these better suites. Prices to g Q suit any purse. Come and sec. , | H. B. WILKINSON 8 Out of the High Rent District; Where Parking Space Is Plentiful 2 and time In I nMmited. EHot Water 1 _ This gas hot wateir heatajf ■ march and in a few minutes steaming hot water will ruin * usi ijaGlll one sot youi Pays for itself quickly. EB. GRADY PLUMBING AND HEATING DEALER Omee and Show Room 39 E. Corbin St Office Phone 334 W ' ' 1 PAGE SEVEN