Meatlay, February 22,1026 Dinner Stories _ Paraon Johgymj—De choir'wißmovi l shy;. “I’m Glad Salvation' "hilc Deacon Settiaui pa*se«me,,hnt. De congregation will pivane l£em-! her, whiic salvation am, free, We hab i to pay dc i-hoir foil slimin' shunt it, j All please contribute acrnrdji)'' ' means an’ not yd* meanness. j A little girl, the daughter a min ister. being of a* inquisitive turn of mind, wandered into liel father's study one day while he was writing at his, desk the sermon for the Sunday service."’ "What are yon writing,; daddy?" the child asked. ‘ ’ “My sermSn for next Sunday, my ' dear,” her father replied. \ •- 1 “And does God tell, 'you what tt> say. daddy?” the inquisitive one asked. ( j “Os course, my cBUd," said her pat-: ent, i , .. | “Then, daddy, why' do you keep on i scratching words,putt?''’‘ | “Hello! you thdtblaek eyeT i" ’ * , “A bridegrdotat-for kissing the bride affer the cereruotiy." , „ h “But surely he didn't object tb that ancient custom.” ,' ' “No; but you see the ceremony was ■ a couple of yeast- qgd.” ■ , &&vn —Do you think the dead can comSnnnicate with us. / Brack—l know they can’t. f'Ont# I .'borrowed a dollar from a Sc itciunan. ’A week later he died, and I Tiajed’t j heard n word since. "Good heartens, man! WhaPs the ; matter with yetir" face? Wert you ill an automobile smash-up?” * “No. I was getting shaved by a lady barber when a mouse run across; the floor." '> Kitty—AnSSild you let him kiss you? r ,i Betty—Let, him? I had to iiclf)' him! . i Young Missouri man got tired of clerking in-a shoo' store.and gut a job in a hardware stiWe for a cbdhgc Hi* grst customer in the notv place waR a farmer's daughter who asked . for. some *mu!e shoes. The young, rami, forgot that he was no tv iif the hardviiYc business and mdfod his iisiiiyl aims tion : "Wiuit size .do y.n weiirV'tN'-w he is trying to get bail his o' 1 ;! jcli' ill the shoe store? '“No Trespassing” Notices. 20 Cents a dozen, at Timcs-Trikune Office /«.<> guaranteed against the ravages of 3s foil! weather by the Marietta Service ftURORA pftilt" Certificate. No other paint manufac turer offers you such a, certificate. Ask i us about it today. Concord Paint & Paper Company 342 N. Church Street • > Phone 16L MARIETTA PAIKT STATION " j EVERETT TRUE . BT CONIVo ' are You the ppbson I " %*%>, 1 > U)HO -B.ONS TH-te ; J v S •ReS.TA'UBAMT ? fappa XO"R . /AU VC- JUST pdisHeu \ MY IW «ejas / ~AN and skill by designing the. interior) ! decoration of ihany of „.tK*t ship# be-; longing to the big company con i trolled by her fattier, v t f I The "stingiest persqn I,,knew is a .young-lady forking in my office who waits for ine every evening SO that sbe’eau read my Bftper. -The stingiest person I know is my neighbor, who parks his car behind 1 mine at night sq that-he does not have -to put, oa-’his headlights a|Sd his bgt 'terj-. . 'r ' / ■ Only Life Can Beget Life. Monroe Enquirer. The Scientific American recently said that man. wfiiic lie could hot be said to have iinvented.,ijfo, bad suc [geriied, iaßkityc something that ap; -promixated'-lifh. ' ■ .’ t’p to date lin sciehtist hits ever made a living thing—that is to say. nothing that Jives has ever been made j of anything that did not livp. j ' Life remains one. of the inexplicable ' piicpiJiieiia of the nniverse. If it did ! not come from God if cgme from a (.source equally unknown, i Life ip, like electricity. We see it everywhere and we can Use it. We* know it acts under certajuj conditions, hut what it is mid where it comes from remain' .to this day unknown to the wcrld. No man has ever made a living thing from something that wafrnot or ganic in the first place. Life i« tile only thing that enn begot life ns far as we knoiy. What the seionce of the future may bring forth it is impossible to say, but that it will ever produce life from uou-Ijging materials is improbable. Senator Reed Blunders in Defense of j the Three Mellon Banks. I By CHARLES P. STEWART NBA Service Writer ; WaiAington, Peb. 20.—Norris, Reed and the Three Mellon Ranks! Good tifle for a story, what? Well, there is- one. -,w • * * * | T > begin with: , There are three Mellon banks in Pittsburgh. The Mellon National, the I’nian Savings and tile Union (Trust Oottpafty. . | Some time ago they had qce#siefi Ito die income tax returns. Instead of ! (Mic it separately—a return for each institution—they :' jid it in a eannk. What's, known as a “consolidated re torn.” • * • Senator Norris critjyized this, He didn't say it was crooked, but lie did; say it. saved' the three outfits $D1i,472,3T. ’ His point was that it was a big-saving-—wortli investigation. Hut tilde's no way of investfguting it, -beenuse of so much secrecy about tlie; internal revenue bureau. **■*-•"- ’ ITp rose Senator Reed, and made mincemeat of him. Reed’s a director in all three of the Meilqa banks. He's a . firetclass lawyer also/, |Te pointed/out' the law called f6r. a “c.opi«!W»ted return” from fi-' liSpcial triplet*- hooked up- like Mi at trio. They "did it the way they had too, legally. -'Si-" * a-* ~. put Reed commrtted the tactical error of say Mfr Norris got his-dope frqm I> -P. ■ Hickey, “a discharged treasury employe;”- \ • According- to Htckey, the three banks did ■ make ■» -jeonsolidstga' re.- turn,” as Heed-so-clearly drmdnstrat ed i the law* demanded. - - "V" V " ‘'“ ' v - In the March issue of Dream World, a Mai'fftd.tcn pubheation, there will be found manj 1 stories- of love and remanpe. “itis Eajry Princ ess" is the'story of ‘ Ylyrtle,!' a liftje manicure girt, and- Ppn-y,,Walker, the son of a wealthy widow; and how the' social barrieV proved no barrier at ail I to love. “F’aipe of Yout'a” is. the romance of little Petunia Jupt, her meeting with Mad Andy Tyrelj, an outlaw. "Jfoments- of Enchantment" has to do with Geraldine, known its "Jazzy Baby”.on Brqadway, und what heri seeming light-heai'teduess really masked. -“ Woodrow Wilson, until Jim death, was u field marshal iq the Brazilian Army. .. ... 1 C£UC t The furnishings of a f -jr , man's' office give it he ‘first impression of his ’i Jr ideas of progressiveness, If they are pot model-ill y ( they binder your bttsi nets. sT,et us make es- 3 { timates oil new ones to- jop Lafl “Fixtures of ‘Character” Ik- HIH w. j. iiethcgx La w. Depot St. Phone 689 gT Now is the Time to Pfamt Hyacinth Bulbs All Colors^ Gibson Drug Store The Rexall Stag* Ki ■■ A.. ■_ Specials Continued This Week , We are still selling, as long as our supply last’ I A 3,-ic pin Red* 00 <£herries for - or- #1 | - Giijsited Pineapple for A 'Either of the above (tO ; Items, per dozen * * Y Also Q9O Votes to the Dolliu: Cabarrus Cash , CJrocery Go. S. Church St Phone 371 W fHfi CONCOftD DAILY TRIBUNfi Cheer Up—The First Robins Are Here * rvrgwAFTP WAV 4 ( BY WILLIAMS* j 1 OOmT 'Tfek.t— \ I WE. VNOZM OOtM' \ ’ / ME. MOO VAJEREmT \ mothim but Jus j LAV'NJ riltßE A 8E0! I KWOVM J ** Am all OF A |^ V \^° U ' fw ° ! S [ v-w-t (JlOfHErtS GCV ’ Obi - . x wc.\ MOftTN POP BY T ATI-OH. / Me.TVTE.OUB BUREAU OP BESEABcrt 1 ( -TKERi’B MdmTu&'uKE IT*OM IfiEAgACkET- A A LAT WASHINGTON MAS PORWISHED MS \ * f IT GldeS VOUTHS BARS PACTS ON ANV _/ / VIiTV A LIST OF TSN PROMINENT / ii SUBJECT-)T J S “TftE INDISPCNSABL6 s=== l MEN \M Tril's-CnV FROM WHOM L S<- M SERVANT. OF THe BIG BUSINESS MAN J Am To souot enoorsementg , and if Wou full tfiue MS Your C ON OUR NEW MOROCCO BOUND *. T#, ENDORSEMENT TfllS SET OF • r 7-• l 800 KS IS YOURS- fj s ~ ir " == 1 I j BIAIYELY-IFB ONLY CHARGE is A \ Tyclopgoics 1 ■L REE To COVER THE COST OF / f )% BOSS-AH'M ONE 08 DE .-s-sajss?* Oo OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOC l C FANCY DRY GOODS , WOMEN’S WEAR 2° ooco °000000000000000000000oc90000cx)0000000000000 Let Us Insure the Life of Your Baby Chicks By Feeding Them Startina and Baby Chic Chow ! 1 We have plenty on hand all the time. Also Chicken [ " | Chowder and Hen Chow. Will give you more eggs. ji i Cash Feed Store § | PHONE 122 SOUTH CHURCH ST. § OOOOOOtXXJOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO^yWWgg jj ’ 1 |The Poultry Market Remains Good g We have orders for all the fdeavy Hens we can buy up ]| |J to noon Friday, February 26th. A e extend our guarantee of 20c per pound to that I! 1 date - 1 |j Egg market SjtiU unsettled and very dull at 25c per doz. H fj We look for lower market stilH j| C. H. B ARRIER & CO. | IQQOOOOOOOOOOOQOGOOQOOGQOOOOOCOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOi | DELCO LIGHT | Light Plants and Batteries Deep and Shallow Well Pumps for Direct or Alter- 1 nating current and Washing Machines for Direct or Al- ' ■ ternating Current. R. H. OWEN, Agent —Phone 669 Concord, N. C. ]!' | Alemite Lubricating Service I fi Drive your car around and let us grease it with ALEMIXE CHASSIS B tji a,l< l TRANSMISSION LUBRICANT, a lubricant that really allows ffi | the easy shifting of gears, even in zero weather, and one that really 1. , makes a difference in the flexibility of the springs, and riding quaii- ■» s ties of your car. , 9 I CAR washing . Tire changing free crank case _ SERVICE Central Filling Station I PHONE 700 *r t tsss "si i3mmJEma3&3t#it oboooooboooofxwoooocoooooooooboooooooooooodoboooc I Solid Car Load Fiber Furniture ji I Just Received •j' 5 "<’ are now able to furnish you with anything you might wish X O tor in this very papular furniture. Whether it be a three or four or fir ft live pece Suite for the Living- Room or one odd Rocker, we are sure ah 3 you will find just what you want iu our stock.. Beautiful Two-Tone SI. X finishes, upholstered backs, loose spring filled eushious.'and the very ! |; X best of tapestry used in upholstering these better Suites. Ibices to f' O suit any purse. Come and see. 5' I H. B. WILKINSON 1 8 Out cf the High Rent District; Where, Parking .fipame Is Plentiful 2 j 0 and time is Unlimited. * i OCOOOOOOOQOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOQOQUQOQOQQOOQOQc H Water ! match and in a few minutes steaming hot water will run from tie faucet—enough sos Let us install one for you.’ Pays for itself quickly. E. B. GRADY HLUMBING AND HEATING DEALBE OtSw and Show Room 3& E. Corbin 9t Office Phone 334 W PAGE SEVEN