Friday, February 26, 1026 rCbUNTFLYI CORRESPONDENCH important notice to cor- RESPONDEN’tS. Correspondents are earnestly asked to observe the, following : All items which reflect on any one’s personality must not be sent. Leave off all items of personal vis its to those to others In the same neighborhood. All items MUST be accompanied by the names and addresses x>f the writers. Hereafter when this rule is not ob served we shall be obliged to consign the items to the waste basket. As a whole we have an excellent corps of correspondents and we are proud of them. However, there are a few who do not observe the above rules, and these we do not want. Please also make a paragraph out of each separate item. Thank you. • We furnish all regular correspond siists stamped return envelopes in which to send in their correspondence. swmr RUB LUMBAGO AWAY When your back is sore and lame or lumbago, sciatica or rheumatism _ has you stiffened up, don’t suffer! Get a , 35 cent bottle of VyKf old, honest St. | s' Jacobs Oil at any -T J drug store, pour a ; little in your hand and rub it right on H your aching back, and the soreness nr and lameness is f\ gone. I 1 In use for 65 W years, this soothing, penetrating oil takes ® m the P ain r ‘Bht out, MMBIftJ and ends the mis ery. It is absolute ly harmless and doesn’t burn the ado. Your Health and Good Looks! Why have nervous women used Dr. ?ierce’s remedies for half a century ind still call for themt The answer s, * ‘ because they have stood tho test, •re all that they are claimed to be, lure vegetable remedies.” Peculiarly .dapted to woman's diseases is Dr. ?ierce’s Favorite Prescription, which tones up the enfeebled system, mnkca the nerves steady, helps drive away backache or headache and rejuvenates run down and worn out women. It has helped thousands. Ask your neighbor. Send 10c for trial pkg. to Dr. Pierce’s Invalids’ Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y. I Children ■require foods rich in vita- I mins, the kind that abound f in cod-liver oil to build up body and strength. Scott’s Emulsion assures growingchildren vita min factors that they need but do not always get JhA in ordinary food. Feed yw your child Scott’s/ «4>. AT RETAIL DRUGGISTS Pric. *Ot M (■Mcott & Bowue. Bloomfield. N. 2.25-30 •• A Mistake Cathartics do not Stimulate the Liver It has been supposed for genera, tions that drugs could stimulate the liver. Now science knows they don’t. That’s why millions suffer from torpid liver, despite all laxa tives. That’s why bilei is scant. That s why poisons form in the intestines with countless ill results, some of which are these: ’■ / .. Indigestion Kidney Md WDnutipation Heart Trouble* guipure Blood Bad Complexions High Blood Preuare Lack of Youth medical science finds that a gland secretion— stimulate the liver. It has stood every clinical test Physicians the world over now prescribe it, and they are getting amazing results. Now it comes in tablets called DioxoL Each tablet contains 10 drops of purified ox-gall. Results Start in 2A hours.' For countless people it is doing what nothing else has done. i You have tried liver treatments which have no effect on the liver. Try one that really acts—Dioxol Try it at our expense. If it brings you the results jt is bringing to thousands, you will always do glad you found it. “Clip this advertisement, take It to agent, Pearl Drug Co., and they will give you a liberal sample of Dioxol free.” Hill s set quickly— Mop colds in 34 hours. Fever and headache disappear. Grippe is* conquered in j daya. Every winter it ssvts millions danger and dlacaahrt. Don't take chances, don t delay «q hour. Get the beat help science knows. AUdnaotas PWoaJOe We nsk all not to fail to place their names and addressen in the upper left-hwief corner of the envelope. - j WINECOFF. . i Mrs. Fannie Wntt has returned home, after having spent soma time near Charlotte, wligre she was ealled lon neomint of the illness and dentil of her father, Mr. Welch. | Mae McClellan, of Charlotte, was a visitor here last week ; Jit the home of. his mother, Mrs. C. J. poodman. The Wineeoff Educational Club met Monday night at the schoolhouse. At this meeting Dr. Buchanan showed a health pietnre on malaria, also a comedy and a short western picture. The health picture was very instruct ive. J. J. .Tones, of Atlanta; On., was a visitor in Wineeoff Monday. Miss Deane Neill, of Hiekory, was the week-end guest of her sister, Mrs. Wilmot H. Mitchell. D. B. Tomlin, of Greensboro, was also a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell on Sunday. Misses Myrtle and Louise Kluttz, teachers here, spent the week-end with home folks nt Rockwell. Miss Harris, of Alebaue, is the ■ guest of Mrs. O. H. Caldwell. Hoke Wineeoff has been out of school several dnyp with German meas les. Marie Wineeoff. who has been home from several days on account of a sore ankle, is back ia school. Miss Mattie I/011 Morris, a mem ber of flic school faculty here, spent the week-end with her parents near Concord. The Wineeoff community basket ball team plays Thursday night at the Y. M. C. A. in Concord. Mi|is Margaret Litnker, who is teaching at Harrisburg, spent the I week-end with her mother, Mrs. Ran dolph Wineeoff. i Mae McClellan, of Charlotte, and his mother, Mrs. C. J. Goodman, of tin’s place, motored to Enoehville on Tuesday aftertioon, to see Mrs. Oood , man’s aunt. ' t j Mrs. Olin Caldwell, Air. Shakes peare Harris and Miss Harris, of Mebane, were visitors in Con%ird on Monday afternoon. Members ’of the girlg basketball team received their “AV” for their jerseys Tuesday. Members of the senior class are anx iously awaiting the announcement as to who will win valedictorian honors this year. This announcement is ex pected at an early date. The Seniors have also reeeivede no tice that their elnss.rings have been mailed. This, too. is causing some interest among school circles. , CORRESPONDENT. CONCORD ROUTE FIVE. Mr. Paul Ross is improving at this writing after an illness of pneumonia. Air. and Airs. I). M. Alorgan and children from No. 10 township, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Smith, Mrs. Morgan's brother. Air. Clifforll and Pearl and Mrs. Jul ie Drye, also Mrs. Bessie Furr and children, all from Concord, spent Sun- i day with Mr. H. M. Drye. Aliss Ethel Petrea from Charlotte, spent the week-end with home folks, Mr. Thomas Petrea. Air. and Mrs. J. L. Lewis and lit tle daughter spent Sunday at Mr. Lewis' father’s, Air. John Lewis. Air. Clinriles Smith, of Aleeklenburg county, spent AVednesday night with Mr. Harvey Rinehardt. Misses Corinia and Dollie Honey cutt silent the week-end with their father and mother Mr and Mrs. E. E. Honeycutt. Mr. C. H. Smith is certainly hav ing luck with his trapping. FAITH. There is a gold mine in Rowan county where the shaft is sunk down thirty-three feet deep and the vein of gold is as rich as can be and the man who had it leased was so well pleased with it he was fixing to |UI 555» \J WRIGLEYS RK.I in the New Handy Pack is the biggest value in long-lasting flavorful enjoyment that you can buy. It is the best Peppermint Chewing Sweet for any money. Handy Pack fits hand* pdeket and purse. ftlookfbrWßlGfflft RK.Handyfeck pay for it and work it and he took sick and died, and there has never ; been anything done to the mine since, j The shaft is partly filled with water. It could be cleaned out for -about SIQO. Air. and Mrs. Johnson Sliivc, at Chestnut Hill, have a baby seven weeks old that had s : x teeth when it I was bora and has several more now- AA’ho fun beat that? | I. A. Kidd, of S. Caldwell St.. Sal- Salisbury, has a violin dated 162?. AVlioever ean beat that, trot out your fiddle. - , Arthur Kluttz's little, boy about three years old, died Friday, Febru ary 19th, 192(5. The funeral and bur ial took place from the Lutheran Church Saturday, February 20th. Bora to Air. and Mrs. C. G. Hon eycutt, a son, February 13th, 1926. 1 Airs. Honeycutt is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pies Holshouser, of Faith. A’enus wants to know if any little girl or boy under .ten. years of age can tell him the names of all th«r gov • ernors of A’irginia and also .of Mary -1 land from the beginning up to the present time. AVhoever will tell us ‘ we will put their name in our items and show ,how smart they are if they - arg willing. They can say if they are wilting when they write. Ad dress Venus, Faith, N. C., Rowan county, G. C. Miller and family, Mrs. Jes sie Jones and two children visited • Rev. and Mrs. A. O. Leonard, at Lex ington Sunday, February 21st. Ray McCombs and his helpers are putting in another radio today. AVe •will soon have another long list to re s part because the citizens are having them put in their homes as fast as I they ean be put up. AA'hat a wonder > ful change lias taken place since we • were born. AVonder what will come next? VENUS. I . ■ • Kk’OCHVILLE. 1 Air. 'Eugene Fink had the misfor ■ tune of getting two of his fingers bad ly hurt the other day while sawing wood. Mrs. Ella AVeddington was a visit or in our town last Friday. Little Pauline Karriker has been right sick with flu. Aliss Mary Sechlar, school teacher of the primary department of E110&1- ville High School, has been real sick the past week. . Miss Addic Overeash has been substituting for her. 1 Airs. Elvn AVeddington had a fine porker killed last week. Aliss Rena Carter, of Kaiyiapolts, si>ent last Saturday night with Miss Anna AA’eddington. Air. AA'alter AVeddington. of Trout man, spent the week-end at Mrs. Elva Wcddington’s. Our superintendent, Air. Leonard Anton, organized a Sunday school at Old Bethpagc Church Sunday with a fairly good attendance.) Air. Clarence Seaford had a fine young cow to go mad one day last I week. ' Aliss Nellie AA’eddington spent Sat urday night with Aliss Alary Carter, 1 of Kannaiiolis. Mr. Emery Butler killed a mad dog the other day. BLACK-EYED SUSIE. LOCUST. Airs. R. E. Furr is visiting relatives in Concord. Little Alma Burris, of Concord, is spending a few days here. Air. Geo. Travis Burris has sold a tract of laud to Rev. C. C. Honeycutt. The public school here did not ob serve the 22nd as a holiday. Airs. T. M. Hartsell spent a cdu ple of days last week in a Chnrlojte hospital. Mr. Raimon Coley and family spent the week-end in Concord. He is raw iifg back there. Little Geneva Smith sustained pain ful injuries in a fall one morning lalst week. Air. Artie Eudy has moved his saw mill from near Charlotte to Mr. E. THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE D. Smith's land, near C. L. Smith’s. A family of colored folks have mov ed herp from Troy into the N. AV. Honeycutt store building. Mrs. H. R. Connell spent last week here with her daughter. Mrs. Kotzer Hartsell and little son, Bill’e Lincoln. Mr. Alanriee Smith lias been nurs ing a sore and bnjised foot, which lie accidentally. pounded with an axe. , Mrs. Sadie Hartsell, Mr. and Airs. AV. J. and Air. apd Mrs. Jim Hartsell. of Kannapolis and Mrs Minnie Cad dell, of Concord, were Sunday visit , ors here. Three laymen from'Charlotte spoke in the interest of miss’ons at the Pres byterian Church here Sunday morn ing. Mr. Hugh Tucker and family have ■ moved into the house vacated by his brother Roy. They were given a . rousing serenade at night. ’ ( Geo. Page was ran over here or. ? Saturday night by Pearl Teeter. The ! lights from an approaching car blind - ed Teeter so that he did not see Page - who was walking in tile edge of (lie ' road. Page wns injured but slightly. 1 Air. Paul Jones inaslied his foot 1 badly while hauling logs to his fath ' er’s saw mill Alonda.v morning. P. WHITE HALL. 1 The meeting is still in progress at the scheolhouse. We do not know • how long it will run. I A paragraph appeared in The Trib ■ line the past week about the fun we had here nt the schoolhouse Tuesday “ night. Everyone, even the old folks, 1 enjoyed the pictures. There was a small decrease in crime • the past month. Our poUce must be 1 getting behind the lawbreakers. Concord is progressing in the 1 building line. If our .city keeps pro -1 greasing ns fast as it has been, it will soon be out to the Training School. Basketball seems to be. through at White Hall. All the boys are now • playing baseball. Company E is progressing in the basketball line this year so far they, have not lost a game. Air. Lloyd Garmon, of White Hall, is playing with’ the company. Mrs. Cl A. Harrison, of Salisbury, was a Saturday evening visitor n't the hom