PAGE EIGHT ATTENTION MOTHERS! Sale of Bloch Go-Carts 1 ! We have just received a big shipment of Bloch Go- i, i Carts. On account of the large quantity purchased, we got them at a big reduction. While this shipment lasts - we will sell Carts at About Half the Former Price. New i j Goods, High Grade, Round Fibre Carts, Adjustable foots, jj \ Reclining backs. Four wheels, rubber tires, adjustable j hood, all lined. A real high grade Go-Cart that you will l . j be proud to push, at less than you ever paid before. ! Cash or Terms. See them in our window today. i Concord Furniture Co. THE RELIABLE FURNITURE STORE ' 1 jfauߣili33a3S&hi^£sXayi t .&Ei'nglZnnrElX££Eli-ii4XfcfsEgggS ! *“ 5 ‘ ' ( feet from the top, but the •pring rains are expected to give the lake the required supply of tmrplue water to carry on operations during the dry period of the year without curtailments. Officials of the company are sur prised at the normal situation. Al though. the rainfall so far this year is about normal the lake seems to be filling up as ever regardless of the dry condition of the ground caused by the deficiency in the rain fall last year. At present the Bridgewater plant is the only one of the Southern Power’s string which is not in op eration. It w’as closed down when the rainy spell began so as to con serve all the waterfall for t)ie loke. Me plant, which is only supplement al -to the power system, wi 1 not l(e --suine operations until enough waffir M in the dame to allow a goodly* flow to find ita way to the Catawba for other plants. Declined to Leave the Jail. Hickory, Feb. 26.—14>)—Monroe Harris, negro, is one individual to i whom an opportunity to escape from [ Jail meant nothing, and he declined taking advantage of the opportunity. When bis two companions in*the city lockup here pried open tlie main i door and got away—only to be recap- I tured later —Harris remained in the I jail. | The explanation given by him was I the fact that he has only one atm and one leg. l “I .knew it wouldn’t do no good • for me to get out ’cause they eonld i ketch me a-fore I got good start • ed." r • • It la a curious fact that no birds .of ptey have the gift o t song. tr* ’ ■ ‘ /■ MAP OUT WESTERN CHAMPIONSHIP PI.AY Final Game to Pick Team For the , Semin-Finals Played at Salisbury, 1 March 4th. Salisbury. Feb. 24.—Faculty man agers nnd coaches if the eighth dis trict winners of the west in rile Stale high school. basketball championship series met here tonight nnd mapped out a schedule to determine the west ern champion, to play tlie eastern champion at Chapel Hill on March 6th for tf»e stale title. Representatives of Asheville, Gns tonia, Charlotte, Unionvil’e, * Leaks . vilie, Guilford. Winston-Salem and ■ yMooresviile high schools were present, and they adopted the following si-hed-! Iule: First Division—MooresvilU* vs. Winston-Salem, at Winston-Salem February 27th. Leaksville vs. (iuil - ford at Winston-Salem February -M». . Mooresvßle vs. Leaksville at Wins- DO YOU WANT ; TO FEEL FINE , Then Don’t Walt Any Longer.—Fol low the Advice if One Who Will Tell You How. ’’lf you are feeling tired and worn out—if the Christmas rush ivas too much for you. or if you have indiges tion and can’t eat. or if you are con stipated. then follow my advice and take HERB JUICE. That is what I did and it made me feel like a new man.” Mr. John Cook. East Gas tonia. North Carolina, offers the above advice to his friends. He believes as strongly in HERB JUICE as any other person who has ever taken it. There are thousands of HERB JUICE boosters all over the country and that , is the reason HERB JUICE is tlie best selling medicine of the day. They all believe in It and know that it is a pure combination of nature*s products, j so blended and combined ns to make < the most pleasant ami effective tonic ] laxative. { t f ■A „ ji MR. JOHN COOK f ! “I was suffering from indigestion 1 aud kidney trouble. Gas would form ] on my stomach and I could scarcely i j get my breath. My kidneys bothered j me quite a lot, too. and my steep i was broken ns I had to get up dur- 1 ing the night repeatedly. I had no j desire to eat, for my food disagreed i with me .so and I knew that I would 1 suffer agony as soon as I had eaten, i I would have headachps and felt tired 1 and worn out all. the time. When a ' person's stomach is out of order, he i is usually -out of order all over and everything seems wrong. “I began on HERB JUICE, hop- ' ing that it might help ine some. I j did not dream that T would feel as i good as I do now after taking it for 1 a short time. I have absolutely been relieved of indigestion and stomach trouble and can eat anything I want, without gas forming. I sleep well, for my kidneys are regulated and I do 1 not have to get up at ail hours. HERB J JUICE has built me up and I can i not say too much for it. I thoroughly 1 agree with others when they say it is ! the best tonic laxative on the market ' today and I heartily recommend it I' to all my friends. It does what it * ( claims to do nnd there are no bad as-' 1 ter effects.” For Sale by Gftwn Drug Co., and ' leading druggists everywhere. Any Girl Can Be Pretty j A n*w kind of face powder is here, i Made by a new French Process--- 1 stays on until you take it off. Pores j and lines do not show. Not affected i by perspiration. Gives life and bean- | ty to your complexion almost unbe lievable. It is called MELLO-GLO. I You will love it. Porter Drug Com- ! pany. Resources Over One Million Dollars "tfr, r _.. We have money to lend on the Weekly Payment Plan to be paid back in weekly payments as per the following Fror ? 50.00 to 100.00 to be paid back at 2.00 per week . £j v - Tr -iigy— fW' ... From 100.00 to 150.00 to be paid back at 3.00 per week 1 U -3ffi 1 BSMjjjhLFl—ll. m From 160.00 to 200.00 to bo paid back at 4.00 per week fiTF/. Kk XBr.: From 200X0 to 250.00 to be paid back at 6.00 per week ; From 250.00 to 300.00 to be paid back at 6.00 per week H 'From 300.00 to 40000 to be paid back at 3.00 per week ‘rl df^Kr~ " tty* From 400.00 to n t: be paid beck at 10.00 per Week If you are in need, consult our officers today. They ''«||tk|BHpß^lf gladly give you any information desired. : I • " t ’ ' ’,* ton-Saicin March 2nd. Moorcsville vs. Guilford at Salisbury March 2nd. vs. Leaksvilte at High Print, March 2nd. Winston- Bnlem vs. Guilford at Winston-Salem, March 2nd. Second Division —T’niohville v». Gastonia at Gastonia. February 26th. Charlotte vs. Asheville at Ruther fordton Spindnie. February 27th. I’nionvi’.le vs. Charlotte at Charlotte March Ist. I'nionvllle vs. Afiieviile at Asheville March Ist. Gnstoma vs. Charlotte at Mooresville Match Ist. Gastonia vs. Asheville at Ruth erfordtoti Spindale, March Ist. Final western game at Salisbury cn March 4th. 7 I Post and Flagg’s Cotton Letter. ! New York. Feb. 25.—The market today has again shown a poor under tone and there was very heavy sell ing from the south and Wall street on reports of an easier spot basis and predictions of heavy shipments on cotton to New York. Weakness in the near months particularly was noticeable nnd was attributed to the reversal o straddles. Softie buying of the new crop options by both Southern and foreign interivts was in evidence, but there was nothing aggressive about it nnd it failed to change sentiment on the floor which still remains benrisn. These predicting lower prices point to lie Inigo unsold stocks of cotton, a weakening spot situation, the favorable start with non- crop preparations and the expectation of another large aereagg e. PQST AND FLAGG. , State Income Exemptions Will Be Same as Last Y'enr. Raleigh. Feb. 25i—Income tax payers who are holding back for fed eral information and expected a dif ferent form of exemption from that of last year may go ahead and save themselves their penalties by promptness. Revenue Commissioner Dmighton said today that the exemptions are | Efird’s Charlotte, N. C. Efirds EFIRD’S ANNUAL | Spring Opening & Fashion Show j Wednesday' march 3rd You Are Cordially Invited | i The outstanding Fashion Event of' the year —Efird’s I Annual Spring Opening and Fashion Revues—planned ] i; on a bigger scale than ever before. Living models, music, ji and a gorgeous display of the hewest and most advanced ]i models of the Spring and Summer Season. iln this connection special window displays anfl artis ]l| tic interior decorations have been planned' — and the Efird I I Store will remain open from top to bottom from 7to 10 ![! P. M. Wednesday night—special concert direction Don 8 | \ Richardson, Mezzanine Floor—8:00 P. M. Morning Fashion Revue—ll.:oo A. M. ! I Evening Fashion Revue-Mi :30 P. M. | ; Music by the Southern Collegian Orchestra. X ;!; Make your plans to be in Charlotte Wednesday, O j March 3rd —and make Efird’s Department Store your 5 ] headquarters! X : the name as th<\t wore Nat year. The . rotes ore uot, but that in not an In ■ wie for the mail who pays. He . knows exactly what exemptions to i expect by merely following the rule of last year. But the folks in charge of the revenue businww will fix his rate for him. The eommlntioner desires that everybody avoid the penalty and true can be done only by filing the re , turns by March 15. The commission er beseeches the folks to do that. Articles of Interest. Contents of the Magazine Section of next Sunday World: "The Forged letter," a detective story by Harvey* O'Higins. The Younger Generations Revolt Against Style. The Embrace of the Octopus, it drama of the South Sen Pearl Fishers The Refil Kingdom of the Queen of Sheba identified at. last Pastimes of the Spirit World. Science evplains the workings of our brain machine. Windiscb-Graeti Europe’s boldest adventurer. Making the home town a boom town.' Fame' made' to order. Read The Sunday World. It is New York's most interesting newspaper. TRIBUTE OF RESPECT Resolved, That we, the officers and teachers’ association of St. James Lutheran Sunday School, bow in humble submission to the Great Rul er of the universe for calling home to Himself the beautiful soul of Misfi Constance Cline. That in her death the association ‘.ins lost one of its most valued mem bers, ripe in council, loyal in duty nnd zealous in every phase of the work of the Sunday Schopl. That a page in our minute book be inscribed to her memory and a copy of these resolutions be sent to her loving fgmily and the local presa. OFFICERS AND TEACHERS ASSOCIATION Bv G. M. BEAVER, Sec’y. ! 8 Do Men Stop Growing a When They Grow Up? 1 8 When you were six-years i ; X'old you wore a size 8’ suit. ' Up OAt If) you were buying a nufck rallmHn ! 8 size 35—but here at 42 i 8 you are stilf' wearing a U kj ( ! § Have you stopped grow- tpijfc-- , X ing tn -size or in style? uk ..BP .|\ \ iffi i J \ The first is natural—thb K ' second bad. • -I | jEaCAn H you are getting older Q-S* 11 than your years—perhaps it’s a past year’s garment. ‘1 I This stock of Schloss Bros. & Co., new suits is able I *° make you appear younger than you are without making you look younger than you ought Jo be. $30.00 T 0 $45.00 SOME WITH TWO TROUSERS HOOVER’S,he. v “THE YOUNG MAN’S STORE” jj x>ooooo9Pt>ooooooeeoeooooooooooooooooooooooooooooc Avoid the Epidem ic WHY HAVE SPRING FEVERV It will not be long bntil spring and people will begin to complain about having a tired, lazy feeling, weal and rundown, no appetite. This feeling is often called Spring Fever. There are several things that may cause this feelling, the most common of these is Constipation, Inactive Liver and Stomach. These Vital Organs can be greatly assisted, and the system improved by taking SMI-LAX TONIC and LAX -ATIVE Compound. This medicine helps nature to throw off the poisons from the system, and allows the ton ic properties of this medicine to have full power which makes it a wonder ful tonic. Why not try a few bottles ot this wonderful medicine nnd get' yourself in condition to avoid the Spring Fev er? This NEW and WONDERFUL medicine is carefully and properly made from thy preparations nnd com pounds of Roots, Barks and Minerals that have been used for generations . as a Tonic and Laxative, blended with aromatic to make it pleasant to take. Recommended as ano aid fn the treatment of the following complaints: Loss of Appetite, Weak and Run down Condition of the System, Indi gestion, Constipation, Stomach and Liver. For sale by AU'Uemlmg Drug Stores. Just Received Two Big Shipments of Mel rose Flour and Liberty Self ' Rising Flour * Melrose Flour leads all. This big Ut was 'bought cheaper, therefore we sefl cheap new. Use Melrose. Buy it before it goes higher. Liberty Splf-Rising is “Mfel rose” in high grade quality. Buy your flour from Cline & Mouse P. S.—Clever deliverymen go quickly -everywhere.. The best sympathy rr Is only human for a fu neral director to feel aym putlutfe is the presence cl bereaved patrons. But it la real sympathy when he recog< • nixes an obligation to see to it that the highest character of burial equipment is furnished at honest prices. Such-a policy has been responsible for the success of tiui concern. « Typical of the burial equip ment furnished by us is the CkrkGreveVsult, recognised ; as a leader in the vault indus try, because It gives positive and permanent protection. * - • -vS ' • WILKINSON’S PUN ERALHOME j us u 111 tea Dittos. Friday, February 26, 19(26 By Fctzer a Yorkc luimiuntj I It pays 'to be sensible t —no pne will gainsay that } fact. Fire insurance is a i sensible investment. Who : will make any attempt to j prove otherwise ? i r ' \ ' tassss flf r/ thatrmtmont of Itch, fctnm v 4 IA tmtmat at ear dak. ECZEN m in C Trr thio* rVI /, treatment st eer risk. PEARL DRUG v - CONCORD COTTON MARKET FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1928 .Cotton 18 1-3 and .18 8-4 Cotton need .■! Jl2 1-2 i - : ; : -i— --1300000000000000000000000 Go To a | Picture Show ] 1 _ Notice how correct in | I detail of dress the char- 1 acters are in “The Best g People. They, must be to escape 'your cirticism. Jo others your style and j dress is just fas notice- fi able. What-is your pic- X ture like op the screen of i good appearanoe? i ..'j l Cleaners and Dyers Office SS47 W. Depot St ■- «.r-,V