Monday, March l, 1929 — • —■■ ■■■ ■■■■ - : = ■■■ .■■-'■■ .'■!■■■■ J - 1 1 wy KEEP * YOUR |lV£ CREDIT 0k GOOD! Good Service and Low Prices are Possible only when customers pay bills promptly. Our merchants and professional people extend you a favor when they grant you credit. In away, they loan you their money. ' -• ■ . ■ x Maintain your good credit by paying your bills promptly. Take care of your obligations on time. That helps to keep Good Service up and Prices down. Show the Business people of Concord that you appreciate their good • will. Pay your bills within the -time agreed upon. Clean up those old bills. Let’s Go! ■t.' " . I 4 / ' ' - ' . We’re going --come on along! & i5£ N^ APOLIS !GAS CO * RITCHIE-CALDWELL COMPANY MARKSON SHOE STORE CONCORD FOUNDRY CONCORD CHAMRRP df CONCORD MOTOR COMPANY FISHER’S COMMERCE ER CORL MOTOR COMPANY EFIRD’S DEPARTMENT STORE W. J. HETHCOX MOTOR COMPANY ' J. C. PENNEY COMPANY F. C. NIBLOCK COMPANY E. B. GRADY KIDD-FRIX MUSIC & STATIONERY CAROLINA CAFE HOOVER’S COMPANY Inc Y RITCHIE HARDWARE COMPANY SANITARY'GROCERY COMPANY PEARL DRUG COMPANY C. H. BARRIER & COMPANY GIBSON DRUG STORE ’ - - THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE PAGE THREE