PAGE EIGHT I ATTENTION MOTHERS! Sale of Bloch Go-Carts We have just received a big shipment of Bloch Go- \ Carts. On account of the large quantity purchased, we ' got them at a big reduction. While this shipment lasts r we will sell Carts at About Half the Former Price. New l Goods, High Grade, Round Fibre Carts, Adjustable foots, jj Reclining backs. Four wheels, rubber tires, adjustable ? hood, alf lined. A real high grade Go-Cart that you will , be proud to push, at less than you ever paid before. “ Cash or Terms. See them in our window today. Concord Furniture Co. \ !• i THE RELIABLE FURNITURE STORE ipoooooooooooooooooooooocaoooooooooooooooQOooooooi 1 | COAL I! | f No Dealer in Concord Sells Coal for Less than I do. < i Best Furnace Coal SB.OO to $ll.OO. T ! Bast Grate and Stove Coal SB.OO to $9.00. !jf 1 ! Best Steam Coal $4.00 to $7.50. Best Gas House Coke—Made in Concordsß.so. jg t i Purchase Your Coal where you can get QUALITY i ! and SERVICE. i A. B. POUNDS jj ■* - C, ' W»OPOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO*POOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC ' ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooc , ICome To Our Store Tomorrow We have received by Express this week several new 'I 1 ' styles in the much wanted light colors. Also Black Satin ' ! Pumps in pleasing combinations of Silver Kid. We are !j better-prepared now to supply your shoe wants than ev- ! er before. ji ' We have the styles you want 1 ] $3.95 to SIO.OO IVEY’S 1 THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES ' ■ - -- . pLLCRAVEN & SONS) PHONE 74 COAT s. I 5 # n i A Plaster I Mortar Color* I Hie Hat Mode of the Moment— -1 THE NEWEST LINES f THE SMARTEST SHADES 8 THE IMPORTANT FABRICS 5 New Hats just out of their tissue paper wrappings, j © bring millinery fashions for spring expressing every im- ' > 8 portant phase at an extremely moderate price. Types and ! ! x shades Paris emphasizes. MbforuUmA, V/ Wj-).w)in ajjiwnwx • CONCORD PRODUCE MARKET LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE (Corrected Weekly by Cline & Moose) Regular meeting of Concord Lodge Figures named represent prices paid No. 464 Loyal Order of Moose Mon tor produce on the market: day evening at 7:80 o'clock. AH mam „ bars requested to be present An W. J. HOTHOOX. See. jjw*« potktoes SIBO Program, InrUatlona, AaqnyarmaiaSa Varnn - M printed promptly et The Tlme*- Onion* |1.75 Tribune Job Office. Wo bare e Jgjj* $2.00 beautiful Bee of wedding invita -Imitter —JO tions sad announcements In stock .Oeentry Ham Jf* and can finish on a few boars no Young Chickens - Bnstnms or VtaMng Cards Be—Mfed- JSens .18 iy printed on snort notice at The >iak Potatoes 0.00 Tfanes-Tribunt Job OSes. tt THE CONCORD QAILY TRIBUNE Concord Daily Tribune TIME OF CLOSING M*na The time of the closing of mails at the Concord postoffice ie as follows: Northbound 186—11:00 P. M. SB*-10:00 A. M. 34 4:10 P. M. x 38— 8:30 P. M. « N SO—ll :&) P. it. 89— 9 :30 A. M. 48— 3:30 P. M. 135 8.-00 P. Me 29—11:00 I>. M. LOCAL MENTION | Mrs. Annie B. Baird is able to be up again after being confined to her ■home by illness for several days. Business men of the city will have volleyball practice at the Y. M. C. A. tonight at 6:80. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Fowler, of East Kannapolis, and seriously ill with influenza at their borne. Register of Deeds Elliott has issued marriage license to S. L. Savage and Mrs. Emma F. Hunter, both of Char lotte. Stowe Green has resigned his posi tion with the White Auto Co., and accepted one with the H. B. Wilkin son Furniture Company. Edward Barrier, four-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Smith Barrier, is confined to the home of his parents with a severe attack of influenza. One new case of chiekenpox and otic new oases of measles were re ported to the county health depart ment this morning. Tile High Point school basketball team was victorious in a game played Friday afternoon with the George viile school team at High Point school grounds. The final score was 20 to 14. Dr. E. F. Weist, of Ohio, promi- I nent minister and speaker of the Re formed Church, will speak in Trin ity Reformed Church here April 12th. Members of “Our Sunday Gang” have been given a special invitation to at tend the service. Friday, March 5, will be Oliver ‘ Day at Yorke & Wadsworth Co.'s 1 store. Lunch will be served at noon, ' and a string band will furnish music.; , You are cordially invited to be the ■ guest of the store on that day. Read ' the particulars in ad. in this paper. ( Mr. and Mrs. Luther Sappenfield, i of Charlotte, spent the week-end in 1 Concord with relatives. Mr. Sappen- 1 field is covering Z. A. Moore's terri- 1 tory for the John M. Scott Company, i while Mr. Moore is confined to his i home here by illness. Funeral services for Ray Thomp son, who died Friday in Asheville. , were held Saturday afternoon at 2 o’clock in Salisbury. The deceased was a brother of Mrs. A. R. Howard, of this city, and a number of Concord people attended the services. Mary, year-old daughter of Mr. and ' Mrs. J. W. Kerley. of the Brown Mill community, died yesterday morning at her home. Funeral services were held this afternoon at 2 o'clock and interment was made in Oakwood cem etery. Only two defendants are to be tried in recorder's court this afternoou, po lice officers report. There are two cases against each, charging intoxica tion, resisting arrest and having li quor. Not a single arrest was made last night, the officers reported furth er. Oliver M. Doyle, for several years employed Tn the freight office here of the Southern Railway, has been trans ferred to' Asheville. He is succeeded here by Mr. Tatum, who has been stationed at Kannapolis for several years. The transfers were effective this morning. All members of the White Hall Hcaltfa Club are urged to attend the Meeting to be held Wednesday after noon at 2:30 with Mrs. Broadus Talbirt at her home near the White Hall BChool. Miss Ford, nurse, wil show the proper method to bathe a bed patient. Persons who entered the 192i5 “Bet ter Garden Contest" will have until March 15th to file their reports, ac cording to information received by Mias Cooley, county home demonstra tion agent. Miss Cooley states that a number of splendid reports have been received by her and she expects to have them all in by the fifteenth. The State basketball team was eliminated in the tournament in At lanta Saturday, losing to Mississippi A. A M. 32 to 29 after two extra periods of play. The Carolina team bad a narrow escape, barely beating Virginia 25 to 23. Carolina and “Ole Miss," tournament favorites, playe in the semi-finals today. The March meeting of the board of county commissioners is being held at the court house today. No busi ness matters of particular interest .were discussed at the morning ses sion of the board, it was reported. It ia predicted that routine business will claim the attention of the board 1 daring the greater part of the meet in*- “Rube” Wilson, Cabarrus county’s contribution to the Charlotte baae ball team, has signed his 1926 con tract, according to a report from ' Charlotte. Wilson was dissatis,ed ■’at first, it was reported, but when 1 in Charlotte Friday he announced that he wae ready to sign and he for warded the contract that day. He ■will report soon for spring training. Merrell, young son of Mr. and Mrs. i L. B. Baldwin, died Saturday night . j at 11 o’clock at the home of his par [ enta on ljlulberry Street. Funeral . t services were held yesterday tfter ,! noon at the home at 3:80, conducted . by Rev. T. F. Higgins, and inter r meat was made in Oakwood ceme » tery. Pneumonia was the cause of the child’s death. • SUFFERED TERRIBLY FROM NERVOUS INDIGESTION • a. She Was Advised to Try HERB JUICE.—Now She Praises It For the Great Relief Obtained From Its Use.—Says Best Laxative and Sys. tern Builder Ever Used. “Your HERB JUICE is without a doubt the greatest medicine I have I ever used. After all it has done for . me 1 think it is my duty to tell others ! t about it in order that they may try it I and be benefitted before it is too late.’’ said Mrs. Vera Conner, of 1221 Louise Avenue, Charlotte, X. C. '•nT •I : * ! k • ; • r ' } y't ■ ■ ■ { H- i ' ? MBS. VERA CONNER “I am glad that it was my good for tune to learn of HERB JUICE," con tiuuede Mrs. Conner. "A friend ad vised me to try it and I have alreaily had exceptional benefits from its use. Before 1 started ou the HERB JUICE ! treatment 1 had suffered for mouths j CHARLOTTE LAD MAY 1 BE FATALLY INJURED Negro. Alleged to Have Hit Jack Donaldson With Car, Is In Jail —Postpone Williams Case. Charlotte, Feb. 27.—Jack Donald-1 son. of North Brevard street, wasj I‘orhaiw fatally injured this after noon when struck by an automobile said to have been driven by Tom negro. The negro Was held in jail without boud. Preliminary hearing in the ease against J. B. Williams, local grad ing contractor, charged with uurg- Inry and arson in connection with the robbery and burning of the home of C. C. Cox. on Statesville avenue, last Saturday night. this afternoon was continued until next Wednesday morning after an acrim onious debate in magistrate’s court. Williams was remanded to jail with out bond- t Boy Flogged. Nineteen boys who confessed to petty thefts were publicly flogged in the Miami. Okla., courtroom by par ents. Judge Thomas also sentenced them to go to Sunday school and to remain at home every night. Martyr to Calling. “I'm doomed.” remarked Dr. Felix Murphy when be cut his hand while performing nu operation on a scarlet fever patient at Doylestown, Pa. He drove his oar to Philadelphia to nave his infected arm cut off but uied three days later. ' • ' . ’■ , '} “We have Never Lowered the Quality to Reduce the Price" Since 1903, when the Ford years. On the whole these Motor Company was formed, features cost far mote to Ford cars have been manufacture than conven constantly improved in qual- tional design but are usedbe ity, comfort, convenience and cause of their superiority, appearance. Recent improve- The Ford Motor Company ments include new and at- has carried out a program of tractive body lines —a lower price reduction that has con center of gravity —closed cars sistentiy kept Ford value su- v in color, and all-steel bodies. preme to the automotive in- The basic features of Ford dust f7: *J a8 heea .™f d « design have been retained. £<™ ,e _, by * he of -. Three point motor suspen- Ford production. With lesser sion, planetary transmission, resources, Fordquality would dual ignition system, torque not PJwdMe at anywhere tube drive, multiple disc-in- near Ford prices. oil dutch, splash lubrication, The tremendous demand for thermo-syphon cooling sys* Ford closed cars has again tern—all have been features made possible substantial of the Ford car for eighteen price reductions. FORD MOT6R COMPANt, DETROIT TOURING _ _ RUNABOUT *3lO New Prices *290 TUDOR SEDAN COUPE FORDOR SEDAN / *520 * 500 *565 Closed car prices include starter and demountable rims AUprices f.o.b. Detroit. ♦— with nervous indigestion. Nothing I We seemed to agree with me, and I was so nervous at night that I hardly knew what it was to get a good night's sleep. Gas would ferm on my stom ach, causing terrible pains, and for weeks I was hardly able to do any work at all. My entire system seem ed to be out of order. I would have pains in my back and shoulders in ad dition to the indigestion pains. I hnd tried several different kinds of medicines, but none gave me any per manent relief. Immediately after I began using HERB JI’ICE I notic ed a great improvement in my condi tion : my nerves began to get under control, the pains I had in my back and shoulders disappeared, and the c! A fellow AND the carcass 3 ONE of those hard boiled IS made of strong, tough ! ' g SORT of birds SUPERTWIST Cords | | C| CAME in the other day CORDS with more j 3 AND said: stretch x “SAY, you, THAN ordinary cords ! ! g YOU’VE been making a WE’LL guarantee this j [ ! 3 LOT of noise lately baby IS ABOUT tires TO give you long mileage ! ! JsJ I need a new tire RIDING comfort and !f 8 AND I need it bad SATISFACTION— i! j 3 BL'T I won’t pay a big SHE sells for $?.75. \ IX Price DO we do business?” ] \ 8 AND I want a darn good WELL, maybe it was 1 ’ 3 one OUR winning smile g NOW go on and BUT more likely it was ] 1 O DO your stuff.” PRICE v i ?! “BROTHER,” says we PLUS the fact that both ! !?; “YOU’VE sure rung the PATHFINDER and us j ! ;jj[ RIGHT Door Bell HAVE a pretty good rep* 1 I ! STEP right this way utation x AND take a look at the AROUID here ; PATHFINDER ANYWAY he says * ; ; i MADE and guaranteed “PUT a Pathfinder on ' !]! by the THE right rear of the ! I' WORLD’S largest tire OLD bus J MANUFACTURER OUT there” | THERE’S a real tire AND we did ! ! ; WITH a real tread AND he’ll thank ns. Yorke & Wadsworth Co • i gas pains I had in my stomach after rating have left me since 1 have tak en this wonderful medieipe. Today I can eat anything I want and never have any trouble with indigestion. In fact, my stomach ia in better eondi tion than it has been for months. Aa . other thing I can say for HERB JUICE is that it ia the greatest regn [ lhtoe I have ever uaed. My bowela act i regular now, with the result that my j system ia free from poison, and I ; I truly hope that every one suffering -1 with stomach trouble will try HERB ■j JUICE, for it is one medicine they •jean take with confidence and that ■ ■ brings relief.” For sale by Gibson Drug Co. and druggists everywhere. . The Timea-Trlbnna Job Office Keeps on hand a large stock of everything needed in the line.of printing, and can serve you on abort notice, tl [ Engraved Wedding Invitations or An nouncements at Tribune-Times Of j fice. We represent one of tbe beat engravers in America. Strict se- [ Spend a part of What ■ Uncle Sam Save 3 You on Uncle Dudley! , Look at what Uncle Sam saved you this year on I Then look at what these \\ \l beautiful new Schloss \ 1 Bros. & Co. Suits are sav- J As soon as you have taken care of Uncle Sam —and you'll | have to hurry—drop in and with a part of your savings r ! look out for Uncle Dudley. " ifc ! ; Mellon made it easy for you— 3 We’re simply inviting you to another mellon cutting— I , ! SCHLOSS BROS. & CO. SUITS JJQ TO jgQ j HOOVER’S, Inc. 1 THE YOUNG MAN’S STORE aooooooooooooooooocMsoooooooooooQaooooooooooooooou Avoid the Epidem ic WHY HAVE SPRING FEVER? It will cot be long until spring and people will begin to complain about having a tired, lazy feeling, weak and rundown, no appetite. Thia feeling is often called Spring Fever. ’ There are several things that may cause this feelllng, the most common of these it Constipation, Inactive Liver and Stomach. These Vital Organs can be greatly assisted, and the system improved by taking SMI-LAX TONIC and LAX ATIVE Compound. This medicine helps nature to throw off the poisons from the system, and allows tbe ton ic properties of this medicine to have full power which makes it a wonder ful tonic. Why not try a few bottles ot this wonderful medicine and get yourself in condition to avoid the Spring Fev er? This NEW and WONDERFUL medicine is carefully and properly made from the preparations and com pounds of Roots, Barks and Minerals that have been used for generations as a Tonic and Laxative, blended with aromatic to make it pleasant to take. Recommended as ano aid in the treatment of the following complaints: Loss of Appetite, Weak and Run down Condition of the System, Indi gestion, Constipation, Stomach and Liver. For sale by All Drug Stores, Just Received Two Big Shipments of Mel rose Flour and Liberty Self- Rising Flour Melrose Flour leads all. This big lot was bought cheaper, therefore we sell cheap new. Use Melrose. Buy it before it goes .higher. Liberty Self-Rising is “Mel rose” in high grade quality. Buy your flour .from Cline & Moose P. S.—Clever deliverymen go quickly everywhere. The best sympathy rr ia only human for a fu neral director to fed sym pathetic in the presence of bereaved patrons. But it is real sympathy when he recur* nizet gn obligation to see to ft that the highest character of burial equipment ia furnished •t honest price*. Such a policy has been responsible for the > success of this o&fvffii. Typical of the burial equip ment furnished by us is the Clark GAve Vault, recognissd as a leader in the vault indpa try, because it give* positive ■ and permanent protection. WILKINSON’S FUN /• ERAL HOME j COB S Par or Night £•* Unßd^Bumo!^ 1 Monday, March 1, 1926 Tmuii rnnirc dyTctzer a Yorke lunniuriLJ IFire insurance will give B you the proper, chance to | plan for the future. With | a fire cloud on the horizon I of your life you cannot be j happy. EmRtMKicAKNcr WK9 cabapbuo •msUHMPNMMUriiMwoMwaHBtI? hi 3Ecmt,Egi: m‘ai«s£gfcjßT? \ISKIN DISEASE REMEDIES /Bf (HtmfvSalvo»n»Soap),fatUt f ffj r/ tho treatment of Itch, loan XT** /fl Eiogwo«m,T attor or otfear Itak * J log skin glocaua. Try thi, treatment at our risk. P2/JRL DRUG to. CONCORD COTTON MARKET^ MONDAY, MARCH 1, 1038 < I CottCn _ .16 Cotton seed .............. .02 1-2 I Window § Shoppers Merchants usually dis- 9 play attractive models 9 and designs in windows 9 —for they know the fin- X est and best pleases you O most. No price tax is x shown, because fine qual- x ity in clothing is like dry x Cleaning Quality—it de- 8 pends on Workmanship e, you never see. X “MASTER- Cleaners and Dyers to Office (ImR W. Depot 8t f

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