PAGE SIX IB Money Didn’t Help Him ent a fortune in doctoring. ,rs ago I became afflicted eh trouble which steadily •se. I frequently became with colic attacks and My doctors wanted to op tall stones. I wished to peration and on advice of ed Mayr’a ‘One Dose Will with excellent results as t it about 2 years ago my entirely disappeared.” It , harmless preparation that le catarrha- mucus from tal tract, and allays the n which causes praetical laeh, liver and intestinal icluding appendicitis. One mvince or money refunded Drug Store. " If You can’t I *' but what rc i Mfr. Vll will make you 1 Ej- ' * feel better. Ij Gibson Drag Store. j What'the Well.-Dressed Undressed Man Wm Wear I /Joseph's coat of many colors would look like a gunny sack In comparison with the new pajamas and lounging robes for men that are on display ■ggplj |SE|Kffil|K9|§'til H» Illinois Clothiers’ convention In Chicago. The pajamas iiave spots 'OraHKiJl 1 i »«jMw MjuiUard balls; the lounging robe —ah. it IS a lounging robe. i Ijp ' OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ESTABLISHED 1910—AND STILL GOING STRONG! ■ 1 DISTINCTIVE SPORT COATS FOR LADIES AND MISSES I $ to *39^ ■ DRESS COATS FOR LADIES—MISSES and STOUTS m : $ to *39^ 1| BOTH LINES I o Trimmed and Untrimmed m Selling Today |i FISHER QUALITY REIGNS SUPREME I FISHER’S |r | CONCORD New York Office 71 W. 38th St GASTONIA MtOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCNWWOOOPOPOOOPOOOOOOOOOOQoj Silver Medal Goes to Selwyn Farm Jersey at Charlotte I | W gP WEIGH 5 POUNDS MOKE Ask the Fearl Drug Company or any druggist for a iox of McCoy's! Cod I.iver Oil Compound Tablets. They cost but little, are sugar coat ed and as pleasant to take as candy. Skinny men and women take them to speedily put on plenty of good healthy solid flesh and for this pur pose they are so extremely good that thin men and women often take on 5 pounds or more in 30 days. As a I matter of fact, your durggist is au | thorized to return your money if you i don't take on 5 pounds in six weeks. I Be sure and ask for McCoy's, the ! original and genuine Cod I.iver Oil i Compound Tablets—6o tablets —60 jcents. No Cold Fever headache or grippes Colds break in a day for the millions who use Hill's. Headache and fever stop. La Grippe is checked. All in away so reliable that druggists guarantee results. Colds are too important to treat in lesser ways. All druggists PricsJOe CASCARA&QUININE Gas Red Box with portrait Handsomely Engraved Visiting Cards, 100 for from $2.83 to $4.00, includ ing plate. From old plate, $1.50 per 100. Times-Tribune office, tt rill. 24-ts-p. THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE | WHAT’S SMART IN MEN’S WEAR | Where the styles in men's wear come from —and how and why TXT here do the styles come VV from! 'And when? And (low ? And why ? Hard questions to answer, all >f them. And they can’t always be answered in the same way. Years ago a famous football toach, disappointed with the ttanding of his team,told a mass I 1 meeting of students that they were a lot of cake eaters and krange lizards instead of he nen; that they should forget ?irls and parties, wear corduroy ' trousers, and take an interest in ithletics. They took him at his word, is far as the corduroy trousers were concerned, and in a short time college boys all over the sountry were wearing corduroy. It was several years before that fad wore itself out. In general, however, the styles tome from the places where anart men live or where they father to amuse themselves. For instance style observers for Hart Schaffner & Marx are i stationed in London to keep a elose watch on what the Prince of Wales and his set wear. Or when the smart world gathers at Cannes to see Helen Wills and Suzanne Lenglen play tennis, the style observers go there to see what the men wear. They also go to Palm Beach, to see what the smart men of Amer ica are wearing. Expert designers, carefully consider what the style observ- : era report about models and col ors ; change and adapt things to i meet American needs and < there yoa have the styles. < i SEVERE BREAK ON NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Worst Break Recorded Since 1920-21 Is Seen. New York, March 2.—A tidal wave of selling orders swept over the New York securities markets late today and carried scores of issues down one to 15 points in the severest break that the New York stock exchange has encountered since the deflationary movement of 1020-21. The full force of the impact of selling did not strike the market until the last hour, dur ing which total sales exceeded 1,400.- 000 shares, a new high record, bring ing the day’s total to 3.015.700 as against the record breaking total of 3.340,000 shares last November 10th. The fact that the announcement of the Interstate Commerce Commis sion's rejection of the proposed "Nick-, el Plate" merger came within an hour after the market closed and that the rails were hit harder today than they have been at any time in the four successive days of rapidly declining prices, started discussions in Hie fi nancial district tonight as to whether there had been a "leak” on the com mission's action. The decision took Wall Street generally by surprise as rnmors had been current for several days that the Van Sweringen's plan would be approved with |K)ssib'e mod ifications. > i Pope Scores Feminine Dress. i Instructing the clergy of Rome for i I .on ten sermons Pope Pius severely | criticized the immorality of modern i style. "The indecent feminine style,” 1 he declared, "is n shame which causes , women to lose every dignity, not on i ly as Christians, but as human be | ings as well. They forget that the i Christian soul is a temple of God i which calls for modesty and purity. | They who forget their obligations of i modesty and who will presume to be i Christians should know that Christ | might blush for their shame.” i One American manufacturer is i now selling more safety razors in j England in one year than were sold i in the entire world ten years ago. Sureßelief ; FOR INDIGESTION I Bell-ans LLJEbSfJgJ Hot water Ii f Sure Relief DELL-ANS 254 and 75* Packages Everywhere Are YOU Near A Breakdown? If go, lqok out! The strain of modem Hf e, in businees or in pleasure,, is apt to bring on Mood pressure and heart trouble. If you fool elose to a breakdown, whet you need is that old and reliable tonic, Dr. Fieaee'a Golden Medical Discovery, made of herbs and roots brought to Dr. Pi wee’s labora tory by Indiana from Be nervation* in the vicinity. It i* » pure, recon structive tonic, will purify the blood, ’SSkS’S your neighbor about HI Bri . if / Jgjm ß , 1 IPF p HI! * J Prince Imertinekjr, • prominent figure la London** emorteet eet. show* hie preference for BUir gowrio tweede Just now at Palm Beach and on the Riviera color seems to b« the thing—Eton flannels in eo* darwood, silver, birch, rust, onion and acid bine; Cabep checks carrying the colors of the Scottish dans; Blairgowrie tweeds in many weaves ant) shades. j What you see sow at the southern resorts of Europe ant) America, you’ll be mighty apt to see later around the country j dubs and summer resorts all over the United States, NECKLE PLATE MERGER DENIED BY COMMISSION Transportation Plan Approved But Means of Financing Is Snag. Washington, March 2. —By a vote of 7 to 1, the Interstate Commerce Commission today rejected the vast Nickel Plate road merger project but left the way open for its promoter* to v revise their plan for financing suCi a transportation system. The application of the \ an flwerin gen interests to liukng up the five railroad units involved in the merger . was denied chiefly beenuse of objec- i tions relating to the financial aspects of the plan. The transportation phase was generally approved bu the considerations and terms of the sug gested acquisitions were held to be uof in the public interest. I The merger would have linked up the New York, Chicago and St. Louis Railroad Company, or new Nickel Plate, with the Chesapeake & Ohio, Hocking Valley, Erie and Pere Mar quette railroads in a system having more- than 9,000 miles of line in ten states and Canada, with a property value of more than a billion dollars. IVhat effect the commission's de cision will have on other mergers re mains to be seen, inasmuch os Con gress has yet to pass upon a definite consolidation policy. Several other roads, however, have been awaiting the Nickel Plate decision before for mally applying for authority to con solidate, among these being the Chi cago, Rock Island and Pacific and the St. Louis San Francisco railroads. Iu its sweeping denial, (he comrnis i sion also, necessarily, disapproved the Van Swerlngen's application to issue securities and to construct a new line 63 miles long from Valley Cross ing to Gregg, Ohio. In the latter in stance, however, the disapproval was "without prejudice” to re-submission ■ by the Chesapeake & Ohio, since t trackage rights now held by that road between these point* over the Nor-' folk and Western will expire in Bep . tember, 1927, and will not be re newed. COMMITS SUICIDE BY SWALLOWING POISON N* Known Reason For Deed of Ralph Teague, of Iredell County. Statesville. N. C„ March 2.—Ralph Teague, aged 21, committed suicide by drinking carbolic acid last night at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Teague, ten miles west of Taylorsville. The young man was in good health and was apparently not disturbed mentally in any way and his act ia therefore mysterious. His relatives and friends state that they have no idea why he took bis own Ilf. The young man's parents and several brothers and sisters sur vive. Funeral services will be held at Bethlehem Baptist Church Wednes day morning at 11 o'clock, conducted by Rev. E. B. Bumgardner, of Taj-1 lorsville. Goldsboro, March 2.—Mystery' shrouds the disappearance here today , of W. O. Rhodes and J. O Britt, two local barbers. The men, reai , dents of Goldsboro for flye years, left tbelr work last night a* usual, coin* to their homes they remoined awhile then left. They have not been seen since. Each leaves a wife and cbild i dren who have asked tor s» inveetiga ' tion. There ia no fear of foql play. An -1 thoritiee in various towns in the : state have been silked to h* on tbs lookout for them. FRIED OR CHARGE OF WHIPPING CHILD ' Miss Gladys MrDeoatd. of Greens- I boro, is Dee lured Not Guilty. | Greensboro. Mar. 2.—Mies Gladys I McDonald, .of this city, accused of cruelly whipping four-year-old Lola MeDonald, of thio city, accused of I Griffith, daughter of Mrs. R. T. Grlf ' fith of this city, waa the recipient of ja directed verdict of not guilty in f Guilford Superior court this i.iorn- I ing and walked from the court room , a free woman. Judge C. C. Lyon, of | Eliznbethtown, presiding over the court as an emergency judge, direct jed the virdict of acquittal aat the end of testimony thin morning. Miss McDonald had been bound over on testimony given ip munici pal ’ court, and upon tho evidence j upon the child’s back. The child told its mother that Miss McDonald whipped her, but Miss McDonald de clared that she did not; that she had taken good care of the child, while the mother was at worn in an .overall factory. A witness during the Superior court trial declared that he saw some small -children whipping the child, in play, and made them stop. The judge field that I the evidence did not show that Mias McDonald whipped the child. The only large technical trade school conducted by any labor union in the world is the school maintained by the International I‘rioting Press man and Assistants’ Union of North America at Pressmen’s Home, Ten nessee. SOUTHERN SHOP MAN PRAISES IT Says HERB JUICE is the Best Med icine For | Stomach Trouble and Constipation He Ever Used. “Several months ago I started tak ing HERB JUICE, which I admit I thought was just another advertised product. I was a little bit skeptical about it at first, but in a very short time, however, I began to sit up and take notice. Since giving it a good trial, I think it is the best medicine i sold today for stomach trouble and constipation,’’ said Mr. A. F. Wyrick, Southern Railway shopman, Salis bury, N*. C. | MR. A. F. WYRICK Continuing his statement to the lo ! cal HERB JUICE representative, Mr. Wyrick said: "I had used other , medicines for toy ailments, but I must candidly ’ flonfesa that notbijlg , hks ever’4lsplhywr its mefjt as a rail , mfediciiie like HERB JUICE has, . I had heard so much about this medi cine, and was personally acquainted ' with several .who had used it with several who bad used it with good re sults, so I decided to try it myself. The first bottle proved to me tjiat It is a real medicine and one that cfch be d*~ pended upon to.' give quick relief and lasting results. I have taken several bottles and ean truthfully say that it . has made a great improvement in my • health generally. That is the. reason ■ why I am so eager to tell others about HERB JUICE, for it has put me In such a splendid condition again that . living is now a pleasure and what it I should be. It is one medicifie anyone can take with confidence of being ben . efitted. I knqw from experience that . it will do all that is claimed for it. i No more sour stomach or gas pains, ■ constipation gone, liver and bowels . regulated and in splendid working or . der—these are thp real benefits I i have secured through the use of i HERB JUICE. It has certainly ton . ed me up all over; my whole system I is in fine condition and I feel as if I ■ i had 100 per cent, more vim and vi . tality. I gladly give this statenieent • in the hope tHat others who have not already tried this great remedy to take it for their ailments, for I am sure it will help more than anything.” Flor Sale by Gfcoon Drag Co., and druggists everywhere. 1 ————to— mjgm———m Plant Something i Now is an ideal time to 1 plant something in those idle ’ places on your property. These vacant spaces will pay divi : dends if planted with our | plants. We have an extra fine lot of fruit trees, vines, etc., to select 1 from. Our line of shrubbery is i second to none. Our Rosea, | Spinreaa, Foraythiaa, Wage* Has, Hydrangoaa, Coniferous land broedleaf evergreens are , of the beat selections and it • 1 will pay you to consult us be ’ fore you plant. Call us for an t estimate of your planting. It s plates you under no obligation. I Crowell’s Plant Farm n a .a mm vorDin street RCA SSOOO RADIOLA ESSAY CONTEST Radio has become such a regular part of our dally life that many of us are inclined to take it for granted— just as we tako the daily newspapers, the automobile, and the telephone as a matter of course. And yet radio broadcasting, as we know it today, has been in existence only five short years. On November 2, 1020, the first regular radio program was broad casted from Station KPKA of the Westlnghouse Electric-& Manufactur ing Company, located at Eaat Pitts burgh, Pa. Today there are dearly 600 radio broadcasting stations in op eration in this country. Os these, the Radio Corporation of America and its manufacturing associates—the Gener-i al Electric Company nnd the Westing-1 bouse Electric & Manufacturing Com-j pany operate a chain of ten powerful radio broadcasting stations reaching all the way across the United States of America from the Atlantic to the Pacific Coast. The young men of this country have played a very important part in the development of radio and their share in the extension of the radio art will be even more significant in the future than it has been in the past. Many of the startling improvements which have been made in radio receiving sets are the result of discoveries made by amateurs and boy experimenters. Therefore, in an effort to obtain ideas which Min be used to improve rndio broadcasting, the Radio Corporation of America will give $5,000 in cash prizes to encourage American boys to OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC I Shades in Harmony With Spring j Our displays have been brightened by the arrival of Beveral styles I in Patents and colored Kids i GRAY—BLOND—APRICOT—PATENT ] attractive in Shape and Finish, adding a touch of color to your ward- 1 > robe and smartness to your nppearance. """* $2.95™ $5.95 MARKSON SHOE STORE PHONE 787 B CHARLESTON? No, not the town, but do you Come in and &£ the Latest Charles ton Dance Records Dance Records on the Victrola KIDD-FRIX : Music and Stationery Co. he* Phone 76 58$. Union St. j Concord, N. C. I «5f SSS I i ! THE UNIVERSAL CAR Three Point Motor Suspension This type of construction was first used by Henry Ford ! in 1903, and has been a feature of the ModeL T power plant [for eighteen years. The two rear supporting brackets of ; the engine are fastened to the frame, while the front ! bearing or trunion, is designed to allow sufficient move | ment to compensate for any twisting of the frame, caused by road irregularities, thus protecting both the crankcase and crankshaft from-distortion, and minimizing the pos sibility of repairs due to misalignment of engine bear ings. The three-point principle is used throughout the car, including front and rear axles. « Reid motor co. ! g _ CONCORD’S FQRD DEALER ■ | Corbin and Church Streets Phone fiSO I I iDCOOOoooooeooooooooonnnipwnnnnnoooaooQoooooooocS Wednesday, March 3, 1920 write essays expressing their views and ideas on radio broadcasting. The essays are to be written under the ti tle “Advantages of jtadio Broadcast ing to the Youth of America’.” It may be on broadcasting at it has been anil ia now, or suggestions and recommen dations on changes for the future im provement of radio broadcasting may be made the subject matter. This essay contest is open to all beys, twelve to eighteen years of age incluaive, living in the United States of America. The contest will start March Ist and will continue until March 31, 1020. The $5,000 in prises will be awarded to the boy authors jof the 206 best essays received. The [firi* priae for the best essay is SI,OOO [in cash. The five next best essays will win S2OO each, and the ten next best esqays wiU win SIOO each, the 50 next best essays will win S2O each, nnd tfi:c 200 next best essays will win $5.00 each. The Concord Telephone Co., autiior ‘ toed dealers of the Radio Corporation ■ of America, have been selected aa the local headquarters and source of con ■ test information. Every boy who w : shes to enter the essay contest should go to the Concord Telephone : Co., RCA. authorised dealer iu his > community and register as H con testant by filling in a contest entry i Wank. The Concord Telephone Co. > will provide boy contestants with a i copy of the essay contest rules and i will gladly render them every possible i assistance.

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