Wednesday, 2* 1926 ??? ?? ? t I * • • • • * • Goodyears won’t talk back to a traffic cop, but they’ll [! die road an awful arguments—and a long one. Miles j| and miles of trouble-free service are built into this big, X sturdy, tough treaded tire. x by the world’s largest and best ;i \ known faianufacturer. Volume production and effi- ]j; cient methods- make quality possible prices like we now have ; - ( '' Come in and get 2 grice on your size Goodyear. . ] Yorke & Wadsworth Co i + c THE OLD RELIABLE HARbWAR? STORE | PHONE 30 I Protect Your Property and Your Money - ' SWHWBPBf house, when painted with j v * Marietta House Paints, is pracd \ | * r cally guaranteed against tie ravages of JH M foul weather by the Marietta Service UJROIWImS Certificate. No other paint manufac- Ttrer offers you such a certificate. Ask us about it today. Concord Paint & Paper Company 342 N. Church Street Phone 16L MAfaKTTA PAINT SERVICE STATION EVERETT TRUE " BY CONDO^ - SAY* t, AMP 1 VP(P> WHAT'S TH®. 1 AG. A INST IT, I SAYS ] Colonel House’s "Intimate Papers" j Arouse Ire of Wilson’s Friends. By CHARLES P. STEWART I NEA Service Writer ! Wnshingtrn, Marc'a 2.—Admirers of Woodrow Wilson aren't a bit pleased with Colonel Edward M. House's "Intimate Papers,’ 1 which the colonel just publishing. Neither are admirers of William I Jennings'Bryan. I If there was any doubt about the way they fcbl toward House, Con gressman Edgard Howard, of Nebras- I ka. removed it by the speeeh he made I ou the subject in the House of Rep- I reselltatives recently. * * » Henry Cabot Lodge's posthumous book is out-and-out hostile to the late ex-president, but it any thing like the amount of Indignation among tbe latter’s friends that House's has. Lodge never pretended to like Woodrow Wilson. W'iiat his book says is what it might have been expected to say. House professes to write as a friend, but as the Wilsonites see it. he appears tp be anything but friend ly. -* » * Wbnt's more, the Wilson folk sur mise that the ColoneJ wrote ns he did on purpose. , li isn’t much of a secret that Wil son and House cooled toward one an other toward the end Os the former's second tariff—or, at any rate, Wilson cooled toward House. Tbe critics openly express the opin ion that House is trying to get even —perhaps unconsciously, the charit able ones add. But, by no means are they all charitable. With this idea in their heads, no wonder they'-re resentful. She’s Glad and We’re Glad. The English countess of Cntehcart was mhde because she was denied admittance to the United States and she vented her spite by saying- she was glad she was a Britisher and net n mere American. This calls to mind the song in “Pinefore” which runs: He is an Englishman 1 For he himself has said it. And it’s greatly to his credit That he is an Englishman. For he might have been a Roosian A french, or Turk,'or l’roosian, Or perhaps I-tal-i-an. But in spife of all temptations To, belong to other nations He remains an Englishman, Hurrah 1 He remains an Englishman. Hurrah ! e The first international trade union congress was held ut Copenhagen 25 years ago. If you tell us of your LB jH plans for s, effecting al W gB Change of lighting fix- ML jM tnrea ih your home we )*( JB will furnish you with a 'B minimum i estimate of J f what it will Cost to do "FixfJres of Character” U B W. J. HETHCGX L 9 W. Depot St. Phone 660 > Now is the Time to Plant Hyacinth Bulbs All Colors \ ' Gibson Drug Store The Rexall Store ——-TTT .J. e . I V,V.S?ffTyggSSg 500 Votes on the Dollar All This Week on Collec ; *4y tions Tou don’t have to keep an eye on us. T)iis -ia a store where fair dea'i ig is a habit land phone orders receive conscientious attention. t Sanitary Grocery Company HWSB miM THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE ... ... OtJT OUR WAY= BK WILLIAMS S— ; j— — LphwtxßC. SHO\MS SOU ZcMOW rtORR'-f\ .UMDBRSfrw- ART! /'UP! QvX Th.S \ OD GOSH. TH DoKE. >TS Tri GoOO'WAR! \ MtLLMIMGrTOM lAJHICH QinKj' MAOniPiiKA ,< =>PReSS»OM! I ] :keo mapqleem ft? ' D y M MAPoLEUM , CAmT HOLD M 4 dkj'go RoomD MO * LICKED MOWKEMiM \ MOUTH LiKCThiS TIT-likj RtTf nuncD '•*s* WAR TOO MUCH ? /a\muCH LOMC.ER* y/ mlh apt MM MOM’N POP BY TAYLOR «UO MR.TWTe - 'l ZDOM'T TStt mTiTS J' TflEiO l!& sU4C^M lOSSTTA’S INTOWM- MAV 3c WOU'D J T/\ A klTTce gErree comb over this euenimcT ( W'A N !X BTir ' ol ' J SRiNe chick c JI|X he Should Suj leave we obT or - I'm \ 8E mouth lsss to Peso MM O oooooooraoowoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooqr i ' ; FANCY DRY GOODS WOMEN’S WEAR OOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC I Let Us Insure the Life of Your | Baby Chicks I By Feeding Them Startina and ! Baby Chic Chow We have plenty on hand all the time. Also Chicken | Chowder and Hen Chow. Will give you more eggs. ( Cash Feed Store PHONE 122 SOUTH CHURCH ST. [ ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooa i urn iii in mi i in 111 n nftrr ~i r~ - »' | Last Call For 20c Hensl | a Fair Warning! jg '' ■’ d| i If you have any more Hens to sell this Spring let us " | have them by Thursday noon or this week. We don’t mean Friday. ” We want Fifteen Hundred pounds by that time and " ■ will guarantee price until then. We are buying agent in ; jl Cabarrus County for one of the largest poultry dealers in the South and that is why we are able to to guarantee j; prices and pay more than other local dealers. C. H. BARRIER & CO. iizim m ig^!g..ygJs4 g ,iii ' 4 . I DELCO LIGHT I Light Plants and Batteries Deep and Shallow Well Pumps for Direct or Alter- 9 j nating current and Washing Machines for Direct or Al- 5 t ternating Current. I R. R OWEN, Agent j ...Phone 669 Concord, N. C. XXWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOdI I Alemite Lubricating Service I Drive your ear around and let us grease it with ALEMITE CHASSIS and TRANSMISSION LUBRICANT, a lubricant that really allows the easy shifting of gears, even in zero weather, and one that really makes a difference in fjhe flexibility of the springs, and riding quali ties of your car. CAR WASHING TIRE CHANGING FREE CRANK CASE SERVICE Central Filling Station | PHONE 700 j Now on Display for Your Inspection j j X We are now showing the largest line of Hammock Swings we have 2 0 ever shown at one tiipe, Words cannon tell the beauty and wonderful j < X Comfort and Satisfaction you will have if you select one of our Troy M Q Sunshade Hammock Swings for your porch this summer. Exclusive K 0 Styles, Patterns, and designs make these swings the MOST BEAUTI- 9 X FPL EVER SHOWN IN CONCORD. O COME IN AND BE CONVINCED. WE HAVE THEM. 5 All Troy Swings equipped with patented adjustable backs and X head rests. i H. B. WILKINSON $ Out of the High Bent District, Where Parting Space Is Plentiful 1 O and time unlimited. O Concord Kannapolis, Mooresviiie China Grove V Hot Water! is surely a friend in need and match and in a few minute# ; 5 . Pays for itself quickly 7 f E.B. GRADY PLUMBING AND HEATING DEALER Office and Show Room 39 E. Corbin St. Office Phone 334 W PAGE SEVEN