PAGE EIGHT 'T'vt'V I- ' : ./•«* *■-■ ■+ *Kjt a r ATTENTION MOTHERS! I I Sale of Bloch Go-Carts : We have just received a big shipment of Bloch Go- , i Carts. On account of the large quantity purchased, we l got them at a big reduction. While this shipment lasts - ! we will sell Carts at About Half the Former Price. New i; Goods, High Grade, Round Fibre Carts, Adjustable foots, ; j, Reclining backs. Four wheels, rubber tires, adjustable r \ hood, all lined. A real high grade Go-Cart that you will j | be proud to push, at less than you ever paid before. j. a. r Cash or Terms. See them in our window today. jl 1 f i j .. r Concord Furniture Co. THE RELIABLE FURNITURE STORE : COAL ] No Dealer in Concord Sells Coal for Less than I do. JI Best Furnace Coal SB.OO to $ll.OO. Best Grate and Stove Coal SB.OO to $9.00. j | Best Steam Coal $4.00 to $7.50. j i i Best Gas House Coke—Made in Concordsß.so. Purchase Your Coal where you can get QUALITY i j i, and SERVICE. | I A. B. POUNDS 1 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQ Come To Our Store Tomorrow X We have received by Express this week several new ! 5 styles in the much wanted light colors. Also Black Satin \ \ Pumps in pleasing combinations of Silver Kid. We are \ j better prepared now to supply your shoe wants than ev er before. W T e have the styles you want ! $3.95 to SIO.OO IVEY’S THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES 300000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 [lloSSs] j! PHONE 74 IPOAI sL # im B J Plaster j Mortar Color* akooooooooooooonoooooooroooooooooooooooooooooooofr I The Hat Mode of the Moment— THE NEWEST LINES THE SMARTEST SHADES THE IMPORTANT FABRICS New Hats just out of their tissue paper wrappings, | bring millinery fashions for spring expressing every im portant phase at an extremely moderate price. Types and ! shades Paris emphasizes. *■■■■■ ■ 1 - CONCORD PRODUCE MARKET #£ . (Corrected Weekly by CUne k Moose) Figures named represent prices paid far produce on the market: cas?. k . i ■sea - .25 Mb* ,—-1 *l.lO Sweat potatoes *llsO Turkeys - .25 Onions *1.76 jS Onuntry Shoulder JO Fifty years ago the longest tele phone call that could he made wa* over a line two miles long in Boston. Today a ea)l 'can be made from Cali fornia to Cuba, a distance of don than 6,000 mllee. * Program, invitations. Announcements printed promptly at The Times- Tribune Job Office. We have a beautiful liae of wadding invita tions and announcement* in stock and «an finish on a-few hoars no thm. Times-Trflmns Job Ofitee. Buetneas or T)alU*g Coeds Ben«Hf*l» iy printed on abort nodes at The Times-Tribune Job Office. ts. THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE Concord Daily Tribune TIME OF CLOSING MAILS The time of the closing of mails at the Concord postoffice is as follows: NortbbehnA 186—*1:00 P. M. So*-1O:OO A. M. 34 4:10 P. M. 88— B:3Q P. M. SO —11:» P. M. Southbound 89— 9:30 A. M. 45 3:30 P. M. 135 8:00 P. M. I 29—11:00 I*. Id. ' , LOCAL MENTION | The regular meeting of the Con cord Kiwanis Club will be held at the Y. M. C. A. tomorrow at 12:30- One new on«e of scarlet fever was reported this morning to the eounty health department. Movies will be shown tenight at the county home by attaches of the Y. M, C. A. Tomorrow night they willl be shown at the Hartaell Mill. Willis M- Dorton left Wednesday for Blaek Mountain, where he has accepted a position with the T. H. Matthews Eleetrical Shop. Grammar grade teachers of the county will meet at the court house here Saturday morning at. 10:l?0. Work assigned for them at the last i meeting will be discussed and studied ■ by the teachers here Saturday. i Persons interested in the organiz- j iag of the Gibson Mill baseball team j are invited to the meeting to be held • at No. 2 school tonight at 7 :30. Full plaus for the team probably will be made at the meeting, There will be no preaching services at New Gilead Reformed Church on Sunday. The congregation has been invited to attend the opening of the new Trinity Reformed ClTUrcli iu this city on that day. According to a deed filed yester day at the court house W. L. Rob bins has sold to W. IS. and E. A. Robbins for $lO and other valuable considerations property on Buffalo ■ street. Ward One. this city. \ G. C. Heglar. well known Tarmer | of this eounty who has been ill for several days. is now undergoing i treatment in the Charlotte Sanntor -1 ium. He is resting very comfortably I today, it is reported. i Mrs. Lou Barringer died early this morning nt the State Hospital at Morganton, according to a tlegram to county officials. She formerly re sided on Route No. 3, Mt. Pleasant. It is probable that the body will be brought to the county for burial. I Dr. E. F. Weist, of Ohio, promi ! neut minister and speaker of the Re l formed Church, will speak in Trin j ity Reformed Church here April 12th. f Members of “Our Sunday Gang” have [ been given a special invttafion to nt -1 tend the service. Youngsters of the Y. M. C. A. are planning a big Ping Pong Tourua ' ment during the month- The tourna ment will begin March 22nd and \ continue through the 27th. Many players have already signed for places in the list of contestants. Friday, March 5, will be Oliver Day at Yorke & Wadsworth Co.'s store. I.unch will be served at noon, and a string band will furnish mus'e. You are cordially invited to be the guest of the store on that day. Read the particulars in ad. in this paper. Rev. Harris B- Thomas, rector of All Saints Episcopal Church, was called to Morganton today by the sudden death of the wife of the rw ) tor of the Episcopal church of tfaot y city. Due to his absence there wfl bo no services in All Saints church ‘ this evening. i | Police officers again this morning I reported (to new business.", “It has I been unusually quiet during the | week." brie officer stated, "the public j i Seemingly being determined to give I us litt\e to do." No session of the I recorders court was held yesterday I afternoon, as no case had developed since Monday. The aldernu n are ready to re- ’ eeived request for more streets and sewer lines at their March meeting ; at the .city hall tonight, it is said. It is predicted that street extension work probably will not be outhorized until several sewer line® have been aid. The meeting is scheduled to begin at 8 o'clock. J Persons who entered the 1925 “Bet * ter Garden Contest” will have •until March 15th file their reports, ac cording to information reciived by Miss Oooley. eounty home demonstra tion agent. Miss Cooley states that a number of splendid reports hare been received by her and she expect* to have them all in by the fifteenth. Premiums to be given for’ school exhibits at the nex' Cabarrus Coun i ty Fair are being worked out now. Prof. J. W. B. Long, principal of No. 2 School, will be in charge of the display but he has asked Prof. J. B- Robertson, county superintendent of schools, to aid him in deciding! that exhibits will be awarded with prise*. t | J. M'. Hendrix has nn unusual fifty-cent piece, or at least on* with which -tagt, too much, or , faulty your fdod, often causes 'VwmmiiAtter Steals. A i ® lrich washed down witg-4 swallow w water, will help to Jfrfhg prompt Trilef. Bloat ! pdngymptouw ‘T f ( °4Mst}on Saf | disappeared Wr T B|a»k-Dra«gbt. ia* been takes »j( days. > NC-1M Quick Way to End Dangerous Cough Why let a dangerous cough hank oo when you can, through « simple treat l ment, get speedy relief and often break it up completely in 24 boors? This treatment ia based on the fa' moua Dr. King’s New Discovery for Coughs. You take ju«t one teaspoon' ful and hold it in your throat far 15 of 20 seconds before swallowing It It hat ‘ a double action. It not only soothes ; and heals irritation, but alio remove* 1 the phlegm and congestion which art i the real cause of the coughing. So the worst cough quickly disappears. * Dr. King’s New Discovery ia lot coughs, chest colds, bronchitis, spas modic croup, etc. Fine for children, too—no harmful drugs. Very econom ical. as the dose is only me teaspoon' fu * At Atkfof t bill A ffuAJA I fflkT y r -'" ' '' ’ gcsociooeooooooooo»poDfloooQooooooooootx>oooooooooo6 I The Biggest Tailoring I SALE Os The Season I Thursday, Friday and Saturday MR. HARRY ROSENBERGER epresenting Schloss Brothers & Co. | of. Baltimore Designers and Makers of “The Clothes Beautiful’’ ! ORDER YOUR EASTER SUIT NOW 5j BE MEASURED BY AN EXPERT HOOVER’S,Inc. J THE YOUNG MAN’S STORE Avoid the Epidem- 1 ic WHY HAVE SPRING FEVER? It will not be long until spring and people will begin to complain about haviog a tired, laxy feeling, weak and rundown, no appetite. Thia feeling ia often called Spring Fever. There are several things that may cause this feelllng, the most common of these is Constipation, Inactive Liver and Stomach. These Vital Organa can be greatly assisted, and the system improved by taking SMI-LAX TONIC and LAX ATIVE Compound. This medicine helps nature to throw off the poisons from the system, and allows the ton- ' ic properties of this medicine to have full power which makes it a wonder- ; ful tonic. Why not try a few bottles ot this wonderful, medicine and get yourself in condition to avoid the Spring Fev er? This NEW and WONDERFUL medicine, is carefully and properly I made from the preparations and com- P pounds of Roots, Barks and Minerals | that have been uked for generations as a Tonic and Laxative, blended with aromatic to make it pleasant to take. Recommended as ano aid in the treatment of the following complaints: Loss of Appetite, Weak and Run down Condition of the System, Indi gestion, Constipation, Stomach and Liver. For. sale by All Litifiltijt Drug Stortt. " ‘ v Make Your Hens Lay Make Your Chicks qnd Pullets Grow CQRXO FEEDS jAro Msde For Each Made of all- so gad clean grains and material. SpW' ofi a gplratitee. Begin little chitks with Cornq But termilk Feed. FoßO# with Corno Growing Mash- Use Corno .Laying Mash and Ohrno Scratch Feed—they make most eggs We have Corno Feeds in all sixes. Cline & Moose j The best sympathy rs is only human for a fu neral director to fed sym pathetic in the presence of bereaved petrous. But k if real sympathy when he recog. nixes an obligation td see to it that the highest characfe* of burial equipment Is furnished at honest pride*. Such a policy , has been responsible tor the success of this concern. Typical of the burial equip ment furnished by Us is the Clark Grave Vault, recognized as a leader In the vault indus try, because ft gives positive end permanent protection. WILKINSON’S FUN. SEAL HOME 2 can *—Day or Night j .*B6 Thursday, March 4, 19^6 By Tctzer Z Yobke lunii l unu I Dad was burned out once and he had no fire .insurance, Jt took him sixteen years to get back on his feet. He says it wouldn’t have taken six teen aays if he’d listened to the insurance agent. urines eum atjf\ h;'-' ■ / aagaggaßincfflaaßf .-cPßaa \1 SKIN DISEASE RSSMDUE tnaunnt attuTSlk, - T* Rln«v«rm.T««trVro»heJii-h' / In* -siln dlaaasa*. trr this 1 ‘ traatmsnt at our dak. -- PEARL DRtIG 00. ‘ ' X ' l . ' CONCORD COTTON MAl^m~, THURSDAY, MARCH 4, IMS Cpttpn . —-I—: .17 ...IS Cotton' aeHl . J .. 92 l'S 300000000000000000000009 I Mail m Carriers Like you, we slop at X mqst homes on Main Q Street regularly, meeting B another necessity—dry X cleaning service. You fi make more stops now Q than we do, but it may be 8 noticeable to you that our £ service-cars are seen oft- fi ener each year. Which 8 mean* reputation is rec- % ommendation, and that 9 has-created a preference 8 for us. 8