PAGE EIGHT "'■-m r -— 1 1 —• I,| I iPfSfi |Yt .£ ziiZjZzJ"* far *“ w i kffim will J"- -• V\ ©HP®' THE BEDSPRING LUXURIOUS DeLuxe is the most luxuriously comfortable bedspring made. It will give you a.lifetime of satisfactory service and more soothing delightful healthful repose than you have ever known Luxurious comfort in the beds jiving JJeLuxi* i* a result of special features iti the construction, among which are she extra long highly tenijieretl conical ceils tied together diagonally at the tcji with elastic helical coils. These coils are securely attached to ttl<‘ large coils by Patented S-Hook Fasteners which insure the integrity of the entire fabric and distinguish I>eEuxe frr.m its many interior imi tations. Each coil thus given free Ko. '. i j . QsLu*‘ kandaomth/ finished in Roms Cray Enamel and will fit metal or wood bods (and bow-foot wood beds) vrithaai cr.y clangs. stmt’s the Bsosf&uiO) not the bed or mattress tbit nukes ill the Jiilcrcuc*.^ Concord Furniture Co. THE RELIABLE FURNITURE STORE F COAL I No Dealer in Concord Sells Coal for Less than I do. 5 Best Furnace Coal SB.OO to $ll.OO. 8 Best Grate and Stove Coal SB.OO to $9.00. I 1 2 Best Steam Coal $4.00 to $7.50. 8 Best Gas House Coke—Made in Concordsß.so. Purchase Your Coal where you can get QUALITY ! X and SERVICE. ] I A. B. POUNDS 600000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 C I Come To Our Store Tomorrow | We have received by Express this week several new A styles in the much wanted light colors. Also Black S.ttin x Pumps in pleasing combinations of Silver Kid. We are fi better prepared now to supply your shoe wants than ev- 8 er before. We have the styles you want $3.95 to SIO.OO IVEY’S \ | THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOeXMOOOOOOOCXMOOO j K L CRAVEMSoSsI PHONE 74 COAT h. 8 VV 1 mil Plaster 8 Mortar Color* 1 1 The Hat Mode of the Moment— fi THE NEWEST LINES il THE SMARTEST SHADES S THE IMPORTANT FABRICS S New Hats just oift of their tissue paper wrappings, ; • bring millinery fashions for spring expressing every im- I portant phase at an extremely moderate price. Types and ■ shades Paris emphasizes. I dom df a< tiou and the bedspring is made flexible, so that it follows the contour of the tignre and supports the whole body buoyantly in a natur al and therefore healthful position. It does not lige a hammock or jiitch to the side of heavier weight when oc cupied by two persons. Tranquilized and made drowky with a sense of phys ical comfort, you drift off into sound and refreshing sleep. TOE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE [ Concord Daily Trifmnd TIME or CLOSING MAILS The time of the closing of mail* at the Concord postoffice is as follows: NoitMeW 186-41:00 P. M. 86-110:00 A. M. 34 4!10 P. M. , 88— 8:30 P. M. ! 30—U :00 P. M. SoOthboand 11 89— 9:30 A. M. x I 45 3 :30 P. M. 135 8:00 P. M. . 29—11:00 P. 14. j LOCAL MENTION | Master Joe Green is confined to | bis home on East Corbin street on ac count of i’luess. The Mt. Pleasant Collegiate In stitute and DeMolay basketball teams will play at the high school gym here tonight at T :30. March, noted as a windy month, has more than lived up to her reputa tion so far. Kite flying has been much in vogue as a result of the high winds which have prevailed every day during the week. Free movies will be shown at the Hartsell Mill school tonight at 7 o'clock by attaches of the' Y. M. C. A. The usual Saturday night pro gram will be offered at the Y tomor row night at 7 o'clock. The basketball team of Company G. national guard unit of \V instou-Snl natioiml guard unit of Winston-Sal em, will play the company E team here tonight. The game will be stag ed at the Y. M. C. A. beginning at 8 o'clock. John G. Dawson, chairman of the State Democratic executive eommiit tee, has issued a call for a committee meeting in Raleigh on March 10th. The session will be held at the eapi tol building at S p. in., with various matters of importance to be trans acted. Inmates of the county home were given a fine treat Thursday night when attaches of the Y. M. C. A. showed several reels of moving pic tures at the home for their interest and pleasure. The program created much interest among the inmates, it is sa d. One of the "white way” poles at the intersection of Union and Depot streets is being changed. The pole had to be set back several feet due to the fact that the street has been wid ened at that point. The sidewalk and street at this point will also b“ changed. Police officers this morning reported only two cases on docket for trial in recorders court this afternoon. One defendant is charged with abandon ment and non-support and the other With forgery. Business with local officers has been very quiet dnring the prist week. Rev. C. Herman Trueblood. pastor of the First Baptist Church, will preach a special sermon Sunday af ternoon at 5 o’clock foe members of "Our Sunday Gang.” Members of the organization are asked to meet at the Y at 4:30 and March to the Church in a.body. H. W. Blanks and A. F. Hartsell will leave Sunday night for Nash ville. Tenn.. to attend a meeting of training agencies for the Y. M. C. A. Other associations in North Carolina and other southern cities will be ip attendance at the meeting which will begin Monday night. Temperatures did not drop so low in Concord during Thursday night. Tuesday night was exceedingly cold, but during Wednesday and Thursday pights it was some warmer, although ice was reported Thursday morning, i Rising temperatures are promised for tonight and Saturday. Special seats will be reserved for j members of “Our Sunday gang” at the Y tomorrow night when the weekly movie program will be given. ! The Fox News reel, given weekly by the Star Theatre, will along with the serial story dealing with life in the country back in the '49's. The baseball season gets officially underway here this afternoon when ' the Wildfires, a Y club of No. 2 school, meets a team from WinecofE school. The game will be played at the Locke Mill park and is expected to attract a big crowd. The season is still young, but not too young for these youngsters. R. W. and 1.. E. Hnffin, executors of the estate of J. A. Hahn, will sell at public auction, for cash, on Thurs day. March 11th, at 10 o’clock a. m., at the late residence of J. Alexander Halm, three miles east of Mt. Pleasant, N. C.. on AlbAnarle- Mt. Pleasant highway, a lot of per aonal property. The tournament of volleyball first i scheduled for Atlanta, then carded for 'Charlott.e has been ..changed to J Salma, Alabama. Kannapolis will t represent North Carolina in the tour [ ney and will gndeavor to Show the f southern fans some teal North Caro [ Una volleyball The date for the [ meet— April 12th — still remains un ’ changed. ’ ÜBE PENNY COLUMN—IT PAYS CONCORD PRODUCE MARKET (Corrected Weekly by Cline & Moose) Figures named represent prices pail for produce on the market: a*™ :::::: |mat is alleged. Resides the chick en fights, games were indulged in and a general good time was had I from pari.v moraine until late in tbe evening. It is Mid by one of the 1 1 party in attendance that several I hundred 'people assembled there I from Raleigh, Wilkraboro, Salisbury, Concord, Charlotte, Rock Hfll, Tain caster, Gaffney, Statesville and XlooresvfUe. with a few stragglers jfromnpMrhew epresenting , _* , Schloss Brothers & Co. I] ' of Baltimore \ ii. Designers and Makers of “The Clothes Beautiful” 1 | ORDER YOUR EASTER SUIT NOW > !.* ] ; BE MEASURED BY AN EXPERT HOOVER’S,Inc. | | THE YOUNG MAN’S STOtfE | Avoid the Epidem ic WHY HAVE SPRING FEVER? It will not be long until Bpring and people will begin to complain about having a tired, laay feeling, weak and rundown, no appetite. This feeling is often called Spring Fever. 3bere ar Made' you that our j (service-cars are seen oft- j ener each year. Which 8 means reputation is rec- 8 ommeridation, and that F has created a preference fi for us. . ' jjj k nmtsmi * "MASTER” Cleaners and Dyers M Office M-WiW. Depot St