Monday, M*rch 8, 1028 fSOCIETV 1 Oriental Lanvin Capri blue is one of the neW notes in Oriental jewelry. It Is shown here In conjunction with pearls of ' * pinkish tinge, a deightful com binstUus MEETING IN INTEREST OF MEMORIAL, COINS Various Organizations of City to At tend Meeting In Interest of Coin Campaign. Various organizations of the city will be represented at a meeting at the Merchants and Manufacturers Club this evening when plans will'be - made for a campaign here in the in terest pf the sale of Confederate me morial coins. f Mrs. IV. M. Linker is chairman of the local campaign committe and she has asked members of the various Or ganizations to assist her in the cam paign. ' / Miss Elizabeth Conrad, of Char lotte, pub'icity director for the cam paign In North Carolina,'is expected to attend the meeting tonight. It is probable that former Governor Came ron Morrison, of Charlotte, willl at tend also. The campaign for the sale of the coins will be, ended within a few days and it is planned to make the drive here a very* energetic one. : V:, ■" ' • Misses Smoot Entertain. A social event of much beauty and. interest was the bridge party glyan Saturday night by Misses Yirgpjia and Annis Smoot for Miss Bertie Louise Wiileford. wbp will be wedded in April to J. A. Goodman. Tlie/liome wd» beautifully decorat ed with jonquils and bridge wgs played at eight tables. Following plgy refreshments were served. Those invited were: Misses Adple and Mary Phifer Pemberton. Lucy Richmond - Lentz, Margaret Virginia ErWn, ' Mary ptNefll. (Elizabeth Smith, Mary Matthaws. Itertur-Loßiß* —wHiaMMir Piak \Villcford. Pat Adams, Helen Mgph, Julia Harry, Ruth f , annoti, Mary Bolfr Oaunon, Margaret Ritcdie, Kathryn Carpenter, Mary and Valda Grow ell. Rebecca Dnyvault. Grace I-awrcnce. Miss Arrovrood ami Mes dames T. N. Spencer. F. M. Young blood, .1. Lee Crowell, ,Ir., L- T. Hart- Sell, Jr., Stanton Northrup, William Ritt'hie, Ernest Robinson, Neai Pharr, Kenneth Caldwell, Farrell White and T. N. Deaton, Jr. The guest of honor prize was pre sented to Miss ■ Willefprd, the top score prize to Miss Arrowopd and the -consolation to Miss Dayvaoit. War Mothers to Moot Tuesday. The Whr Mothers will h°ld thpir meeting Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the home of Mrs. D. L Rost. Hostesses with Mrs. Rost are: Mesdamcs G. W. Means, M. L. Buch anan and Jack Rost. Mrs. John Ritchie>will have charge of t'.ie devo tional exercises. AH members are ~ urged to be present make plans for the state convention, which will be held ip Concord at an early date. Receive at V. 11. C. Reception. Mrs. W. R. Odell and Mrs. C. R. Wagoner,, of Concord, were members of the receiving line at the reception give,n in Charlotte last week by tt>e- Daughter* of the Confederacy in hon or pf Daughters of the American Rev olution present for their state con ference. . | - i ==r pt+EST COLDS I Redden the skin fcy the use of hot applications, Then massage briskly With Vicks, spread Vicks on thickly and cover with hot flapnel cloths. VJSJS* Peer 17 MUUam Jmn tW oopooooooooooooooooottooc jjj FINE^GEMS. A in obsolete mountings are as in- X u consistent as young girls dress- 0 J ed ip Grandma's clothes. The 9 $ village gossip has nothing an O 5 the wedding ring when il comas- fi II to telling yonr age. Let us 8 1 5 modernize your old wedding 9 | ? ring. It doesn’t mar the orig- X 11 inal engraving, t ;! S. W. Preslar | ;{ JEWELER - 8 I Ask us about The “Lucky Two- O | hundredth" fi PERSONAL. Miss Pat Adams returned to Ashe ville this morning after spending two weeks here with Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Houston. * • e •Miss Fgnnie Person . Rudge, who spent the week-end with her aunt, Mrs. W. C. Houston, returned to Sal em College this morning, see' 1 Mrs. W. C. Houston will attend the! Woman’s Missionary Council Meeting in Raleigh March 10-17. • • * | Mr. and Mrs. Roy Crooks and chil dren spent Sunday with Mrs. Crook*’ father, J. A. Johnston, near Moores viUe. y * e f Mr. apd Mrs. I. I. Davis and Mrs. J. A. Cannon and Misses Betsy and Minnie Hill Davis left this morning for Asheville, where they will attend the Jeritza concert this evening. * * * Friend ß of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Newton will regret to hear that both Mr. and Mrs. Newton are confined to their home on Ann street by influenza. * * * Roland Haupt is- confined to his home on Elm street by illness. His condition is somewhat improved, his friends will be glad to learn. * • i Mr. and Mrs. Q. F. Rost, of Char lotte, spent Sunday here with George IV. Petren and family. * a" a Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Smithdeal. of Winston-Salem, spent Sunday in Mt. Pleasant with the latter’s mother, Mrs. Sallie Misenheimer. (Mrs. L. A. Falls,'of Granite Quaf ry. who was the guest last week of Mrs. T. L. Chaney, is now visiting Mayor and Mrs. C. H. Barrier. *« * 1 Mr. and Sirs C. M. Sappenfield. Miss Kathleen Sappenfield ahd Frank j L. Sappenfield spent Sunday in Shel by. They were accompanied home [ by Mrs. C. M. Sappenfield. Jr., and daughter, who will spend a week here, i • * * Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Folkes and son spent Sunday in Charlotte with Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Troy. * * * Mrs. A. G. Odell and son. John K., returned Sunday morning from New York, where they have been visiting ! Mrs.. Ralph Qdell. ** * | Misses Annie Gufy payvaplt and j Louise Wefib spent thp wepk-end in j Dgyidsop with friends. •i • ! Rev. A. T. fain is spending the week in Atlanta, attending an evan gelical conference. ♦. f V Mrs. T. D. Maness spent the week end in Albemarle with home folks. • • • Miss Grace Lawrence, of Greens boro, was the week-end guest here of ■ apd Mrs. J. E. Smoot. - - f • I Among the Concord persous at tending the play. “Rose Time,” given I at the China Grove elementary school by the Teacher Training class Fri-_ day evening were: Misses Lillian* Hamilton, Edna Taylor, Violet Sea- j mone. Glenn Parks, Mrs. Hall Taylor and Mrs. H. C. Parks, the latter hav ing a sister in the class. * * • Miss Doris Funderburk, of Lake Charles, Ra., > s visiting htr aunt, Mrs. F. H- Adden, on West Corbin street. * * V Jacob Moose, of Cn&rlotte, spent Sunday in Concord. * * « Misses Lucy and Eleanor Crowell, of Queens College, Charlotte, spent Sunday here with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Crowell, Sr. • m * Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Scarboro and children, of Danville, Ya„ and Sirs. H. 8. Stirewalt and children, of I Charlotte, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Cline. * • * Mrs. William Ritchie ,:s spending I several days in Dnrhnm with home folks. * * /> Mr. and Mrs. Rob Roy Peary and Mr. and Mrs- H. B. Wolff, of Salis bury. sp,ent Sunday here ait the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Wolff. Compliments Miss Coltrane. The society editor of The Charlotte Observer, in her social items column Sunday carried the following: One of the handsomest and most beautinilly gowned woipen at the re cent state D. A\ R. conference was | Miss Jenn Coltrane, of Concord, form-1 cr historian-general of the national i society D. A- R. Miss Coßrane is a frequent yisitor to Charlotte aud is much admired here as well as throughout the state. Surprise Birthday Din per. \ The family and relatives and a few | (fiends of Mrs. J. P„ Starnes met at the home of Mr, Luther Hurlocker at Mt. Pleasant Sunday and gave Mrs. Starnes a surprise birthday dimiev ■Almost 6ne hundred wore present. Mrs. Starnes was 02 years of age on March sth. All had a wonderful din\ npr and all Wished her many more i happy years. ONE PRESENT. Will Be Model in Fashion Show. 1 Miss Adelaide Harris, of this city, ; wilj be one of the models in the fash i ion show to be held in Charlotte to | morrow night in the interest of the Presbyterian Hospital auxiliary, i /.Seventy gowns will be i&own by | Boh Marche, Belk Bros., Eflrd’s, I Ivey’s Mellon!*, Moose and Staten. I Thd show will be staged in the [ Chamber of Comoierce building. i tA. Margaret’Aun. Bunn was I Miss Louise Talbirt before her inar [ riage. They are at tbe home of her | parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Talbirt, ' on Marsh street. , HUNDREDS PACKED INTO NEW CHURCH BUILDING YESTERDAY Trinity Reformed Cburcb Filled to I Capacity at Morning and Evening Yesterday was the / greatest day m the history of Trinity Reformed Church here. Opening their new 160,000 structure, members of the church saw their building packed at bptb the morning and evening serv ices, with the attendance so large at the evening service that many per sons were turned away. The handsome building was com pleted last week and was occupied for the first time yesterday, services • in many other in the city being suspended last night so that their members could celebrate with the Reformed pyople on their red let ter day. At the morning service several visiting ministers spoke to the large congregation, commending! the mem bers for' their part in the erection Os the building and predicting for the church many years of useful service. At the evening service Rev. J. H. Roller, of China Grove, read the scripture lesson, choosing-the 122 and 123 Psalms. This was followed by prayer led by Rev. T. F. Higgins, pgstor of Forest Hill Methodist Cburtft. ' r ,■ Other ministers spoke in the fol lowing order: Dr. J. C. Rowan, pas tor of the First Presbyterian Church; Rev. C. Herman Trublood, pastor of the First Baptist Church; Rev. R. M. Courtney, pastor of Central Meth odist Church; Rev. L. A. Thomas, Raptor of St. James Lutheran Church ; Rev. M. R. Gibson, pastor of the As sociated Reformed Presbyterian , Chhrch; Rev. Mr. Keller aud Rev. (Rear Biackwelder. pastor of a Luth eranChureh in Baltimore. the service Mrs. J. f B. Wobble was heard in a solo number and several numbers were sung by choir, assisted by Mrs. Womble and R, C. Crooks. Church officials re port the largest attendance in the his tory of the church at the Sunday School service, more than 200 per : sons being present. The special eol- I lpetion amounted to more than S4OO. After the evening service tile church I was flooded with light ami those pres ent were invited to inspect the build ing. > MAKES PLEA FOR NEW MEMBERS FOR LEGION Post Commander McDonald Says Ev ery Ex-Service Man in the County i Should Join Local Post. I The drive for new members for the | Fred Y. McConnell post of the :Amer ' ican Legion is on in full force. Many i members have'been secured but there j are other who should join, in the J opinion of officers of the post. In discussing the campaign, Jeter McDonald, post commander, says: “The drive which the Fred Y. Mc- Connell post of this city has had on since the first of the month comes to a close the night of the 10th. “This drive has been a very suc ■ ccssful one but has not come up to the expectations of the officers of the post because it is their earnest desire to have every ex-service man who served during the war aud who has an honorable discharge on their rost er. If you have not been approached , by any members of the Legiqn just > see any member of the post and he I will take your dues. “Buddies, let's go. It is yopr duty to belong to the American Legion to those who were maimed and] crippled for during the war. “Space cannot tell yoq what the Legion stands for. Become one of the buddies and find out for your selves. Fred Y. McConnell post is depending on you for the coming year.” Musk Department Meeting Postponed. The meeting of the Music Depart ment of the Woman’s Club has been postponed from tomorrow night until Tuesday night of nett week. William C. Monroe, of Charlotte, who will have charge of the program, continues ill so the meeting has been l postponed until next peek so that he cqu be present. Miss Wolff Here. 1 Miss Catherine Wolff, stuitbnt at North Carolina College for Women at Qreynsboro, spent the week-end here, en route to Charlotte to attend the meeting of the North Carolina League of Women Voters. She will address tke meeting on Wednesday. Miss Creighton to Visit Here. Miss Martha Creighton, district home demonstration agent with head quarters in Charlotte, wi|l .spend j Wednesday or Thursday here with Miss Cooley. Cabarrus home demon stration agent. Rokkn Links tp iVJpet. I The Gulden Lings Missionary socie ty of Forest Hill Methodist Church will meet, Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. E. S. Ri mer on Ann Street, with Mrs. Rimer, jMiilfr as hostesses: Born a Son. Born to Mr. nntf Mrs. J. A. Rich, March sth, a son, weight 7 1-2 pounds. Mf*- Rich before marriage was Miss bpllie Faggart, formerly of Concord, dopghtpr of My. and Mrs. C- F. Faggart. >v ] Miss Pemberton 111. Miss Adeie Pemberton, teacher in Central Primary School, is confined to her home, on North Fnioff ptree with influenza. Her condition to dfJ' i* reported as improved. Mrs. Corzine in Hospital. Mrs. W. J. Corzine, who has been • ill for several days frit Iyer lliome , on Crowell street, has entered the Charlotte Sanatorium for treatment- Children 111. | Elizabeth and Murt’hn Sauvaip, daughters ofAMr, and Mrs. Edward /SakVaiu. are confined to their hopie ■ op North Union street with influenza. i ———- —-—, 1 ' v - Virgin:* Ilare Book Club to Meet. The Virginia Dare Bonk Club will , hold ft* regular meeting Wednesday at 3 o’clock, with Mw. J. B. Sherrill. THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE KILEHB NEAR KANNAPOIAS Officers Searching for Henry Bfctfr, 1 Who Is Believed to Have Fired Fa tal Shot. An unidentified negro, snown to some people as John Flowe, but appar ently without friends or relatives in this section of t)>o country, wbb kill ed yesterday afternoon in a railroad shanty, just north of Cook's Cross ing, and Henny Barber, also colored, is being sought as the slayer. The shooting occurred in a shanty occupied as a home by James Barn ett, negro, who was held by the offi cers as a material witness. He tes tified before a coroner’s jury empau- \ neled in Kannapolis this morning by - Joe A. Hartsell, and later 1 was released. The dead man was shot three 1 times, twice in his left arm and once ] in the chest. The slayed used a .32 1 calibre gun. Barnett told the officers that he was 1 in the room when the shooting occur- \ red but was asleep so he did not know how the trouble started. Officers are working on the theeory that the shoot- \ ing followed a quarrel which arose wRIle the men were gambling. Barnett told the officers that he and Barber were the only persons in the room when he went to sleep. When he was awakened by the firing of the gun, he and the dead man were the only persons in the. room, he said. Barber is said to have caught southbound train No. 45 .and to have alighted at Newell. A negro was ar rested there but he was not the right man. Officers in Charlotte were ad vised to be on the watch for him but no arrests were made there. Barber, it is said, carries a long sear on one cheeky the result of a gash said to have been administered by the dead Flowe. Officers take this ns that the men had trouble before the shoot ing affair occurred yesterday after noon. Evangelist R- Services at Reformed Church. A series of evangelistic services, to continue through Friday night of this week, will begin at Trinity Reformed Church tonight. Pleaching nt the services will be done by Rev. George Lonkager. D. D„ Pastor of Corinth Reformed Church, of Hickory, aud special music vHJ be offered at each service. Mrs. J. B. 1 Womble will assist the choir. Dr. Longaker is one of the most i forceful speakers of the Reformed ' Church, a successful pastor and ! preacher of unusual ability. Bafoge i goiug to Hickory he was prominent in \ the work of the Reformed Church i in Ohio for a number of years. The public :s invited to the service. ! Prof. Howard T- Barnes, McGill ! University, Montreal, will visit i Greenland in June with several 1 tons of chemicals to test the effect ] of “heat mines” in breaking up ice- i bergs at their source and thus keep i 1 the North Atlantic free of icebergs ! and permit all-year navigation of 1 1 the St. Lawrence. jor Economical Transportation n H j|lk Mb B m -,mj iVw:.- Tax Reductions x ALLOWED Effective at once, the delivered price of all Chevrolet Models'is reduced. Chev rolet buyers will be given the benefit of the recent reduction though it does not become officially operative until March twenty-ninth. 'l'hus for the third time since the first of this year Chevrolet emphasizes its supremacy in dollar for dollar value. • First—Reduced Price! ' Early in January Chevrolet announced sweeping price reductions. Touring - ssta Then—The Improved Chevrolet Coupe $645 Shortly thereafter the Improved Chevrolet was announced at these reduced _ prices. Instantly it met with such an increase in popularity that it became Cckcfl $645 necessary to break all previous production records for January and February. Sedan s7*s Land'U $765 And Now—A Furtlier Saving 1-2 Ton Truck 3«5 Although the reduction in automobile taxes does not become officially ef (Chassis only) fective for some time, the full amount of this reduction is now passed on to Roadtfers $5lO Chevrolet buyers. Thus Chevrolet again emphasizes that principle of value on which it has buiit the greatest success ever attained by any manufacturer 1 Toil Truck $550 modem shift automobiles. Come in! See the Improved Chevrolet! (Chassis only) One ride will he a revelation. CHEVROLET MOTOR CAR COMPANY Detroit, Micß , > Division of General Motors Corporation v See Your Nearest Chevrolet Dealer QUALITY AT LOW COST l - 1! -——- —** i ... w Let Us SRow You the Improved Chevrolet Today WHITE AUTO CO. i Csst Gorbin Street Phone 888 F F ■ r ‘ » . *“""" ""IIIMI 1 'JiVl’kl 1 . '--I .. ',!■! .--•"■j Sons of Veterans’ Orensnfetiw The following are apointed as rep resenting the Sons of Confederate Vet erans to meet tonight at tiie Mer chants and Manufacturers Club in the interest of Confederate coins: G. Ed. Kestler, M. IL Caldwell, L. A. Wed dington, W. J. Montgomery, Wm. H. Gibson, J. B. McAllister, of Mt. J’leasant, Sam Black, No. 10 township, A. Luther Brown, Kannapolis, Zeb Stafford, Harrisburg. I X | Concord Theatre | -d&l TODAY AND TUESDAY production I Charleston Contest—Paul Qwensby’s Orchestra o 1 °° <3QOOOOOOOO OOOQOQOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOoooooooooooooo The Original Jonah. “Do you realty believe you’re un lucky?” asked an amateur philan thropist after he had donated a dime to a panhandler. “Mfster,” declared the bum solemn ly. “ got such a jinj that if a feller give me a ride in a airplane and we was up five thousand feet, that ma chine'd be bound to fall right on the railroad tracks just as a train was 1 cornin’ alpng.” .. *===— TfD-=r JUssswm 50-54 South Union St., Concord, N. C. Meet the Spring Styles In Our Smart New Coats jUonru,w®| I WRIGLEYS RK. in the New Handy Pack is the biggest value in long-lasting flavorful enjoyment that you can buy. It is the best Peppermint Chewing Sweet for any money. Handy Pack fits hand. ' pocket and purse. Clock lor WE!GIE¥S EiOHandylhck on your Dealer’s Counter ,H jm i , Ip- * Moore’s Varnishes Good varnish protects wood work against its two greatest enemies, wear and moisture. By *r— lu—mi. Wj==p sealing the pores of the wood, it Irpii™ WZ m prevents swelling, shrinking, »;Q«H| llj § warping or decay, protects \ ' I IllllMlllllllllPj *jg | againstroughusage,and6eau(i/?ej. ■ Sf I ill ! There’s a Moore Varnish for HI I every surface—floor varnishes; I—* * —j BJ m interior varnishes for doors, , | walls, wainscoting and furniture; •] I_3T / ■ waterproof varnishes for bath- , iSS. ‘ I room _ s an< * kitchens and exterior* | woodwork. HHH We carry and recommend f ==k Moore’s Varnishes, because they . .t represent honest value at reason. sble prfce. I 1 N Yorke-Wadsworth Cqnipvny [ Benjamin Moore S’Co. I § Points.Varniahes and Muresco ] gggag ptggj x PAGE FIVE