Monday, March 8, 1926 r* r-~ Dinner Stories —■ . •Klii fit. I ™ ***** *• S# Support. | The colored janitor had overheard the head clerk ask the boas for a month's vacation, sayipgbe was go ing to be married. ' "Lawny, lawny!” exclaimed the o’.d man. s-'daking his Iregd. “What de worl' cornin’ to, when, a gernmuu lak dat-only figgera on his ma’iage lastin’ fo' weeks?” tHe Believed It Would you believe it? So far, ! car of mine has coat me only Well, I auppoee that’s one of the antages of the deferred payment The Reckless Age. 1 suppose old Jim Tucker is as gy as ever,” remarked "the former debt in a 'flying Visit to Dinky- Sosh, no!” exclaimed the native, n’s gettln’ to a reg’Tar spend ft. W'jy,. he eVen gets bis hair at the bffrb# shop now!” On the Contrary.' visitor was talking to a' native small town abput things in gen- KU you ever take, In the patent shows?" he inquired. replied the native, “to tell the truth, jt's. generally just the way round.” Average Htmbands. heard there webc it lot of bad ■ll in this town,” remarked the who was touring the west. ■‘Well. mister,” replied the native flourishing city of Holster, "it ■n't pay to listen to women's gos- Play It Safe. Mr. Jones was about to ein- on her first airplane ride ami. enough, was a hit timid Bout the adventure. before we start, young Hn." she cautioned the pilot. “I winy 1 !■ distinctly understood that we’re I to get nut of sight of land.” ||i§ Bought and I’ald For.- I (deck: “Bongfit her flowers, candy, ring and took her to three Shows, d youT No wonder you’re broke!” Harold: “Yes, I'm still paying for e kiss \t thought I stole.” — I Protect Your Property and Your Money house, when painted with / k / Marietta. House Paints, is practi \ g| / caily guaranteed against the ravages of p foal weather by the Marietta Service WRORA PAIH " Certificate. No other paint manufac -1 »*m w 7YK turer offers you such a certificate. Ask I *'Trr“ai^ r, ‘i•» 111 about it today. Concord Paint& Paper Company 340 N. Church Street Phone 16L , MARIETTA PAINT "SERVICE STATION [ EVERETT TRUE . BY CONDcT I "TC5Ca_ MV -HUSCAANIy ~ r HA'S< 'YOU , Toco rte to>. ',• • ’ '' ' Xi\ ': , '• . 'v*. Embarrassing Moments New York Dally Mirror. I On the way home from a party one t night my sister gave me her powder . compact ease to hokl Putting it in my pocket I thought no mb re of it- I When I waff riding to work in the aub ■ way, next day, I had uec*»’on to use ; my handkerchief. In taking it out of my pocket tt)e compact ease dropped to "the floor of the car attracting the "attention of those nearby. Believe me, I blukhed. ' ; ' r The other day 1 took my little daughter to visit a friend of wine bn > her birthday. My little girl took a t box, of handkerchiefs as a gift. Kaeh time we would visit this mend she | would always ask my baby, who is 3 years old. what she would like Her to i bring her when she came to see ha*. • As a rule, she would always say can . dy. This particular time, wheb she was asked,'she said : “Bring my hand kerchiefs tack,” which surely put the . yn an embarrassing position, • S’ - : * j Bant night on my way to the theatre with my frjend, we boarded ' a trolley oar and I said I would pay . the fare. Being sure that I had only . two dimes and a quarter in change, I took off what I thought was a dime, ; dropped it in the change box, and sat down. My frien ®*T n\arried C well That’s a I V f well .you know th® sitoation \ ' OF A DIFFEReNT HORN- )( BUT ENSAGED ) BETTEK’N IDO - BUT tF L LOVED A V I OF COURSE YOU KNOW )> TOLOReTTA- / SIRUY WOULDN’T TAKE ANV \ EDMUND HAS A NICE J ( SHE’S PROMISED y,• CHANCES VJHEN A MARRIAGE LICENSE- / , •NCOME AND CAN J I To WAIT Too 1 C WILL BO THE TRICK - EDMOND 16 A / FROVIDE HER WITH A \ ( FAST WORKER AND >F YOU DON’T home and All the J i —* J V set Susy you’ll ee taking his dust J j I'ANCY DRY GOODS WOMEN'S WEAR Let Us Insure the Life of Your § Baby Chicks By Feeding Them Startina and Baby Chic jChow j! We have plenty on hand all the time. Also Chicken | i \ Chowder and Hen Chow. Will give you more eggs. • |!| Cash Feed Store 111, PHONE I I22 ■ SOUTH CHURCH ST.", ! | Mr. Farmer! We Want Your Poultry. | M W e pay cash and buy almost anything you raise on 8 U the farm. We are the Largest Poultry Dealers in the city. I ■H Poultry Market is still active at 20c per pound for B hens, but we cannot longer guarantee prices. |ij Egg Market active at 25c per dozen. B i-j Butter Market at 25c to 40c per-pond, as to quality. ■ !!j Bring us your Cream. We pay you 3Gc per pound,,net, [i ij per Buttei* Fat. j! C. H. BARRIER & CO. r • <- \ / —■ " ■« I DELCO LIGHT | Light Plants and Batteries Deep and Shallow Well Pumps for Direct or Alter- f J natir.g curient and Washing Machines for Direct or Al- l ' iternatiiig Current) R. H. OWEN, Agent -Phone 669 C. 'fl ROTTER BORING BAR 1 * a H "> have installed a Rotter Boring- Bar which enables us to re {* hcr ? >' uur ““tor W ithoutjsmovsng the Mock from the frame, thereby u saving you practically one-third the cost of ordinary overhaul jobs. M _ We also have a Brake Machine which drills and counter ! sings so that the rivets never come in contact with the brake drum, al-’- so riveting machine which uses sr.lid copper tvbular rivets. Just give us a trial and be convinced. RL’SCO BRAKE LINING, PBEST-O-LITE BATTERIES ANI) 8 ACCESSORIES | Auto Supply & Repair Co. t 8 SMBfeiLs • Limits U ‘t'S-Hilii-i -Iff , T- - ‘ n.i ■ ( ————— m —— » : t -T I VI 300000000000030000000000000C000000000000000C. Refrigerators Refrigerators 1 Just received a solid car load of the world famous Gur- ] v ney Refrigerators. Many different sizes and styles to )ji C' yioose from. A price to meet every pocketbook.. Come '[! S| m and see them today. Igj e £P ve Reeves Tour Votes on all cash purchases and ij l jg 500 per dollar on collections. 1 H. B. WILKINSON O out of t,le Hi * h Rrilt District, Where lurking Space Is Plentiful j ! O and time unlimited. O Ccncord Kannapolis, Moorcsville China Grove t^cocx>ooogHx>oooc)c>ocK?oooooooooooooooooooooooooo 000 BHot Water This gas hot water heater is surely a friend in need and * of every qook mat6h and in a few- minutes steammg hot water will rup Pays for itself quJkly. y ° U _ mb GRADY_ r PAGE SEVEN