Wednesday Mar. 10, IMG [SOCIETY I Feathery Very new is the use of feather triim ming as applied to Jibe circular cuff , of this glove. Natural pheasant and f peacock feathers are used, with a twice fabric clove. Dinner For G. W. Baker. On Sunday, March 7tli, at her home in City View, Mrs. Gertrude Baker entertained at .dinner the following family connections: Three children, Mrs. Gertrude Baker, Mrs. Joyce Yost and Mrs. G. D. Baker; thirteen grand children, two great grand-children and several friends. This dinner was given in honor qf her aged father. G. W. Baker, who celebrated his 84th birthday on March 6th. After the blessing was invoked by Mr. Castor, grandpa Baker invited all the guests to help him eat the Bounti ful dinner. The table was beautiful with the large birthday cake occupying the center bearing the fuscription 1842- 1020. After several hours of soe'able talk the guests departed, wishing the honoree many more happy bifthdays. ONE PRESENT. Mrs. Cannon to Entertain. . Mrs. Joseph F. Cannon will en tertain on Friday evening at her home on North Union street in honor of tjhe ; old and new officers of the Grier Bible class of the First Presbyterian. Church. Mrs. Cannon has been teacher of the class for several years, having been t a recent meeting of the members. However, several new members 'were chosen at the meeting and the party has been arranged for them and the new ones ehosen to succeed them. All members of the class and all who have ever been members of the f class, are invited to attend the purty xXixtoatfanuu by Jin. Canon. » Fapgert-Goodnight. James G. Goodnight aud Miss Kula Mae Faggaret were united In marriage on Sunday evening. March 7th, at Organ Lutheran parsonage. The cer emony was performed by' the pastor, the Kcv. Paul L. Miller- Only a few friends and relatives witnessed the wedding. The bride -was attired in a beauti ful dress of blue satin bark crepe with accessories to match. She is a pretty daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C, C. Faggert of China Grove, and her charming personality has enabled her to command a wide circle of friends. The groom is a promising son of Mr. aud Mrs. H. H. Goodnight of v Kannapolis. lie is a young man of sterling ■After the ceremony the bpdul party together witli Rev. and Mrs. Paul ' . Miller, left immediately for the home of the bride where a delicious supper was served in courses. The couple, after, their honeymoon, make their home in Kannapolis. U. Parents of Son. Boru to Mr. and Mrs. Lacy F. Pen dleton. March Otb, a son. Child OonserV'tion League. The Concord Circle of Child Con servation League will meet with Mrs. F. C. Niblock at her home on White street Thursday afternoon at 3:30. f ■ ■ r-cggann.. ... i-i.jj» r PHEST COLDS, 1. a Refidep the skin by the lisa of hot applications. s Than massage briskly with Vicks, agreed Vicks on thickly and cover with hot flannel cloths. VMS i FINE GEMS. j in obsolete mountings are as in- 8 consistent as young girls dress- 0 i ed iu Grandma's clothes, The K village gossip has nothing on B the wedding ring When it comes fi to telling your age. Let US 8 i modernize y«ur old weddisg jA I 'ring. It doesn’t mar the orig- 8 i Inal engraving. . I S. W.Prezlar J 1 Ask us about the “Lucky Twos 8 9 hundredth” fi ( oboOOOQOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOO PERSONAL. Mrs. R. C. Corinne is confined to her home on North Union street with in fluenza. e e • The condition of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Byrd, who have been confined to their home with influenza, is reported today as greatly improved. Mr. Byrd i is able to be out again and Mrs. Byrd is able to sit up. * • v Hugh Broome, of Mt. Airy, Karl Broome, of Hickory, and Marlin Brumley, of Newton, are spending the [day here on business. • • • B. D. Sherrill and R. K. Black were business visitors in Albemarle Tuesday afternoon. • * * Dr. Paul Means, of Trenton, N. J., will arrive Thursdoy morning to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. i George W. Means. v* * 1 Friemfs of J. F. Harris, Sr., will regret to hear that he is confined lo his home on North Spring street with a sprained back. Reports from }lr. Harris state that he is suffering much pain. • * « Mrs. J. A. Sims, who has been vis iting her daughters, Mrs. Williams and Sloan in Charlotte, will re turn to Concord today. • • • Mrs. R. A_ Brewer is spending to day fa Charlotte. 4 4* R. H. Downs, of Baltimore, Md., is spending several days in Concord ak tile guest of Bev. and Mrs. Harris 3. Thomas. • * * Mrs. W. It. Odell. Mrs. C. J. Harris. Mrs. D. L. Host and Miss Mary Phi fer Pemberton attended the fashion show in Charlotte Tuesday night. • • • Mrs. M. H. Caldwell is suffering with influenza at her home on Loan street. * » * Miss Sara Elizabeth Harris is con fined to her home on Spring street with influenza. * • * Mrs. Percy Sloan, of Cumberland, Md.', is the guest of relatives in Con cord. * * * Mrs. A. G. Odell and Mrs. G. B. Lewis are spending today in Char lotte. ‘ . •• • • W- I‘jjvJl Mrs. PMHp Laugenhour, of Statesville, was the guest Tuesday of Mrs. H. S. Williams. Mr. and Mrs. C.. P. Cline left this morning for Moorssville, where they were called by the illness of Cline’s sister, Mrs. Cline’s sister, Mrs. John Brantley. Mrs. Cameron Mcßae and children who have been ill with influenza are obswing some- Improvement. Series of Bridge Tournaments Planned. A series of bridge tournaments, to be given jointly by the Cabarrus Country Club and the Merchants and Manufacturers Club, have been ar ranged, the first probably to be held next week. Play will be at the Merchants ami Manufacturers (Sub and the tourna ments will be arranged by the follow ing committees, the first representing the country club and the latter the M. and M. Club: M«s. R. 8. Young, Mrs. Edward I Hauvain, Miss Margaret Virginia Er vin. and Mrs. W. H. Wadsworth; and Mrs. C. J. Harris, Mrs. W. M. Sherrill, Mrs. Victor A. Means and Mrs. a W. Byrd. - Art and Literature Department. The Art and Literature Department of the Woman’s Club will meet on Thursday evening at 7:30 in the Mer chants and Manufacturers Club rooms. An interesting evening is planned. Miss Della Herpsberger. well known expression artist, will give a reading, after which this department will pre sent a short and amusing pliy, “How the Story Utew.” The entire Womans Club nnd its friends arw especially invited to meet with the art and literature department and enjoy the program with them. , Mrs. Allen Entertains Bridge Club. ! Mrs. George Allen entertained the Bridge Club Tuesday afternoon at her home in Kannapolis, at a most delight ful meeting. The home f presented a lovely pic ture, with jts deep rations of spring flowers, jonquils were used iu profus ion. At the end of the game, Mrs. Sam Querv, holder of top suor?, was pre septed a prize, while Mrs, Henv.v Smith won the high score guest prize. Mrs. L. E. Wrenn held low score aud was given a prize. A delicious salad course was t*erv\ ed the elub members, and a few gucstsA Miss Gtbfon Improving. 1 Miss Elisabeth Gibson, who hits been undergoing treatment in n Rich mond hospital, is much improver, her frlefids will be glad to learn. She left the hospital on Saturday for Nor folk, where she will be the guest of Mr*. R L. lobie for some time. Mrs. Brown 111. Mrs. A. M. Brown is confined to her homo on North Union street by illness, She became ill while at tending the War Mothers meeting Tuesday. Her condition today is re ported as improved. ; Fire at Dr. Pwtuff’s. A fire which started from some Un f known cause in the pastor’s study of } the McGill .Street Baptist prfrsonage I Monday owning »VbMt >eoven o’clock did considerable damage' to the room | nnd between fl(K> and S3OO damage i to the jiastor’s hooks and manuscripts, [ and records. There was no insurance ! on the books wnd other valuables in the room. The fire department 1 quickly extinguished tho flame. PROGRAM FOR RETAIL MERCHANTS’ INSTITUTE Institute Will Bogin Here March 15th anal Continue Through the 17th. Officials of the Concord Merchants’ Association, which .js sponsoring the Retail Merchants’ Institute to beheld here nezt week, announce the com pletion of the program and all pre liminary plane. a The institute will be conducted by J. W. Griest, general manager of the Retail Merchants Institute, of Chi cago, and sessions will be held twice dally. While the institute is planned pri marily as an aid to the merchant, sub jects to be discussed by Mr. Griest will prove of interest to the profes sional man as well as the merchant. The real purpose of the institute, it is explained, is to build up a bigger and better community. Whije the company which is head ed by -Mr, -Griest required only eighty guarantors for the institute, officials of the local association report the signing of twenty-five guarantors. Monday, March 15th—Day Session j Distribution and the Part It Plays lin the Development of Cities and Communities. ' Questionaire. Night Session Afternoon Conference by Appoint ment. The Winning Salesman. Questionaire. Tuesday, March 16th—Day Session Helpful Hints on Advertising.. Questionaire. Night Session. Afternoon Conference by Appoint ment. ' You and Your Salary. Questionaire. Wednesday. March 17—Day Session Co-operation for Trade Expansion. Questionaire. Night Session Afternoon Conference by Appoint ment. The Spirit of the Hive. Questionaire. It is explained by officials of the association that the sessions probably will be held each day at noon and at Bp. m. The hours nnd places of meeting will be announced later. In addition to addressing the insti tutes Mr. Griest probably will be heard by civic organizations in the city. He probably will be the speak er at the meeting of the Rotary Club next week. Death of Mrs. Susan Swanger. , Mrs, Susan Swanger, aged 70, died Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock at her home at the HartseH Mill. Shg had been ill fqr a week with a compli cation of diseases brought on by her advanced age. Funeral services will be held tomor row afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home, conducted by Rev. Mr. Morris, nnd interment will be made in Union cemetery. Mrs. Swanger was horn In Vir ginia on October 10th, 1855. She was the wife of Tom Swanger nnd had made her home in Concord for a num ber of years. Surviving arc her husband and two children, James Luther Swanger, of Concord, and Mrs. Seinanthy Carter, of Belmont. George W. Means Confined at Home. No improvement is reported in the condition of George \V. Means, who has been ill for some time, at his home on South Union street. Mr. Means is able to see his friends, how ever. Carpets of paper yarn are being introduced in this country. TiTTI flWron-vmm ■ m mj . INSTITUTION - f JLprmeyta WULDEBASEMENT STORES 50-54 South Union St,, Concord, N. C. Unexcelled Value j In Young Men’s Spring Suits #The lines of the Thor* oughbred are unmistak able —all the Style there , is—fabrics and patterns that spell QUALITY— m Shits that are RIGHT w-In every hidden stitch f T. > i and seam 1 You're sure to i\ like theml And the price v i\ is moderate. > v I 11 \ f v—English Two*Button U /I / »—Easy, graceful stylo ? j I l ft >—Easy Fitting Back I 1 HKV havo broader should ( I « JffjHhß i_Notch or Peak Lapel | I tJV,’ t—-Jtraight-Hanging Trou f, l H I “—Unfinished Worsteds and . I r IgIH - ' Cazsuneres c 1 ) \ -—Overplaids and Stripes l C* rj) »—Qroye, blues, tons, brown >» . SJ Other* at $18.75, i _ W 124.75 to $34.75 t' , .. THE CONCORD DAILY TRIDUNE v TOM nan sjmsy Sr Get out the Christmas gifts and polish them up. You’ll need them for wedding presents soon. Just happened to sec the lawn mower in the basement the other day *nd it made.our back*start aching. You can build a house quickly, but •homos grow slowly like trees. Food will keep longer if you put a look on the ice box. Most of us like to go to bed and hate to get up. Wouldn’t, it be fun if this was reversed ? Reading maketh a full man. And it also maketh a lazy man. (Copyright, 1926. NBA Service, Inc.) ■ Charleston Contest at the Concord Theatre. ' The Charleston contest, under the auspices of the management pf the Cohcord Theatre, was a roaring suc cess. Last night was the final op portunity for the contestants to “strut their stuff,” which they did in pro fessions). fashion. Each night saw the introduction of a spicy little act by each contestant .as lie performed before capacity i houses. The management was well- pleased at the manner in which the city re sponded to the announcement of a lo cal contest. On both Monday ami Tuesday nights the arcade leading to the box office Was filled from 6:30 to 8:30 with an almost endless line of patrons, N Almost one thousand persons wit nessed the show each night, and it was announced that another contest will be’held tonight. Last night’s prize winners were: Buck Howard, first priae, sls. Eugene Hoover, second prize, $lO. John Brown, Hal Jarratt add Archie Cannon, season passes. Concord Charleston enthusiasts were given a rare treat in the form of exhibition dancing by Miss Helen Powell, Hill Porter nnd Bill Powell. Miss Powell was the- feature step per of the contest. Each night she received half a dozen curtain calls, and responded valiantly to her en cores. She wgs accompanied in the double dancing by her brother, Bill Powell. Bill - Porter closed the con test with a novelty singing and danc ing act. The exhibition dancers were the prize winners of the contest recently held at the Broadway The atre in Charlotte. Miss Powell will be a leading contender for state laur els at Asheville and Wilmington in the near future, and her Concord au diences wish her luck. The contest tonight will see an en tirely different set of dancers. There will be a complete change of program with Corrine Griffith in “Declasse.” Speaks Before North Carolina Ire Makers. | A. B. Pounds, local ice and coal dealer, and one of the best known men of his vocation in the state, spoke at the meeting of the North Carolina Ice Exchange in Salisbury Tuesday. Mr. Pounds responded to tile address of welcome delivered by Hon. Walter Murphy. Quite a number of ice manufac turers from all parts of the state were in Salisbury for the meeting, Mr. Pounds reports. Synthetic beefsteaks made from cottonseed are forecast. BOYS' CLUB ORGANIZED AT MEETING TUESDAY 'Rocky River Boys Choose Officers and Plan to Start Active Work Soon. Meeting at the school bouse Tues day afternoon, boys of the Rocky Riv er school decided definitely to organ ize a Boys’ Club, elected officers and TODAY ONLY °HEATRE ANOTHER CHARLESTON CONTEST TONIGHT TOMORROW AND FRIDAY LON CHANEY IN HIS NEWEST PICTURE “THE BLACK BIRD” Real delicacy of aroma, but without loss of natural tobacco taste and character—that’s the whole story I Chesterfiel^^ Ch«i(crfi|l«l» are made by the Liggett 0 Myers Tobacco Company voted to begin active work in the near future. Miss Frances Akerstrom, teaeder in the high school department of the school, laid-preliminary plans for the club and invited R. D. Goodman, county agent, to be present Tuesday at the formal organization. Mr. Good man was accompanied to the meet- Keep One Month Ahead As a safeguard against sick ness, unemployment or other emergencies, you should have a reserve fund equal to one month’s income. If you .deposit 3% of the amount you earn every week, your balance will equal one month’s income in less than five months. j Citizens Bank and Trust Company concord, n. c. ing by O. H. Phillips, farm agent for Stanly county. Officers elected at the meeting were: Vernon Parish, President. Henry Abcruethy, Vive President. Clegg MeOachren, Secretary. L. M. MeCachren, Local Reader. Members decided to meet next on Tuesday, March 28rd, and at -that meeting each boy will designate the I kind of club work he wants to take J up. In the meantime they were ad- | vised to confer with their fathers and ask them to eo-operate with them in dhoosing the particular work .they want to undertake in the eluh. The work will be under the supervision of I Mr. Goodman. PAGE FIVE Telephone Fifty Years Old Today. Telephone people throughout the United States and Canada are cele brating today the fiftieth birthday of the telephone. . The first sentence was spoken /Over the telephone on March 10, 1876, by- Dr. Alexander Graham Bell, its in ventor. | Today therp are 17,000,000 tele- I phones connected with the Bell sys | tern and an army of more than half a million people engaged in building, maintaining, operating and managing the telephone systems throughout out country. ! USE PENNY COLUMN— IT PAYS

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