Mar. 10, 1920 Dinner Stories j Ik*—So your naa4S~hi Clanoey? Be . Hye any relation to Tim Claneey? fXancey— Veiry distant. I wuz me first child and Tim was her 9 fie (after quartet)—l think our Hipa are parallel, don’t you?” ■ Bhe—l don’t know. Why? He—Because they never meet. «■ Grocer (|o woman, who tias been of the long wait)—Sor lady, that ho many were before What is it tou want? * HWomin—Can you tell me how to to Sixteenth street? 'V. - don't you and he make up your quarrel?” Bl would like to. but I forget what we quarreled about!” / —Tour answer is as clear I I^Hhident —Well, that covers the dosen’t it? •: Hi*. Teller—T!ie doctor snid itrs. was run down; did vou hear Bt it? Asker—No; I saw her jfea- BRny and she seemed to be in per Bprs. Teller—So she was; yester |'iß: but she yas run down by an last night. ' jf^Bohen—Mine girl, she says if I Wl cut oud tfiiis check-to-cheek she vould bite mine nose. >j^Bosenburg—l’.v fieorge. she said a didn’t, yhe? » (to man who .bus asked Bl ot her daughter)—ln the first do you like children? —I adore them, madam ! J ’^Bother —Ah, that's lucky. Blanche f JB three by her first husband. ( —T see that keen-length skirts reduced street-oar accidents 50 ; .■ jf; g^Ratty—WoulcUi'f it he fine if acci-' ’Would be prevented entirely? ftw days after a farmer had put hggHttvo children in school a book called on him and said: "Xow BBt your children go to school yon to buy them an encyclopedia." u y theul an encyclopedia?) if 1 do," was his reply. "Let walk like I did.” B -gr yySw • j@P|\ I L v '■‘■■iJrJmX i Y wT _ Protect Your Property and Your Money WVOUR house, when painted with * Marietta House Paints, Is pned s cally guaranteed aeainSt the ravages of foul weather by Ac Marietta'Service UJRORA PflgTl Certificate. No other paint manufac turer offers you such a certificate. As^ ! ug about’it today. I Concord Paint & Paper Company M 8 N. Church Street ( Phone i6L I MARirTTA >AINT STATtO~ j h EVEREtT TRUE ’ ■ BY CONDO" ? gs§|g= nr ' - - r y Cutest Things I New York Daifr ttttror. i—-■ g-’ y - r • •’ ' )' Teqcher n hoy’s, shoes were so torn dat — -v . ' i wtssiß-ini’s \ /peach of a \ /m-m-fimeA vmj-Z A MAW/FUV- PLACE"T’ LOAF \ , This i«5 S\\ I - ■ LOTSA VMORv< T’ I COZIEST PLACE I VuHuT I HEROES APE made -NOT BqRM omto me, MOM’N POP . BY TAYLOR Loretta i've hao an §£“ just a re solar uttle ARCHITECT DRAW UP 10V£ M£S T TOR THE Cl lie a Little OP mv-OREams oh OMiDMOND BUNGALOW - HOUU JW \ LORETTA JUST SAV THE M ° DOES IT STttlUB 'SWTtJ / oO ( WORD AMO I'LL MAKE ® TY J f> LUXURIOUS HOME AMD Gh)E YUO 1 be 6 to j \ evervth/wGj your heart bESuegs T / g FANCY DRY GOODS WOMEN’S WEAR jr OOOOCOOOOOOOGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCXMXXXXIOOOOOOeC g Let Us Insure the Life of Your I Baby Chicks I a>' By Feeding Them Startina and | Baby Chic Chow 5 We have plenty on hand all the time. Also Chicken , \ fi Chowder and Hen Chow. Will give you more eggs. | i I Cash Feed Store | PHONE 122 SOUTH CHURCH ST. ijl* OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOQOOQCX3OOCOQOOOOOOO Farmer! We Want Your Poultry. I e paj’ cash and buy almost anything you raise on j§ i the farm. We are the Largest Poultry Dealers in the city, i j '1 he Poultry Market is still active at 20c per pound for I .j hens, but we cannot longer guarantee prices. j Egg Market active at 25c per dozen. ■ , : Butter Market at 25c to 40c per p f ond, as to quality. BJ | Bring us your Cream. We pay you 36c per pound, net, H I per Butter Fat. li C. Hi BARRIER & CO. "gT^~:fr , inrirj!rtrjr'~'rrr'r r a n ;t. ua-,a u„ on j XXTOCfOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOeOOOaOTOCCQOOOUOOOOGOOOOOOOO DELCO LIGHT I Light Plants and Batteries j Deep and Shallow Well Pumps fob Direct or Alter- JL J nating curtent and Washing Machines for’Direct or Al- 8 j ternating Current. Q R. H. OWEN, Agent II —Phone 669 Concord, I *N. C. MOOOOCXIOCXIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCiOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOaOOOO^I j r .| I). -|-r lij Ij I ; -x, .X.............. ... ...J ; ROTTER BORING BAR S | We liave installed a Hotter Boring Bar which enables us to re- B | bo|, e yom - motor without removing the block from the frame, thereby I « £ saving you pi-aetically one-third the cost of ordinary overhaul jobs. '■ * ii We also have a Brake Lining Machine which drills and counter I |P sings so tint the rivets never come in contact with the brake drum, al- (g i] so riveting machine which uses sclid copper tabular rivets. Just || i: give us a trial and l>e convinced. M RUSCO BRAKE LINING, PREST-O-LITE BATTERIES AND 1 “ ACCESSORIES Auto Supply & Repair Co. 300Cfa000OQOQQQOOQQQQOfVaOC>CtOC>OOfttVXK>0Q000000C<>000^ I Refrigerators Refrigerators | Just received a solid car load oEthe world famous Gur- 9 ney Refrigerators. Many different Sizes and styles to Q clioose from. A price to meet every pocketbook. Come 8 in and see them today. \\ e give ReeVes Tour Votes on all cash purchases and 8 500 per dollar on collections. H. B. WILKINSON Out of the High Rent District. Where Parking Space Is Plentiful X and time unlimited. . Concord Kannapolis, Moorcsville China Grove fi EHot Water; j This gas hot water heater is surely a friend in need and a friend indeed of every cook match ahd in a few minutes steammg hot water will run Pays for itself quickly. y E.B. GRADY plUmbing and heating dealer Office and Show Room 39 E. Corbin St. Office Phone S34W PAGE SEVEN