PAGE SIX Bl | /1| POST OFFICE- X /OH POP -' % V I l u ~ I I fiN BiTOffiimi f \ -/there Goe^,) I I I ]j! J| ME WANNA / L THE SMITHS .' < J.c= ja j .=3 f|ij GO WlDlN**/ or?aR A B| . BW3 ÜBII.VOWE. 5 t -"■r^— 1 ■■-—■■ ■■ ■*■ ■ ■ ...■ ■■ ■■ ■■■ ■■— ■■ "TT."" *" ' 1 " "* 1 "’ *"" * 111 - | Goes TO STATIONDISCOVERS HE- COULO HAVE •ArreRTiRE IT 5 ' HfjHhCi: sought a genuine Goodyear WZ*mk A,-/ ffiErVH FROM US WITH OUR COMPLETE : f*.. | ■ s: — GOODYEAR TIRES SOLD HERE BY YORKE & WADSWORTH CO. The Old Reliable Hardware Store Phone 30 These Spring Pumps Are Simply Irresistible It’s not a bit far-fetched to tell you that these Spring Pumps are simply irresistible. They are the newest con ceits copied from Parision sources, and adapted for smart wear by American women and misses. The newest ma terials and leathers combined with ornate trimmings and delightful colors, simplified your problem of easy choos ing. For very little money, you should avail vourself of these remarkable displays. Certain, it is that you will not hesitate long once you get a glimpse of them. Ruth-Kesler Shoe Store New Easter 1 APPAREL FISHER’S points the way to Fashion and Moderate Prices In Its Representa tive Showing Os The Later Spring Fash ions. ?■ ' These are the modes definitely new and correct for Easter Sunday wear and for the long fashion season that follows. Ev ery new style, fabric and color will be observed, in a variety that would make it appear that mode has been created to your individual preference. You can save many weary steps and some money besides by concentrating your Easter shopping here. Give us the |j - opportunity to prove it. fe COATS ' DRESSES HEADWEAR POPULAR PRICES , VISIT I FISHER’S IT PAYS DEMOCRATIC STATE CONVENTION .APRIL 8. Precinct Meetings to Be Held April 17 and County Conventions One Week Later. Raleigh. March 10.—Tile demo cratic state executive committee to night fixed April 9 as the date and Raleigh as the place for the demo cratic state convention, after voting down a motion that it go to Dur ham. Only 31 of the 120 members of the committee were present, but a ma jority of the absent ones were repre sented by proxy. The committee cai'ed the precinct meetings to be held April 17 and the county conventions for April 24. Durham sent over a big delegation with an urgent appeal for the com mittee to have the convention go there. Sumter Braw’ey. Walter H. Bugg. Dr. J. M. Manning. Prof. It. L. Flowers and Lieutenant governor J. Elmer Long urged the committee to give other cities of the slate a chance to get acquainted with the annual gatherings of the democrats, feeling that it was time to move after holding all the meetings for the past 16 years in Raleigh. After the roll call had reached through the first seven districts, with the vote standing 4!i to 18 in favor of Raleigh, the proxies voting heavy for the capital, the Durham folks withdrew their motion and moved to make the choice of Raleigh unanimous. In addition to fixing the time and place of the state convention and the time for the precinct and county conventions, the committee unani mously adopted by a rising vote a resolution extending to Senator F. M. Simmons “hearty congratulations for his magnificent victory in the tax reduction fight." The resolution was presented by Judge Walter E. Brock, of Winston-Salem. Post and Flagg’s Cotton Letter. New York. March 10.—Tlte out standing feature of the market today was the expiration of the March con tract- Fifty-four notices in all were issued and were stopped by n promi nent spot hoouse. Evening up opera tions in that option kept the market in a state of a fair activity, but after 12 o’clock the market became dull and heavier. Worth street reports are pessi mistic and predictions of lower spot cotton and goods prices are being made, .as the demand is not nearly keeping up with production. Sentiment remains rather bearish on the floor, but outside interest in the market is so small that no wide swings are expected until, of course, something new develops. POST AND FLAGG. Canadians last year ate an aver* age of 312 eggs apiece, according to statistics made public by the Dominion Department of Agri culture. Domestic production totalled 237,000,000 dosen, representing an increase es 10,000,000 over the pre vious year. The International Brotherhood of Bookbinders will hold its annnal convention at Des Moines in Julyy THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNS HOLLYWOOD SCORNS WELL-DRESSED MA> Golf Pants. Open-Throated Shirt ant Sweater is Vogue. Hollywood. March 11—Men drest cheaper in Hollywood than anywhere in America. They never wear hut in the cinema capital. Day and night everyone runs about hatless. Even ai dress affaire, the men appear with out chapeaus. The ever-popular dress in Holly .Nvood today is go'.f pants, vpen throated shirt and a light sweater. Neckties are never worn. Overcoats, spats,'■'■neon-scarfs' am other effects considered essential sot the well-dressed man are careful]; scorned in Hollywood. In fact, should a screen direetoi or actor appear in public “dressed up" he would get a good laugh from his friends. And to wear ordinarj trousers and a hat is a positive indi cation of senility. ITALIAN PRESS BECOMES A SERVILE INSTITUTION Wanna maker Thinks That No Good Has Come of the Musolini Dicta torship. Durham. March 10.— Suppression of all personal liberty, including freedom of the press and free speech, in Italy by the llacist movement, is a result of the ambition of Musso lini. stated Olin D. Wannamaker, executive secretary of Prinoetin-in- Peking, and former investigator ii: Italy for Princeton university, in an address at Duke university here last night. The speaker stated that his years of travel and study in Italy have convinced him that practically no good has come out of the Mussolino dictatorship, and that his rule has utterly crushed the spirit of persona liberty and reduced the Italian press to contemptible servility. YOUNG WOMAN MEETS DEATH BY DROWNING Miss Anniee Ward Fails Into Creek Within City Limits of Rocking ham While Fishing. Rockingham. March 10. —An un usual case of drowning oecured here this afternoon about 3 o’clock. Miss Annie Ward, a young woman of the Great Falls mill village, was Dishing on the banks of Hitchcock creek, within. the incorporate limita of the town, when she evidently suffered an epileptic stroke, or convulsion. At any rate she fell face forward into the water. By the time help arrived her puke was so weak that effort to resuscitate her were of no avail and she died on tbe creek bank with in a few minutes after being pullH from the water. There were launched throughout the world last year—excluding ships of under 100 t6n» gross—Bss merchant vesaels of 2403,404 tons, f Os these 342 vessel of 1.084,633 tons were built in Great Britain and Ireland- A century ago the average hours of lsbor of the workers in England were eighty-four per week; new they, are fortv-four. Comments on Kannapolis Baseball Kannapolis Will Duplicate Last Year's Performance of Winning Western Title; Gibson Will Win Out in State Amateur Chase, Maybe. (BY JAZZY MOORE) Kannapolis, March 11. —Local fires were kindlefl under baseball's boiling pot Monday when a script in The Tribune read that Mr. Sidney J. Basinger had been re-elected manager of the Gibson Mill's diamond dusters for the ensuing scuffle. And from every nook and cranny of the neighboring town of Concord saunter interesting dope that the Coneordians will seise all laurels and eenconiums ere the curtain descends in September. The clan, it is said, is fastlv plastering together a founda tion for Carolina's leading sandlotters. Sir SMuey himself will romp, skip ami jump around his favorite post, the keystone bag. Hashing the class that made him outstanding in 1025. Quite naturally Sir Sid would select a position directly behind the umpire because they he can snarl and snort and try to talk the arbiter out of a decision. On several occasions last summer we became desperately seri ous when the hotheaded Sidney enter ed an nrgument on the local diamond. Finally he came to be as unwelcome in a squabble—from a Kannapolis standiHiint —as Colouel Mitchell at the White House. Peanut Hatley has been kidnapped .from the University of North Caro lina to rustle around in the left pas ture for fly chasing chores. If one of Sir Sid's boxmen should allow an enemy batsman to bombard the agate from the infleld. Mr. Clemmer will be plucked from the faculty of Maid en h gh, where he is employed to teach the youngsters there to play ball in the championship manner Gibson dot's, to wear the mit and the mask in the lineup. He caused a world of nightmares to North Carolina twirl ers last campaign. Then there is Harry Harrell, a jewel infielder, who performed with the Cabarrus metro politans during his 1025 exploration of geography. And still another, John ny Boggs, inner defense star, who will bring fancy credentials to the Gibson vassals from his previous haunts. It tickled the fancy of the Gibson bass when he announced this number of the lineup. But he threw a fit of glee when he stated that his hirelings will have a spick-span park to play in. No longer will be the baked sur face of Gibson field divert hart hit 4)alls into infielders’ faces and turn hard fought games into fielding farces. Needless to say the park will be when "ompletcd, far more modern than the Cabarrus Park in Kannapolis. Kannapolis Wears Western Coronets. Just seven miles from this wonder ful city and its extraordinary team of baseballers is Kannapolis, and when r hei e is talk of a title in this state h« local outfit is worthy of profound esjpect. It was Kannapolis, not Con ori!, that annexed the toitie last year f being the smartest club of ball •layers in the western part of Nojth 'arolina. It was Kannapolis, and not libson, that had over half of its per «>nnel selected for the mythical nil state nine. And it was Kannapolis, not Basinger’s crew, that sent more -•layers to profesional contingents than my other aggregation of nmateurs n the entire state of North Carolina, South Carolina or Georgia. If the locals behave :n the sensa ■iopal style they revealed last year 'hen the neighbors are apt to have heir plans punctured, although at the •resent writing the city needs a ‘mil club no more than a Charleston lancer needs feet. Unlike Concord, local directors have "ailed to get together to talk plans for he approaching season. Three meet ngs have been scheduled and a trio f meetings have been postponed. But he President's illness accounts for hat. As mentioned before only a couple ■non have affixed their signatures to the dotted line, these be'ng Peck Wood tnd Homer Fiuk. You can bet your 'nst dollar Kannapolis will be among those present when the leaders of Tarheelia are named. Not because Kannapolis is generally conceded the best baseball town in the world but for the. simple reason that Ed Lady, Clinton Powell and John Carpenter are responsible for the team's suc cess. The directorate must elect a mana ger. for the Kannapolians and when this gent is ehosen he must show some speed to open the season tbe first CAR LOAD PAINT V \ Just Unloaded a Whole Car PEE GEE PAINT Whatever You Are Considering Painting, It Will Coat You No More to Use PEE GEE PAINT SEE US FIRST-BEFORE BUYING Ritchie Hardware Co. YOUR „'L A „ R ,P„ w * RIt stoke PHONE Ilf week in May. He must upholster his slab sofa. He must trim up the shrub bery in the suburbs where the flies are hit. He must tinker with his itv field and catching department. He , must put the playing field in order. < He must book an attractive menu of \ games for the home folks. Otherwise the home pilot will have so much leis ure he is apt to be bored to death) Scores Convincing Victory Over Riv als. The enemies can predict great things for their team this year so far as the local baseball flock is concerned. We gladly refer interested parties to what lias been done. After sev eral standstills Kannapolis gave Gib son a sound spanking on last August 13th. Although this is historical we can't laugh off that one ball game. It occurred in the rivals’ own back yard too. to make the laugh more horse-like. Al. Simmons was doing mound work for Sir 8 ; d on that particular date and Herm Holshouser, well known to Gibson followers, wss handling the pitching end of the fracas for the lo cals. The world's greatest slabbist j failed to get going, or else had an off day. or something similar to excuses. , Anyway the world’s next greatest j pitcher was sent to the mound to re- j lieve the wilted Simmons in the fourth verse of the farce. • This pitch er bad once been a brilliant perform er in the Piedmont Society of pro fessional loops. His name was given before the game as Gates. We do not remember what name lie assumed af ter the occasion. Homer Fink came up to bat. or rather to swat. Every body knows the rest. The numerous read, Kannapolis 13, Concord 1. Sir Sidney became panic stricken. He brought his schedule to an abrupt halt. All over the state Kannapolians were greeted with the same hilarious greet : ng the common people are ac cording this tax reduction in Con gress. Fayetteville, laying claims to every title in the east, came scurry ing along over hill and dal en route to the dell to contest her wares with the best the west had to offer. Thir teen to 4 was the result of the first day's game. Fourteen to five, read the second day's count, and 13 to 5 was chalked on the score board for the last game's numerals. All scores fa vored Kannapolis. Bud Moore and Felix TTayman. own ers of the Charlotte Hornets and Sul- j isbury Colonels, came rollicking down j to the playground to view the heavy artillerymen in action. The visiting moguls discovered that league timber was in the Kannapolis lineup. They snared such gala performers as Hol shouscr and Bonner. Other dubs of higher calibre rush ed their scouts and managers here to watch the locals explode the ball. Dan Hill and Larry Gardner craved a gent or two for their AshevHle Tourists, Jimmy Flowe was signed and several other men would have been, only they were collegians and desired to play a college brand of ball, Kannapolis reaped a fat pocket book at the gate last summer to make the season all the more successful. In the meanwhile Concord fops were crowding the grandstands here to see the* superiors scintillate. TBe last thing we heard of the Gibspiti proteges was that no park was avail able to Htage their games, the Gibson field and stands having been wrecked by a storm. And the veTy first thing one hears when entering the world's largest uh ineoriHirated city is what Gibson ex pects to do this sumer. Concord Is the first to get lined up. we admit, but in conclusion the statement that the last shall be first and the first shall be last may hold good at the end of the 1026 drive. Here’s hoping! The Order of the Garter, whit& King George conferred on Sir Aus ten Chamberlain on the occasion of the signing of the Treaty of Locar no, is the most renowned order of chivalry in the world. There are only 25 Knights of the Garter, besides the foreign sovereigns and dignitaries, who are admitted by special statute. The most valuable tapestries ip America are the famous Unicorn apt owned by John D. Rockfeller, Jr., the value of which is placed at over $1,000,000. COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCXWOOCXXXXXXXXjqooowwwwwj | Shades in Harmony With Spring 1 Our displays have been brightened by the arrival of several styles j I in Patents and colored Kids GRAY—BLOND—APRICOT—PATENT. [ attractive in Shape and Finish, adding a touch of color to your ward- ] i robe and smartness to your appearance. i w “ $2.95 T 0 $5.95 MARKSON SHOE STORE PHONE 787 Atwater Kent radio : Get a radio like Irvin Cobb’s AMONG the famous persona who have Atwater Kent A Mods) Receiving Set* end Radio h Speaker* in their home* are Irvin S. Cobb, Montgomery _jfl Flagg, Coles Phillips, Rex i £*_rf Beach, Norman Rockwell, Charles Dana Gibson, Booth JjhMSuHERT Tarkington, and Charles and tVUrffir * Kathleen Norris. attached pUjfi* Qf It will be justassatisfactoryin ) your home. May we show you? J YORKE & WADSWORTH CO. PHONE 30 THE OLD RELIABLE HARDWARE STORE ooooooooocoooooooooooooooooooooooooooapooooooeo PIANOS I We handle the well-kndwn stand ard makes, such as Hobart M. Cable Lester, Milton, Wurlitzer Studio lor. Churches, Sunday Schools, Lodge ’ Schools, Lodge and Club Rooms and Nurseries. Let Us Give You a Demonstration j in Your Home KIDD-FRIX Music and Stationery Co. Inc* I Phone 76 58 S. Union St. j Concord, N. C. THE UNIVERSAL CAR Multiple Disc-in-Oil Clutch — 1 I The multiple disc clutch is generally conceded among -P engineers to be the best, the smoothest, and the most re- 8 liable type for any car. The Ford multiple disc clutch, X has the further advantage of operating in a bath of oil. 9 This complete and continuous lubrication assures smooth, 8 silent action and extremely long life. The Ford clutch is fi so simple knd reliable that many Ford owners have driv- 9 en for years without being so much as conscious of its 8 presence in the mechanism of, their cars. REID MOTOR CO. i CONCORD’S FORD DEALER ✓ I | Corbin and Church Streets Phone 220 8 iQOOOOOOObOOOOOOOOOooQOonwrinnnonooooooftrvyoooooooc 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006 Thursday, March 11, 1926,