PAGE SIX 1 p OPPOSITE NEW HOTEL i fejpjfciH""". '■ '■ -1 . ■?,■■■.. ~ 1 J». 1 " S-.L!11L". Some Folks Grow Older and Wiser j Others Just Grow Older A good part of our retail tire business is with people who j have grown wise to the “special bargain and extra dis- j i count” decoys. . I 5 They’ve stopped fooling around with unreliable tire equip- 2 < ment. 5 They buy Goodyear Tires from us because they have i \ found that Goodyear quality and Goodyear serviceability j [ are -about the best safeguard against tire trouble in the j j world. J l They know, too, that they’re buying mileage at the low- 2 ! | est Quotation on the market. 2 You'll save money with Goodyears. We have your size— < ! witff a tube to match —when you want it. Yorke & Wadsworth Co. Phone 30 Phone 30 j The Old Reliable Hardware Store ! 'OOOOOQOOOOQCOOQOOCOOOQOQOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOCX Paris Inspired EASTER MILLINERY A decidedly new and adorable note is brought forth in this collection, for the artist who created them used flowers in ' many superbly new and fascinating ways. The modes presented are either quite | small and chic or quite large and allur ?• ing. | V All the very newest colors and shades % are here, of course at popular prices s 2= *s= to p ■ •• * fe- • VISIT FISHER’S v IT PAYS | j^COUNTj^^ HARRISBURG. [ i Wp are sorry to report a few cases of mumps fu our community. | James Taylor lias returned to M.' i P. C. 1., after spending a few days with his parents. I We are glad to report that Miss » Emily Quay, who was carried to the „ Presbyterian Hospital at Charlotte, is somewhat improved. * Mr. and Mrs. ,7. B. Gourley are Ji right sick with influenza. I I A. R. Savage, who is working in 11 Taylor, S. C., spent the week-end ji with his family here. 1 1 Frank Teeter is right sick at this 1 1 writing. i We note that the contract has \ been let for the new high school build ing. We are all pleased to know that this is to be erected in our com ,: mimity. 1 Bluitt Nesbit is back at school as ; ter recovering from a very serious at tack of pneumonia. J. C. Higgins has resumed work here as agent after doing several months relief work in Charlotte. J Miss Margaret Harris, who is [ teaching at Allison' Grove, spent the i week-end with home folks. ; ECRIVIAX. LOWER STONE. We have had quite a bit of snow for the last few days. And it looks this morning like more groundhog weather. Mr. M. ('. liinehnrdt, an old sol diere, passed away Saturday night at \ the home of his daughter, Mrs. L. R. i Trexler. Funeral and burial was at 1 Organ Church Monday.. \ Mrs. C. E. Bost. who suffered a i stroke of paralysis a few wedks ago, is improving. Mrs. G. A. Bost. of Salisbury, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Amy Fisher, i who is !M) years old. i Members of the P. O. S. of A. at 1 Lower Stone, have about completed , their new hall. The county asscteia i tion will meet at that place Mnrch ; 20th. Miss Bessie Carter, of Concordia 1 Church, who is teaching school at [ Lower Stone, was called home last I week by the serious sickness of her [ mother. Miss Olah Caublc is teach ing in her place. Mr. D. H. Corl Killed a weasel in his barn last week which had been I killing rats and chickens. I .T. L. Troutman got hit in the head [ with a piece of wood last week. He 1 went to Charlotte for an X-rav exam | ination. I Cline Bros, have moved their saw I mill to Mr. John Bonds' Place, j Mr. G. R. L. Beaver is working in i Salisbury. | Mr. W. W. Basinger, of Salisbury. ( spent Saturday evening with Clif [ ford Troutman. J Mr. Paul Bonds, of Hukeville, was | in our midst also. Mr. and Mrs. John Ketner. o fOr | gnn Church, are all smiles—another ) girl. * The Light Brigade, of Lower Stone Church was to have had a trip around the W'orld iasst Friday night. It was called off. however, on account of the inclement weather. It will be held at a later date. RUBE. ENOCHY’ILLE. John Petrea and Miss May Belle Weddington motored to Deri'ta last Monday and spent a short while with his son-in-law. Miss Julia Ann Corriher has been confined to her home with influenzn and an affected jaw for a period of time. Mrs. Elva Weddington went to Kannapolis last Saturday on busi ness. There has already more snow falleu in Alun'i than in many years and this is just the beginning of March. As an old saying March comes in like a lion, it will go out like a lamb. George Goodman has just finished sowing his spring oats. The wheat looks terribly shabby through this part of ttie country. There will be preaching at old Bethpage Church Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock, MnrA the 2i»t. Miss Mary Overcash, of lower Row an, has a hen that when she starts setting she starts clucking and she clucks three weeks day and night. Mrs. Elva Weddington has just finished quilting a quilt flint she pieced twenty odd years ago. Lucille, the little daughter of Chal mers Upright. is improving after hav ing pneumonia. Mrs. Eiqmer Flows has been con fined to her home for some time with a bad case of bronchitis. Hubert Overcash taken sick the other day while at his work in Kan napolis and was carried to his home. H. L. Karriker spent last Satur day night with his brother, near Coddle Creek. George Goodman and family, of near Kannapolis, were visitors Sun day at the home of H. L. Karriker. Mack Orercnsh and family, of low er Rowan, were visitors Sunday at the home of Mrs. Elva Weddington! and also Lester Rumple and Miss 1 Mary Overcash spent a few hours Sunday with Miss Anna Weddington. Miss Jennie Overcash entertained the Luther League at her home laet Sunday night. Busy Bee will have to call her to mato plants back for this scribe has already seen tomato bloom and little green tomatoes. Maater Charlies Goodman, of near Kannapolis, spent Sunday with Floyd Overcast. » Little Stanley Cook left school Monday with measles. Master Preston Overeash is able to return to school aftr haeving his leg broken. K. CENTER GROVE. While no Items of much value, have come in recently from our section of the county, our community has not been asleep. The church in our midst. Center Grove E. L., has service every Sun day. The first and third Sunday at 11 a. n. The second and fourth Sundays at 8 p. m., until .further no tice. In each case the Sunday achool period is (be hour before divine eerr-l THE cONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE ice. The pastor, Rev. E. F. K. Roof, does not fail to bring the gospel to the people. A recent sermon, “Power in Pray er,” was a meat powerful appeal to use prayer as a means of salvation to man. This means has never failed Last Sunday “Gather Ep the Frag ments That Nothing Be Lost" was applied to lives in sin that must be gone out for, sought in the by-ways and hedges, if necessary, but gathered up that “nothing be lost.” God has a need, a place, for all in His King dom. He can refashion, make a valued, serviceable creature of the wayward. This sermon was a clarion call to service, such as Jesus rendered while upon the earth. ye my follow ers? Go thou and do likewise.” A Teacher Training class is being conducted each Friday night at Cen ter Grove by the pastor. This week a written examination will be taken, looking toward receiv ing a certificate. This teacher training period is a wonderful opportunity of Bible study. The women of the Missionary So ciety of Center Grove will begin a mission study right away. Usimlly this is done each year in the spring, as it seems to suit cur members bet ter then. Work has begun on the reserve water supply dam- for the city of Concord. This piece of construction is in our midst and promises to he very interesting, ns well as employ many of this section who will like to do work of this nature. Once this large dam is completed and the water stocked with fish, wo predict lively soexes on the banks of the Chambers stream. Mrs. Marvin Cook and young son. Edmund Neal, are spending a few days in Concord with her sister-in law. Mrs. R. M. Cook. Mrs. Jessie Earnhardt has been confined to her room with flu. The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hileman, who got his head cut by falling from a high chair and had to have several stitches taken, is get ting along slowly. Harry Hileman got a rib broke week, we are sorry to note. Miss Bettie Chambers is spending some time with Mrs. Harry Hile man. The little son of Sirs. Ervin Karri ker is not thriving. The parents had him to a baby specialist in Char lotte last Sunday. Miss Helen Cook has been spend ing some time With her sister. Sirs. SI. N. Clayton, in Asheville. Sliss Cook is home just flow but will re turn to Asheville soon. " Edd St. Cook is on the road to re covery now, we are glad to note. LEIDY. STEELES CROSS ROADS. Sliss Slnttie Leaser i* right sick at this writing. R. O. Steel spent the day at Chim ney Rock Wednesday. E. S. Scercy's children are improv ing after a week's illness. The recent cold snap caught some of the tomato plants without suffi cient protection. Sirs. Joseph Rogers, who hap been in the hospital in Statesville, re turned home last week. R. O. Steele is on the siek list this week. Sir. and Sirs. William Scercy and Sliss Slileta Edwards, of Kannapo lis. spent one night this week at I). B. Edwards. P. C. Deal, who has been sick for several weeks, is not much improved. John Overcash, of near Enochville. was here last week doing some re pair work on It. O. Steele's Fords. There will be a union c-asw meet- j ing at Palestine next Sunday after noon, Slnrch 21st, at 3 o'clock of the I Conpord, Kannapolis and Palestine j Wesleyan Slethodist churches. We i are expecting a great time. Every-1 body is invited to come out and en- j joy this feast of good things from the j Lord. g. j CONCORD ROUTE FIVE. Small grain in this section is look ing very well despite the cold weath er. Health in the community is very good at j)resent. Paul Rose has aeeepted a position with his grandfather. Rotheln seems to be right plenti-j fnl among the children at Fink's school. Frank Barnhardt had the misfor tune to mash one of his fingers right j badly one day last week while car ring in wood to make a fire The little child of M. R. Allmond j has been right sick, but is reported ! as improving. Ben Bushin is at home again after spending sometime at Kings Moun tain. Mr. P. L. Barringer has pleurisy. We wish for him a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bough has purchased a new milk cow. Mrs, Martha Furr is spending some time with her son. Julius Furr, who ) has been a shut-in ever since the 11th |°f lasteSeptember. Air. Furr's con i dition is not improving very fast, i Mrs. Furr, his mother, is 8!) years old and seems to enjoy good health. Mr. and Mrs. J, <C. Mullis spent last Friday in No. 5 with J. W. Mul lis, who is real ill. Airs. Eaßter Barringer is able to do her work again. Georgia Chiagerson Baggs has a very sore hand. There will be a flag-raising at Fink’s Saturday at 2 p. s, i baseball game, some songs and recitations by the school. Little Woodley Furr was a guest of his grandfather Tuesday, T. T. Rowland. Clay Rinehardt is on the siek list at this writing. « Preaching Sunday afternoon at Friendship. Come. I wonder what has become of old Buddie and Sweetheart. I guess they are snowed under. Come on with the news. SALLY ANN. WIN EC OFF. Miss Janet Stroud, a member of the Kannapolis school faculty, spent last I week-end here with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stroud. [ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Goodman spent Sunday with Mrs. Goodman's mother, Mrs. Barringer, at Mt. Piec.san*-. B. L. Umberger left last week for Miam ; , Fla. Mr. Umberger motored through. The Wineeoff Communitr Club met last Thursday with Mrs. W. L. Baker. Italian hemstitching and the “Year Round Garden" were the sub jects for this meeting, but cn account | of the inclement weatheer and small number present, the discussion on “The Year Round Garden” was post poned until next meeting, which will bo April Bth, at Mrs. I. AV. Cook's, with Airs. Cooke and Airs. Wilmot 11. Mitchell as joint hostesses. A delight ful social hour of games and songs was enjoyed, after which Mrs. Bil ker, assisted by Mrs. Medlin and Miss May Aledlin, served tempting refresh ments. consisting of ice cream, cakes and mints. Airs. S. AY. Cook had as her dinner guests Sunday Misses Lena Moose, Myrtle and Sousa Kiuttx, all members of the school faculty. Quite a few people in the commun ity are sick with the flu. Among these are Airs. E. .T. Wineeoff. who is re ported better, and Mr. S. A\\ Cook, Mrs. Fannie Watts and Air. Ralph Caldwell. Ai iss Barringer, of Ait. Pleasant. I spent some time here last week with her niece, Airs. Fred Goodman. Air. A. E. Litnker has returned to his home here, after spending sevevai. months in Florida. Airs. Alary Linker and Airs. A AV. Wineeoff sjieiit Wednesday with Airs. WinceofTs parents, Air. and Airs. S. AV. Wineeoff at Midway. Little Wilmot Mitchell, Jr. fell Tuesday afternoon and broke his arm. In spite of the almost winter weath er, last Tuesday afternoon, the do.vs of the high school, priisl off the lid for the comiug baseball season, when they engaged in a duel with Brum ley's All Star teams. When the dust had cleared, and all casualties count ed, it was learned that the high school boys were victorious to the tune of 4-2. CORRESPONDENT. RIMER. AA'e call this real groundhog weath er. Aliss Edith Cress, of Concord, spent the week-end with her parents, Air. and Airs. G. M. Cress. There was a large crowd present for the P. O. S. of A meeting and there were some fine talks made by Rev, A. T. Cain, of Concord. Air. Savage, of Kannapolis, and the Co- Pres.. of Kannapolis. Refreshments were sprved. Rimer always enjoys a large attendance for the county meet ings. Glad to report muefi improvement in the condition of Air. and All's. Geo. Cnsper's little girl. Florence, the baby of Mr. and Airs. Charlie Host, is very sick at this writing. Born to Air. anu Airs. Martin Buckwell, a son on Alarch 12th. Earl Martin, who had the misfor tune of getting hi« arm broke a few weeks ago, is improving nicely. E .E. and J. E. Troutman, F. AI. Yost, and Lester Afoore motored to Asheville Wednesday on business. Walter and Clarence Cline, of near Gold Hill, were in Rimer Friday on business. AV. H. Furr is confined to his home with influenza. John Sifford, of Rimer, has taken charge of Fisher school as Mr. An drew's health will not permit him to continue longer. There will be a box supper at Rim er Saturday night, the 20th. Every body is welcome. A’enus, we are in favor of a cor respondents' picnic. FARAI BOY. RIMER. j We are still having some winter i weather. A large crowd attended the P. O. I S. of A. meeting at Rimer schoolhouse | Friday night. Alarch 12th. Air. and Airs. AI. B Buckwell, of j Rimer, are all smiles. ) Itts a boy. Air. and Airs, C. A. Troutman and ! little son, George Rayford, of No. 11, ; spent Friday night at T. C. Stallings, : of Rimer. , Miss Florence Sifford, who has been confined to her home on account of sickness, has returned to her work I in Kannapolis. Aliss Alary Ella Barrier, of Mont ■ Amoenn Seminary, spent the week- I end with Aliss Addie Rinehardt. Fred Furr has purchased a new incubator. Guess he will raise lots ‘ of chickens. There will be a box supper at Rim- I er schoolhouse Saturday night, Alarch I 20th. The public is cordially in -1 vited. Air. and Mrs. Charles Safrit, of Salisbury, visited in Rimer Sunday. HERAIONKEY. ENOCHVILLE. Mrs*. AY. F. Allman is having good luck with lien- young biddies. She has some pretty good size now and others which are lounger, and will soon take off an iDcubator hatch. How is that for early chicks? Howard Rodgers is making prepa rations to build a new house. Mr. and Mrs. Mack Upright are ex petWng to visit Mrs. Upright's par ents next week. They live near Tay lorsville. Jake Wright had a well bored Tues day. Lowell Overcash moved his family to G. W. Wright’s Tuesday. L. H. Overcash will have a new well bored tomorrow. The little son of Rev. Mr. Bolden has been right sick. Jno. Eagle moved to Kannapolis on Aionday. M. YV. Upright bad a new top put on his Ford Tuesday. The influenza epidemic is getting more severe, according to reports from different sections. YVe are glad to see George Wed dington out again after having the mumpe. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Parnell and children, of Charlotte, and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Cook an<) children, of near Kannapolis, Bpent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Over eash. Mr. deve Meadows’ family la con fined with influents. Jack and Kyle, little tone of Mr. , and Mrs. A. D. Corrsll. of Enochvllle, have boon at) the sick list. I The Freneh measles are 'ln our school. A. D. Correll is helping C. C. Up- ! right build a new house. We regret to learn that one of our j teachers, M(ss Cleta Turner, is again 1 absent on account of illness. Carl <*assell, of Virginia, was a I guest in the home of Prof. F. B.' Brown last Friday. Mr. Cassell j came in here from Virginia on horse- i back delivering a horse in Charlotte, j purchased by a young lady there. ; Wonder how many of our boys would enjoy such a trip during such wenth-! er ns we have been having recently. |i A Ford coupe was overturned near; Kannapolis Sunday evening, but. for-! ttinatoly no one was hurt and the car j was only slightly damaged. BUSY BEE. ROCKY RIVER. Two snow storms in one week in March. How is that for the Sunny South? Saturday was a rough day for those who have the habit of going to town that day, but same went never theless. There is till sotre sickness about I but people are about to get lverl I the llu. j Coy Rc.d eame in from Knoxville j I and tpent the week-end with re!a- I t*ves. lie returned to Knoxville Mon- I day with Mrs. Reid an 1 little son. J who have been visitin' her * several jj weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Steinmetz and little |- danghter, of Xev.- York are visiting! 1 her sister. Miss Francis Akcrstroni. j ' Arthur Starnes has gone to High i Point to take a business course. Uncle Hilly Spears was buried at \ Rocky River cemetery Tuesday. He 1 had been in feeble health for some ] time, and was strickrti with paralysis a I short time before his death. He was | preceded to the grave by his wife i ouly a short time ago. Uncle Hilly 1 was a deacon in the church here. \ The singing association is due to i meet Friday night at the home of ] John Piott. Let all the singers be \ there. A SCHIBBJsiEB. 1 FAITH. Mrs. Mary L. Lndwick, wife of the j late Pinkney Lndwick, died nt the j home of her daughter. Mrs. T. R. t Hess, of Faith, March 13th. She \ was s 4 years, six mouths and eleven i days old. She was baptized in in fancy and confirmed when a young woman, a member of Bt. Jonhs Luth- i erin Church. Cabarrus coMnt.v. After- 1 wards she was a member of Ebeneaor J Lutheran Church and then at St. i Hauls Lutheran Church and about ! nineteen years ago she, together with i her family, became members of Faith 1 Lutheran Church to which she re- ] mained a faithful member until her i death. She was twice mnrruxi. * First to Mr. Roger, who died during ] the Civil lVgr, and just after the war to Pinkney Lndwick. She was the' 1 mother of nine chiklreti, two sons. Luther Chadwick, of Mt. Airy, and 1 Lawson Ludwiek. of LaDdis, and five ' daughters, Mrs. Tom Hess, of Faith: Mrs. Boyden Lefler. of ncar .Ftlth: Mrs. J. L. Shaping, of Georgia; Mrs. Underwood, of Cabarrus county, and Mrs. Hull, of Winston-Salem. She has fifty-five grandchildren and B<l great-grandchildren, one sister* Mrs. I.ondy Yates, of Cl) inn Grove, besides a host of relatives and friends. The funeral services were conducted at the home of T. R. Hess March 15th at 10 o'clock by her pastor. Rev. G. O. Ritchie, and her body laid tor rest , beside that of her husband in St. Pauls cemetery. The pall bearers were her grandchildren, M. Hall, Clifford Hess, Opal Ritchie, Clifford Lefler, Clarence Ludwiek and Clifford Ritchie. The flower girls were her \ grandchildren and great-grandchll- ' dren, Dorotha Ketchie, Emma Lud wiek, Wilma Ludwiek and Znla Les- Icr. She was a good woman, and a loving mother and grandmother and ! n friend to all and will be greatly i missed by her relatives and friends. 1 Venus and Mr. Beck, the barber at Faith, and Mr. Beck, Sr., attended the sale Tuesday away down on Jhe Yadkin River. Mr. Lent* is living ! so it was a live man’s sale. His children all married and left home and his wife died some years ago and he got' tired of living by himself in his old days. He has more old time rail fence perhaps than any other man in North Carolina and the ' biggest kind of a plantation with lots ! of fine timber of all kinds. His farm 1 runs along the Yadkin river. O. H. Fisher, one of the best drum- ! mers in North Carolina, was in Faith today taking orders from the Faith merchants. He reads our items, he says. | W. Russell, of Salisbury, has been mentioned by the Republicans 1 as a suitable candidate for Congress ! of the eighth district as he is well j known in the district. Myron E. Frick is at home on a twelve-days furlough from the navy at Norfolk, Va. L. A. Stirewalt, of China Grove, is in Salisbury today. VENUS. Scientists arc investigating a pro- ! cess invented by a Frenchman for the extraction of pure rubber from worn out rubber products, at a cost of only 30 cents a ton. By crossing with a tree that has jilSt been rescued from extinction in Hawaii, larger cotton plants ''have been produced. Do YOU Worry? One of the most difficult things to contend with in these strenuous times is worry and nervousness. Almost everyone suffers in one form or another—neuralgia, neuritis, nervous indigestion, etc., all painful, afflict suffering humanity because the nerves are disordered, women suffer most, ] because of their physical make-up. j To eorreet those conditions take Dr. j Pierce's Favorite Prescription, made ] of soothing herbs. It is a wonderful j nerve tonio and will help restore nar< j vena women to health and strength. I BmdlOo for trial pkg. to DrPlerce's j Invalids* Hotel, Buffalo, X. T, j I'ffWWTiTWrrTO-!CTriTn.|vvir.T».-iTw C<J ; 1 -a.i.. i |"1 nsg Just What You Have Wanted RENT IT This marvelous new in- I _ _ • N vention will polish your oy the floors ten times faster | ; __ j. __ UNP than other methods, and ; f I jA will give y°« a higher; J! , JL^LA JL / H VV- more even and more beau- [ I Rom' it for a day art! 1 J| polish all your floors and ' | linoleum this new, easy, • H quick, electric way. I Ritchie Hardware Co. YOUR HARDWARE STORE PHONE 117 tfwdJMkfafftvnrnWrt ntggT.iWPt33mS3sTTTrTrTr3nrS3^ f “When Visitors Come” lors to he nicely carpeted—in color- J th side wall .and furniture pieces— 1 cushioned feeling under food sug- ! ng-wear Rugs that are ever fresh, \ rs. Jones and Mrs. Brown coming ' olds arc bound to notice an effect- j effective room arrangement. ] f admirably to decorative purpose 1 nnotones are desired, small figured ! m. Oriental and Chinese designs j ng room. Each one has its place. 1 IS FURNITURE CO. OOQQQOCftOOOCMOrMTOnOrtiI^^Iggjj Social Stationery Tallies, Place Cards, Favors Gifts Engraved Letter Heads Visiting Cards Wedding Invitations, Announcements, Etc. KIDD-FRIX Phone 76 58 S. Union St. I Concord, N. C. # JM Mr WnJ&mTA ; THE UNIfTRSAL CAR Thermo-Syphon Cooling System The circulation of water in Ford cars is entirely gov- I ern& engine temperature—the flow starting as the 1 motpr warms, and being most rapid at the points of the £ {greatest heat. Oh cold mornings the Ford engine warms S up quickly, because the water does not circulate from the 9 cylinder block until it becomes heated. In hot weather, S too, the Ford cooling system is Equally efficient, for the jj capacity of the radiator is unusually large in proportion 9 to the heating surface of the cylinders. Since there is no jj water pump requiring frequent need for packing, the Ford 9 ' cooling system is exceedingly simple and always efficient. 9 REID MOTOR CO. CONCORD’B FORD DEALER Corbin and Church Streets Phone 280 8 oooooooonnnnnnnniMiwoi><Mw»ww»ittww)noofv*w»^^ Friday, March 19, 1926

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