■PPP*'?. f- * / ' Y " Thursday. March 25. 1*26 • prs Os Reliable Merchandise) 9 . " v -iTtHHh* - —■■"»' 'ii HELK CO’S v M I \ WOTgMatfjinnwryjWld-■Y' , ~ • - x i RING OPENING - • ■■—■■ -. i... I>. ■ .ill Tltl.li t. I'll, ■ ■ ... ■ ■>■ -I" I Everything heavy loaded for this I I bjg drive. Wo wifi have plenty of, ij* ' merchandise for yoii to select from. Mr. IH Parks, ft. K. Black and Ed Sherrill made a special trip to the / - northern market for the Parks«Beßc stores for this big drive. So every thing will be in style and fresh from • / the northern market. S■ ’ • We mm t a 160 jper cent, increase • v ✓ |p business this Easter over last year and with ah these new goods to select from there is no reason why we shonfcfat’t go over the top as our Shoes, Clothing, {fry Goods, Silks, Ready-to-Wear and Millinery De partments are all loaded down to the last notch with new merthan- „ dise bought specfriy for Utiebjg v 5 drive. ~ " • > . , .... I . iii-iiM,..,| t | W* ■...■*< • '.gX.i'M'amittf'gW ' ' ' ! SUGAR 1 ' v ' ? Two Solid Carloads of Sugar for the Parks-Belk Stores—Special for Spring Opening V 6c POUND in 106 Lk. Bulk, $5.75 > ' \ I''%s* t / I MEN ’S . Furnishings For %&£gL Easter Trade If j llkll (If/I H i In this department you will iind all the Accessories for IIIi nffijlll f flfa the well dressed man—Socks, Ties, Shirts, Collars and Un- VIV Ifff ffjfil] \ Hlfm dCrwear. We carry all sizes, regular and extras. ( £ rH]Wfem I¥/ New Shipment of Tics for Easter Trade, New Patterns ikmnmflw „ 4 ® c TOc ANTJ 98c w|] lliMj Socks in Cotton, Fibre and Silk, Plain and Fancy at, pair 10c 15c 19c 25c 35c Jfflk In our Blurt stock we have all the new Patterns, neck bands and collars attached. Shirts id regular and extra sizes, percales and broadcloths in plain and fancy spring... P *"T9e 98c $1.39 $1.48 $1.98 ■' ’ f , ■; : ; v ' THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE ' % Your New Suit For Easter mPT^\ Our Clothing Buyers have spent some time on the northern and eastern /■Hi / markets, selecting and buying Clothing for our 44-Belk Stores. By / ABB I V uying in this way we get the best materials, best workmanship and \ styles that can be had, With s9l the middleman's profits shaved off and / tg iHL \ \ Jm extra discounts for Quantity and Oasi. Men, this means a saving to /M/V V / gj you of from 15 to 3* 1-8 per cent., oh your clothing aa'd furnishings. S' ’Jgj\ j^g valuer 98011 * 1 * 1 * * U p|P Our buyers wc?e successful in getting a lot es young men’s and conser- 1W 1 B\ \ I vative suits in Unfinished Worsteds, Hard Finished Worsteds, and ■ ■gw] M ' \ | Good Metcalfs. By buying a large quantity at a good price, therefore VBII H Vj it is our policy to pass this on to our customers at a considerable saving f H V -■ <. Men 8 Conservative suit ln one and two pants. Plain and Young Men's / VB II T Models m New Cloths and Patterns at J lijH | A \ $16.50 $18.50 $19.95 |\ There Is A IMerance in A difference in Men’s Clothes as to Cloth and more especially ta-’lor- a i 1/ IA& mg. We want you to see our line of MSn’s Hand Tailored Suits in the h . _ A . V 1 - M new Spring Patterns and Cloths. We can save you from *7.50 to 915 ■ liimhokmEa k r a on a Suit. Our prices— W BMttiiHßf I $24.50 $29.50 $32.50 $35.00 , tTo Be Well Dressed “Dress Well and Succeed’’ It is essential that the young, conservative, or elderly , man have a Hat and Pair of Shoes that are in keeping j and good looking. Os course our shoe man has the shoes, ‘ therefore we have the hats for anybody and any price. From careful study we find that there are ten times as many men’s hats sold for $3.60 to $5.00 as any other price. Right here is where we are strong and the same old story, but as true as an arrow, by our 44 Belk Store buying pow- Ifek er, we can and do give the buying public the Best Hat as to Qhality, Color, Style and Workmanship For I,ess. Just received new shipment of Men’s Spring Hats— | a hat to Suit Anyone at at a Saving on each hat from SI.OO to $2.50. Our prices are. $2.48 $2.98 $3.45 $3.95 $4,98 yg l • Men’s Overalls 1 and Work Shirts he Belk Stores are headquarters for Men’s /ork Clothes. This department is always ill of Overalls and Work Shirts at Our Us- ! 85c $1.25 $1.39 $1.48 AND SI.7S Work Shirts at 48c 79c AND 98c All Qf This Merchandise Worth Anywhere from 15 to 20 per Cent, more than we ask. We can only give thdse prices on Overalls and Work Shirts by ; placing big contracts ranging ' from 5,000 to dozen orders at a time direct with the mills. Again this is where our customers save the difference. - J. ■ A & ‘J— PAGE FIVE