PAGE SIX BUCK’S 1 Cooks quicker, saves time. 2 Costs less to operate, saves money. 3 Brass fount, will not rust. 4 Improved new burners, cannot leak. 5 Blue flame, will not black utensil. 6 White enamel shelf, easy to clean 7 Blue steel drums, will not rust. A cool kitchen, work in comfort. ■ 9 Can be used in any room, no smoke. 10 Wicks adjusted automatically 11 Built stronger, will last longer. 12 Extra heavy enamel, will not peel. y You can save enough on your fuel bill to pay for one of these stoves on our divided plan, and never miss the money. » See them on demonstration in our window this week. Concord Furniture Co. THE RELIABLE FURNITURE STORE rcoxri 8 No Dealer in Concord Sells Coal for Less than I do. ! j j Best Furnace Coal SB.OO to $ll.OO. c * | Best Grate and Stove Coal SB.OO to $9.00. |< ; ' Best Steam Coal $4.00 t0'57.50. j{ j ; Best Gas House Coke—Made in Concordsß.so. i| i [ Purchase \our Coal where you can get QUALITY I 1 ! : and SERVICE. ! A.B. POUNDS yoooooooooooooooooQoeooooeysQoeeoeoooooooooooooooc Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooc I FIVE NEW PUMPS | These Five Winners received this week. They are !' the early Spring’s Newest Models. Patent One Stray Gold Trim, Gold Heel i|! Satin One-Strap Gold Trim X Light Gray Pump, two tone White Kid Pump stitched. i[i One Strap White Kid Pump X These are Wonderful Shoes at a Wonderful price of I'! $7.85 j IVEY’S i THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES • 000o 000000000CKXXXX)0CX)00CKMXX>0000<X)00Cyywx?0o0O |lZcßAviiSNs| PHONE 74 ! COAT % / M m 1 J Plaster 5 Mortar Color. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoOOOUOOCPOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOO ■HAtgjg-ga U.-Mn-'T’’?' '■f'To.L: id KgIPSHf enza-But “Henfluenza” | nzaand we’ve got it bad. Our doctor gave 1 calls for 500 fat hens taken daily until fl in large numbers. We will pay 23c per pound 1 dtous by Friday noon of this week. Leg- |§ ens 20c per pound. Winter chickens 25 to i o size. Friers 1 1-2 lb. size, 45c per pound I x days in the week and 52 weeks in the year. M Umd Buyer works only when the market is H ’by wait until there is no demand for Hens? so JARRIER&CO. § yOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQ iSMI-LAX I TONIC £ and j j! Laxative Compound ! ■ The new and wouriderful Medicine for people who are ■ suffering with Weak and Rundown condition of the | ■ CSystem, Loss of Appetite, Constipation, Indigestion, Sto- ! ■ mach and Liver. ■kSee your Druggist for it is only sold through Drug m ■ Cdncord Daily Tribune TIME OF CLOSING MAILS The time of the dosing of mails at the Concord postoffice is as follows: Northbound 13&-t11:00 P. M. 36*-10:00 A. M. 34 4,:10.P. M. 38— 8:30 P. M. 30—11:00 P. M. Southbound 39 9:30 A. M. 45 3:30 P. M. 135 8:00 P. M. 29—11:00 P. M. |~LOCAL MENTION | Pivstiss Rnifard fc confined to his home on North Union street with an attack of influenza. Miss Fay Krimminger, of the clerical force at Rfml’s, is confined to her home by ill now. The weekly meeting of the Concord Kiwanis Club will be he’d at the Y. M. C. A. tomorrow at 12:30. Reuben Utley has resumed his work at the Times-Tribune office af ter being confined to his home by ill ness for several days. „ Rev. \V. C. Wauchope. of White ville. npoki* at the prayer . meeting service at the First Presbyterian Church. He was heard with much intemit and benefit. .1. I>. Sherrill i«s spending the af ternoon in Salisbury, going there at noon to attend a meeting of the exe cutive committee of the North Caro lina Press Association. R. 11. King, of Atlanta, and J. Wilson Smith, of Charlotte, Y- M. C. A. officials, will be present to night. for the meeting of the board of directors of the local association. Improvement is reported in the condition of J. H. Brown, county wel fare officer, who has been ill several days this week. Mr. Brown was able to be its his office for a short time, yesterday. The volleyball team of the Y. M. ' C. A- went to Kannapolis last night r for a game with the second team of f the- Y there. The Concord team, j won. getting two match** to one for { the Kannapolis tegm. t Directors of the Y. M. C. A. will t hold an important meeting at the Y- l M. C. A. tonight at 7:30. Several important matters are to come be fore the meeting and all members of the board are urged to be present. (J. A. I»ntte. local manager for the Southern Power Company, suffered a stroke of apoplexy yesterday after noon. His condition today is report ed as favorable as could be expected. Mr. Ratte’s many friends will hope for liis recovery. Police officers this morning stated that no new business of importance developed here during yesterday. No session of the recorder’s court was held as no cases were docketed, and little business was presented to the I officers during the day. Master John Addison Crowell, son s os Mr, and Mix. B. L. Crowell, of f this city, was carried to the Concord Jf- Hospital Tuesday, where he under- r went a serious operation. He stood the operation well and at this time t is doing as well as could be expect- f ed. Ty Cobb, world’s most famous base- | ball player, will take his Detroit h Tigers to Charlotte tomorrow for an f“ exhibition game with the Toronto team. The game will be played at l- AVearn Field at 3 o’clock and will be j! the first of the 1026 season for Char- > lotte. O. A. Barringer has sold to A. M. Nusßman for $1,500 property in No. otownship. according to a deed filed here yesterday. Another deed filed ' the same day records the sale of property in Petrea Heights. No. 4 townsdiip, by M. F. Teeter to R. A. Hilton for S4OO. High school tcarficrs <_.f :he county I will meet at the court house Satur day momiiiK at 10 o'clock and in the afternoon colored teachers will meet at the same place ni 2 o'clock. Reg ular work will be discussed at the two meetings under the direction of Prof. J. B. Robertson. Spring is here in earnest now and during tfie week high temperatures' have prevailed. Clear weather has been the city’s lot during the past sev eral days and such weather is prom ised for the balance of the week. March apparently is going out like a lamb, since it came in like a lion. OPENING OF THE MERIT SHOE COMPANY’S STORE Grand Opening Dance Friday Night. —Souvenirs For Women and Men. The new shoe store for Concord of the Merit Shoe Co. will open in the new store room tiext to Patterson's wholesale grocery store hext Satur day morniug at 8 o'clock. Everybody is invited to the free grand opening dance in the store Friday evening. March 26, from 1* to 12 o’clock. Music by Clay Dean and his Tar Heel Or chestra. Souvenirs of carnations will be given to the ladies and cigars to the men. One pair of full fashioned hose will be given free with each pair ot ladies shoes sold and one safety 1 razor will be given free with every | pair of men’s shoes sold, i ■ You should not fail to attend the | opening Friday evening of this beau ! tis til shoe store at 40 South Union i street. i Two Killed in Accident. | Charlottesville. March 24.— UP) — j Two persons were killed and three others sefiously injured near here early today when an automobile in ! which they were riding plunged down an embankment. Women are now taking part in every phase of Egyptian life, and it la t no unusual oecurrenance for leading Egyptian newspapers to de '.vote space to the feminine question THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE Colds and Grip “ Cured New Way New Treatment far Deep, Grippy Colds Being Introduced by Lora! Druggist, With Guarantee. After thousand* of laboratory tests modern science *aas at last combined \ into one remedy, called RUSSEU/S < RB-31, the ingredients needed to re- 1 lieve the distressing symptoms of < deep, grippy colds. < Aids Nature < Most remedies have disappointed J you in the pa*t because they have < failed to reach the five symptoms. < which follow swiftly in the track of J the first sneeze. Now When you feel ( fine of those feverish, grippy colds J < f ining on you can take RrSSELUR ( RB-31 and get relief quickly through < its remarkable power in aiding nature J to act with full forte in curing the < cold. A 1. It reduces the fever. ( 2. It relieves the pain. 3. It cleans the body of impuri- ! ties. ‘ < 4. It liquifies the sticky mucus and J promotes its ejection from the throat, ( bronchial tubes and lungs. j 5. It allays the, harassing cough j which so often comes with a cold. < Adults Only Prepared especially for adults lU’S- j SELL’S RB-31 brings more complete t relief to men and women than thone j remedies which must be kept mild ) because they an* also used for the C treatment of children. Money Back ( So strongly are the local druggists backing this remedy that they offer it to the families of this city with a guarantee to refund money if RUS SELL’S RB-31 fails to give desired Get your bottle to&ay at the Ca- ( barms Drug Company. ReiieF W2L&nv coi d s !i NO ADVANCE IN PRICES! , jj ! | : Extra Added Attraction Ijj • *' j ; Today, Friday and Saturday “Darktown” J STRUT YO STUFF! SHINE j ’ i fl ' m ; s Tiie colored boys of Concord. Goose Hollow. Belgian t 1 L and Black Bottoms are going to show you how the Char- [- ! leston is done! - * . | j H They have ,their ow n Music, Songs, Quartets, and t 1 | String instruments to entertain yoif. In conjunction with f ! r the feature, MARION DAVIES "LIGHTS OF OLD I ! [' BROADWAY”. [ IT’S LOCAL! CONCORd THEATRE ITS NEW 1 j j xirrrn:xn~ i rrrsxrrirr: ? t HUDSON-ESSEX Now S SO Less and “At Your Door” ESSEX“6”COACH* 854 > HUDSON COACH 1299 Hudson Brougham - - 1554 Hudson 7-Pass. Sedan - 1795 This covers all costs —freight, So there is no uncertainty about 1 tax and the followingequipment: the price you pay. No mislead- Front and Rear Bumpers, Elec- ing “F. 0.8. Factory” or so-called .trie Wiadahield Cleaner, Rear “list” prices, to which freight, View MhTor, Transmission Lock tax, equipment and sundry other (built in), Radiator Shutters, charges must be added. Hudson- Meto-Meter, Combination Stop Essex A. Y. D. prices tell what and Tail Light you pay and ALL you pay. Wars w« advertising f. <*. b. pricat with former .Undard equipment, they would bar ESSEX “6” COACH *735 HUDSON COACH *1135 v Hudson Brougham *1385 Hudson 7-Pass. Sedan *l6lO The lowest prices at which these cars ever sold The “AYD” Plan is Saving Buyers From *25 to *SO on Every Car Concord Motor Co. jivtupiiwii' ■"*'■ ■ ”w'^r«|(appu-' . ■ '' Beniamin Fogel Arrested. Washington, March 24.—(/SO Ren jamin R. Fogel.-nne of the first men to be indicted in the recent Cleveland rum ting case, was arrested here last night and held trader bond of $20,- 000. IF YOU WANT SURE RESULTS USE PENNY COLUMN—IT PAYS £OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOO Easter if 3 is the first Sunday in ]|| x April. Remember fine ]i| Q quality in Dry Cleaning 8 depends on workmanship !j X you never see. Your fav- ]ij 2 orite Spring apparel de- ]![ Q serves the unfailing care ij 8 in refreshment that our \ 3 reputation insures. ]i j&sO&h 4ZEM3mmsr “MASTER” Cleaners and Dyers Office 25-27 W. Depot St TQMjp, Be careful about, how you look Jn i to a mirror. Looking too much is ' liable to discourage you. i Hound dogs ojt around and bowl ' at the moon, but calamity howlera \ sit around and bowl at untiling. The weather seems to be perfect ■ only during those months having n [ I "a" in them. Many a woman standing in front of u shop window has merely stopped to reflect. Monday was wash' day once. Now I it is the day on whicii ’we have the i garage man put the auto back togeth ’ er. * (Copyright. 1920. NEA Service. Inc.) DEMOCRATIC PRIMARIES i The Democratic voters of Cabarrus County are hereby requested to m»et at their respective voting precincts on Saturday April 17tli, 1926. for the put pose of selecting five members of the Township Executive Committee and naming delegates to the County 1 Convention on April 24th to be held in the county court house. At tile County Convention dele gates will be named to represent the county at the State Convention to be held in the city of Raleigh on April 29th. The primaries will be held in the* several townships and wards at 2:30 p. m. ROSA B. MUSD, . Vice Chairman County Demo- ' cratic Executive Committee. Concord. N. C., March 22, 1920. ODD FELLOWS NOTICE. i Meets every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. M. L. ROSS. N. G. C, H, RITCHIE. Sec. ooooooooooooooooooooooob i I Before Buying Thai? ij| EASTER HAT OAA <! 1 | OvV ROBINSON’S ! MILLINERY ij DEPARTMT | On the Ready- jjj to-wear Floor :ji ocoooooooooooooooooooooo I Who Has the Greatest Values in Boys’ Clothes? But — —-- er;fo u i9 ,or Boys $12.50 to $30.00 T °P Coats ' New Furnishings - HOOVER’S, Inc. THE YOUNG MAN’S STORE i ?00000000O000ltWK>00 0 < H»00CO000000e0000000ftft00C00l I Ambulance i Service Any Hour, Day | orNight I; WILKINSON’S |[ |||: FUNERAL * HOME Phone 9 j Concord, N. C. Country Cured Meats Kingan Meats Fresh Each Week, When early spring time comes, we always stock our warehouses with thi Very Best Meats. • Country Cured Hams, Sides and Shoulders. We sell you whole or Slice to Suit. Fresh each week: Kingan's Reliable Hams Klngan’s 1 Lb Breakfast Ham Kingan’s Breakfast Strips. We also have Better Western Rib 1 Side and Fat Back than you find in most stores. Our splendid Delivery men go quick everywhere. PHONE 339 Cline & Moose By giving superior quality and extra ordinary value*. This Week It’s PIPES PEARL DRUG CO. Phones 22-~722 CONCORD COTTON MARKET THURSDAY, MARCH 36, ltte Cotton .IS Cotton esed -52 l-l Mgralgr Cards Ka* ts Stock at The Tlmes-Tribane Job OOce and *** « • *•" •! * v . \ .wt' r’ i 1 ■ ' -v> Thursday, March 25, 1926 | Timm mnirc fuiiYriuntj 1 I That Paid-in-full smile #, you’ll wear, this gainful ]!| grin after an auto acci- 1 < dent if we have insured ! you against loss. You’re ]!| apt to keep an appoint- ] | ment you never knew you ' had—a date with a catas- 1 1 ' trophe. Make a date with J ] our “Good Luck Insur- !► ance.” rj iSHa 23i MK7 CABAROUS y avtiftbe. J dCCPNI H9tmp back witHout /flf KM (Hunt’s Salve ana 8o«p), {»I1-I t .( If 17 the t KaSmetit of Itch. Keetitfh V /d Ringworm,l etteror other itch lag skin diseases. Try thh treatment st our (Mk. Rin*wonn,Tetter brother itch- /i Idg skin diseases. Try dlls * • < treatment at onr rfsk. PEARL DRUG CO. TRY BAMBY BREAD < Best American Made Bread Yet “It’s the Butter That Makes It Better” . Made by the blue Ribbon Bakery, Charlotte, N. C. Order It Through Your Grocer Delivered Fresh Every Day CONCORD PRODUCE MARKET (Corrected Weekly by Cline * Moose) Figures named represent prices pajJf for produce on the market: Eggs : .80 Ota * 1 fiio Sweet itetatoas i. SI.OO Turkeys Jfs Onions * $1.70 Peas $2.00 Batter J 5 Country Ham 30 Country Shoulder 3O Onuntry Bides , JO Young Chickens *— 85 So

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