Monday, March 1026 r-T-" -•■PM. T Dinner Stories L The Chufin{ Times. “Shall we stroll into the conserva tory?'’ asked fte hero of the old fash ioned novel. “I thina you are Jn the wrong bock." responded the heroine of the latest seller. “The ideu now is to sit in the car.” I Energy Plus Luck. A complimentary dinner was being i ft given in honor of u certain man. and [ ft lie was responding to the toast of hits I health. 1 3 “Gentlemen.” he said, “when I came' ■to London T was a poor boy without j Ba penny in my pocket and nowhere to' Bay my head. Today I don’t mind I am worth ten thousand My success I attribute en- to the fact that I have worked Hard, that I have my share of en- and efficiency, and that several ago I won ten thousand pounds ; lB the Calcutta Sweep." 9Bu\ parade of the Ku Klux Klan was down the street One of the at the rear of the procession "Don’t Follow TV A negro JIB standing on the sidewalk watch ing the parade and said. “Tile man made that sign sure wasted Huey." my girl in college has her mind about basketball. is evidently going in for soine- Hng mere useful." BN'civ she writes s’iie has made the team." B§ Seeing the Sights. Aunt : "And what brought. town, Henry ” : "Oh, well, I jus’ come to the sights, and I thought that I'd jH on you first." •IB For Heaven’s Sake. "And what docs your fath- say. when he says grace eating?" about three or four times a he says, ’Good Lord 1 lieans !” B Careful. "Yes, it’s a bit more se- than you thought, and I'm she'll retpiire my attention for months." "Would that be picce- or a time job for you doctor?" 1 ' T <*** | Protect Your Property and Your Money I i i«—i’TT house, when painted with f 'mUffHi Marietta House Paints, is practi gi / caily guaranteed against the ravages of B «|| 3 foul weather by the Marietta Service AURORA F£J3 Certificate. No other paint manufac- J turer offers you such a certificate. Ash 1 m s^>ouC today* ■Concord Paint&Paper Company B 342 N. Church Street Phone 16L ■ MARIETTA PAINT SERVICE STATION j I EVERETT TRUE BY CONDO ISOMe CHANS6 IN TOE WTS4T«efC CMERCTTt M RCMINDJ MC or THE, YOU KlViiw LAST MONTtt THE Wo XOv Tbt-i Ki< | JBL rr"s osini?, r o .jag ■ a Nice PAY » , o «»« «» SO sorocc me. » I 4 I ' Embarrassing Moments New York Daily Mirror. I am a clerk in a post office and I have a girl friend visiting me who drag* her keels when she walks. The other day someone came in shuffling their heels and I glanced up to see a famil ! ar rosc-cclored coat, and could I not help saying, “I knew it was you, anybody could tell your noisy feet.” To my surprise a complete stranger ! was looking at me in a bewildered ; fashion. j A slip of the tongue caused me a ' great deal of embarrassment. I am stenographer in a law office. The ' otWr day my boss had three clients in his office, when he asked me to read an article for them. Being a little timid as I never had done such a thing before. I began with,’ “Herring on the suit contesting the holograph will of so and so;” when my employer interrupted me by saying, “Pardon me. Miss S„ I think you have made a mistake.” Looking back. I saw the word hearing instead of herring and apologised blushingly. Slander Over the Radio. Monroe Enquirer. Radio broadcasting of ers unexcelled opportunities for slander because, un like the printed page, it leaves no •tell-tale, not to be denied, record of what is said Into the ether the story goes, to be picked up here and there, far and near, by unidentified and unknown listeners nnd then out of sound, without leaving a trace Effective denial of a candard is ex ceedingly difficult. An interesting illustration of this fact comes from Chicngo, where State's Attrmcy Robert E. Crowe, re cently flipping the dials of his radio, tuned in on some hilarious dance mu sic from a cabaret, and was amazed to hear the announcer proclaim that “our friend, State’s Attorney Crowe, is sitting at a front table.” Mr. Crewe secured a squad of detectives, and arrested five men operating the station and declared he was going to punish the guilty ones to the limit of 'ais authority. Because Columbia University had one of the most brilliant offensive teams in the history of the Inter collegiate Ilaskctba’l League, follow ers of the light blue and whUo are this year celebrating their first clear title victory in the league in nearly fifteen years. » Senator Walsh Pushes Wheeler Case Into Limelight Again. BY CHARLES P. STEWART. NBA Service Writer. How many among us (senators) will care to incur the displeasure of the Department of Jnsthte if it may with impunity employ perjured, testi mony to wreak its vengeance upon those who thus dare? I propose to demonstrate that that is just wbat it did in the case of my colleague, Senator Wheeler. —Senator Thomas J. Walsh of Mon tana, in the United States Senate, March 10. * * »- Washington Strong language that. It went with Senator Walsh’s de mand on Attorney General John G. Sargent to advise the Senate if he intends to make perjury charges against George B. Hayes, “surprise witness” against Senator Wheeler in the latter’s trial in Montana on an accusation of improperly using his official position in a personal client's interest with the Department of the Interior. It suggests that the Justice De partment hasn't got the Wheeler case entirely off its hands yet. • * • It wilt be recalled that WnepW Was indicted while making things unpleasant for the then Attorney General Harry M. Daugherty. He and his friends declared it a frame up from the first. The Senate investigated and gave Wheeler a clean bill of health. Noverthe'ess he was tried in Mon tana. It was le-M even than a weak ease, barring what ITayes had to say. The jury, however, didn’t believe Hayes—whose story certainly did sound improbable, at best—and ac quitted the senator on its first vote. Tribes Found in Desert, An expedition sent out by the Rus sian Academy of Sciences has discov ered primitive tribes in the deserts of Central Asia who were previously un known to the outside world. These people, according to their sages, had not heard from the rest of the world or 800 years or more. They live in the. Kara Kmu desert in Turkmenis tan in all the simplicity of the no mads of Bible times, dwelling in tents and tending their flocks of camels, sheep and goats. Although they have been for centuries within the bowlers of Russia, they did not know of the existent'? of such a na tion. Their amazement at seeing the members of the expedition did not prevent them from offering that hos pitality which has reached its high est degree of perfection only among the wild tribes of the desert. A tournament to decide the North Central States volleyball champion ship will be held at Sioux Falls April 9-ia j nwiaui-n mi it 11 'i' .tai For each man and woman, friend aud peighhor I’m A. Live Wire, the labor saver. ’lw the snappy, full of pop chap who lifts the gloom from homes that needed to get acquainted with the wonderful blessing known as electric ity. j light up your rooms and balls, sweep your carpets and run your sew ing machines, heat your homes and light up everybody’s pathway in life. W. J. HETHCOX GARDENSEED 3k Package Drug Store BALANCE OF THIS WEEK l. Three 50c Cans Bartlett 61 Pears, in syrupt *** * Three Large Cans Royal #1 Anne Cherries N* * i Four 35c Cans Red Pit- 6f I ted Sour Cherries * And our Canned Vegetables are the very best at reasonable prices. CABARRUS CASH GRO CERY CO THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE The Flowers That Bloom in the Spring, Tra-la OUT OUR WAY BY WILLIAMS [lll inGer\ rs AsMRIGHT! iUW EmEm vaiuTH \ 1 MOOlvt' NEXf \ ( MiKto 1 / OV/ER AOIV4 * Bor IS vjighT-AAAVA! I 1 % V souJ / 00"\NOMf I 6it Ml HERE'S. SOME \ . 1 1 ,s/ | Vk/k-W mothers get g-raw- s j.r’w.iUm 3 ■ i. JTVIE. LEISURE. CLASS. ”** )_ MOM’N POP Cj Goodnight! \ ( Still coming - V PVj X-OOk AT TBE' / 7 HERE’S AfOOTH&R-) vt ORDERSjy AMOTrieR-ercy ILjlj eMI# ~l~3iPnl fel. ■ .1 mSSaiau ] • SHK&SS 1 That magic, mud { To posh n'-vtw i IS SELUMGr 1 kWou) HOW 3OS)HESS m ITSEL--F M STOOD BEFORE CH(Ck , WtofL^y-^- —A MIT f BY TAYLOR yessia- Heße are S6OOO. oq S 1 / VJORTH OF ORDERS FROM J ( GReEMFoCD-THIS IS MORS \ \ BUSINESS THAJO \N6’O6 EU6R. 1 l had from That Territory- ksmifl \ OHICK CECTAtKU-Y IS f WI k •I ‘ " VBU_ liM-YROM. MtSSOORI { VLL AOVT HOP DOWN TO GREEN PoRD ll X AND INVIESTKaATE TrtiS MATT6P- "T '////////M MM SELT - X VdILL ADMIT HOWEVER, U W////A that CHick possesses The flfr '//////A * ternating Current. R. H. OWEN, Agent 4 -Phbne 669 Concord, N. C. jj JOOOOO<;>OQ OOOOOOOOOCOOOOi I BATTERIES 1 , Big Price Reduction on Batteries for Fords and Chevrolets PREST-O-UTE $15.50 COLUMBIA $11.95 Compare These Prices. REPLACEMENT FOR ALL CARS PHONE 228 j, (Studebaker Sales and Service) j . Auto Supply & Repair Co. OCOOOOOOOOOGOOOOOOOQOQQQCCaQOOfxXFtOQOOOOOOOOCOOOg I Another Car Load of Hoosier Kitchen Cabinets Many Styles to^Chdote nilt in \ O ively in Cabarrus unN\ I !f; j § County By ® s '~' H. B. WILKINSON 5 Out of tire High Kent District, V,lutre Parking Space Is Plentiful [ k and time unlimited. Q Concord Kannapolis, Moorcsville Chinn Grove J i'i Hot Water I' This gas hot water heatftfi , | < is surely a friend in need and |j ' and housewife. Apply a ;j |o| fjCAL. match and in a few minutes i 1 1 lUI steaming hot water will run lj| iliHtl Msmffi from the faucet—enough foi Bj | the dishes, for a badt, etc \vt ‘fcalsßAKi JSffliift 'ti Let us install one for you Pays for itself quickly. E. B. GRADY PLUMBING AND HEATING DEALER i Office and Show Room 39 E. Corbin St. Office Phone 334 W ( ur^. THE DAILY TRIBUNE AND THE PROGRESSIVE FARMER BOTH ONE YEAR AT THE FOLLOWING PRICES: « ' In State outside C-oncord 40.25 The Progressive Farmer is the best farm paper published, and it* price is SI.OO a year. r > You need not pay for the Progressive Farmer at the same time you pay for The Tribune. We will get it for you a whole year at any time on payment of only 25 cents. m Fay your subscription to The Tribune to any contestant, but come to The Tribuuc oflice to pay for your Progressive Farmer. gfiSsraxsairTETxi mnrssssa PAGE SEVEN