PAGE EIGHT ijL \ Jk ■' & Hi lift! *.lM| ADDS BEAUTY AND COMFORT Keeps Out Sun, Heat and Rain and Cdare. Protects your Porch Furniture and Rugs. Makes Your Porch the Most Comfortable and cozy place about the home. Spend your long summer evenings in Comfort. Makes the borne and surroundings more attractive. Our line this year i« more beautiful than ever. Prices reasonable. Place your erfect score ever rolled in a sanctioned American Bow'ing i Congress tournament was made by j Charles Rodee at Milwaukee, April 'j jk 1912. ] ’ MASONiC NOTICE. A Special Communication of Stokes i Lodge No. 32 A. F. A A. M., will be held in the lodge rooms tonight at 7:30. 'ft’ork in the Master Mason degree. Every member of the lodge is re quested to be present. Visiting broth ers are very cordially invited. By order of the Master. HOWARD L. COLLIE, Sec. THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE TOM Igfe Bobbed hair is like some other modern conveniences. It isn’t the initial cost. It’s the upkeep. A real friend in one who will help you without looking as if he thinks you are ho ignorant. We never see a man carrying a . walking stick without wanting to i ask him if ho caught any fish. I Prohibition may not prohibit, but it certainly is a lot of fun. One good turn deserves another . and one bad turn usually bring on another. * No two persons look exactly alike ir do the Charleston alike. : (Copyright, 11)2(5, Nea Service, Inc.) , TODAY’S EVENTS. Monday. March 29. 1926. I Two hundred and fifty years ago ■ today Providence, R. 1.. was almost destroyed by the Indian*. Twenty years ago today saw the j meeting of the Provincial legis lature of Saskatchewan. The second annual National Motor Bus Show will open in Detroit to * day and continue through the week. German Socialists today will ‘ celebrate the centenary of the birth * of their famous lender* Dr. Wilhelm Liebknecht. The annual meeting of the Nation | al Conference on City Planning will 1 be entertained in St. Petersburg. ' Fla., for three days beginning today. • durance Saunders, former head of the Piggly Wiggly stores system, is [ to appear in Federal court at Mem . phis today tq answer to a charge of I using the mails in furtherance of a ucheme to defraud- Mafzoths will appear upon the tab’e of the orthodox Hebrew this - evening, at the beginning of the * celebration of Pas*ov»*r, or Pe*ach. ) as is called in Hebrew—the spring * festival commemorating the freedom of the people from Egyptian bond , ag*'- Great Britain today will put in ‘ operation a postal cash-on-deli very system, by which purchasers will be ‘ able to have British goods delivered to them hy the Post Office, which will collect for the sc’ler a prompt . cash payment upon delivery. Waist Lines Set Supper Cost. Church women of Rock Island. 111., recently served a supper for which they charged each customer according to his or her waist line Special invitations were issued to per sons of wide girth. The price of the supper was two cents for each inch in the customer’s waist line. If a man had a waist measure of fifty inches he had to pay one dollar for his supper. Those with smaller measurements got their suppers cheap er. But it was not stated whether the measuring was done before or af ter thb ratal. The Army Tennis Association, composed of officers of the Regu ar Army* the National Guard and the Officers’ Reserve Corps, will hold its first annual championship tourna ment in Washington next June. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our friends and neighbors for the kindness and sym pathy shown us in the death of our dear wife and mother. B. H. COOK and CHILDREN. When You Trade Your Car— Ford owners are continually be- But, bear those facts in mind: SLSE3ttSRS& The amount of the trade-in al- Fords as part payment on more lowance y°ucan Set is not the expensive carsl important thing for you i. to consider. The big thing is It is logical that automobile the difference you have to pay. dealers should be eager to And remember, that the higher trade with Ford owners. No priced car will not be so easy to other used car Is so easy to sell as dispose of when you come to a used Ford—because everyone trade it in. has confidence in Ford quality. If yo U to your Ford An i 8 condition, since Ford replace- the «,• that you know to be de ment parts are lowest in price, pendable, useful and economi- Most automobiles carry greater caL 0010 y our Ford dealer! discounts to dealers than the He will give you a fair and iiber- Ford another reason why al allowance for your present other dealers may offer the Ford Ford and will gladly arrange owner a larger trade-in allow- payment of the balance to suit ance. your convenience. Original Ford Features that Today Make for Greatest Simplicity — Durability—Reliability Torque Tube Drive Multiple DUc-in-oil Clutch Dual Ignition System Planetary Transmission Simple, Dependable Lubrication Thermo-Syphon Cooling Three Point Motor Suspension FORD MOTOR COMPANY, DETROIT. MICHIGAN New Prices TOURING RUNABOUT COUPE TUDOR SEDAN FORDOR SEDAN $ 3lO $ 290 *SOO *520 *565 Closed car prices include tartar and demountstble rims. AU prices f. #. b. Detroit “22 YEARS OF LEADERSHIP AND STILL LEADING IN PRICE-DESIGN-QUAUTY” .• •: f _ : Saunders Tells How It Feels To Be In Valley Os Shadow Elisabeth City, March 23.—-W. A. Sounder, editor of the Ezilabeth City Independent and writer for llier’a and other national journals, is able to return to his editorial duties after weeks of critical illness, culminating [ in a severe attack of pneumonia. For several days it was not believed he would recover. What is a man’s . thoughts when the valley of the sha llow of death is near? Writing of his , illness and recovery, Editor Raund**i*s , says: “I have ventured far fnto the Val ley cf the Shadow of Death within the past three weeks. It has been a wonderful adventure and I am back to testify that there is nothing in that valley to fear. “I did not believe that I could sur vive an attack of pneumonia. For more than three years 1 have been fighting a diabetic tendency that lias been quite enough for a fellow to cope with. In t!iis time I have been advis ed by physicians to avoid colds for fear that a cold might develop into a fatal case of pneumonia. “And when they sent for a trained nurse. when I knew that inv fever was around 104. when I «aw the wor ried look of my physicians when they held the stethoscope to my back and chest, and when I saw my sputum tinged with blood, I knew that I lmd pneumonia and 1 expected to die. “I worrit'd a bit because I had nev- J er made a will; I found myself inak- 1 ing a careful inventory of all my phys-* ical assets and liabilities. I decided that with my insurance, my family would not be so badly provided tor. “Black night settled upon me: in the darkness there were hurrying forms and the whisperings of frighten ed voices. I wished the voices would quit whispering and I wondered why they seemed so full of fright. Aid tl-ui a new presence came to me out of tie chill and blackness; the fright ened little voices ceased their whisper ing. A great peace set fed upon me. DEMOCRATIC PRIMARIES The Democratic voters of Cabarrus County are hereby requested to meet at their respective votiug precincts on. Saturday April 17th. 11)26, for the nmpose of selecting five members of the Township Executive Committee and naming delegates to the County Convention on April 24th to be held iu the county court house. At the County Convention dele gates wi!l be named to represent the county at the State Convention to be held iu the city of Raleigh on April 20th. The primaries will be held in the several townships and wards at 2:30 p. m. ROSA B. MUND, Vice Chairman County Demo cratic Executive Committee. Concord. N. C. March 22, 1026. WEIGH 5 POI NDS MORE IN THIRTY DAYS Ask the Pearl Drug Company or any druggist for a box of McCoy’s, Cod Liver Oil Compound Tablets, j They cost but little, are sugar coated; and as pleasant to take as candy. Skinny men and women take them to apeedily put on plenty of good healthy solid flesh and for this pur pose they are so extremely good that thin men and women often taken on 11 5 pounds or more in 30 days. Ae a -1 matter of fact, your druggist is auth r! orized to return your money if you | don’t take on 5 pounds in 30 days. • One thin woman gained 15 pounds Then Ihe doctors, the nurse and try j far ily had their troubles: nothin* ( bothered me. “More than ten years ago a Oer- , man physician proposed a new treat ment for pneumonia. Instead of the administration of quinine hydro eblo- i ride, he proposed the use of Numu- ' quin Rase. Xumoquin Base is a de- , rivitive of Cinchona, the same as quin ine; but it is sixteen times more pow- j erful in its pneuinocciecidal properties i than any other treatment ever found for pneumonia. That is to say it will kill the pneumonia germs sixteen times more effectively than any'hing else j ever discovered. “It was more than ten years ago ] that Xumoquin Base was proposed j for the treatment of pneumonia: but | the medical profession is slow to adopt , new ideas. Xunoquin Base had never 1 been used in El zabeth City But I J I was fortunate in having a physician who had heard of it and who had just supplied himself with the drug. I nm \ convinced that Xumoquin Base, the i new treatment for pneumonia, saved 1 my life. It brought down my fever , in three days. My good wife insists < that prayer saved my life. The pray ers of thousands went up for me. I had never dreamed tiiat so many car t'd for me. “I believe iu prayer. I behove that the vibrations of human minds and lieearts going up in behalf of one in | illness and in pain will regeister upon ! the heart and mind of that suffering ouc and soothe nnd sustain him as surely as the vibrations of radio reach out over space and make themselves heard wherever there is a receiver to catch them. “And I know that the prayers of iny friends comforted and reassured my wife ami loved ones as nothing else could do. And God was near me throughout my illness because God and the goodness and greatness of human ity are one.” . iwrf in six weeks. Be sure and ask for McCoy's, the original and genuine Cod Liver Oil Compound Tablets —CO tablets—oo cents. norr HELPS SORE, B FEE! Good-bye, sore feet, burning feet, swollen feet, sweaty feet, smelling ] feet, tired feet ' \ Good-bye corns, callouses, bunions and raw spots. No more shoe tight* ness, no more limping with pain or ] drawing up your face in agony, i “Tiz” is magical, acts right off. ] "Tiz” draws out all the poisonous ] exudations which puff up the feet i Use “Tiz” and forget your foot mb- ] ery. Ah 1 how comfortable your feet I feel. Get a box of “Tiz” now at any drug or department store, i Don’t suffer. Have good feet, glad feet, feet that never swell, never hurt, never get tired. A year’s foot comfort guaranteed for a few cents. LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE ‘ Regular meeting of Concord Lodge , No. 404 Loyal Order of Moose Mon j day evening at 7 ?30 o'clock. All mem bers requested to be present W, J. HETHCOX, Sec. I THE LAST BIG TAILORING SALE Os the Season SEE THE GOODS IN THE PIECE BE MEASURED BY AN EXPERT MR. HARRY ROSENBERGER Schloss Bros. & Co. Os Baltimore, Will Be Here TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY Come in and Have That Spring Suit Made to Maesure HOOVER’S,Inc. : THE YOUNG MAN’S STORE sbooooooooooooooooocoooeooooooeoooooooooooooooQoe i j PI I S It is our constant endeavor to so conduct our professional ji* § activities mat we may reflect honor upon our profession. C; s ib With an advanced equip ment and a thorough knowledge we (b S render a noteworthy service. J. f jjj DayandNight I 2&W.Dep<*St g | *>/." 9* ffl'H^lGyicord-N.C-1 I Easter is the first Sunday in April. Remember fine I | quality in Dry Cleaning j [ depends on workmanship you never see. Your fav- ! orite Spring apparel de serves the unfailing care' in refreshment that our ! reputation insures. PHONE 787 j "MASTER" Cleaners and Dyers Office 25-27 W. Depot St I Y ITCH! \Uf HURTS GUARANTEE! jSr \ BKIN DISEASE SEMEMES /ftrr Vs/ (Hunt'. S.W.ana Soap),Milt f If Yl th. of Itch. Esirn* MA Ringworm, T*tter or othwHek W » • tag akta dlmm. Try tU trmtmcat .< out risk. natvum Monty bwk without quwtton A Jr' If HUNTS GUARANTEED SKIN DISEASE REMEDIES y (Hunt*. and Soap),fall in L Jn/ri. th. tr.atm.nt ofltph, kema, V(7/ i Ringworm.T.«ts»hrcJJ»rltoh* f Jtl / Ing Skin diataaw Try this 1 4 uulntat at our ikk. PEARL DRUG CO. ,CoMs Will stop tomorrow Gold* break in 14 boon far the miHions who use Hill's. Feveraad headaches go. La Grippe yields in 3 dsyA Thb is the quick, the scientific way to end these dangers and discomforts. Don’t trust lesser helps, don’t wait. Get beck to normal at once. AUdknggbts PHesJOe CASCARA^QUININE Oar Rad Bag A®nEfciniw* Monday, March 24, 192^5 Country Cured Meats Kingan Meats i Fresh Each Weejc i When early spring'time coWra, wo | always stock our warehouses with tfflh- I Very Best Meats. r i Country Cured Hams, Sides and | Shoulders. We sell you whole or l Slice to Suit. I Fresh each week : | Ktngan's Reliable Hams I Kingan's ILb Breakfast Ham | Kingan’s Breakfast Strips. We also have Better Western Rib Side and Fat Back than you And in most stores. Our splendid Delivery men go quick everywhere. PHONE SS9 Cline & Moose CONCORD COTTON MARKET MONDAY’, MARCH 2», 1926 Cotton if Cotton seed JS2 l-l CONCORD PRODUCE MARKET (Corrected Weekly by Cline & Moose) Figures named prices paid for produce on the market: Eggs .30 Obrn fl ip Sweet potatoes SI.OO Turkey* .20 Onions 11.75 Peas $2.00 Batter .85 Country Ham JO Country Shoulder .20 Omntry Sides JO Young Chickens .35 Hens .22 Irish Potatoes 2.00 | ooooooooooooooooobooood | Spring’s New est Millinery j I “HATS QUALITY”