PAGE FOUR I Hie Concord Daily Tribune If' J. B. SHERRILL H§ Editor and Publisher I ; L ft. M. BHERRILL,, Associate Editor MEMBER OF THE II ASSOCIATED PRESS .i r gThe Associated Press is exclusively K ■Mtled to the use for republieation of ' * (■’news credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper ana al*to the lo || dl news published herein. I leF-W rights of republieation of spec- M Ktl dispatches herein are also reserved. 4 Special Representative r FROST, LANDIS A KOHN *| ?25 Fifth Avenue New York ts! PeotK*s’ Gas Building, Chicago ■J 1004 Ccndler Building, Atlanta ■ Entered as second clase mail matter ' at the postoffice at Concord, N. C., un der the Aet of March S, 1879. ; SUBSCRIPTION RATES f In the City of Concord by Carrier: B One Year $6.00 Sis Months 3.00 Three Months 1.50 i One Month ,50 | Outside of the Star? the Subscription I Is the Same as in the City j Out of the city and by mail in North , Carolina the following prices will pre | mil: | One Year $5.00 I Six Months 2.50 j Three Months 1.25 Less Than Three Months, 50 Cents a j Month ; All Subscriptions Must Be Paid in Advance RAILROAD SCHEDULE In Effect Jan. 30, 1920. Northbound 1 i So. 40 To New York 9 :28 P. M. I j 80. 136 To Washington 5 :05 A. M. II Jo. 36 To New York 10:25 A. M. » : No. 34 To New York 4:43 P. M. Ao. 46 To Danville 3:15 P. M. * • No. 12 To Richmond 7:10 P. M J No. 32 To New York fl :03 P. M. J j No. 30 To New York 1:55 A. M. {: Southbound I '„.No. 45 To Charlotte 3 :45 P. M. 85 To New Orleans 9:56 P. M. No. 29 To Birmingham 2:35 A M. No. 31 To Augusta 5:51 A. M. No. 33 To New Orleans 8 :15 A. M. No. 11 To Charlotte 8 :00 A. M. No. 135 To Atlanta 8:37 P. M No. 39 To Atlanta 9:50 A. M. so. 37 To New Orleans 10 -AS A. M. - Train No. 34 will stop in Concord W take on passengers going to Jpgton and beyond. Train No. 37 will stop here to dis iaSaßtorge passengers com:ng from be jjJßpnd Washington. ": trains stop in Concord except u >No. 38 northbound. :z7: r - ' V.- - r - - ■i-L' BIBLE THOUGHTi H-.V 1 M —FOR TODAY—I -■ ® Bible Thoughts memorized, will prove e §J v * >nCel<^S heritage after yeara Righteousness Brings Rejoicing:—j When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: hut when the Wicked beareth rule, the people mourn. -—Proverbs 2?) :2, P. & X. EXTENSION THIS SPRING? The Charlotte Observer is of the opinion that the present year will see “something doing*’ in I*. and X. cir cles toward the extension of the line toward Spartanburg from Gastonia and toward Winston-Salem from Char lotte. | It bases its information on news from a New York commercial agency ?trhich cites the earnings and savings of this company as probable evidence of something doing in the near future, Observer says: j "The understanding is that the A*iedmont & Northern is conserving its earnings *on aceount of the agita ,-tioi* of the people to extend the line north of Charlotte to Winston-Salem and to counectup the line between Gas tonia and Spartanburg.’ As a matter faet, Tlie Observer has entertained definite belief that the local company has been doing that very thing, anti that it has about accumulated enough reserve to justify early beginning of she work. We believe the present year Ail! see ‘something doing' in line of . .public expectation. Os course, in n project of this kind, there is much of . detail to be worked out. but The Ob ■>, .(.sgrver would not be surprised if the t’iedmont & Northern's publicity man gets into action before long." . ■ The public has been waiting for ] “Aimt time now for some decision from the interurbun. Surveys made last summer between Charlotte and Win ston-Salem left the impression that the '■ Company was about ready then to be gin a definite program of extension. i It takes time for such matters to materialize, however, and we hope The Observer is right in the belief that the present year will see “something doing” on the extension. The new line would mean much to the territory to be affected. NO ‘‘HEALTH BOOSTER” BEER FOR TARHEELIA. Assistant Secretary Andrews has 1 gjveu two big brewery companies per . mission to manufacture beer, to be known as "health booster.” The beer dan eontain alcohol to the extent of 3.75 per cent. Beer lovers in North Carolina need not get excited, says Attorney General Nash. The beer will not be sold in tills State, regardless of (lie ruling of the dry chief. There is a State law t. against it, says the Attorney General, ami the taw will be applied, jfi There is olio thing to be said about the ruling—t is going to take keen government agents to keep the alco hol n to 3.75 pcS cent. Does the government propose to examine every ' bdittle or wilt it trust the mnmifnetur t ersV It is the plan of the breweries, it is said, to put so much malt solids > In the beer that the person drinking is citough t 6 become intoxicated will be ll , come sick at the same time. Will > that make the beer less popular? The , man who gets drunk usually gets sick, regardless of the beverage resorted to, To the man accustomed to drinking for the sake of getting drunk a little nausea is uothing new. r The government may be able to reg s ulate traffic in this new so-called • medicinal beer but we doubt it. Once ■ the gates are opened at all the flood will come. There will be “bootleg” beer of all kinds offered, each with ■ i some fake label about health proper ! ties. If Secretary Andrews expects to | have the law governing the sale of this \ beer enforced the government may as well get ready to put on the payrolls , another army of dry agents. SEVENTH IN AUTOS REGIS TERED. North Carolina stood seventeenth among the states of tlie union in the number of vehicles registered in the state during 1925. it is shown by fig , ures compiled by the United States 1 department of agriculture, j This state had 340.287 of the total jof 19,954,347 vehicles registered in the entire country. In terms of per centage, North Carolina had one and seven-tenths per cent, of the total, or less than the average. In addition to the total of more than nineteen vehicles registered, there were in addition 96,029 state and federal government owned cars not included in the registration figures, so that more than twenty million ve i hides were on the highways of the 'country last year. There is now one motor vehicle for each 5.8 persons in the country, the department says. WOUNDED RAIDER FOUND IN SW AMP Both Eyes of J. W. Bell Shot Out and no Hope of Recovery Held. Wilmington. March 30.—J. W. Bell, free lance raider, is un conscious in a local hospital tonight, both eyes shot out and his face , powder-burned beyond recognition, ■ the victim of an unsuccessful ef | fort to raid a whiskey still seven I miles from the city. 8011, missing j from home since early Monday after j noon was found at three o’clock , this afternoon, face upward, in a swamp by Sheriff Jackson and a 14- 1 year-old boy who agreed to lead the officers to the spot in the swamp where In- and a boy friend discover ed a still Sunday afternoon. Generally Fair Weather is Forecast For East Section. Washington. Mat. 31—The weath er bureau said tonight in its report of conditions: The disturbance that was over Missouri Tuesday /night lias ad vanced to Dike Huron with increas ed intensity with lowest pressure at Grand Rapids 2!MG inches. A sec ondary disturbance which developed a'ong the middle Atlantic coast this afternoon, is central over Long Is land. X. Y„ 29.32 inches. The pla teau disturbance has advanced south eastward to southeastern Utah High pressure prevails from Manitoba eastward to Hudson bay and rela tively high pressure extends through the plains states to the west gulf coast. The outlook is mostly for fair ' weather Thursday and Friday in the states east of tlie Mississippi river except for rains Friday in the lower Ohio valley and tlie east gulf states, j It will be colder Thursday in the middle and South Atlantic states. Storm warnings are disp’ayed on the Atlantic coast from Titusville. Fla., to Eastport, Maine. The Ameriran-Camtdian pecuniary claims commission has awarded the Cayuga Indians, now of Canada, for-! merly of New York, SIOO,OO in settle ment of a guaranteed annuity of $23,- 000 that the State of New York ceased paying in 1809. Who Is To Blame If Your Child Is Weak and Thin? Build Him Up Quickly with New Easy-to-Toke Iron and Cod Liver Oil Tablets. It Is your own fault if your child stays weak and thin. For Cod Liver Oil and Iror win produce flesh and rich red blood when ordinary foods fait. Chemists now remove tho vi tamine.- and flesh-building extracts from cod livei oil and throw the nasty oily part away. These extracts are then combined with iron in eaey-to-take tablets. Specify Burke’s Cod Liver Oil and Iron Tablet, at your drug store. You’ll soon be proud of the new appearance of your strong, well-nourished youngsters. For sale by Gibson Drag Store - Equal Distance from Pennsylvania end Grand Centre# Star tons. -Broadway at 63 M St 1 ... ROOM WITH PQIVATE BATH All ouilicf rooms e CHARGE AGAINST MURPHY IS FALSE, SAYS THE WIFE Mrs. Mandelos Says Her lienor is Wtrth More Than Monty—Mays e Husband. Asheville, Mar. 31.—" The charges - made by Dr. Muiidelos against Dr. 1 Murphy are fa se and defamatory.’’ f ”1 am not willing to sell my soul j for a mtws of pottage.” , "My honor is worth more than money.” 1 “I will fight for my honor.” With these and other statements > equally startling and sensational i Mrs. Nicholas Mandelos today brand , ed as absolutely false and untrue ( charges made in the suit of her hus band, Dr. Mandelos, a member of | the medical staff at United States Veterans hospital, at Otecn, against • W. C. Murphy, superintendent of • education for Buncombe county. | Further. Mis. Mande’os, 21 years i old and formerly a teacher in the , public schools of the county, charger! that her husband’s suit was being brought for political purposes, and I am not willing for my husband to destroy my reputation iu order to further the interest of certain politi cians.” Dr. Mandelos is plaintiff in a suit filed Monday in Buncombe county Superior court in which Superin tendent Murphy is made defendant and in which the plaintiff asks for $50,000 damages, alleging alienation of his wife’s affections. Mis. Mandelos’ statement follows: “The charges made by l)r. Jlnn de’os against Dr. Murphy are false . and defamatory. There have never ! been any improper relations between me and Dr. Murphy, and the allega tions made by my husband and pub lished in the Asheville papers are absolutely untrue and without any foundation in fact. I am not willing to sell my soul for a mess of pottage; I am not willing *>r my husband to destroy my reputation In order to further the interests of certain poli ticians. “My husband and I lived together as husband and wife until after he brought his suit, and since F.ien he has boon in constant communication with me. He wants me to commit perjury to enable him to wrongfully collect money from Dr. Murphy, and promises to resume his marital re lations with me after the trial is over, and divide the ill gotten spoils I with me. My conscience will not al | low me to be a party to such a cor rupt bargain. My honor is worth more than money. I will light for my honor.” Battle is Raging For City of Peking. London, March 31.—A severe bat tle, .for the possession of Peking is raging, says a dWpafeh tirt the Daily Mail from the Chinese capital. The fighting is taking place 1.8 miles distant and the booming ui me guns is plainly audible in Peking. The detonations are causing alarm to the populace who are uocking in side the walls. Wealthy Chinese continue to send large quantities of valuables into the legation quarter of Peking. The troops of General Feng Yu- Hsiang still hold the capital. Recent writers giving their mem oirs of Roosevelt quote his saying. "I am not a good shot.” but omit Fie remainder of the statement—"but I shoot often.” Night Coughing Relieved At Once Why suffer continually from a per sistent, weakening night cough when ycu can get almost instant relief, and usually break the cough completely in 24 hours by a new method based on the famous Dr. King’s New Discovery? Here is the method: Yousirapiy take one teaspoonful and hold it in your throat for 15 or 20 seconds before swallowing it. It has a double action. It not only soothes and heals irritation, but also removes the phlegm and con gestion which are the real cause of the coughing. As a result even the worst ( cough usually disappears quickly. Dr. King’s New Discoveiy is for coughs, chest colds, bronchitis, spas modic croup, etc. Fine for children, too—no harmful drugs. Very economi cal, as the dose is only one teaspoonfuL At all good druggists. Adi for W 100 * FOR HEADACHE-NEURALGIA Rbnmik nd Fennde Piss DOSE—One Powder on tongue followed by half glass of water- Can repeat in one hour if ever necessary. for sale irr All s leaQinc druggists THfc CONCORD DAILY fRIBUNfi I _- I, f 11 l-.ifl'L’JJlL!**-' L! 1 I. ■ w Jm TfryMtHfD* Published by arrangement with First National Pistursa, I no. [lff CHAPTER XXXII. (Continued) When the music died In a plain tive bar, the dancers stood, expect j ant of the customary encore. The lights, which had been dimmed, flared, however, and a roll of the orchestra drums announced an un wonted Interruption. From the balcony railing a voice called, “Monsleurs et Madam es!” All who were in the room glanced up, cur iously, at the club house host, who stood at the rail, leaning forward over the dance floor. “I am deso late, my friends,” the functionary called out, "before the necessity I must urge upon you all. I must ask you sorrowfully to make your departures from my hospitalities as soon as may be convenient for you. The mist, of which you must have taken note as you so kindly came to our club house earlier In the evening, has risen fast and densely. Soon your car lamps will be of no use to you. Even now you must go down very carefully. A i romcn trh o bad become careless breezed up to Brandon and boldly commanded him to take her trom the floor. If there be any of you whose humor It is to remain with us until daylight, when the sun will chase the fog away, I assure yon of my welcome. Those of you who feel It your duty to descend before the night has passed, must go at onca —and- very, very cautiously. In a Uttle while It will bo too late.” There was an Instant babel of voices, and the rustle of those who. for their various reasons, must attempt the descent rather than remain at La Turbie during the night. Brandon, who had risoii from his table, watched Joanna and Kenilworth. He saw that both of them turned immediately to ward the foyer where Joannu had left her wrap. Then he slipped! out the door and went to the big , car in which Antoine awaited. "As I expected," he said to the Monegasque, “she will not remain. Be ready to pull out when they ap proach their car. We want not more than two or three cars be tween us." When Kenilworth and Joanna came out, many of the cars In the yard had already vanished In the fog, their horns echoing np from I tho road monotonously. An attend ant was ordering departures. In sisting upon an Interval of two minutes between them. Brandon waited until Joanna, her wrap held close about her. her mask in her hand now, had climbed into the seat beside Kenilworth. Then he touched Antoine’s arm, and, at the next signal from the starter, the big car slid away. In the smaller car Kenilworth remarked grimly: “it’ll be a test of nerve, but we’ll make it if any one does.” The girl seemed to detect a note of dejection In his tone. She slipped her hand under his arm. | “I’m sorry, Roddy,” she said. i “You were wonderful, and I am conceited enough to think you meant all that you said. But you Just didn’t sweep me off my feet as I thought you might. I suppose there must be something old fash ioned about me after all. Your arms are awfully comforting, my dear, but I couldn’t have the feel ing that the thorns would just have to grow on them. I know You think I’ve treated you rotten, but I couldn’t help It. I feel bet ter, for it, too. I’m sure of my self, anyway.” “I don’t know," he said, “but what you’re got the right Idea at that Better than mine. I almost asked you to marry me. and that’s wholly against my principles.” *Tm glad you didn’t.” she re turned. 'To afraid I might have given in to that.” The starter appeared at their running board and asked thdm to proceed. They crept, noiselessly, oat of the parking yard. Until they same to the (first turn, some sixty yards sway, the flickering lights from the club house aided them. Then, when they had swerved sharply to the left they ways wrapped In wot, almost im penetrable obscurity. Ahe*ad they (Wild see only the faint glimmer «T their own: BenQghts. Jmce they bumped into cm miM tt the ’ inndr side dt the rijad. Each time thdy were caned Sgr sat# frStt rather than fight the descent any longer. < The red car noting downward at a snail’s pace, struck a stump, i “It waa foolish of me to let you , attempt to go down,” Joanna de , dared. "Before we are too far away we must walk back. The car will be as safe at the side of > the road ag are the others being , abandoned.” i “If we have to walk,” Kenilworth . replied firmly, "It will be straight ahead. I’ll get yiou down if I have to carry you.” 1 ‘But it’s utter folly!” she pro ■ tested. At that moment another group, two women and a man, . stumbled by them, feeling their way back to the summit. “See,” she exclaimed, "there are more who have given It up. We can i walk back, dry out and wait for daylight. People below will un derstand.” He stubbornly negotiated another corner. When the car was crawling again he spoke, grimly "There Isn't enough charity In the whole world —In the part of It you and I Inhabit —to make room for any sort of decent understand ing of how a pretty woman might ] be caught and remain till day’ieht (on La Turbie. You can stand a ' mysterious escapade In the night with Prince Michael, but not with me in the mist at a mountain top club house where you have to wear a mask to save your face. Some could; with some it wouldn't matter; you' couldn’t and you count.” She bit her lip, and was silent. With a pctuTnt gesture she brushed away the moisture that bung In great, glinting beads on j her eyelashes, gu ’denly she was ; startled by a Urfit tfiat appeared I weirdly In the middle -of the road : almost at their front wheel 3, wav j ing slowly to the right and left. ( Somebody smashed, I suppose,” j Kenilworth muttered and. jamming in hfs brakes, brought the car to a stop. Heavy, forbidding faces emerged from the fog on either side of the*. Joanna cried out Kenilworth with an oath, lunged across at the head of a man who reached in to her but his arms were seized in an Iron grip and twisted dexterously behind him. A guttural voice, speaking a mixture of Monegasque and French, com manded: "Monsieur and Mademoiselle will be good enough to sfep from the car!” "Like 1” Kenilworth ex claimed. and straggled, but the grip on his arms left him power less. The lantern was brought closer. By its pale light they saw that a dozen men surrounded the car and that firearms gleamed dully In their hands. After her first cry of alarm Jo anna eat rigid. Something of her fright shone In her eyes, and Ken ilworth was conscious .oat her face was pale. Otherwise she gave no sign. The gruff voice of the leader of the dvfl crew was heard again; . "It was ordered that you both descend. We have not great pa tience. The mademoiselle need not fear.” Kenilworth advised Joanna to step out quietly. "We must go through It. I suppose,” he grum bled. “They probablv will rob us *lth a thousand pardons alid then politely let uS go. These Moun tain brigands art thorough gentle then as a Fuie.” The. one -eho had twin holding onto Joanna’s wrfstS Released them when she was in the r6ad. She ran around the car to Kenilworth's side and from this position glared defiantly at the footpads who sur rounded them. One of thetn caught the red sparkle of she enormous ruby that lay against her throat, fro* which her wrap had fallen. She instinctively flung up her hand to cover it. The bandit smiled and bowed gallantly. "A pretty thing, Mademoiselle,” he said In she nat fve patois, “Madeffioleelle’s neck does not require such an ornament however!*' Kenilworth cursed at him, #W«i only brought another ironic Bow. The men closed in around the pair and they were ordered te w«lk with them. ‘They, were mprefced off the road fla»l a hut WhWh Ken ilworth recognised ar.flie one be fore which the big;, tor ahead of them for the first portion of their ascent, had stopped and dropped behind thefii. Behind tb* but they entered * cluster oi pine treSs land theft, crossed an open spade pt soggy bath stab. A low barn-llku building loomed out of the mist before them, sad -they were ush ered through a nsrrbw door. Inside the building was a start ling scene. In the dim light shed by a dozen lanterrfs placed about the earthen floor they saw half a dozen men and women whose costumes and dominos proved them to hare been revelers St the club house, lined np against the walls, the men standing stiffly at one side, their hands bound behind them, women In an excited group. Armed ruffians guarded the tones at one side, and the sullen men at the other. Kenilworth was ordered to take his place among the men. For a brief moment he gave a sign of attempting fight, but Joanna murmured a reassuring word to him and without awaiting the command from their captors, moved over to Join the group of women. As Kenilworth had prophesied, the bandits robbed their victims with profuse apologies uttered 111 their guttural tones. They seemed however, to be strangely Inefficient In their plundering. The man whose hands explored Kenilworth's Inner pockets did not discover his wallet, In which was a sizeable sheaf of bank notes, nor his plat inum and diamond studded watch In the watch pocket beneath his waistcoat. A few gold louls, and an English pound note In his changt rock was confiscated. His pearl dress studs were not noted. Cur lously. he observed that the other robbers, relieving the other men of obvious valuables, Ignored costly pearl studs. On the lapel of one victim, a tiny decoration built around a huge diamond, wM unnoticed. The same Incongruous careless ness prevailed at the plundering of the women. Their fingers brushed lightly over gleaming throats: they begged a pardon for every jewel, of which they took only those that sparkled flagrantly, A pretty .young .wojnan—-a very pretty young one! with the small, sngular face and smooth eyelids |of an early madonna, dropped ts I her knees hysterically when ( (rough hand reached to a sapphlri j eendant which hung deep on S hare chest from which, in her ex citement. she had almost tom thg a]»eady scant reach of her gown “Please,” she -pleaded to the ba"v dit, "do not take my necklet. It is of smaP va'ne. I have hidden diamonds that I will give you. My necklet Is a reminder of my hus band.” The evil fellow gave her hi* fingers and helped her to her feet Then he bowed with a comic opera sweep of his wide brimmed hat “I would not disturb the gift that reminds such a charming lady of 'omethlne she should not forget,” the handlt said. Joanna, who was standing near, glanced quickly al the common, vulgar fellow, who?* breath was strong with garlic and whose hands were gross and awlp ward. Then she looked at the girl, and shuddered a little. The brigand who appeared t* be the leader Os the robbing eonb psny, the one whose voice wag particularly gruff, stepped Into thß middle of the floor and announced: "We are most Sad to Interfere with such plans as the messieurs and mesdames have made for their return to the Wore comfortable threshold of their homes below, hut there are Circumstances Whlef may not be avoided. It becomes C necessity to Invite the gentlemef to remain within the hospitality of this Isolated barn which w< have borrowed for the evening The ladies will be returned to th« club house, where they may bs so hafipy as to And other partners for the merry dances of the wan ing fright. Ton will be reunited with the morrow, doubtlessly, When the ladies are deposited at the club house we shall leave you. Messieurs the police will find us well disappeared by the time you gentlemen ease your wristlets and find your way to the cities below. The men against the wall stirred and swore, bnt firearms menaced them. Sorts of the women blanched at the prospect of their doings of the night becoming wildly reported tld • bits for the spicy enjoyments of aensatfoh mongers along the Riviera. The pretty girl who had protected the souvenfr of her htlsband shrieked. An amused and Ironical smile formed about the plebeian mouth of the bandit who had sensed her predicament—-her (hidden thought of thy consequence* of being de tected by that eame husband fa her clandestine visit With another man than he to the club Bouse that fs out of conventional hounds. Despite all protests the women were herded out of the barn er corted across the Boggy open space, through the pines, and onto the road. There they were In structed to climb Into a big gray car Joanna thought she recog nized It as the one they had passed on the road, but was not sure.- A silent figure sat at the wheel; one who knew every trick of the road and picked hii way surely through the mist to (he final turn which revealed the dim lights of the cluh house just ahead. Here the cat stopped and the women were ordered to deseend and pro ceed alone to the clttb house. "The telephone wires have been cut, 1 * the man who had dtfrM' the Car said lo them when they Were all In the road: “you may be prepared to Welt until the mist lifts of your es corts find their way below and send par you." (To he continued) I Endorsed by Professionals Ii Your favorite model here—and jdst the right length, size and weight Wjfaaggk You find here a large 9 0 stock to select from— .uSm x r^Bwt, PW / Bats, as well as in D. 'rack,',,""'™ 5 l ' n ” S Ritchie Hardware Co. YOUR HARDWARE STORE PHONF. 117 KMOI TniiiM Tnnir. fgnYr uPi Pub"™* ! " ■“ By giving superior T-> quality and extra- -/I ordinary values. I Your wife has asked ; 'eu to take out auto in surance and you told her ! that you were both care ful and lucky. A wpm >s ! intuftiort is wdrth ■’ilov/ing. PEARL DRUG 1W co - flnmYamMAffwa Phones 22—722 j Nunn and Bush Ankle Fashioned Oxfords j Beautiful Styles For Men and Young Men ! i i | • i RICHMOND-f LOWE CO. uoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooQocfDOooooooooooooo OOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOQOOOOOOCCOOC-OQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO We Aoje AgetUs For Fresh Water Systems QOQOOQOOOQflOOftnfVWWWwwvwwwww#\^-^«^*»^«. - . ‘ . • ' Til Thursday, April 1, 1026