Friday, April*’, 19.?6 Just One Mere Day to Do r , easter showing of ready-to-wear a | /iSRk / /&3f9b\ VOins TATTPH niTVi4ir< Our ladies Readv-to-W ear dept, is stocked with up-to-th- ■ / wHjSftRU —/ I UUR F.AS FF.R dLJi IpIG minute Merchandise for your Easter selections. I ' / Ai «« o • mt « j » . I Presses of Silk, Georgette, Crepe de Chine, and hundreds of Vs*/ j \ y Ji a ureat Saving. IX©'W VJfcGOCJS printed crepe dresses. The dress that every girl is wearing now. V . /-* *—: M 17,; aim> rv«.. They’re inexpensive and contain all the new figured materials j I coming in livery l/ay and gay colors that are worn. : j 1 J^6sSirelßC*' r '* > IK y s&igPt S v t- a ... Lor our Easter Drive we are marking these Dresses very M §& been receiJid^SSrSpn^.MfiKi-^in’^ar' [V*’’ and ,'j'j c > eel Mke every girl that is going to buy a dress for* . ■■KU / I " -/A Y / Everything is in readiness for you to outfit yourself with We are offering the entire lot of wonderful" selection at ImM| B » \ tSjSS&Fx A. J the correc * headgear. aq q« *q qc \ Combinations of Straw and Silk in Beautiful Array of ipO»J/0 s*/•«/ O f colors and a selected range oi are ,n our stock to HOW ABOUT THAT NEW COAT? t| Hh^Hh nartmfnf be necessary for toil to visit our Millinery De- we want toThowyTu our'stock we'have gotten in'forThc |Y / A-:- j partment and see for yourself the merchandise that has Easter Drive / /YgfcW been selected hy mir expert buyers, before y ( .u can really ' Dainty little sport coats of Plaids. Tweeds, Poilet Sheen. -J fnrAoArp .ill Poiret Twill, and other popular materials are included in our \ - -AEver) thing for children from six weeks old to the sixty- assortment of spring coats «■. ,JT ,/ ZJ [ JnUSßm'\ \ year old lady. Come—look over our line of Millinery at And thev are real values. Everyone a good buy if it were V'A / V V. /<—]q tTJ vo„re„l««cOT, not vve wouldn't have bough, them. But we know aamethhiE V- \ 21.98 $3.98 $4.98 $5.95 $6k95 f when vve see it—and so do you. 1 I 4 Ai\ <7.95 $8.95 $9.95 $9.95512!50 $14.95 $16.50 $39.50 \ \ -/%>/ PARKS - BEL K COMPANY Princes* Juliana, now in her 17th I year, i« budy studying international j law, constitutional government. the relations of a sovereign towards the statr«it;- New Hampshire I students have decided that in future 1 their athletic teams shall bear the j name of the "Wileats.” OROCER STARVING TO DEATH “I had been siek nearly 20 years I with stomach trouble and was slowly 1 starving to death as everything I ate! caused terrible* gas and pain and my 1 food did not digest. I was reduced i to 115 pounds. A friend advised mol to take MAYR'S ‘One Dose Will j Convince' about 4 months ago, which: I did and now weigh 151 lbs., and ' can eat anything. I am very thank- j fill for MAYR'S 'One Dose Will Con-j viuee'.” It is a simple, harmless preparation that removes the en-j tarrhal mucus from the intestinal! tract and al ays the inflammation I ■ which causes practically all stom-. Inch, liviu- and intestinal ailments, in-1 | eluding appendicitis. One dose will | I convince or money refunded at important factor. “The net profits from the opera • tions of the State’s prison as a whole -for the calendar year were .$42,543.31. “Under the laws of North Carolina, • the State’s prison is required to pay prisoners upon their discharge acer : tain amount of money based upon the 1 time they ‘nave served. The amount ' paid on this account during the cal-1 \ ‘'ndnr year 1925 was $24,444.88, rep- I I resenting the amount which aeeumu- 1 lated from the time the convicts en- | tered the prison until they were dis- I . charged and tfas paid all convicts 1 , discharged during file year 1925. This amount accumulated over a term of 1 | years. None of it, strictly speak- 1 ; ing, is an operating expense. How- * ever, if this sum, representing as it * does a statutory charge, is deducted, the net profits for the prison as a s whole for the calendar year 1925 * amounted to $18,093.43. 1 | “The unit showing the greutest net | ! profits for the year was Caledonia c I farm where the net profits amounted ;to $51,850.99. In taking the inven- j | tory of cotton produced on the Cale i donia farm on December 31st, shown ' I in the inventory, the amount was stated as 2,047 bales. This includ- t ed an estimate of cotton not gath- I j oredfl The remainder of the cotton f produced on that farm has been gath- * I ored since December 31st and it turns , out that the Caledonia farm produced * 2,078 hales, instead of 2,047 bales on 2.105 acres, * "The State’s prison has always ( . been the most difficult of all the State t j institutions to operate and it has been j growing more difficult in recent years, a because of the large increase in the j number of convicts ain since better carp and treatment of convicts in the c prison has become a fixed policy of t the State.’’ 1 TOMfißa SIMSp After dusting off the old phono graph records hit them with a heavy sledge hammer. Ants and poison ivy are eager to meet the pictaickers and summer boarders. When driving over rough roads a soft top its just as important as a ’ soft seat. When planting your garden reme- j ber that jelly beans will not grow in this climate. Crying at movies is foolioh. The same tears used at home will get a woman a spring hat. What makes this modern poetsy so interesting is guessing at what it means. (Copyright, 1926, NEA Service, Inc.) Southern Strengthening Its Line Into Charlotte. Winston-Salem, April 1. —Rapid progress is being made in the work of strengthening the line of the Southern Railway between Winston- Salem ami Charlotte, according to Lauren Foreman, of Atlanta, Ga., publicity agent, who was in Winoton- Saleii today. The principal project in this pro gram is the erect tio nos a new bridge across the Yadkin near Idols. The new bridge will be strong enough to carry the heaviest engines used by i .the Southern. The piers have been) completed and the spans are now be ing put in. ‘The Only Satisfac* tory Water Paint I Have Ever Used* 1 WE had tried moit all of the water paints before we tried Farbo. . Some of them streaked, some faded, and all of \ them would rub off. But i Farbo did none o^theae Sold by Yorke & Wadsworth Be Well 1 As well as this help can make you ' All medical science has lately had to confess a very grave mistake. For generations it has been sup- that cathartics stimulated tor pid livers. Now all physicians know that they don’t. But a new science has developed. It relates to gland secretions. That research has revealed the fact that ox-gall—a gland secretion—does make the liver active. There is no doubt Ox-gall has stood all the clinical tests. Physi cians the world over prescribe it. And countless people everywhere rejoice at its effects. Torpid liver causes millions of ill conditions. Among them are these: Indigestion Kidney and Constipation Heart Troubles Impure Blood Bad Complexions High Blood Pressure Lack of Youth Torpid liver means scanty bile. And that lets poisons form in the Intestines. Those poisons affect the health and vitality of perhaps half the people you meet. Now ox-gall comes in tablet form, callea Dioxol. Each tablet contains 10 drops of purified ox gall. All druggists supply them. Learn what Dioxol does. Find out what it means to really stim ulate your liver. It may change your whole life and career. You are welcome to do this at our ex pense. “Ulip this advertisement, take it to our special agent, Pearl Drug Co., and they will give you a liberal sample of Dioxol free.” I Lightly tinting the finger nails to , match the color of the gown is the latest whim of fahionable women in London. In the most exclusive dress salons it is now possible for a wom an to buy beads, shoes and nail . polish to match her new evening frock. OUCH! BACKACHE! ! RUB LUMBABO AWAY ! When your back is sore and lame { or lumbago, sciatica or rheumatism I has you stiffened up, B don’t suffer! Get a 35 cent bottle of old, honest St. Jacobs Oil at any drug store, pour a little in your hand and rub it right on your aching back, and the soreness and lameness is In use for 65 years, this soothing, penetrating oil takes the pain right out, and ends the mis- cry. It is absolute ly harmless and doesn’t burn the New Victor Records For April 1 Always Henry Burr , When Autumn Leaves Are Falling Jack Smith i Water Boy Paul Robeson | Li’l Gal Paul Robeson i The Jealous Lover of Lone Green Valley Vernon Dalhart fj i Oh, Captain, Captain, Tell Me True Vernon Dalhart INSTRUMENTAL RECORDS Song of India Rudolph Ganz and St. Louia Symphony Orchestra Minuet Rudolph Ganz and St. Louis Symphony Orchestra , The Palms Mark Andrews i Stabat Mater —(Jujus animam Mark Andrews [ Song of the Volga Boatmen KlrillotTs Russian Balalaika Orchestra i Shining Moon Kirilloff’s Russian Balalaika Orchestra 1 Oh, Verm eland, Thou Lovely Victor String Ensemble \ The Music Box Victor Woodwind Ensemble i Fugues Victor Concert Orchestra | Fugues Victor Concert Orchestra 1 DANCE RECORDS i All For You—Fox Trot .. George Olsen and His Music ! I Won’t Do—Fox ?Yot Waring's Pennsylvanians , i Down by the Winegar Woiks—Waltz The Troubadours 1 1 Sorry and Blue —Waltz Jean Goldkette and His Orchestra 1 ! Oossack Love Songs—Fox Trot International Novelty Orchestra ! i Behind the Clouds—Fox Trot Jean Koldgette and His Orchestra 1 ] Father O’Flynn Royal Dadmun ! , Irish Names Royal Dadmun 0 Don't Wait Too Long The Revelers S i Where Is My Rose of Waikiki The Revelers S i Sweet Child—Fox Trot Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra j| 1 I Never Knew How Wonderful You Were—Fox Trot ! ; Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra 1 i Dinah—Fox Trot Jean Goldkette and His Orchestra fl [ After I say I’m Sorry (What Can I Say)—Fox Trot — Jean Goldkette and His Orchestra 0 BELL-HARRIS FURNITURE CO. [ THE UNIVERSAL CAR | Simple, Dependable Lubrication— j | The Ford lubrication system is the simplest used on | any automobile. The oil in the flywheel chamber is ! splashed over the clutch and all transmission gears by j | the movement of the flywheel. Some of this oil finds its j | way through a tube to the timing gears at the front of I i the motor and thoroughly lubricates them. Returning j ! along the base of the motor to the flywheel chamber, it j ; is picked up by the connecting rods which turn this oil j i into a spray that lubricates the camshaft, pistols and all ) | other moving parts. REID MOTOR CO. CONCORD’S FORD DEALER I Corbin and Church Streets Phone 890 j PAGE THREE Renew Your Health By Purification " mi Any physician will tell you “Perfect Purification of the Sys-*i tern is Nature’s Foundation at;,,; Perfect Health.” Why not rid yourself of chronic ailments that-- are undermining your vitality?) | Purify your entire system by tak-, ing a thorough course of Calotabs, —once or twice a week for several « weeks—and see how Nature re-i ,ts wards you with health. Calotabs are the greatest of all ~ •ystem purifiers. Get a family package with full directions. On^, D 'v 35 cts. at drugstores. (Adv), BEAUTY AND HEALTH Even if a woman’s features are * regular, her form symmetrical, she ■- cannot be physically attractive if she,:' is suffering from weaknesses peculiar to her sex. Many women owe their ill health to carelessness, late hours, etc., until Nature calls a halt. Some*, times it is too late; but in most cases Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription is just the womanly tonic and nervine , required. This wonderful herbal rem edy was discovered 50 years ago by Dr. Pierce. It is a pure reconstructive tonic for women. Send 10c for trial pkg. to Dr. Pierce ’■ Invalids’ Hotel. Buffalo. N. Y.