PAGE EIGHT IffiMm&sisifmS, ~ Pay the Butcher less •-Pay the Grocer less - Pay the Iceman less THE ACTOMATIC PROTECTS YOLK HEALTH Saves food ami ice bills. ' Sanitary water eooliug system. No ire in the water. Saves chipping and wasting of ice. Perfect circulation of cold air. All odors from food can ini out through the train. See the Automatic before you buy a Refrigerator. Your old Refrigera tor as first payment. Balance on terms. Concord Furniture Co. THE RELIABLE FURNITURE STORE COAL No Dealer in Concord Sells Coal for Less than I do. Best Furnace Coal SB.OO to $ll.OO. Best Grate and Stove Coal SB.OO to $9.00. Best Steam Coal $4.00 to $7.50. Best Gas House Coke—Made in Concordsß.so. Purchase Your Coal where you can get QUALITY’ and SERVICE. A. B. POUNDS LOOK MEN! By a fortunate arrangement with one of our large manufacturers we are now in a position to offer you this Wonderful Shoe at $5.00 This is a genuine Calf Skin black and tan with a prine oak sole which will give you double the wear of the average shoe at this price, try one pair. We stand behind them. IVEY’S K.L CRAVEN & SONS PHONE 74 COAL I Mortar Color. Pack All Your Troubles in the Old Kit Bag and Phone, Phone, Phone! Why worry about what you are going to cook, or trouble yoursell to scatter your orders all over the city in order to get. what you want to eat. Just make out your order and call “(19'’ for Fresh Meats. Cur ed Meats. Fresh Fish. Poultry. Butter, Eggs, Fresh Florida Fruits and Vegetables, Fancy Cakes aud Crackers and any and all kinds of Staple and Fancy Groceries. “YOU NAME IT—WE BRING IT.’’ C. H. BARRIER & CO. SMI-LAX TONIC and Laxative Compound The new and wounderful Medicine for people who are suffering' with Weak and Rundown condition of the CSystem, Loss of Appetite, Constipation, Indigestion, Sto mach and Liver. See your Druggist for it is only sold through Drug Stores. JOUR PENNY ADS. ALMS GET RESULTS 1 Concord Daily Tribune ! TIME OF CLOSING MAILS The time of the closing of mails at the Concord postoffice is as follow!; Northbound 136—*1:00 P. M. A. M. 34 4 :10 P. M. 38— 8:30 P. M. 30—11:00 P. M. Southbound 39 9 :30 A. M. 45 3 :30 P. M. 135 8:00 P. M. 29—11:00 I*. M. I LOCAL mention”! The Lufhor Longue of St. Johns j Lutheran Church will present a p:ig-j cant Sunday night at 7 :4."» o'clock.; The public is cordially invited. Marriage license was Issued here Thursday by Register of Deeds 1 Elliott to Edward R. Swing, of Kan- ! napolis, and Mira Beatrice Fay Den-. ny. of Concord. T. M. Pridgen, who has been with ( the Charlotte Observer the past year or more as city editor, has accepted f a position with the Charlotte Eve ning News. Charlotte Observer: ‘’The official change in the Cannon Mills at Oon eord, we take it. simply means more opportunity for enlarged activities for M. L. Cannon from Charlotte headquarters.*’ All of the city school closed this afternoon for Easter. Work will be resumed in them on Tuesday morn ing. This is the last holiday of the present term which will end the lat ter part of next month. Some of the cotton mills in the county are standing for Easter. Work in these mills was suspended Thurs day night and will not be resumed until Tuesday morning. Some other mills, it is said, will be closed on Monday only. Dr. Leigh Call, editor of a Spring ,eld, ()., paper, has made reserva tions for the European tour to be given under the direction of H. W. Blanks. Mrs. Call will also make the trip, the party to sail from New York the latter part of June. W. R. Litaker has sold to Mary L. Watkins for $llOO property in Ward 4. according to a deed filed here Thursday. Another deed tiled the same day records the sale of proper ty in Ward 4 by Mrs. O. M. Lore to A. B. Poundii for SI,OOO and other valuable considerations- The gymnasium of the Y. M. C. A. was filled to capacity Thursday night j with employed boys who were present i for the athletic exhibition given by j them under the direction of J. W. Denny, physical director of the \\ The exhibition created much interest and was witnessed by a large crowd. Public school of the county will be idle on Easter Monday. With the ex ception of the Christmas holidays the county schools have only two holidays during the term. One is for Thanksgiving and the other for Eas ter. Work will be resumed in the schools Tuesday. Nine cases arc to be tried in re corder’s court this afternoon, police officers state. Five of the defendants are charged with intoxication, one is charged with operating a car while intoxicated and three are charged with having liquor. Most of the cases had been continued from former sessions of the court. If weather forecasts are to be be-. lieved, Easter weather will be well | night perfect. Rising temperatures j predicted for today have proved a j reality and forecasts from Washing- j ton indicate that conditions are go-j ing to be ideal for the display of Eas-j ter finery. Warm and clear weather is predicted now for this state. One hundred and seventy-one mem bers of “Our Sunday Gang'* attended the Star Theatre Thursday afternoon as guests of the manager, B. W. Means. The youngsters were great ly pleased with the program. Tne.v went to the theatre in a body aud were loud in their praise of Mr. Means for his kindness to them. What promises to be one of the best baseball games of the season ie to be played here this afternoon be-j tween the Gastonia and Concord j high school teams. The game will be played at Webb Field beginning at I 43 :45 o’clock. The Gastonia team i is said to be unusually strong, hav-! ing defeated tlie Davidson fresh team j yesterday. TWO HOUSES SLIGHTLY DAMAGED DURING FIRES House on Powder Street and One at Hart sell Mill Damaged Thursday. Defective flues or sparks from flues ignited the roofs of two houses here Thursday. One of the houses i« located on Powder street and the fire there is believed to have started from a de fective flue. Only a small hole was burned in the roof. The other house i» located at the Harteell Mill, being occupied by J. T. Kennedy who operates it as a boarding housf. The roof of this house is believed to have caught from a spark as an examination of the chimneys and flues shewed them to be in good condition. The blaze on this house was dis covered about 6 p. m. and attracted a large crowd. Local fireman aided in fighting the fire, supplying hose to the mill firemen and using the pressure pump to reach greater height with the water. The roof burned very slowly, and despite the fact that no water was put on it for some time after it was ignited, only the roof was burned. The second story, however, was dam aged by water. The house is the property of the Hartsell Mill and the damage is said Ao be covered by insurance. Montreal is to be the meeting place of this year’s convention of the Op erative Plasterers and Cement Fin ishers* International Association. THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE The Dress Up Time Os The Year Is Here * » EASTER IS APRIL 4th It’s Right On Us That means buying NOW ! that you may • be “THERE'' on Easter day—when not mere lv style but the "height of style" is the call. [ \ Loyal old customers and eager new ones will rally around HOOVER’S tomorrow! r if With Easter a matter of hours and with an unchosen wardrobe a matter of yours—we v mite you to test real HOOVER’S ingenuity JL / f n’Nv tomorrow —to walk in needing everything ami I f to find everything ready. fSjM, \ You've never -wen such Beautiful Easter lap •. 1 .•'• Fashions hut you can now — for-they are open, jfW vT a. ready, unveiled and available. Mm- We offer all <>f HOOVER'S to you to Ly We are sole agents for the f “Clothes Beautiful” Designed and Made By 4 1 • ißk yLf - Schlcss Bros. & Co. Os Baltimore and New York Jr 1 j You cannot realize how -.tylisli—Artistic— f M% £ ' ■ real good looking you can iie—at little cost— A until you try one of these 'Schloss Models”— H V\ They cost no more than the ordinary kind. 1 l\Y e - .. Women Folks feel ekugd and elevated »:A\SfcijS•' M when their Men Folks are tylishlv and he- | ‘ \ H comingly dressed—they are classed higher in /* \ Solomon, in all his glory, never had one I I Y \" J. wife who c mid accompany him to any one Easter is early—you haven’t much time. A \ but you’ll both have the time of your life here jj Easter Suits $25.00 to $50.00 Easter Hats $5.00 to $9.00 Easter Shirts $1.50 to $5.00 \nd a Complete Line of Easter Neckwear and Hosiery. Come let Us Show You, HOOVER’S, INC. The Young Man’s Store EASTER FOOTWEAR For All The Family Ready and waiting at our store today and tomorrow n world of distinctive novelty styles. Not one >r two of the many different shoes that are being asked for but practically everything that fashion has 0. K.’d for this spring season. And for the most part, distinctly original styles that we have introduced weeks or months ahead of the time when they will be shown elsewhere, ALL OF THEM DESIGNED TO MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF YOUR NEW EASTER GOWN AND PRICED $3.45 to SIO.OO 1 ft A, These prices are strictly in keeping l - with the value and style of the shoes, f\ / and are at a lower level than has been //t'fW?- \\ l our privilege to offer in many a day. MBsA / F.IvS; U BKJE Be Sure You See These Wonderful HH jjL CyEs Hosiery to Match Uer,’’ry to Matlt IVEY’S “THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES- Extend Greetings OF II The Easter Season A ND I Endeavor to Merit Your Good Will AND Continued Patronage New and Fashionable Fabrics For Spring and Summer Frocks H AT ROBINSON’S l Millinery and Ready-to-Wear—Second Floor Rough Pongee, all colors 50c yd. RnJah Suiliug. all colors $1 yd. All Silk Radium (beet) $1.65 yd H Rough and Ready Crepe. Satinixed Rayola (colors) « r (Rajah) $2 yd. pieced j&c yd i"i . Printed Crepes $1.95 and $2.85 Rayon Silpaea, (colors) 75c yd. 13 IPriutwl Radiums (washa- k'ard Wide Col. Taffeta $1.95 yd. H ble) sl*so yd. Shadow Stripe Butyehinc Plaid and Checked Ray- priced 50c yd. |-j on 48c yd. Imp. Soft Finish Satins 6©e yd. R Col. Checked Rayon __79e yd. Georgette, all shades $1 65 yd. L‘! Printed Crepes 95c yd. 54-lnch. Poiret Sheen $2.05 yd. M Printed Tuasah (fast) 85c yd. 54-inch Cliarmeen __ S4AS yd. P Printwl Broaddoths4Bc. 69c yd. 54-inch Imp. Flannel $2.95 >d ,3 Printed China Silks . $1.26 yd. Fine Diraitv Prints 50c yd H Washable Flnt Silk Robinson’s Zephyr Prnts N -i Crepes $2.45 yd. (fast) 45c yd El I" i ■ 1 — —-"-erf I g ft 'l'Liii i the emou, .hall be one of auporior equipment and eon* ji‘ acientious performance does not Imply undue ex|>ense. One & marked feature of our services is uniform courtesy. Immedi- & S ite attendance. ] )(ome | |Dayand Nl9M § 2&W.Depot§t | | r )e/." 9* [fiß-jflfi (bncord-N.C. | Easter ij is the first Sunday in 8 jj, April. Remember fine 9 8 quality in Dry Cleaning 8 ! depends on workmanship 8 | you never see. Your fav- 9 | orite Spring apparel de- X i serves the unfailing care 8 ! in refreshment that our I | reputation insures. PHONE 787 “MASTER" Cleaners and Dyers Office 85-87 W. Depot St DEMOCRATIC PRIMARIES The Democratic voters of Cabarrus County are hereby requested to meet at their respective voting precinct* on Saturday April 17th, 1026, for the put pose of selecting five member* of the Township Executive Committee and naming delegates to the County Convention on April 24th to be held in the county coart bouse. At the County Convention dele gates will be named to represent the county at the State Convention to be held in the dty of Raleigh on April 29th. The primaries will be held in the several townships and wards St 2 :80 ROSA B. MUND, . Vice Chairman County Demo cratic Executive Committee. Concord, N. C.. March 22. 1926. Meaning Cards K*pC to Stock at The Times-Tribune Job Office and oan be printed on a few bourn no de*. tt CBM PENNY COLUMN—TP rill Friday, April 2, 1926 Country Cured Meats Kingan Meats Fresh Each Week When early spring time comes, we always stock our warehouses with the Very Best Meats. Country. Cured Hams, Sides and Shoulders. We sell you whole or Slice to Suit. Fresh each week: Klngma’s Reliable Hams Klngan’s 1 Lb Breakfast Ham King&n’s Breakfast Strips. We slso have Better Western Rib Side' and Fat Back than you find in most stores. Our splendid Delivery men go quick everywhere. PHONE SS9 Cline &. Moose CONCORD COTTON MARKET FRIDAY, APRIL 2, 1926 Cotton .It Ootton need £2 1-1 CONCORD PRODUCE MARKET T (Corrected Weekly by Cline A Moose) Figures named represent prices paid for produce on the market : Eggs _> £0 Corn .... sl,lO Sweet potatoes SI.BO Tnrfey. . .2? Onions $1.78 Peas $2.00 [ Butter .88 | Country Bain Jg» i Country Shoulder .20 i Or untry Sides __ £0 Young Chickens J .35 Bens .22 , Irish Potatou 2.00 ■ ■ M (Hun(*iS»l*« X* /A Kipnna^iMtrnMkarltilv * / lag ski* diseases. Try Ah I treatment si our rSfc. ***** PEARL DRUG CO.