PAGE EIGHT ~ Pay the Butcher less '“Pay the Grocer less - Eay the Icemanless THE AUTOMATIC PROTECTS YOCR HEALTH Saves food and ice bills. •Sanitary water Cooling system. No ice in tile water. Saves chipping and wasting «>f ice. Perfect circulation of cold air. All odors from food jprried out through the train. Sec the Automatic before you buy a Refrigerator. Vour old Refrigera tor as first payment. Balance on terms. Concord Furniture Co. 5 THE RELIABLE FURNITURE STORE ===, No Dealer in Concord Sells Coal for Less than I do. ] Best Furnace Coal SB.OO to $ll.OO. Best Grate and Stove Coal SB.OO to $9.00. | Best Steam Coal $4.00 to $7.50. ■fe.est Gas blouse Coke—Made in Concordsß.so. > Purchase Your Coal where you can get QUALITY I 1 and SERVICE. ]! A. B. POUNDS OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOO»QOOOOeOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCK rashions lncu- I bator 1 ss\ t A new Spring step-in Pump, cut s' \ tew at the side, fashioned of chain- j paign kid, trimmed around vamp of jich light tan calf—medium heel of f tan to match trip,- a beautiful pump j j that will surely appeal to you, on sale f / M/ $5.85 nrx IVEY’S IX / I *THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES’? • yw— ——» O0000000000cx)000000000000&c00000000000000000000 K.L. CRAVEN & SONS PHONE 74 I AI g-L SV>V-/ # m 1 J Plaster Mortar Colors Pack All Your Troubles in the Old 1 Kit Bag and Phone, Phone, Phone! 1 Why worry about what you are going to cook, or trouble yoursell B to scatter your orders all over the city in order to get what you want H to eat. Just make out your order and call "69” for Fresh Meats, Cur- 0 ed Meats, Fresh Fish, Poultry, Butter, Eggs, Fresh Florida Fruits I and Vegetables, Fancy Cakes and Crackers and any and all kinds of 1 Staple and Fancy Groceries. “YOU NAME IT—WE BRING IT.” ) CH. BARRIER & CO. | SMI JAX I •: Laxative Compound fl ■ The new and wounderful Medicine for people who are X ■ suffering with Weak and Rundown condition of the 0 I CSyatem, Loss of Appetite, Constipation, Indigestion, Sto- 8 8 See your Druggist for it is only sold through Drug g IpQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo DWI Pflir IDS. M GET ms Concord Daily Tribune TIME OF CLOSING AVAILS The time of the closing of malls at the Concord postofflee is as follows: Northbound 136-41:00 P. M. 36^-10:00 A. M. 34 4:10 P. M. 38— 8:30 P. M. 30-11:00 P. M. Southbound 39 9 :30 A. M. 46 3:30 P. M. • 135 8:00 P. M. 29—11:00 K M. fToCAL mention"^! Alembers of the board of stewards of Central Methodist Church will meet at the ehurt'u tonight at 7:30 Mrs. IV H. Hetheock is confined to •ier home on Caldwell street by ill nem. One new ease of chickenpox was re ported this morning to the county j health department. Air*. Flynn Johnson, of the clerical force at Fisher's is confined to her home by illness. * Ralph Baird Gibson, son of Rev. and Mrs. M. "R. Gibson, is confined to his home with measles. B. F. Blalock is reported as seri ously ill at his home on Peachtree street. He suffered a stroke of apo plexy several days ago. Mrs. Claudia Reece has sold to Robert Shinn for S6O property in No. 4 township, according to a deed filed at the courthouse here Saturday. Miss Jessie Combs is able to be cut again after being confined to her room at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shephard for several days by illness. A Pender grocery store is to be opened in Concord in the near future. This chain operates stores in many towns in North Carolina and Vir ginia. Members of the Senior Hi-Y clubs of the Y. M. C. A. will go to Char lotte tomorrow afternoon to visit the Ice cream plant of the Chapin-Sacks Corporation. Mr. and Airs. J. E. Talbirt and children are living now on West street while a new home is being erected by them on their lost on Trib une Street. Youngsters at the Y Saturday night enjoyed wnss singing in addition to th“ regular movie program. I)r. J. W. Rowlette led the singing and the children present scented to find the occasion one of much interest and pleasure. Grammar grade teachers of the county schools held their last regu lar meeting of the scholastic year at the courthouse here Saturday. Fine attendance marked the meeting, prac tically all of the teaAers in the group being present. Hundreds of colored persons from Concord went to Charlotte today to attend the big baseball game between the I-ingstone and Shaw university teams. The day is observed as a kind of holiday for the colored people in this part of the state. Members of the Alinisterial Asso ciation and the Sunday School Su perintendents’ League will meet at: the X. M. C. A. tonight at 6 o’clock, j Supper will be served to them and a joint session held after each group has transacted its business. The play given Saturday night at the Roberta Alill under the direction of Sliss Courtney, county nurse, was attended by a large crowd. More than S3O was cleared, the money to go to the county brace fund, which is used to buy equipment for crippled children. The April meeting of the board of county commissioners is being held at the court house here today. The session began this morning but it was stated at the noon hour that no busi ness of unusual importance bad yet been presented to the board. Rou tine matters only were discussed. Persons in the city who wish to loan autos or trucks to transport members of “Our Sunday Gang” to Charlotte Friday afternoon are asked to notify H W. Blanks. The boys have been invited to inspect the plant of the Chapin-Sacks Corporation and transportation for 170 boys must be secured. No session of the recorder’s court will be held this afternoon, police officers stated this morning. Ten cases developed over the week-end, it was reported, but all have been con tinued until Friday, when a session of the court will be held. None of the cases reported this morning were of an aggravated nature, it was said. Easter weather in Concord was al most perfect. Temperatures during the morning were a little too low for comfort without wrapa, but the sun shone in great brilliancy during the entire day and temperatures climbed many degrees during the day. More new Easter clothes and flowers were seen here yesterday than ever before in the history of the city. Cornelius Bides, from the High I Point College, Is spending the Easter holidays here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Sides. He has jnst returned from a visit to several Northern Universities, where he was a visitor together with other mem bers of the class in biology from the College. The class waa in charge of the professor of tbR department from the college. j Quint E. Smith, city engineer and sanitary ojeer, gives notice on first page that Dr. 8. E. Buchanan will be in his office in the County Building, South Church street, on the after noon of-Friday, April 9 to examine all case employees. The summer In spection’of cases will begin April 10, and after that date no person not holding a health card will be permit ted to work in any case. At this time all eafea will be scored and results published. THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE LATE FARSI NEWS FROM THE COUNTY AGENTS Macon, N. 0., April A —G4S—More . than 35.000 pounds or three solid car loads of poultry were sold by Frank lin county farmer,; during the past week for which they received about $9,000 in cash, is the report made by County Agent John V. Arrendale. T’jis poultry was all sold to one firm in Atlanta, Ga.. whiclt paid 26 cents • a pound for hens, 2o cents for tur keys and ducks and to cents per pounds for broilers. Sales are being held by Mr. Arrendale twice a month and the farmers arc well pleased with the method of marketing and the prices received. Burgaw. N. C., April A.—GT*)— Twenty-four pigs put on feed by Ro land Baston, of Pender county, five weeks ago have made an average gain of 51 pounds each during period. County Agent W. H. Robbins in re porting this says the gain was made at a cost of approximately five cents per pound. Feeding hogs is being pushed in all sections of the county as a part of the program for a 1- } anced system of agriculture. Reaufort, N. 0., April s.—C4o— new permanent pastures were seeded to carpet grass, lespedexa and Dallis grass during the past week re ports County Agent Hugh Over street. These pastures were planted on farms that had never ’.tad perma nent pastures. Many requests are being received for the best mixtures to use in this type of planting, there being considerable interest among farmers. AL4NDELOS CASE WILL BE THOROUGHLY SIFTED Oteen Doctor’s Attorney Asked to Tel! What Hr Knows -Against Murphy. Asheville, April 3.—Requesting counsel for the plaintiff to be pres ent at the probe Tuesday of the charges against Dr. W. <’. Murphy, county superintendent of public in struction. the board of education oi Buncombe county made ready yes terday to sift to the bottom the most sensational ease in tho history of county affairs. Dr. Murphy, who is charged by Dr. Nicholas A. Mandelos. ward sur geon at Oteen hospital, with alienat ing his 21year-o!d wife's affections, is expected to be present at the hearing when the board, sitting as nil investigating body with power to subpoena witnesses, will take up the matter itt so far as it concerns the work of the schools in the county and the question of retaining the de fendant in his present position. Decision to ask Clarence E. Black stock. attorney for the physician iu tho court action, to appear before the board and present such facts an he may have in his possession to substantiate the ehargrw contained in the complaint filed in Superior court against the superintendent, was reached this morning. The action waa taken on motion of J. T. Roberts, seconded by G. D Carter/ and came somewhat as a surprise to those who were preserit at the time. The board met for thf add that ho will not divulge the ht - 1- i, j■T'.l—• i P I I | \ For Ambulance | ! and Profession- 3 al Services i j Call 640 j Day or Night 3 ■ Bell & Harris j i Funeral Home i EA&R MoRWiNGdS SUN BRW&S QRZftf COKTCNT TO THOSE WHOSE CASH IS VflSfciy When the morning sun S-eets your daily arrival in eal Man's Land you feel con- ! tent about the manner in which ; your money was spent if mod- ' ern plumbing has rendered ! your home sanitary. If not call to see the plumbing doc tors —that’s us. CONCORD PLUMBING j COMPANY j 174 Kerr St Phone 571 i purpose of receiving on some bontfe. Aid. Roberts interrupted s the session just aftetr the bids were disposed of by elating that he wanted Mr. j Biackstoek to appear nitd "tell what ,he claims to know." S- G. Bernard, chairman, explain ed that as an attorney. Mr. Black- | stock could not be made to appear and Mr. Roberts then changed his motion to- a resolution whicn was adopted unanim nusly. The chairman was then instructed to write Mr. Blaekstook a letter in which the re quest that he appear is to to be made. Mr. Blackstoek tonight when seen 1 by a representatives of the Daily ? News stated that he received no communication of any kind from the chairman of the board and of course could not tell wliat his attitude ’ would be until the letter, which he j was informed was being drafted has j 1 been received. It is understood, bow-1 - ever, that in the event the attorn*? | - does appear that he will do so with I > | tho condition that he is to reveali s ouly sufficient evidence to guide the I ! board in any action that it may take | formation which he expects to bring ■ to his client* aid in the suit for $50,- 000 which was tiled when the action started with arrest and bail pro-1 cecdiug*. ' Dr. Mandelos, physicians stated * ! today, is iu a state of nervous col apse and is delirious a good part of • the time as a result of the strain of ' I the last few days. No persons were admitted to ece him. although it ia • understood that attempts along that 1 ine were mad<. I; It was reported today that addi-1 ■ tional information has been brought to the attention of the physician's 1 attorney since the first announce- 1 rnent of the chargee that had been ! tiled appeared in the press. 1 , ( TRY i ) i BAMBY i n BREAD f t iest American Made Bread Yet i 1 L “It’s the Butter That Makes It Better” Made by the Blue Ribbon ' Bakery, Charlotte, N. C. ; Order It Through Your Grocef | * Delivered Fresh Every Day t —■F— l / i r — ■ * New Handy Pack More for your money and the best Peppermint Chewing Sweet for any money look for WRIGLEft P.K.Handy£ick Dedeik Counter «. fc I Smartest of New Foot- Imi wear Ready for Easter /1 Shoppers / I All that’s New and Stylish )i Shoe- AA craft, for the New Season one can find here. Correct Style* for Sporta, |BW for Dress and for Dress Wear. MW $3.95 to $6.95 W MARKSON SHOE STORE! PoooooooooooooooooooooooonoooooouuuutxiLoooooouoco TCMp I There is no use in seeking happi ness unless you are happing in the ! seeking. j Popularity leaves very little time ' for steady thinking, j What's worse t’uan breaking in a ! pair of new shoes on a spring day? The importance of your own trou bles are magnified, like a cinder in your eye. i Life's amusing. People save so ; many things to see even though there isn't any return trip. ! We all do things without thinking I and one is being bored with life. I I Copyright. 1026. NEA Service, Inc.) ' ANOTHER WOMAN OCT I FOR STEDMAN'S SEAT Mrs. F. Eugene Heater, of Reids- I vi lie. Proposed By Rockingham Republicans. I Greensboro. April 3.— Feminine de sire for the sent .iu Congrats of Major Charles M. Stedman, Demo ciatie incumbeut from the Fifth North Carolina district, increases. There are now two women in the field, huh Republicans. Republicans lof Rockingham' yesterday indorsed I Mrs. F. Eugehe Hester, of Reids ville, for the Republican nomination for Congress from this district. The other woman indorsed is Mrs. J. Spot Taylor, put forward by , the Republicans of Stokes county. Major Stedman is the only Con gressional candidate in the State who has aetua'ly been in a race with n woman for Congress. Mrs. Lindsay Patterson, of Winston-Salem, waa Republican candidate in 1924. Madame Pearl V. Metzelthin, American-born widow of a former German diplomat, has visited every important country in the world ns an advocate of plans for future peace and friendship among the nations. $ Can You Solve This? H DIERFLAG The above letters when prop- 5 H erl.v arranged spell the name . M of a late President. Everyone i j j sending in the correct solution ; 1 will be awarded a beautiful lot j 20*100 feet. Free and clear [ j of all Encumbrances, in a sec- - r i lion now open lo colonization • in New Jersey. Answer puzzle j J and mail today. This offer ex- - -j pires July loth. ;! BEWARE OF IMITATORS! !l We are the originators of ; ■j this advertising plan. 1 MAXIM DEVELOPMENT S u .CORPORATION ? *} 110‘West 40th St.. Dept 383 5 S New York p wwooooooooonnpoooiiOQrwoQopooixwooooooooeooooooc^j I You with the turned down gj and SO young men turned fj Not a style for Toro, Dick I ' ' and Harry but one that j\\ J /KmUjh , Harrv, Dick and Ton) are / The flip-brim hat is the ' *A / '"w * young man’s style sensa- ' ' J " tion of 192 G—it’s th* ' • F^ ar nJ f I'* t ! ie cro ' vns , and brims the kingdom of sash- i jiOnable headgear—and our selection of this wanted style 1 wants nothing— except YQU. ! Sprfngshade^-^ Chpble in ever > r conceivable Good i HOOVER’S, Inc. THE YOUNG MAN'S STORE I § That the ceremony shall be one of superior equipment and con- 1 N scion turns performance does not imply undue expense. One 8 I “T nuen“ance. ° W U UUifon ° courtttiy ' jWlhiqsoiWgtoeßl Kome i I SaffiteWD.potSt | | *3el." 9 * | j FANCY DRY GOODS WOMEN'S WEAR gl I Hats for Spring will be as light in color as a spring breeze. Hats of ; better quality will be re freshed to original brightness and shape. Send hats and ties with your suits for dry clean ing. Up to your expecta tions in workmanship and j service—responsibility al- jj “MASTER" Cleaners and Dyers PHONE 787 Office 85-87 W. Depot St DEMOCRATIC PRIMAfUHS The Democratic voters of Oabarrui County are hereby requested to meet at their reepeefiv* votlna precincts on Saturday April 17th, 1926, firths putpoee of selecting five member* of the Township Executive Commit toe and naming delegatee to the County Convention on April 24th to bo hold fn the county court house/ At the Oounty Convention dele gates will be named to represent the oounty et the State Convention to bf held in the city of Rtleigton April 29th. ;\s; The primaries will be held in the several townships and wants at AdM) * . ROSA B. MOND, Vice Chairman County Demo- j era tic Bxeoutive Oonunlttee. Concord. K. a. March 22. UK* ’ Mnmenlaia ** wy nwif BfruA m# ' J The Tlmoa-Tribaae Job Oflce and | earn be printed on a few bourn no tice. «. Monday, Aptfl 5, 1926 Country Cured Meats Kingan Meats Fresh Each Week When early spring time cornea, we always stock our warehouse* with the Very Beet Meats. Country Cured Hama, Sides end ShOoMera We sell you whole or Slice to Suit; ' • Fresh each Week: Bingen’s Reliable Hama •' Kingan’* 1 Lb Breakfast Ham Kingan ’a Breakfast Stripe. We aleo have Better Western Rib Side and Fat Back than you find in most stores. Our splendid Delivery men go quick everywhere. PHONE SIP Cline & Moose CONCORD COTTON MARKET MONDAY APRIL S, IM* Cotton lfi Cotton seed. J 2 l4y CONCORD PRODCCR MARKET (Corrected Weekly by Cline ft Moose) Figures named represent prices paid fir produde on the market f Country Ham Jo> Country fjboulder _ Crew try Hum ■ - , - .20 Young Chickens .36 Hons 3& Irish Potatoes 3.00 . PEARL DRCG CO. \ ,