. f Tuesday, April 6, \Qi6 l— i ,mm ■•- if' ■ ’ : _ f. ■■ 7.. ' Dinner Stories Visitor—Your picture ol the Fiery Dragon is a masterpiece; " SChriim tile. Artist—fiery Dragon? Where Uifl you see that? Visitor—ln the middle of the jvull in tho next room. ' , Scram —Oh. that is a portrait, of ny mother-in-law. • B'ack—Do you ever violate the prohibition law'/ White—No, I ain't afraid of thcl prohibition agents, but I've got to I admit that 'the life insure fife agentfe have me good and seared. , “Have you any bootleggers in i Crimdon Gulch ?” “Not to speak of." answered Cactus Joe. “There’s one feller that prelends' he’s a bootlegger, but he’s only makin believe he’s got money in order to get money from the bank." 1 Laura—Could you suggest some hibjt suitable for q girl friend’s birthday ? Clerk—How about these book onds ? « | Laura—Just the thing! She al ways reads the ends before she does she beginnings. Abraham—My poy, ver are my glasses? Isaac—On Jour nose, sadder. Abraham—Don’t be so indefinite. you think he has the necessary fffa iticafions for a poet?” “Yes,, ho has income.” j New Clhrk—Who’s that fellow in ■the office giving the boss such a bawl ing out? “■ . ■ Old . w ' Photic lOL i~SEßVttlft STATION | EVERETT TRUE by condo •PvOTpsjl ’STOP- i | in 4* | wits (11l 'lliilJiMllnHfliillllllltK 11 [ ;*.'*<•> *’ty- » ■ '• ' | ‘ --vii. . j ' Stingiest Peraori New York Daily Mirror. The stingiest person I know is the woman where I boat'd. She heats the knives before we come in so that the. Butter will, slide off. The stingiest person I know is the! man who takes his aufo’ agurt and puts it in his cellar to save garage I rent. 1 The stbtgiest person,. I know is a j man who iritite his lady Mend out to supper after she has dined. WEBB WANTS LIQUOR LAWS- STRENGTHENED j Federal Judge Says lkth Amend-! motft Will Not Be Repealed. | Charlotte. April s.—Scorn for per sons who assert that the probibl- j Hon laws of the nation have failed . and advocacy of stricter dry laws than are now provided was express ed by Judge E. Yates Webb, of Shelby. Monday, in a charge to the grand jury in the Federal district court here. I “The thumbs of America have bteu tilrned down on iiqdor and ef forts ol th'e wets- to repeal the Cigh-, j teenth amendment will ndt prevail," j bC declared. He urged that the courts be "given the .power to imprispn, in the peni tentiary any man found guihy' of . transporting, j Judgge Webb belittled the efforts of the anti-prohibition group- Drug gists can ’sell preparations of eight i ecu and twenty per cent alehoholie I content for medicinal use, he said but, when they sell it for beverage purpokbh, theft they are guilty of violation of the Volstead law. the Duke Flowers. Charlotte Observer. Charlotte has no Magnolia Gar dens. hut. it has something next to that, in the flower show at the Duke estate. A drive around that place, beautiful at all times, but particular ly so ill the Spring, develops wotidCrs in floral brilliance that charm and I delight. The colorings df flowers aid I shrubs is of profuse character, the effect being heightened by the geti crnl scheme of landscaping. Chftr ' lottc Tieoplc who have not seen the Duke estate in its Spring array arc missing the treat of a life-time. A little later on the laurels and the rhododendrons will add charm to thb scene. B'&nton S-i's Sniping to I Pop n { ' Bomb Into D. C. Government. BY CHARLES P. STEWART , NBA Service Writer : Washington, April s.—Congress man Tom Ttlaritbn. of Texas. Iff ever lastingly .sniping at somebody, ora torically, ftoin his place in the House of Representatives. It's slow Work at best, however — this picking 'em off one at a tfcto. So the other day Blanton tnR at bomb, hoping for wholesale results from a sftigle explosion. « * * | The thing lit right In the midst of J the District of Columbia government, the Veteran’s Bureau, the - Depart ments of Justice, War and the Navy and St. Elizabeth's Hospital for the Insane, which the interior depart ment runs. » * • Suppose, says Blanton, somebody decides you're crazy. (This is in thb District of Colum bia, mind.) Yen can be arrested without a war rant. You get no hearing. A couple of the district commissioners sißn a commitment for you—sing it "per functorily,” according to Blanton — and—blam ! —ybu land iii St. Eliza beth’s. . • '■ - * * • Being dotty, you must have a guar dian. HaVe you any money? If not there’s little Competition tor the job. If you have it’s quite like ly, Blanton stn'tts, that Commission er E. A. Fenhirig, of the District of - will be appointed. At any rate, Blaritoii mentions more than 100 patlehts, now at St. Elizabeth’s, as his Wards. The gUardidn draws, for his ser vices, a percentage of the ward's in come, It’s at the court’s discretion, but Blanton says it usually is 10 per cent. . And if the wfird dies, his * guardian gets a percentage of bis es tate. * • * How are 1 the war and navy depart-] j merits mixed up in what Blanton has to say? Well, he points out, if a soldier or a sailor gives offense in some way that isn't punishable other wise. St. Elizabeth’s is a good place for him. And the Veterans' Bureau? Oh, comments Wlariton, about 75 pet cent, of Fennirig's wards arc World War , veterans. .. . And the justice department? Why. says Blanton, it passes on claims in-! volving was veterans’ rights, and FehningV brother is an assistant at torney general. * * * Tom Blanton himself doesn't charge anybody he mentions with a single act he can't justify according to the letter of the law. , What he kicks on is the law and the way lie thinks it's being used. For each man afid woman, friend and neighbor I’m A. Live Wire, the labor saver. ’till the snappy, full of pep chap who lifts the gloom from homes that needed to get acquainted with the . wonderful blessing known As electric ity. I light up yorir rooms and halls, sweep your Carpets and rriri yOur sew ing machines, heat yolit homes and light up everybody’s pathway iii life. I W. J, HETHCOX GARDEN SEED 3c Patkage Gibson Drug Store Do You Like Something Good? Try a can of our Chicken a La kin£, Chicken Liver, Devil ed Chicken and Chicken Silad. 1 Just what you’ve beeil lodking for and it’s ready to sfcrvc. SANITARY GROCERY CO. x Phones 878 and W 8 ' ’ V ’e'‘ X;-' r :%* Y ’ THfi CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE - ' 7 1| ill VBfmi, ~~ ■ j . Ir-, ’ I ffimmmTT ~ OUT OUbTwAY • ' B y WILLIAMS ~ r ~~ n * H \s ' v ■ 1/ HEAHIMEAH'.A f LAMIN OOWM ) VOO MAV UXE T'WORK T'CX*XKX>Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooc • KHot Watery is surely a friend in need and match and in a few minutes steanyag hot water will Pays for itself T E.B. GRADY PLUMBING AND HEATING DEALER Office and Show Room 39 E. Corbin St. Office Phone 334 W THE DAILY TRIBUNE jj AND l PROGRESSIVE FARMER I ONE TEAR AT THE FOLLOWING PRICES: tate outside Gonc.'rd $0.25 igrrsNive Far mortis the best farm paper published, and its 00 a y6ar. d not pay for the Progressive Farmer at the Hame time you s Tribune. We will get it for you a whole year at any time of only 20 centß. tr subscription to The Tribune to auy enntost&nt, but 1 Tribune office to pay for your Progressive Farmer. jj aaßEiaflii!h«^ PAGE SEVEN