PAGE EIGHT llaOf Ks WtfRATION M- — 1 f ——■ — ~~y?, SSI ~g«» .v. 7 j Pay the Butcher less —Pay the Grocer less - Pay the Icemanless THE AUTOMATIC PROTECTS VOIR HEALTH ... Saves food and ice bills. - Sanitary water cooling system. Xo ice in the water. Save s chipping Usd wasting of ice. Perfect cireulati on of cold air. All odors from food Carried out through the train. See the Automatic before you buy a itefrigerator. Your old Refrigera tor as first payment. Ualancc on terms. Concord Furniture Co. THE RELIABLE FURNITURE STORE | > OCOOOoOC S'XXX^XKXXXOCXXKXXV COAL i B No Dealer in Concord Sells Coal for Less than I do. ]! Best Furnace Coal SB.OO to $ll.OO. i B Best Grate and Stove Coal SB.OO to $9.00. ! 9 Best Steam Coal $4.00 to $7.50. | Best Gas House Coke—Made in Concordsß.so. i Purchase Your Coal where you can get QUALITY and SERVICE. A. B. POUNDS ocxxxxxx»cx>ooooooooooe>oocsoc^)ooc«o^vxyxxxxxyxxxxxx Just “Hatched” Fashion’s Incu- L bator j ss\ H A new Spring step-in Pump, cut \ low at the side, fashioned ot eham- jp J paign kid, trimmed around vamp of rich light tan ealf—laediUM heel of j tan to match trip, a beautiful pump '' / &at will surely appeal to you, on sale f / LI J I / $5.85 -T\ IVEY’S |\ / \ “THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES” j K.L. CRAVEN IsONS PHONE 74 fOAT I I J Plaster I Pack All Your Troubles in the Old | I Kit Bag and Phone, Phone, Phone! | m Why worry about what you are going to cook, or trouble yourselt ja N to scatter your orders all over the city in order to get whnt you want jl H to eat. Just make out your order and call “69” for Fresh Meats, Cur- P M ed Meats, Fresh Fish, Poultry, Butter, Eggs, Fresh Florida Fruits Q Kg and Vegetables, Fancy Cakes and Crackers and any and all kinds of B M Staple and Fancy Groceries. ■ ‘‘YOU NAME IT—WE BRING IT.” C. H. BARRIER & CO. I SMI-LAX I TONIC S and S Laxative Compound • j| The new and wounderful Medicine for people who are ] 8 suffering with Weak and Rundown condition of the ij x CSystem, Loss of Appetite, Constipation, Indigestion, Sto- ! j jg mach and Liver. ] i 8 See your Druggist for it is only sold through Drug | flffi PM IBS. W GET REUS Concord Daily Tribune j TIME OF CLOSING MAHB The time ot the closing of maOa at the Concord postoffiee is as follows: Northbound 136-41:00 P. M. A. M. 34 4 :10 P. M. 38— 8:30 P. M. I, 30—11:00 P. M. Southbound 39 9:30 A. M. 45 3:30 P. M. I 133 8:00 P. M. j j 29—11:00 I*, hi. , j LOCAL ..J i Mrs. Ernest Porter this morning underwent an operation for append!- , citus at the Coneord Hospital. , j Frinds of Charles T. Barrier w'll 1 , regret S-to learn that he is confined to J ' Ids home with an attack of tonsilitis. ( 1 Misses Leora Long and Era Linker , ltave returned to N. C. <\ W. at Greensboro after spending the Easter i holidays at their respective homes. 1 j Marriage license was issued here | i Tuesday by Register of Deeds Elliott to Leonard E. Dobson and Miss Pearl ( Dry, both of (,'oiteord. The members of the Men's League ’ of tiie Associate Reformed Church of • j this city went to Mooresvllle Tues- ' day 'pigiit to attend a district meet- < i ing of the league. | Directors of the Concord Y. M. C. i ; A. will fiold an important meeting , i n; the Y tomorrow, night at 7 o’clock. ' j The meeting will b" one of the most r I important of the year, it ia (said. i 1 Efird’s invite all the ladies of this j community to a free demonstration of ! lamp shade making on Thursday and ! Friday. April Bth and 9th, on the sec ond floor of their store. Dr. .T. S. Laffert.v has retarded tr 1 his home here after a stay of several 1 weeks in Charlotte at a hospital tak- 1 ing treatment. His condition is 1 somewhat improved. * jt J. IV. Denny, physical director at t f i the Concord Y. M. C. A., is spending ; t'le day in High Point. Mr. Denny t went there to attend a conference of < physical directors from cities itt this i | section of the state. ( j The Dixie Realty and Insurance ‘ ; I Company has sold to J. L. Swanger '• I j for $lO and other valuable eoneidera- I I tions property in City View, a suburb 1 1 of Concord, according to a deed tiled I at tile court house ticre Tuesday. ’ Improvement is reported in the * I condition cf Worth Propsf, who up- 1 | derwent an operation in a Charlotte 1 | hospital last week. The operation 1 was a very serious one, it is said, but during this week Mr. Propst lias shown daily improvement. \ Dr. Robert Fisher has’ returned from Atlanta, .where he was called by the serious illness of his father-in-law, .J. E. Jones. He reports Mr. Jones’ condition as but little improved. Mrs. Fisher will remain in Atlanta for the present, 1 Police officers again this morning j stated that they had nothing new to report. No session of the recorder’s court will be held this afternoon and no * eases of interest developed over Tuesday. A number of eases are to be tried in city court Friday. ■ While a number of persons have al ready offered their trucks and autos, other vehicles are needed to take the “Sunday Gang" crowd to Charlotte Friday afternoon. Persons who wish to give some of the boy u ’'lift'’ are asked to call H. W. Blanks at the Y. M. C. A. j Persons interested in the city basi - | i ball league are asked to meet with | j J. W. Dentiv at the Y r . M. 0 A. to- j [ morrow night at 7 o'clock. Plans j i for the season are to be discussed at j r tile meeting and it is hoped to get ev- I erything lined up for the opening of ! i the league in the near future. | J. A. Sharpe, of Spencer, spent ! i Tuesday ill Concord and Cabarrus 1 county, making preliminary plans for j | installing the sewer systems ia the i new county high schools now under J construction. Mr. Sharpe while here , visited the sites of the two schools ] i already authorized, one at Harrisburg \ j and One at Bethel. ! Sheriff R. V. Caldweit. Jr., is pre- ! i paring now to get his tax books in j 1 , shape for the advertising of property | on which taxes are not paid by May | Ist, Tax money has been coming | in rather slowly in recent weeks, 'je I reports, and lie hopes it will all be f paid so the property of no one will | have to be advertised. I The golf course of the Cabarrus I Country Club is packed with golfers I each afternoon now. The warm | weather of the past week has brought | many a putter and driver from win | ter seclusion and golfers are finding 3 the touch again after the long iay -3 off. Quite a number of players here gj have broken a 40 within the past 9 week. J Reno’s Divorce Crop. Over 800 divprces were obtained I last year at Reno. Ney., one of the l, greatest divorce mills in the epun jll try. Thfe is about 30 more than the I|j number granted in 1924. Nearly 300 J 11 of the eases were pressed by wives. II Children affected by the court ac l[ tions numbered 330. As usual, most j, of the divorces were obtained by per- l 1 Hone, temporarily sojourning at Reno 1 1 with the express purpose of getting 1 1 a divorce. 1 1 The poatoffice department is in | vestigating a wholesale divorce busi i ness in New York and Philadelphia j in whjch fake Yucatan, Mexico, di vides were used. Evidence was presented to show that lawyers forged such a decree for S4OO with | out the applicant going to Mexico. 1 1 Dr. Mark Davis, Washington den- U ' tint, has a novel way of paying his -: divorced wife alimony. He writes 1 “Alimony”, in large letters in red j ing on her checks. She complained | jto the court that this is “humiliating and annoying.” THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE TODAY’S EVENTS. .. I Wedneuhty. April 7. Oiltenary of the birth of .Con- Frederick Salamen. who commau »c 1 the Union forces at the battle of , Helena. Ark. Thirty-live years ago today died 1 . T. Barnum, the greatest American showmen. Rennie Leonavd. who retired as the undefeated light campion pugilist | reaches his 30th birthday anniver sary today. The Connecticut State Teachers’ Asc*)ciation completes its SOch yearj today having beta organized on this da to in 1840. The President cf Vhe United States wi 1 greet the daily newspapermen from twenty-one American republics when they aoemble in Washington today for the first Pan-American Congress of Journalists. General Lincoln C. Andrew*, As sistant Secretary of the Treasury, will be one of the speak*to at the fifth annual banquet of the? National j Council .of American Imp.-rfei* »nd Traders to be held in New York City this evening. Post and Flagg’s Oct ten setter. New York. April G. —Jf there been any real change in the essen tial character of the market it is not visible to the naked eye. Resistance to more than trivia! change in cither direction scem.4 equally (stubborn. Selling by speculative interests was .somewhat more aggressive in the early trading today, being chiefly directed at new crop monthsgbur al though prices yielded a litre they steadied again a*B soon as offerings tapered off and it was obvious that whatever long nforest there may be s too strong to be readily dislodged. Talk of curtailment by southern mills to keep production strictly within the limits of actual requin menu, ic; again heard and probably has some foundation in fact as there is no apparent disposition among buyers to anticipate in ’any large way their probable later require ments and demand remain" of the filling in character through frequent repeat orders for immediate ship ment. It L authoritatively denied that there ia any aeouniu ation pt goods. Preparations for the next crop are much behind last year which len GSICAT C&NTENT TO THOSE WHOSE CASH IS \N\S&LV SPfcNT When the morning sun greets your daily arrival in Real Man's Land you feel con tent about the manner in which your money was spent if mod ern plumbing has rendered your home sanitary. If not call to see the plumbing doc tors —that’s us. CONCORD PLUMBING COMPANY 174 Kerr St Phone 871 CONFESSES PLOT i TO BCRN THEATRE Young Winston Man Thought It Would Bp N ltc Way to I ossm I Compct!timi. Winston-MUrem, April ti. —nwo in * couiraction with an n'rajori ronspir :n'*y to burn fhc Victory Theatre in Mount Airy. Ralph Hothrock. young! | white man of this city, was arrested I by Mount Airy police and made a * Signed confession of the alleged plot to burn the playhouse. The confes- j I sion was made and signed in the office of Chief of Police J. A. Thom as. in rliis city and in the presence of Chief Thomas and the chief of the tire department of Mount Airy. According to Roth rock’s sworn statement he worked for some t>me at the Victory Theatre in Mount Airy, but/about three weeks ago ne came back to Kite city. It was bv , request, he stated, that lie came here, and he said that lie wrote a letter *o j P. A. Boone, owner of the Broadway Theatre in Mount Airy, asking Boone if he didn’t want him to burn the Victory. N “" After returning to this city. Roth rock states he wrote the letter to Mr. Boone, signing it "Ned Nye.” The letter, which was exhibited in the rffice of Chief Thomas, stated in de tail that the writer would burn the Victor Theatre for Boone, if he so desired, for the sum of He ex plained in the letter that it would help Mr. Roone’ts business and pointed out other attractive ways that the burning of the Victory would aid Mr. Boone in the conduct of his own the atre. s Receiving the letter, according to information from the Mount Airy authorities, Boone turned it over to* the police, who instructed him to an swer the letter, telling “Nye” that the proposition would be considered and requested that he come to Mount Viry. This he did. "Nye,” alias Rothrock, states that he went to Mount Airy and that it was in conversation with Boone at this time that the latter told him that he did not do business in that way and had no desire to have his com petitor burned out. Rothrock stated rhat he went to Mr. Marion, the wner of the Victory Theatre, and old him that he feared a conspiracy burn his theatre. The conversation with Marion oc curred about two weeks ago. he stated, and he came back to this city and did not hear anything further until hki arrest last night. According to the law in Argentina three-fourths of a wife’s earnings can be taken to pay her husband’s debts. GRENESBORO MINISTER PRAISES NATURE’S OWN REMEDY Tlie Open Letter Ileloiv TelLs a Story That Even the Most Skeptical ('an Not Doubt. DR. H. B. HALL ENDORSES HERB EXTRACT KNOWN AS HERB JI’ICE PAI.M STREET OHRISTIAN CHURCH Rev. H.' B. Hall, l’astor McAdoo Hts., Greensboro, N. O. July 31, 1925. THE HERB JUICE MAN. Care Grissom’s Drug Store. Greensboro, N. C. Dear Sir: Since taking Miller's Herb Extract known as HERB JUICE and coin pound. I have been deriving great ben efit. and am now heartily recommend ing it to others. I was troubled with indigestion, constipation, and sluggishness of the bowels, and a lack of "pep" and “go.” But now things look brighter, sim ply because I feel more like getting up, and doing things, and herb extract known as HERR JUICE made it so. When I began tatkhig the herb extract known as HERB JUICE my whole system soon began to take no tice, functioning with a vim. and gradually toning up the whole system, and the change has been most satis factory. I believe this remedy is the best tonic laxative and system build er on the market today. If this brief testimony shall help any one to find relief, I shall be amp ly paid. For Sale by Gibson Drug Co. , try BAMBY BREAD Best American Made Bread Yet “It’s the Butter That Makes It Better” Made by the Blue Ribbon. Bakery, Charlotte, N. C.* Order It Through Your Grocer Delivered Fresh Every Day TOMRa | Take care of your teeth. Brush ( Uicm daily and never call a man who < loan whip you a liar. I A good dance orchestra costs al- i i most as much for the evening as the < rouge, listerine and liniment. Even the very simple spring hats < s bring t p prices. J The tirst thing to do after buying < a used car is to equip yourself with. i a good durable set of spurs. I j Maybe if there were about ten daysji in a week we could rest up between | ( Sundays. , i ] Spring is when the closed carl, owner quits bragging and the open < car owner starts bragging. (Copyright, 1U26, XEA Service, Inc.))i John .7. McUraw’s fifty-third birth- ] day, reached ou April 7, finds the vet- i ernn manager of the Grants just ns ] keen in battling for a pennant as he ( was in the early days when h ! s fight- ( ing proclivities obtained for him the J sobriquet of "Muggsy.” Baseball followers throughout the < land will join in a hope for the early < recovery of Hughey Jennings, one of J the ablest and most popular figures in ( the whole history of the national pas- * time. RUPTURE SHIELD EXPERT HERE B. J. Meinhardi, the well known expert from Chicago, will personally be at the Robert E. Lee Hotel. Winston-Salem. N. Car. on Thursday and Friday April Bth and 9th. from 9:00 a. m. to 8:00 p. m. ami at the Yadkin Hotel, Salisbury, X. Car., on Saturday on’y, April 10th, from 10:30 a. m. to 9:00 p. m. Mr. Meinharili says “The Vacuum Rupture Shield" will not only hold the Rupture perfectly, but will con tract the opening in thirty (lays on the average case—usually giving in stantaneous re'ief withstanding all strain regardless of rhe size and lo cation of the Rupture. WARNING: Do not expose your self to the danger of wearing old-style trusses with nnderstrnps. These trusses usually place the pad on the lump and not on the rupture opening. . This often causes strangulation which , usually necessitates an immediate ur- 1 gical operation or results ill sudden deatli. "The Vaeeum Rupture Shield" lias no understraps, no straps around ; the body or legs. It is also perfectly ' sanitary and practically inilestruet- ; ible, and should be worn while bath- ‘ ing. Only gentlemen are invited to cull at this time as a special visit will i be made here later for women and j children. Notice: “The Vacuum Rupture 1 Shield” can not be fitted by mail. Every case must be seen personally. Please note the above dates and hours carefully. Strietly no charge for desn -1 otistration. Address all correspond ence to E. J. Meinhardi Co., White , hall, Michigan. Tax Notice All property on which the County Tax has not been paid will be adver tised May Ist. R. V. Caldwell Jr. Sheriff. CONCORD COTTON MARKET WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7. 1»2« Cotton .if Cotton eeed .52 l-l We have the fol lowing used cars for sale or ex change: One Ford Touring 1925 Model One Ford 4 Door Sedan 1924 mod el. One Willys Knight Sedan One Chevrolet Touring. STANDARD BUICKCO. ooooooooooopoooddociaßtttteooocicoeoeooooooooooooooooJ^ If d ( Can I Look at Your ! 1 I 1 Spring Suits Without ]!| \Wggfr I _ Buying One? > Jn’uU The man who asked us this question didn't know V -j3Ejj£k|f|f us or uur slogan so we'll y tell you about both !j! gal sweetest music to our two t ears is your two feet ![! KPgHH H I walking into the store \ SHIII whether you came to ; PNS'- purchase or not— [■q NEXT —our slogan : “The j Customer who comes in \ to look, looks good to us" O and we mean it—-every J! syllable. j \ If, after seeing, you say. “Thank you, I’ll call again"— j! you’re bill is paid in full. We’re glad to work even when our cash register hasn’t | 1 the opportunity. HOOVER’S, Inc. THE YCftjNG MAN’S STORE ?! f. ' >■ : [$ j? That the ceremony shall be one of superior equipment and con- p pi acientfous performance does not imply undue expense. One Si; ft marked feature of our services is uniform courtesy. Iramedi- « tj »te attendance. >J Wilkiqsonys«ml Howe S I r )el. H 9“ |ffliSlGmcord-N(C. S oooooooooooooooobebbooooooocoooooeoooooooooceoooc - | Beautiful Spring I 8 Featuring Fine Quality in the w X X favored New Shapes St Mod- f|xlP o erate prices am I $2.95 TO $6.95 a Wjk 11 g MARKSON SHOE STORE j 8 I 8 Phone 897 * X 1 JOOQOOOOOOOOOOOdtfpOQOOO* ; Hats for Spring | i will be as light ip color as 8 a spring breeze. Ifats of I better quality will be re- B | freshed to original 8 \ brightness and snapA X Send hats and ties D your suits for dry clean- a | ing. Up to your 8 tions in workmanship and 9 service—responsibility a|- 8 so. | X “MASTER” Cleaner* and Dyer* PHONE .787 Office 25-87 W. Depot 8t DEMOCRATIC PRIMARIES The Democratic voters of Cnbarrm County are hereby requested to meet at their respective votidg precincts on Saturday April 17th, 1926, lor R|t purpose of selecting five members of the Township Executive Committee and naming delegates tq th# County Convention on April 24th to he held in the county court house. At the County Convention dele gatee will be named to' represent the county at the State Convention to he held in of Raleigh oh April 29th. The primaries will be held in tile, several townahfpa and wards at, 2:80 ROSA B. MOND, Vice Chairman County Demo cratic Executive Committee. Concord, N, 0-, March 22, IM2B. . .Wednesday, April 7, 19-i CLINE & MOOSE The Seed Store SEED CORN FOR EARLY PLANTING Adams Early, Truckers Favorite, Southern'Snow Flake, We have it by the pint, quart, peek, or bushel. FIELD VARIETIES Hickory King, Davis’ Prolific, Tex as Red Cob, Improved Proliftr, Coun try Grown, Golden Dent. BEANS 1 Extra Early .Valentine. Stringless' i Green Pod, Kentucky Wonder—loose. , Also a large assortment of Ferry’s Seeds end I.ake Shore Seeds in all ; tixe ~ packages. --Buy your seed from CLINE & MOOSE v CONCORD PRODUCE MARKET (Corrected Weekly by Cline A Moose) Figures named represent prices paid ; far produce on the market: Eggs .! JO witon -ZZrZ.". f 1.50 Turkeys .25 Onions $1.78 SX-—■ --- *2 Country Bam : v Country Shoulder JO Country Bideß JO Young Chickens .35 Hens .22 Irish Potato*? 2.00 1 \ ITCH! J 1 back without quMtior S \l4f HUNT* OUARANTBEC MJMT 11 SKIN DISEASE REMEOIEi /f| T h/J (Hunt’s S«hr • an. goap), fall U I IT thi tr— 9$ rob, KnvM V— /A SlatiniuJtUnwMkatfWi . * S to* akin diiMMi. Try tbk tf—tinint at our iA PEARL DRUG CO. "