PAGE EIGHT lax Notice . All property on! Which the County fax has not been §&id will he adver tised May Ist. R. V. Caldwell Jr. Sheriff. 1 | We have the fol lowing used cars for sale o r ex fhange: One Ford Touring 1925 Model One Ford 4 Doorj Sedan 1924 mod el. One Willys Knight Sedan One Chevrolet Touring. STANDARD BUICK CO. m-. - __ . QOOOOOOO&XXX&OQOOCOOtXlO^GOOGQQVOOejCtXS^OOOOOOOOCy COAL No Dealer in Concord Sells Coal for Less than I do. J Best Furnace Coal SB.OO to $ll.OO. 1 Best Grate and Stove Coal SB.OO to $9.00. IJJest Steam Coal $4.00 to $7.50. Best Gas House Coke—Made in Concordsß.so. Purchase Your Coal where you can get QUALITY and SERVICE. A. B. POUNDS «KiOCIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCX3OO*tocooOMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC Just “Hatched” by^^^ Fashion’s Incu- l jl bator I Sjs\ i A new Spring step-in Pump, cut s' \ low at the side, fashioned of cham- jdr J! sign kid, trimmed around vamp of ! :h light tan calf—medium heel of \ t • ’ n to match trip, a beautiful pump / that will surely appeal to you, on sale f / L| J $5.85 /-T IVEY’S |\ / 1 •JTHE HOME OF GOOD SHOES” • Illcraven&sonsl PHONE 74 j COAT si Mortar Colon Pack All Your Troubles in the Old j Kit Bag and Phone, Phone, Phone! 1 Why worry about what you are going to cook, or trouble yourselt I to scatter your orders all over the city in order to get what you want I to eat. Just make out your order aDd call "60” for Fresh Meats, Cur- I ed Meats, Fresh Fish, Poultry, Butter, Eggs, Fresh Florida Fruits and Vegetables, Fancy Cakes and Crackers and any and all kinds of Staple and Fancy Groceries. “YOU NAME IT—WE BRING IT.” C. H. BARRIER & CO. SMI-LAX "1 TONIC and H fe.. , Laxative Compound 111 The new and wounderful Medicine for people who are suffering with Weak and Rundown condition of the i CSystem, Loss of Appetite, Constipation, Indigestion, Sto p;>,« mach and Liver. ||lt» See your Druggist for it is only sold through Drug ■ Stores. I VORETTE |1 Spring is this fascinating Pump of Black Patent J Leather. Graceful to the extreme, it cannot fail to mhance the elegance of your new Spring Costume. If you desire distinction as well as charm in your new footwear you will appreci ate the merits of Vorette. $6.50 | Ruth-Kesler [ Shoe Store K. OF P. NOTICE. Regular meeting Concord I.oilge No. 51 K. of I*. Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. Work in first rank. W. li. FISHER, C. C. ODD FELLOW NOTICE. Meets every Thursday evening at eight o’clock. WcrV .r initiatory degree. M. L. BOSS. X. G. C. H. RITCHIE, R. S. Concord Daily Tribune j TIME OF CLOSING SIAILS The time of the closing of mails at the Concord postoffice is as follow*: ( Northbound 136—41:00 P. M. * A. M. , 34 4:10 P. M. j, I 88—*8:30 P. M. « 80—U:C9P. M. |, * Southbound t 39 9:30 A. M. | 45 3 :30 P. M. i | 135 8:00 P. M. ! 29—11:00 P. 11. - --; j LOCAL MENTION) ! The T. M. C. A. will send repre- j Npntatives to the Hart sell Mill tonight to offer a free movie urogram. Mrs. C. (\ Hook, of Charlotte, T s | the guest here of her sister. Mrs. <*. j L. Patterson. M iss "Mary Hemperger. of James- h town, X. \\, is spending some time here with her sister. Miss Delma Hersperger. • The publication of our new serial story. “Why Girls Go Back Home,* will begin tomorrow. Our full ad vertising column* have crowded if , out today. Hugh Linker, of Xo. 2 township, re- 1 ports that lie has a setting of turkey eggs that will ’hatch on Sunday. April 11th. He challenges ‘’Venus'* to beat that record. The third quarterly conference for Kerr Street Methodist Church will be . held at Center Church Sunday af ternoon. There will be preaching at .‘1 o’clock by l>r. Z. Paris. « Members of the board of directors of the Y. M. (\ A. will meet at the Y tonig’ht at 7 o'clock. Important | business is to come before the meet ing and all members are urged to be in attendance. Police officers this morning stated that they had nothing new to report. 1 Business with them lias been very quiet during the past week, no ses sion of t’he recorder's court being scheduled until tomorrow when a number of cases are to be tried. Rev. W. C. Lyerly, pastor at Trin- . ity Reformed Church, will preach at the Second Presbyterian Church to- : morrow evening (Friday) at 7:30 o'clock at the preparator\ service bli the communion which will be held next Sunday at the 11 o'clock service. The local Bible Story Contest will be held in McKiunou Presbyterian Church Sunday morning at 11 o’clock. The public is incited to hear the con testants. This church has always provided some of the most excellent speakers in the contests each year. At the Charlotte Auditorium next Monday the musical gem “Blossom Time** will appear with the original cast of the Century Theatre. Xew i Y’ork, the same company which sang its way into the hearts of Southern music lovers last season. Paul R. Haynes and others have transferred to Mrs. Sallie A. Haynes for $1.0(1 love and affection property in Xm>. 5 township, according to a deed filed yesterday. Another tiled here records the transfer of property in Ward 2 by Bob Crockett to Spain Crockett for $lO. >. The Y tennis courts are in fine ; shape now. It is announced that a > number of associations in the state will send representative* here for a i State tennis tournament next month. The date and full plans will be an nounced later by J. \V. Denny, phys ical director of the Yl J. W. Turner's Vaudeville Show will be given at the Y. M. C. A. Sat urday night in place of the regular movie program. The show was here about two years ago and entertained ” a large crowd at that time. The program consists of musical numbers, | singing, dancing, ventriloquism and \ impersonation*. j i Final plans for the eastern motor i! tour sponsored by the Y. M. C. A. *i have been completed and only eight I vacancies remain. Places have been reserved for two young ladies from Kannapolis W’ho will be given tin* trip by Kannapolis merchants. The tour will leave Concord the* early part of June. I I Persons interested in the organiza i| tion of a City Baseballe League for Concord are invited to attend the meeting at the Y. M. C. A. tonight at 8 o’clock at which time plans for 1 1 the league will be discussed. J. W. O Denny, physical director of the Y, ! will be present to outline plans al -6 ready suggested. H Between 375 and 200 boys, mem | bers of Sunday Gang” will go S to Charlotte tomorrow to visit the tfl ice cream plant of the Chapin-Sackg Corporation. Persons with autos or W trucks who can lend them for the day H are asked to call H. W. Blanks, as ■ means of transporting to the boy* to ■ Charlotte must be secured. ffl The Brotherhood of St. James Luth -3 eran Church will meet tomorrow at 8 ? p. m. This will be an important meet | ing. Every member is expected to 3 be present, and bring a friend. Mem | bers of St. James, if not members of 2 the Brotherhood, are invited to join W tomorrow- evening and complete i' the organization. © Babe Ruth, Dazzy Vance and "other X stars of the baseball world are In O Charlotte this afternoon for a base x ball game between the Yankees and X Brooklyn Robins. The teams have v been playing stellar ball on their way x north and quite a number of local 3 j fans are expected to see the game #! which i* scheduled to begin at 3 X: o’clock weather permitting. X H. 8. Williams, members of the S State Republican executive eommit- V tee, dnd J. F. Harris, chairman of 1 the cpnyty Republican executive com j raittee, are among the Concord and; a Cabarrus county people in Durham 2 today for the State convention of their 1 party. It is *aid this County is ' S represented by a dozen delegates at )q the convention. THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE FLAPPERS’ ISBIE IS SETTLED IN A CLASS I- v \ OKvcland Hlgli School S? nlnr* 'Brin- Prcblem to Course in Personality. Cleveland, April T —What a young girl should know—l.> get along in the world—io being taught ill a new course of training in the develop ment of personality and bui ding of j character at the John Dims nigh school. Gentlemen may prefer blond [es. but the brunettes want to know why. Students bring their prob lems to call, and all hands pitrh iu to find the solution- The course, as outlined by Miss Margaret Collins, head of the home economies department, went into ef fect at the beginning of the last semester, and at prevent is open .only to girls in the 118 class of the com mercial group. But next year all the senior girls probably will be. per mitted to take the course, and other high schools may follow suit. Tlovo general subjects are taught by "Miss Dorothy Jones and Miss Alma Pim beek; health. foods clothing and personal appearance, thrift. social relationships, recreation and social and personal development. Some of the questions asked and answered under these heading* are: Health. What are beautiful hands and how can I’obtain them? What is the proper treatment and (T)re of the hair? Are cosmetics ami perf.mie a sign of jil-breeding? If >.ot, how shall 1 use them? What are the precautions l should know against ordinary disease throngh carelessness? What arc the signs of ill health? What should 1 do if a gii-1 in my office faints? . Foods. lines it hurt my health to go yyith out breakfast? Shall 1 buy cheap or expensive foods ? What shall I eat when 1 have a bad cold? What shall I serve at an evening party ? Clothing. How can I dress myself most be comingly on a small salary? How can I care for mv clothing? 11. >w could 1 make a simple dress V / What suits my coloring. *ize and figure? Thrift. How can I live and dress moder ately well and yet have money for recreation and saving on a »smnll sa’a ry ? Are there any standard* of life which are fa'se? Social Relationships. What does a family mean? What is my relation to my em ployer? To my co-employe? What is friendship? Are girl* as good friends a* young men, or better? Recreation. How can 1 epend my leisure time? I* reading a recreation or an edu <*ation ? When- could I spend a vacation? Personal Developments. How cun I redecorate my room? Why should we remember birth days and serve a birthday cake? A Regular Picnic. It wn.s a hot summer Sunday afternoon and the tired motorist was weary of the heavy traffic of which lie was a part. He stopped at a vil lage oil station. “Can you tell me,” he asked the proprietor, “where I can find a nice quiet road away from the traffic?” “Well,” replied the oil man. "that fork down to the left’s where I been sendin* all the folks that’s ask ed me today.” SKINNY MEN GLAD Doctors and good pharmacists know that Cod Liver Oil is full of vitamines that make flesh, create appetite, builds up the power to resist disease and puts good solid flesh. on skinny men and women. But it’s horrible tasting stuff and j every day fewer people are taking it, for doctors are prescribing and peo ple are fast learning that they can! get better results witti McCoy’s Cod • Liver Oil Compound Tablets, which! the Pearl Drug Company and drug- j gists all over the country are having: a tremendous demand for. One woman gained 10 pounds in 22 days and if any skinny man or woman 1 cap’t put on 5 pound* in 30 days. yoUr druggist is authorized to refund the purchase price. Be sure and get McCoy’s, the orig inal and genuine Cod Liver Oil Com pound Tablets—oo tablets—6o cents. I Progressive Banking Facilities with a Cordial Welcome for both Large and Small Accounts . \ (Citizens Bank and Trust Company CONCORD, N. C. TOM[?t SjMSIF. Who remembers away back yonder when Ha be Hath was a baseball player and Jack Dempsey a pugi list? A drink was once considered good for a cold. Now a co’d is consider ed good for a drink. A new broom clean unless a new bride uses all the straws seeing if her cake is done. One thing about «hort skirts is you might ns well take a girl out riding" a.; in swimming. What’s worse than getting arrest ed for speeding when you are trying to get to church on time? Spring brings the urge to hit-the open read—which you usua ly find c’ose.l for repairs. (Copyright, 1026, Non Service, Ir.c > ELKS NOTICE There will be a regular meeting and the annual installation of officers Thursday at 7:30 p. m. All mem bers are urged to be present. QITNT E. SMITH. Exalted Ruler. Ry L. C. RARRIXGER, Secretary. •• M | ! H K j For Ambulance r : and Profession r , al Services 1 i* Call 640 ji v Day or Night i 1 H m -i H Bell & Harris i; Funeral Home j ■|| - I I ( i -8 pi : i \ r?T , rrrTrrT^:T-TT-i!:j.j:!:.r: , ri- i L:i’^ tACH MORNINGgS SUN ( BRVH6S Gr€W 03KTENT TO THOSE WHOSE CASH IS \N\SELV SPEMT I When the morning sun greets your daily arrival in Real Man's Land you feel con jtent about the manner in which your money was spent if mod ern plumbing has rendered | your home sanitary. If not ’ j call to see the plumbing doc tors —that’s us. i CONCORD PLUMBING COMPANY I 1174 Kerr St Phone 570 Gas Makes People ! Nervous and Restless. (la« pressure in t’he abdomen caus-1 < es a restless, nervous felling and j presents sleep. Adlerika removes , gas in TEN minutes and brings out i Rdrprising amounts of old wante j matter ytiu never thought was in ( your system' This excellent intes- < tinnl evneuant is wonderful for eon- , stipation or. allied stomach trouble. < Don’t waste time with pills or tab- < lets but get REAL Adlerika action! , Pearl Drug Company. TRY BAMBY BREAD 3est American Made Bread Yet I “It’s the Butter That Makes It Better” Made by the Blue Ribbon Bakery, Charlotte, N. C. Order It Through Your Grocer Delivered Fresh Every Day ‘ ft MARVELOUS MEW EiN4W : PUpl FLOORS* ! LncQoeß/5 FURNITURE, ; I you wait ~ LASTS a lifetime fisj No need now to put up with shabby things. Rogers Brushing Lacquer—the “wonder** finish— | makes home beauty easy to have. Applies with a brush like paint. Goes right over the old finish. DRY AND READY FOR USB WHILE YOU WAIT! No delay. No confusion. No time for dust to gather. Gives a practically indestructi ble finish—smooth, glossy and i free from brush marks. Won’t 1 print or pick up Unt. Lasts a life -1 time. All the popular lacquer col- I ors ready mixed in cans. Money I refunded if you are pot satisfied, b Get the genuine BRUSWIWCT^ LTtCQUGR. FOR SALE BY YORKE & WADSWORTH COMPANY Concord, N. C. 100 100 ■0: KM HEADACHE-NEURALGIA Rbeuutic ud Fault Pam DOSE-One Poyrder on totiguc followed by half glass of water. Can repeat in one hour if ever necessary. 1 FOR SALK BY ALL LEADING DRUGGISTS CONCORD COTTON MARKET THURSDAY, APRIL 8, IBM B . Cotton 11 Cotton seed .82 1-1 - - - - i ■ 7* I' iJaSfc* I Buying One? The man who asked us |j| w MiABBSb this question didn’t know us or (titr slogan so we’ll v '' te " >’»» about both- ! i " sweetest music to our two ]|| H is your two feet < i Ip walking into the store | | 1 | HJU whether you came to ; purchase or not — MWr ] Customer who comes in t II I * ■*” to look, looks good to us” i k * and we mean it—every > I -.. . . syllable. ] If, after seeing, you say, “Thank you, I’ll' call again”— 'j! you’re bill is paid in full. | We’re glad to work even when our cash register hasn’t ] | the opportunity. . . iji HOOVER’S, Inc. THE YOUNG HAN’S STORE N u {J IN our Funeral Horn; a ceremony is conducted with beau- Ji| «jj ty and in an atirioxphere of dignity. For many, it solves the }*» H problem of a place of service. Its use incurs no added expense. i> | 1 DayandNiqht§ 2&WD CONCORD PRODUCE MARKET (Corrected Weekly by Cline A Moose) Figures named represent prices paid ; for produce on the market: Eggs — -Jt-a 50 Corn _—it, slio SweCt potatoes 2 $1.50 lackeys —.— X Onions 51.75 Psas $2:00 Sifter L 55 Country Ham' 50 Country Shoulder .20 , Country Sides X Young Chickens M Hens .22 Irish Potatoes 2.00 I > ITCH!| i gum ||" tc v with nut ni?iitlT * MWsfsE REfcffiD^ ' 7tj r/ 1 uLuatat mt'X'rV. - PEARL DRI7Q CO.