PAGE EIGHT fax Notice §' All property on Which the Comity Tax has net been; paid will be adver-1 tised May Ist. R. V. Caldwell JrJ Sheriff. jg™ I fEngraved Wedding Invitations and announcements ou short notice at j Times*Tribune office. We repre-] sent one of the best engravers in! the United States. if. * WTC'RIGIDaIRE tempera t ture is constantly at a point where food is kept at its best. There is no melt ing ice to cause variation. And now you can have Frigidaire installed on con venient terms. For Sale By STANDARD BUICK CO. N 5 8. I'nion St. Phone 383 I t.- Fritficiffliire ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION 1 rroxrn No Dealer in Concord Sells Coal for Less than I do. j!i 0 Best Furnace Coal SB.OO to $ll.OO. ijj R Best Grate and Stove Coal SB.OO to $9.00. Ij * |Jest Steam Coal $4.00 to $7.50. 0 Best Gas House Coke—Made in Concordsß.so. '1 Purchase Your Coal where you can get QUALITY 8 2 and SERVICE. 9 A. B. POUNDS mjOOQQOOOQQOOCOOOOQQCXXXXXiMXXXXXyXiOOOQOQOQOOQQQC! E THEJOYCE | ng the exclusive new beauties that arrived at our store this fit this lovely step-in Pump is of the popular parchment, trimmed |[ trrow strips of patent forming a little bow of the same. This is H erful little pump aud fits to perfection 50 - IVEY’S “THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES" ELOtATCN&SONs] PHONE 74 '![ COAT s. X Vv 1 W 1 J Plaster 8 , ™ Mortar Colon I Pack All Your Troubles in the Old jj I Kit Bag and Phone, Phone, Phone! 8 Why worry abojjt what yon are going to cook, or trouble yourself I | to scatter your orders all over the city in order to get what you want 1 Bi to eat. Just make out your order and call “69” for Fresh Meats, Cur- | jl ed Meats, Fresh Fish, Poultry, Butter, Eggs, Fresh Florida Fruits 1 ■ and Vegetables, Fancy Cakes and Crackers and any and all kinds of 1 H Staple and Faney Groceries. | H “YOU NAME IT—WE BRING IT.” C. H. BARRIER & CO. ___ TONIC and * Laxative Compound 8 The new and wounderful Medicine for people who are 9 suffering with Weak and Rundown condition of the 8 CSystem, Loss of Appetite, Constipation, Indigestion, Sto- X mach and Liver. See your Druggist for it is only sold through Drug 8 Stores. B TODAY'S EVENTS. Friday. April 9, 1928. I Anniversary of the surrender at Ap j pemsttox. I Centenary of the birth of Francis fB. Stock-bridge. F. S. Senator from | Michigan. | Animal observance of. Arbor Day in | West Virginia. New Jersey and West i oru Oregon. j One hundred and fifty years ago ] today Paul Jones engaged in his first | naval fight. ' Edward Dean Adams, a pioneer in I the development of hydro-electric pow lor at Niagara Falls, : s SO years- old tedny. j The second animal Satsumn Blos som Festival is expected to attract many tourists and other visitors to Mobile today. England today observes the llilOth j anniversary of the death of Francis j Bacon, author, philosopher and states. ! man. who possessed ont of the great jest intellects the world ever has pro-' ; tiered. [ Concord Daily Tribune ! TIME OF CLOSING MAILS ' The time of the closing of mails at the Concord postoffice is as follows; Northbound I 130-^1:0O P. M. 86^-10:00 A. M. 34 4.T0 P. M. 38— 8:30 P. M. 30—11:00 P. M. Southbound 36 9:30 A. M. 45 3:30 P. M. 135 8:00 P. M. 29 —11.00 P. Id. PIOCAL MENTION*"! Mks Myrtle Fink, of the clerical ! force at Efird’s, is confined to her | home by illness. Miss Minnie Leflor Ims accepted a j position 'with the Cannon Mamifac- ! taring Company. Charlie S, Wall, clerk. in the shoo ! department at Efird's. is confined to' his*home on,Rood street by illness. ! Mrs. Flynn Johnson is reported 1 today ns resting more comfortably I fol’owing an operation here Wed nets- 1 j day for sinus trouble. Marriage license was issued here Thursday by Register of Deeds El liott to Ralph Shot l , of Mt. Pleasant Route No. 2. and Miss Ethel Dry, of Albemarle. No meeting of the Concord Ki wanis Club was held today, the joint meeting with the Rotary Club on j Wednesday taking the place of the ; meeting usually held on Friday. I No movies will be shown at the Y j tomorrow night. Instead J. W. Tur ner's vaudeville show will present an j entertainment including singing, i dancing mimicry and ventriloquism, j The condition of Mrs. Joe Deaton, who has been ill for several months j at her home here, has been critical for the past two days. No improve- i ment in her condition is reported to- J day. Several members of the Concord Gun club plan to go to Pinehurst next week 4o attend the State shoot. Members of the local club have al-1 ways done well at the State shoots and they expect to win some of the prizes again this year. Tlie condition of /Mr. and Mrs. I : Mack Jones, of Chester. Pa., con- ; tinues to improve. Miss I.ouise Irma, j of Concord, is still with them, but I expects tef return home Sunday. Mr.! ' and Mrs. Jones will accompany her j as far as Washington. Tlie State tennis toifrnnment for 4. M. C. A. players will be staged! here on August 14th. Both singles [ and doubles will be played and prae- I tically all of the associations in the j State are expected to send repre ■ sehtatives here for the meet. Walter Hammill and others have sold to Richard Hammill for $550 property in Cabarrus county, accord ing to a deed filed Thursday- Anoth er deed records the sale of property in No. 7. by G. O. Lentz to Walter, j Joseph and Albert Hammill for SIOOO. The fame of Concord and the [ European tour being arranged by H. j W. Blanks has spread to all parts of the world. This is indicated by a 1 letter Mr. Blanks received this morning from a woman in Porto [ Rico who wants to join his Euro [ pean party. j Meeting at the Y- Thursday night I representatives of teams in the City j League Baseball League discussed | plans for the year. Rules and regula j tions were discussed and the sche nule will be announced aftes the six ; teams have been signed for the f season. j Junion Misenheimer, son of P. M. i Misenheimer, who had the misfortune to get his leg broken in three places January 6th, was taken to the Con cord Hospital Thursday to have the jilnb reset, which operation was per formed. He is getting along as well as could be expected. ! Britt (Rube) Wilson, member of j I the Charlotte pitching staff, is re- j I enperating at his home tn this conn ! ty from an attack of influenza. He i was out for the first time Thursday i and states that he will report to the I Hornets for further workouts as soon as he regains his strength. Between 175 and 200 boys, mem -1 bers of “Our Sunday Gang,” left this I afternoon at 3 o'clock in trucks aud i autos for Charlotte to visit the ice i cream plant of the Chapin-Saeks | corporation. They were accompanied ! by the high school band which will play for the march down Tryon street. | Concord was well represented in I Charlotte Thursday afternoon at the I baseball game between the Yankees and Robins. The former won. Rabe Ruth aiding in the scoring with two > singles and & home run. Many in the I crowd left when the Rabe connected I with a fast one and drove it over the I right field wall. I Thursday was a typieal April day. I There were showers in the morning, I a bright sun at noon, more showers a *be afternoon andthreatening | clouds early in the evening.■e By 9 (j o dock at night the akies were stud jl ded with a million stars, all signs of a rain having disapi>eared. Tempera . lures were a little lower during the ' night. I / Primary teachers of the county a will meet at the court house tomor- K row morning at 10 o'clock for their II last meeting of the year. Prof. J. B. I (Robertson will preside at the meet ( ing und in addition to their regular I work the teachers at the meeting 1 will discuss plans for county com ( meneement to be held on the i4th of I this month. S] Police officers this morning report | ed that nineteen cases are to be tried (in recorder's court this afternoon. I The case* eoVer a variety of charges. I including intoxication, abandonment, S larceny, having liquor nnd speeding! I This will be the first session of the 1 court since last Friday and the I docket includes all cases that have ) arisen since then. THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE TOM Ra SMBY oapS DT ; One great evil of the radio is that burglars can't start to work before two or three o'clock in the morning. Save your money so when you are edd you can be sorry you did instead of wishing you had. The last filing to turn green In the spring is an amateur's garden. The difference between good luck and bad luck is usually the frame of mind you happen to be in. ! What could be better than being 1 better? ! People who long for tlie olden days’ 1 forget they used to put people in jail ! for owing money. j (Copyright, 1926. NKA Service, Inc.) NORTH CAROLINA TRAFFIC TOLL It Is Predicted That It Mill Exceed That of Florida in a Few Months. \ I Grneesboro. April 7.—OP)—A pre- , i diction that North Carolina's traffic I toll will, within the next few months, exceed that, of Florida, is made by ('. T. Matthews, director of accident pre- 1 vention, of the Carolina Motor Club, j His comment followed publication of the Associated Press announcement of motor accident fatalities in the Bculit for the first quarter of 192(i. jin which Florida was shown to lead ! the list with 120 traffic deaths. North (Carolina being a close second with j 215. : Mr. Matthews expressed the belief Butcher’s Wife Didn’t Eat Any Meatj ‘*My wife suffered for five years . and practically lived on toast and hot (water. Doctors said.she would have !to be operated for gall stones. A lady advised her to try MAYH'S 'One Do*** . Will Convince* and after taking -l . bottles over two years ago. she flits \ been entirely well ever since.” It ; - is a simple, harmless preparation that i removes the catarrhal mucus from 1 the intestinal tract, and allays the ! | inflammation which causes practically \ | all stomach, liver and intestinal ail- ] j ments, including appendicitis. One \ I dose will convince or money refunded j at Gibson Drug Store and druggists ] I everywhere. Beauty Comes from stimulating Glands jj The new way to beauty, health and vim is through stimulating glands. Let us show you at our cost how much it means to you. The largest gland is the liver. It is the most important gland. We thought for generations that drugs made it active. Now we know they don’t. A torpid liver wrecks both health and beauty. It means lack of bile. Then germs breed and form toxins in the intestines, and those poisons are absorbed by the blood. Some results are these: Indigestion Heart and Constipation Kidney Troubles Impure Blood Bad Complexions j High Blood Pressure Lack of Youth ! The cathartics you take do not j affect the liver cells. The ill results 1 continue. But we have found a gland secretion which does stimu late the liver. It is ox-gall. Physi cians the world over now prescribe it. And to millions it is bringing new beauty, new health and new vim. Ox-gall is now embodied in a tablet. The name is Dioxol. Each 1 tablet contains 10 drops of purified ox-gall. All druggists supply them. We ask you to learn what Dioxol does. The results start in 24 hours. ) In a day or two these tablets may - bring you a new conception of life, j Let us send you enough to try. j See what you gain in a day. Do this for vour own sake. “Clip this advertisement, take it to our special agent, Fearl Drug Co., and they will give you a liberal sample of Dioxol free.” S 3 J VORETTE jl Spring is this fascinating Pump of Black Patent • Leather. Graceful to the extreme, it cannot fail to uihance the elegance of your ; new Spring Costume. If you desire distinction as weH as charm in your new footwear you will appreci ate tb* merits of Vorette. $6.50 Ruth-Kesler . | Shoe Stbre itiiat nation-wide traffic laws for mo-1 j forints ami in the solu-1 tion of the problem presented by, the * ever-moumln* death toll taken by the in it or vehicle. i “Out of every six traCc aiVTdents in America, at least one involves a Granger in the community/' says Mr. 1 Matthews. If the fatal and 11011- fata! accident figures run in the same ! ratios thiu» lack of uniformity in traf fie regulations is certainly responsible for many deaths cat'll year. “A nation-wide drivers’ license with uniform requirements would go a long way towards separating the morally, mentally and physically unfit drivers from the safe and sane drivers and tend to crease a mutnl understanding ■ between all concerned. “Good roads and the great number jof tourists who stop over in North Carolina and Florida, I believe, are i the two chief factors in piling up 'such large accident tolls in these states. T'lie fact that static having poor highways, notably Virginia and Georgia, and also fewer strangers and I visitors who remain for weeks or months, show fewer fatalities, indi cates that the majority of accidents are not on the main highways but in the localities where strangers drive j unacquainted wit'll local laws and ; conditions. 'There were 3.°#7 fatal automotive . accidents in North Carolina in 111*24 and 365 in 11)25. but this increase did ; .not keep pace with the advance in | the number of ears, as'"two years ago there was an average of a fatality to every 758 cars and last year the toll was reduced to one death to every 1128 cars. “Simultaneous education of pedes trians and motorists, by teaching the former, especially, school children, to I V .n — ~ —Lg.’lT _ ■ ■ CARD OF THANKS H. L. Clark and children wish to expres their appreciation for the many kindnesses shown them by their neighbors and friends during the re rent illness and death of wife and mother. i i ti I i » • • - For Ambulance ; n . i : :: and Profession- ' I; ? *■ rj ; al Services H Hi Call 640 \i ' 1 Day or Night | Bell & Harris j Funeral Home j I i. I <■ ■ j BftW&S CrR€AT COKTeHT TO THOSE WHOSE CASH IS VUSEC.V SPENT -• When the morning sun greets your daily arrival in Real Man's Land you feel con tent about the manner in which your money was spent if mod ern plumbing has rendered your home sanitary. . If not call to see the plumbing doc tors —that’s us. CONCORD PLUMBING COMPANY 174 Kerr St. Phone 870 mmum RUB THEPAIH AWAY Stop drugging I Rub toothing, penetrating St Jacobs Oil right into . your sore, stiff, ach tng joints, and re rTwn lie£ c ° mes * nsta " t .' U ijß sJil i* a harmless rheu. matism liniment ■ which never disap j jS £ oin,s cannot JB Oil at any drug 1131 store, and in a mo ment you’ll be free i/H from pain, soreness and stiffness. In gJBBSkhW we for 65 years for j rheumatism, sciat ica, neuralgia, lum bago, backache, sprains. wnlk ou the sidewalk* instead of the ’ streets, und assuring the motorist*, !through uniform driving laws, that "home rules" apply whether hp is in the nort'.i, south, east or west, will get quicker and more fnr reaching resultk than will be achieved in any other manner." j b Aboruethy Hureeeus r.tcore. j 1 Charlotte, April 7.—o V) —l). M. j Abernathy, city tax supervisor, was i today elected by tffe city commission 1 to tiil the unexpired term of Mayor ] Harvey Moore, who resigned to ae- i eept a position at Concord as a tex tile official. . try BAMBY BREAD 3est American Made Bread Yet 1 “It’s the Butter • That Makes It Better” Made by the Blue Ribbon ' Bakery, Charlotte, N. C. Order It Through Your Grocer Delivered Fresh Every Day ! ft MARVELOUS I new mkm & FLOORS. URNITURE, OODWORK | you wait~ LASTS a lifetime fisj No need now to pat up with shabby things. Rogers Brushing I Lacquer—the “wonder” finish— j makes home beauty easy to have. Applies with a brushlike paint. Goes right over the old finish. DRY AND READY FOR USB WHILE YOU WAIT! No delay. | No confusion. No time for dust to gather. Gives a practically indestructi ble finish—smpoth, glossy and free from brush marks. Won’t print or pick up lint. Lasts a life time. All the popular lacquer col on ready mixed in cans. Money refunded if you are not satisfied. Get the genuine uSSSSsr FOR SALS BY YORKE & WADSWORTH ! COMPANY Concord, N. C. i 100 M 100 H: HEADACHE-NEURALGIA Rbeuutic id Fmk hbi DOSE—One Powder on tongue ] followed by half glass of wafer. Can repeat in one hour if ever necessary. I FOR SALK BY ALL ! LEADING DRUGGISTS ! CONCORD COTTON MARKET ] FRIDAY, APRIL t, IPM Cotton •. if Cotton atod JJ2 14 ' ‘>ooooooo<XXXMxxvywwwvyv>{vywyyywvygvvvwwvwvv7ooooQ 1 sJmSfa TRY ON AS MANY 8 AS YOU PLEASE ~ ii r and the more you try on ( |' the morc y°»’ !l pßase us. J •' 1 choosing Easier—and we < wbn’t balk if- you are as jj|. All the Hoover’s, models j 1 I. '. will look good on }-ou and !l to ,y° l ' 111 * y°u H find one or two that for some reason or ! ! other goes a little tiny bit better with your style of archi- < » tecture. ] » Come in and try out the try ons. 1 I We’re not fooling. * J * Schloss Bros. & Co. Suits with one and two trousers ' r HOOVER’S, Inc. THE YOUNG MAN’S STORE ; j }3 IN our Funeral Home a eefemony is conducted with beau- jjj ty and in an atmosphere of dignity. For many, it solves the $ S problem of a place of service. Its use incurs no added expense. 5$ Kome j S Day°^ N N,J§ B i 2 S W ’ De P otSt f I [ 1 WHY MOTHERS WORRY There is a critical period in a young girl’s life. If she is healthy, nature takes care of her and she experiences no discomfort t b«t If she is weak and worn out, because of neglect, she may beeome a wreejr The real mother will watch a»4 guard her daughter at this crisis. She Shows ; that Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription, I a medicine adapted to the weaknesses of women, is just what is needed to build up a young Kiri’S strength, prevent a collapse and restore her to health. It has helped thousands. Send 10c for trial pkg. to Sr.Piepwii Invalids’ Hotel, Bdfato, H. Y. I Hats for Spring | will be as light in color as ! a spring breeze. Hats of ; better quality will be re- i freshed to original brightness and , shape. ; Send hats and ties with your suits for dry clean- 8 ing. Up to your expecta- 8 tions in workmanship and 9 service—responsibility al- jj "MASTER" Cleaners and Dyers PHONE 787 l Office 88-87 W. Depot St DEMOCRATIC PRIMARIES The Democratic voters of Cabarrus County are hereby requested at their respective voting precincts on Saturday April 17th, 1926, for tbo purpose of selecting five mqtubare of tbs Township Executive Committee and naming delegate* to the‘.County Convention on April 24th to Ho held In the oounty court house. At the Oounty Convention -dele gates will be named to represent the oounty at the State Cdnventidn to b« held in the dty of Baleigh April The primaries will, be held in thy several townships and wards at 2:80 p. m. ROSA B. MUND, Vice Chairman County Demo- i era tic Executive Committee. Concord, N. O, Marsh 22, IBM. .Friday, April 9, 1926 Renew Your Health By Purification Any physician will tell you that “Perfect Purification, pf the Sys tem is Nature’s Foundation es Perfect Health." Why rid yourself of chronic ailments that * are undermining your vitality? Purify your entire system by tak ing a thorough course of Calotabs, —once or twice a week for several weeks—and see how Nature re wards you nrlth health. Calotabs are the greatest of all system purifiers. Get a family package with full directions. On ly 36 eta, at drugstores. (Adv)t CLINE & MOOSE - The Seed Store SEED CORN FOR EARLY . .PLANTING Adams Early, Truckers Favorite, Southern Show Flake. We have it by-the pint, quart, peck, or bushel. FIELD VARIETIES Hickory King, Davis’ Prolific, Tex as Red Cob, Improved Prolific, Coun try Grown, Golden Dent. BEANS Extra Early Valentine. Strlngless Green Pod, Kentucky Wonder—loose. Also a large assortment of Ferry’a Seeds and Lake Shore Seeds In all size packages. ..Buy your seed from CLINE & MOOSE ; CONCORD PRODUCE MARKET (Corrected Weekly hp Cline A Moose) Figures named represent prices paid for produce on the market: Eggs .30 Swept giio Turkeys .25 Onions g1.?5 Peas $2.00 Butter ; j® Country Ham * Country Shoulder .20 r Cron try Side* JO Young Chickens .35 Hens ,22 Irish Potatoej 1 ! 8.00 ™ dsvo CO.

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