PAGE SIX ' A Church for Children. H At Ikajrton, Ohio, a church has | “been built exclusively for children. PThe ne\4 edifice is known ns the St. L Paul's Child roll's Church. It was f built at Ml cost of SSO-000. Already I', the littld 1 church is entirely free from K4ebt. uis ns complete, in its min- Blature tenhion, as any adult church ■in the City. It has its own chapel, Rwicristy „ auditorium, pulpit, class gipom*. etc. In the basement there is a fully equipped kitchen and din ging rooip, While the older people are ' lending* .guiding hand they Ore leav ing as taach of the work of tfie church ; as possible in the hands of the chil dren, wi£p whom the idea of a church of theirvosrn is exceedingly popular. A committee cf the children are charged 'With the operation of the Stars Pick Nats to Repeat in 1926 By NBA Service New York, April B.—Who will win the American League- pennant in g 1920? That question was recently submitted to a vote of 100 veteran stars of the circuit presided over by Ban Johnson. / The concensus of the players is that Washington will repeat with the Athletics and Detroit as the strongest contenders. r>: The vote was very close. Washingtu enjoying* only a six-vote margin over Connie Mack's club in first-place votes. While the players respect the prowess of the Tygers, the opinion prevails that the club will be shy good : pitching. A majority of the Detroit votes rate the Tygers as certain to finish in third place. Here is the way the American League clubs will finish if the vote of ■ the 10(1 star players run true to form : I—. Washington Nationals s—Chicago White Sox 2 Philadelphia Athletics. o—New York Yankees 3=—Detroit Tygers I—Cleveland Indians & 4—St. Louis Browns B—Boston Red Sox STATEMENT Atlas Assurance Co.. Ltd.. London. England Condition December 21. 1925. as Shown by Statement Filed Amount Ledger Assets Dec. 21st previous-year $0,272,877.89: increase paid up capital, none; total 50,272,877.89 Income-—From Policyholders, $,2,788,129.72: miscellaneous l, $301,505.59. total 4.089.705.21 Disbursements—To Policyholders, $2,124,512.95; miscellaneous, $1,922,985.29; total 4.047,498.24 Fire Risks —Written or renewed during year, $1,100,812,420.00 t, force All Other Risks-—Writ ten or renewed during year $22,4.02.200 in force $20(5.072,476.00 ASSETS Value of Bonds and Stocks $4,970,420.02 Cash iii Company's Office 20,201.52 Deposited in Trust Companies and Banks on interest 178,738.80 Agents’--balances, representing business written subsequent to October 1, 1925 1,062.941.44 Agents' balances, representing business written prior to Octo ber 1,-1925- 04.820.27 Bills receivable, taken for fire risks 1,020.28) Interest and Rents due and accrued 03.838.24 j All other Assets, as detailed in statement ' •» $127,020.99 J Total $6.4, Less Assets not admitted / 64,820,27 Total Admitted Assets $0,420,194.10 LIABILITIES Net amount of unpaid losses and claims $404,405.34 Unearned premiums 3,813.241.30 Salaries, rents, expenses, bills, accounts, fees, etc., due or accrued 3.504.29 Estimated amount payable for Federal. State, county and muni cipal taxes due or accrued 90.000.00 Contingent commissions, or other charges due or accrued 15,075.00 All other liabilities, as detailed in statement 30,090.00 Total amount of all liabilities except Capital $4,356,285.93 Surplus over all liabilities $2,063,905.17 Surplus as regards Policyholders 2.063.905.17 Total Liabilities $6,420,104,10 __ , Business : n North Carolina During 1925 __ Fire Risks written $6,219,839; premiums received $54,616.95 Losses incurred—Fire $26,643.73 : paid 19.229.84 Losses incurred —All other, $737.11; pa id. 206.11 Manager—Ronald R. Mart’ll. I". S. Home Office—ss Fifth Avenue. New Y'ork City. Attorney for service: Stacey W. Wade, Insurance Commissioner, Ral eigh. N. C. Manager for North Carolina—New York Office. State of North Carolina —Insurance Department. Raleigh. N. C.. March 3. 1926. I, Stacey W. Wade, Insurance Commissioner, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct abstract of the statement of the Atlas As surance Company, Ltd., of London, England, filed with this Department, showing the -condition of said Company, on the 31st day of December, 1925. Witness my hand and official seal, the day and year above written. STACEY W. WADE, Insurance Commissioner. WRIGLEYS RK. in the New Handy Pack is the biggest value in long-lasting flavorful enjoyment that you can buy. It is the best Peppermint Chewing Sweet for any money. Handy Pack fits hand, pocket and purse. rdt for WRKLErtRK.Haiidy Rick on your Dealerfe Counter church just ns each adult church has its own board of trustees. It has an active membership of 270, and each Sunday morning over 250 children gather in it for services of their own. A boy of ten or twelve years clad in white vestments conducts the minia ture church service with all the Epis copal ritual. Thus the church is conducted by and for children. The whole project, however, is under the direction of Rev. Phil Porter. Episco pal rector, in that city. He is a Si.rt of exofficio pastor for the chil dren. The Sunday school is con ducted by a local attorney, and dur ing the week classes are field in re ligious education under the direction of a deaconess. USE PENNY COLUMN—IT PAYS What the World Is Doing As Seen by Popular Mechanics Magazine Smoke Sounds Fire Alarm by Shadow on Tube Photo-electric cells, the extremely Sensitive units that play an important part in the transmission of pictures by wireless or telegraph, have been further adapted to the practical serv ice of silent sentinels, which guard against fires wherever an automatic fire alarm is needed. They are so delicate that the shadow of a wisp of smoke, passing between them and a beam of light directed upon the cells, causes an action that completes an electric circuit and sounds an audible fire call. Another marvelous inven tion recently exhibited is a ground microphone intended to locate men entombed in mine disasters. It al ready has been used with great success in finding leaks in gas mains, and is so delicate that the dropping of a pin | in its immediate vicinity can be de tected, as can almost any sound un derground. * * * Latest Monster Motor Ship Built in Twenty Weeks Completed in 140 working days, a record in shipbuilding, according to reports, the motor vessel “Satumia’' has a carrying capacity of 2.280 pas sengers, exclusive of the crew, besides 26,500 tons of cargo. This ship is 650 feet long, has an eighty-foot beam and displaces.3s,ooo tons. It can at tain a speed of. twenty-one knots. W Canada Still the Paradise of the Big Game Hunters V The return to New York recently of Captain Frank Dondera and {Joseph J. Sartor! of Brooklyn, who brought with them two live timber 'iwolves caught in the wilds of Northern Quebec along the line of the Canadian Pacific Kailway, re viewed attention to the fact that the Dominion of Canada is still the greatest game preserve in North America. Canada has a {vast expanse of national parks in which big game is reared and pro tected as well as even larger areas Where big game k ay be hunted and Shot. The parks, particularly those In British Columbia and Alberta, Serve as a breeding ground for Igrizzly, black and brown bears, fclk. caribou, mountain goats, moun tain sheep, deer and a great amount of smaller game, and while the parks protect the wild animals, the overflow into unprotected ter ritory gives the hunter from the United States and Canada a won derful _ opportunity to add to the collection of heads in his house. Captain Doudera and Sartori not only actually brought back to New CAPT FRANK DOUDERA W:TH LN E BSOOKLYM YTEL&T * York two live timber wolves, but tb killed many more Both have hi. cd extensively in eastern and w. era Canada. One cf the finest hunting regions in western Canada s British Colum bia. where moose, grizzly bears of enormous size, caribou, mountain sheep and goats and many other types of big gaJXie are etilj plenti Co-eds Try Being Chorines for Two Nights fhese ladle* of the chorus aren't regular pony stepper* they're co-ed* at the University of Kansas who’ll ippear In the university musical comedy "Wango Pango." at Lawrence Kaa.. for two performances. Lsfl R> light they are Beth Reese. Juanita siawson. Wtnogene Lacy. Mildred Hundberger Ruth Lawless. Marias Morgan. Beth McClung and Mary Allen ' IK AID TRIBUNE PEW ft MS GET RESULTS THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE Single Drop of Water Holds Hundred Forms of Life Although a drop of water no larger than a buckshot may appear crystal dear to the unaided eye, it will re semble a snfall aquarium if it is great ly magnified. Study of a drop from one of the ponds of the New Y'ork zoological gardens showed that it was teeming with as many as 100 forms of life. It was spread upon a glass slide and examined with a high-power microscope. One of the organisms observed was a curious animal with an oddly formed triangular body with two spuming “pinwheels” as means of locomotion. It appeared to have the sense of sight for it avoided colliding with other objects and would reach out with its body to grasp convenient surfaces to help its progress. * * * House Built.witbout Nails Held by Wooden Screws Held together entirely by wooden screws instead of nails, a large frame house of elaborate pattern is one of the sights of Atlantic City. It is the Michigan State house, built for the Philadelphia centennial fifty years ago. and was moved to its present lo cation alter the fair. Despite its age, it has not been remodeled and is in an excellent state of pseeervation. * * * 17Rose reamers should never be usdd for any other metal than free-work ing steel, and then only under the best working condition* GFGHJ ful. In this region some of the best guides and outfitters are E S Knight, of Ashcroft, on the Cana dian Pacific Railway: A 11 (laugh, of Likely: Fred Manr-pl, of North Vancouver; Thompso:, Brothers, of Barkerville; Walter Nixor.. of jlnvermere. and Pat i- neek. of Field, j Any hunter looking for the l thrilling uihpn he rjtn pink Auger for Boring Stumps Helps Clear Land Cut-over land is often cleared bj| dynamiting the stumps, and to sim plify this work, a long hand auger to bore holes for placing the charges has been devised. It is said to operate successfully in all kinds of wood, bores an opening one and one-half inches in diameter, and is six feet long. The auger has also been used to bore holes for blasting quantities of hardened acid phosphate in warehouses. * * * Testing Audio-Frequency' Transformers A simple way to test ad. transform ers that are suspected of being ground ed to the shell or frame, is of interest to all who have encountered such trouble. Connect one tip of a pair of headphones to the 1674-volt ter minal of a 2274-volt B-battery unit, and the 2274-volt terminal to a short length of insulated wire. Without touching the bare wire with the hand, hold it against the case or shell of ths transformer, being sure to make con tact with the bare metal. Touch the free terminal of the headphones to each transformer terminal on the side of the transformer to which the wire is connected. Repeat this test on the other side of the transformer. A dis tinct click indicates that the terminal to which the connection is made is grounded to the frame. A similar test wjtb the battery and phones can be used to locate an open circuit in the transformer; if there is no click in the phones when the connection is made across the coil, the circuit is | out his own tree be r ore he shoot* lit a grizzly can get all the excite ment he wishes by kookin/ up with any one of these British Co lumbia guides. The artist shows » grizzly bear charging standing up like a man; as a matter of fact he charges running on all fours—and when he comes, have t good full clip in your rifle. Easy to « lhis satin-smooth, lustrous white paint TRY to wash ordinary white paint. Does ■■ the dirt come off? Does the paint stay If you want a tint on^ here’s an easy way You can wash Barreled Sunlight clean V\*v\ _ . .... , . .. any number of times without injury to \V XJ By Simply adding colors-m-oil to .. , „ .. .. .. , \S;M Barreled Sunlight, you can ob- lta surface. So satin-smooth, it has no tain exactly the tint you want to pores to hold dirt—and no roughness to match any scheme of interior u/Mr nwnv ' decoration. Ask about the new ''' rj Barreled Sunlight Tinting Color* Handsome as the finest enamel, Barreled SSSt sm. Sunlight costs less is easy to apply, and blending easily and quick- covers better. It is guaranteed to remain ly with Barreled Sunlight. white longer than any glosi paint or enamel, domestic or foreign, applied under (he same Gold In cans from pint to 5 gallons. . # Where more than one coat is to be used, apply Barreled Sunlight Undercoat first. Yorke & Wadsworth Co. * • ' V • The Old Reliable Hardware Store Phone 30 L To Those Who Judge Quality by Price The quality of Ford cars can no.t tion routes, fabricated in Ford be Judged by the prices at which mills, manufactured in Ford they are sold —because Ford plants—and the finished pro prices are made possible by con- duct is, sold to the public ditions that are absolutely through the Ford dealer unique in the automotive in- organization, dustry. , Thus there is but a single man- From mine to market the Ford ufacturing profit on the car. car is the work of a single organ ization. The Company owns and The following statement, pre operates the mines and forests viously made in an advertising that furntehjthe raw materials message, is repeated here for its products. This material because of its great significance is carried over Ford transporta- to the motoring public. “If any other manufacturer endeavored to produce a car simitar to the Ford, according to the high stand ards of quality in material and workmaflship used by' the Ford Motor Company and with the same tried and proved design, it would be impossible to offer it at any thing like Ford prices. And it is well to note that even' with less costly design they have not been able to meet Ford prices .” Original Ford Features that Today Make for Greatest Simplicity—Durability—Reliability Dual Ignition - Simple, Dependable Lubrication Torque Tube Drive - Multiple Dtoc-in-611 Clutch Three Point Motor Suspension Planetary Tranamiaalon • Thermo-Syphon Cooling FORD MOTOR COMPANY, DETROIT, MICHIGAN New Prices COUPE “ RUNABOUT TOURING *SOO *290 *3lO - TUDOR FORDOR *520 *565 ChsntCar Prtew liririi twntr mqi dnwatli Hum. AU price, /. oofe. Done • WE HAVE NEVER LOWERED THE QUALITY TO ’.REDUCE THE PRICE” Times and Tribune Penny Ads Get th£ Results Monday, April 12, 1926

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