PAGE EIGHT CAR LOAD SALE Sellers Kitchen Cabinets SI.OO DOWN delivers the Cabinet in your home. Balance in small weekly or monthly payments. 2 Free with every cabinet during this sale only, 3'2-piece Din tfcer Set. Prices $48.50 and up. Concord Furniture Co. THE REIJABLE FURNITURE STORE ftoooooooooooooocxxxjo&ooo'joooceeoooooooooooooooooi COAL I No Dealer in Concord Sells Coal for Less than I do. j ; Best Furnace Coal SB.OO to $ll.OO. i Best Grate and Stove Coal SB.OO to $9.00. ! I Best Steam Coal $4.00 to $7.50. Best Gas House Coke—Made in Concordsß.so. Purchase Your Coal where you can get QUALITY !j and SERVICE. ji A. B. POUNDS 0UOt*OOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOeipOQOa«X)OOOOOOOOOOGOO( I THE JOYCE Is among the exclusive new beauties that arrived at our store this # week, this lovely step-in Pump is of 'he popular parchment, trimmed • with narrow strips of patent forming a little bow of the same. This is - a wonderful little pump and fits to perfection $3 50 IVEY’S “THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES’’ toOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOScsOCOOOOOOOaOOOOOOOOOOO ! K. L. CRAVEN & SONS PHONE 74 COAT % # /m i A Plaster \ Mortar Colors f • C Pack All Your Troubles in the Old S Kit Bag and Phone, Phone, Phone! I Why worry abojjt what, you are going to cook, or trouble yoursell 1 to scatter your orders all over the city in get what you want H to eat. Just make out your order and call “69” for Fresh Meats, Cur- I ed Meats, Fresh Fish, Poultry, Butter, Eggs, Fresh Florida Fruits I and Vegetables, Fancy Cakes and Crackers and any and all kinds of I Staple and Fancy Groceries. “YOU NAME IT—WE BRING IT.” C.H. BARRIER & CO. TONIC / and • * ; V; Laxative Compound ’ ] The new and wounderful Medicine for people who are suffering with Weak and Ruhdown condition of the CSystem, Loss of Appetite, Constipation, Indigestion, Sto mach and Liver. |ee your Druggist for it is only sold through Drug j Concord Daily Tribune TIME OF CLOSING MAILS The time of the closing of mails at the Concord postoffiee is as follows: Northbound 130—41:00 P. M. Bll nit-1 Steele, considered by t'.ie edi tors of Harper's Magazine one of SteeVs finest stories. Dr. Williams, clinirman of the <>. Henry memorial award committee, calls “Blue Mur der" the best story es 1025. The pe culiar merit of this tale is that its solution is reserved until the v.ery last sentence. Famous fiction by authors of note, a complete story ev ery week, in the Sunday World, Or der in advance. Kdition limited. A general wage increase of 15 cents an hour has been granted to members of the Boston building and decorating trades. The new wage of $1.25 an honr will be effective un til April. 1925. LOYAL, ORDER OF MOOSE Regular meetihg of Concord Lodge No. 404 Loyal Order of Moose Mon day evening at 7 :30 o’clock. All mem bers requested to be present. W. J. HETHCOX. Sec. W. O. W. NOTICE. CABARRUS MITTAL The Cabarrus Futual Fire Insur ance Company will hold its annual meeting at its office in Concord on Monday the 10th day of April. 1020. commencing at one o’clock. A full attendance is desired. .IXO. K. PATTERSON, Sec. IS 2t-x. LOOKING FOR THE BETTER WAY Herb Extract Known As, HERB JUICE Provides the Way and Makes It Easy. The tremendous sale of nature's wonderful laxative and tonic, Herb Extract known as HERB JUICE, and the many words of praise from thousands of grateful people who have btained relief and have been restor 'd to health is a guarantee of the tfeetiveness of Herb Extract known s HERB JUICE. This wonderful .onic shows you tiie "better way” to health and, makes it easy. A com bination of herbs, roots, leaves tuul bark properly blended into pleasant and convenient liquid form makes it pleasant to take. Miss Joan Mabry. 137 Vance street, Coniord, X. ('., found tiie "better way" through Herb Extract known as HERB JUICE and tells of its healing powers as follows: "I was in a very run-down eondi tian, as I was suffering from consti pation in the very worst form. I would get tip in the morning with a headache and go to bed nt night feel ing the same way, no matter how rest ful a day I spent. I was extreme ly nervous and could not sleep well at night. When one’s system : s all "clogged nil” and impurities arc go ing into the blood instead of being excreted, there is little chance for a healthy condition. 1 took laxatives of various kinds, but nothing helped me. My case seemed hopeless until I be gan on Herb Extract known as HERB JUICE. , "With the first few doses I began to feel better, for Herb Extract known ns HERB JUICE is a most effective laxative and one from which there are flo bad after effects. My system was soon thoroughly cleans ed and each day I began to have more energy and less feeling of dullness and exhaustion. My bowels are regular now as could be desired. I have gained considerably in weight, and am told by m.v friends every day that I ‘look better than I have in some time.” For sale by Gibson Drug Store. YOU POOR KID, WHY j ARE YOU SO SKINNY? Don’t your mother know that Cod Liver Oil will put pounds of good healthy flesh on your bones in just a few weeks ? i | Tell her every druggist has it in | sugar-coated tablet form now so that ; yin won't have to take the nasty, fishy-tasting oil that is apt to upset 1 your delicate stomach. Tell her that McCoy's Cod Liver Oil Compound Tablets are chock-full of vitalizing vitamines and are the great est flesh producers and health build ers she can find. One sickly thin kid. age 9, gained 12 pounds in 7 months. She must ask t'.ie Pearl Drug Com pany or any druggist for McCoy’s Cod Liver Oil Compound Tablets—oo , tablets—6o cents—as pleasant to take jas candy—and if at the end of 30 days if she isn't glad she bought them your druggist is authorized to return I her money. Just wishing things would change is about like striking a match to the thermometer to make the roAn warm er. To keep from being annoyed' by gray hair eonsldfr it dignified. , I Now is* the time to start talking ! about horn pMr you ate. The family may want n mew car this spring. There's no incentive to work now. Income tax retuyns will be kept se cret this year. (Copyright 1920. KEA Service, Inc.) Europeans had $6,000,000,000 of American securities mostly in rail- j made, at the outbreak of the war. 1 Americans hare not only bought these back, but have loaned $3,000,- 000.000. privately, to„ their fogmer creditors. after a hard day's use, because nervous impulses from the brain to the eye offset the fatiguing effect of vision impulses from the eye go she brain, is a recent scientific discovery. NOTICE. The annual meeting of the stock holders of the Citizens Building and Loan Association wilj be held in its office in the Citizens Bank and Trust Company building in the city of ©>n eord, N. On Monday. May 3rd, 1020, at 4 :3ft o’clock I’. XL A. F. GOODMAN, • Secretary and Treasurer. CLINE & MOOSE The Seed Store SEED CORN FOR EARLY PLANTING Adams Early. Truckers Favorite, Southern Snow Flake. We have it by the pint, quart, peek, or ‘bushel. FIELD VARIETIES Hickory King, Davis’ Prolific. Tex as Red Cob. Improved Prolific, Coun try Grown, Golden Dent. BEAN'S Extra Early Valentine. Stringless Green Pod. Kentucky AVonder—loose. Also a large assortment of Ferry’s Seeds ami lake Shore Seeds in all size packages. __Buy your seed from CLINE & MOOSE ft MARVELOUS MEW EiWiStf FLOORS, fes&J FURNITURE, KgjjBWOOmvORK DRIES while. 4Q\ftT I you wait- V-WUI LAS/TS a lifetime {*J No need now to pot up with shabby things. Rogers Brushing Lacquer—the “wonder” finish — makes home beauty easy to have. Applies with a brush like paint. Goes right over the' old finish. DRY AND READY FOR USB ! WHILE YOU WAIT! Nodelay. No confusion. No time for dust to gather. Gives t practically indestructi ble finish—smooth* glossy-and free from brash mams. Won’t print or pick pp Unt. Lasts a life* time. All the popular lacquer col ors ready mixed In cans. Money refunded if you are not Satisfied. Get the genuine BROSHI WOT | LTkCQOeft II for salb by YORKE & WADSWORTH COMPANY Concords N. C. i—.—: CONCORD COTTON MARKET MONDAY, APRIL It, IMS Cotton 18 Oatton seed JJ2 14 What Do You Say rfcPfffwWWA t we’lljurnish the lake, the boat, the tackle and the Tt H the beauty of a shirt - v-fan h*e compared to the * , ... ... beauty of a trout we' should be receiving the regulation-fee of $5 a dav for paddling you into such an Isaac Walton dream of Heaven ! New Manhattan and Berger Spring Shirts with col lars attached or collars to match. Call and see them at HOOVER’S, Inc. THE YOVNd MAN’S STORE NXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo & Our organisation deferential to your needs and moods, 0 § furnishing a service that is fairly priced. We believe that •: jg modern equipment and a faithful devotion to our duties ji « merits your approval. [I I WilWqsa&Jjtoml fiome! U‘S , Nsh«s*ll 2sWD^a i | I I Hats for Spring w.ill be as light in color as £ a spring breeze. Hats of 8 better quality will be re- a freshed to original X brightness and ‘ snape. fi Send hats and ties with O your suits for dry clean- n mg. Up to your expectfi- 9 tions in workmanship and O service—responsibility ala “MASTER" Cleaner* and' uyen PHONE ‘707 . Office 28-87 W. Depot St 1 For Ambulance 1 and Profession* I* al Services Call 640 , 1 Day or Night Bell & Harris Funeral Home! I Monday, April 12, 1926 "^/oreSte^ Spring I* this fascinating Pptnß of Black Patent LOathey. Graceful to the extreme, it cannot -fail to , . JPtienee the elegance of your ■ nhw . Spring Costume. If yofi ' desire • distinction as well os cliarm *in your new footwear you will appreci ate' tb* merits of Voreitte. $6.50 Ruth-Kesler . Shoe Store lbs**- i■r - ■ CONCORD PRODUCE MARKET —a (Corrected Weekly by Cline ft Moose) Figure* named represent price* paid tor produce on the market: Onions $1.75 Pe*a . $2.00 Butter .85 Country Ram Jtft Country Shoulder ; .20 Country Bidet JO Young Chickens J .35 Hans 22 Irish Fbtgtou 2.00 .. f t ■ i. •-,*» , V w thk \ l\ PEARL DRUG CO. i ,