PAGE EIGHT CAR 10M SALE » I Sellers Kitchen Cabinets SI.OO DOWN delivers the Cabinet in your home. Balance it! small weekly or monthly payments. Free with every cabinet during this sale only, 32-piece Din ner Set. | Prices $48.50 and up. Concord Furniture Co. - THE RELIABLE FURNITURE STORE COAL No Dealer in Concord Sells Coal for Less than I do. Best Furnace Coal SB.OO to $ll.OO. Best Grate and Sfceve Coal SB.OO to $9.00. Best Steam Coal $4.00 to $7.50. Best Gas House Coke—Made in Concordsß.so. Purchase Your Coal where you can get QUALITY and SERVICE. A. B. POUNDS I THE JOYCE H Is among the exclusive new beauties that arrived at our store this I week, this lovely step-in Pump is of <:he popular parchment, trimmed H with narrow strips of patent forming a little bow of the same. This is g a wonderful little pump and fits to perfection $3 50 IVEY’S “THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES” BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOsooOOOOOCXXJOOOOOOOOOO ILL. CRAVEN & SONS PHONE 74 coat /jLLj Plaster I Pack All Your Troubles in the Old I Kit Bag and Phone, Phone, Phone! B Why worry abojjt what you are going to cook, or trouble yoursdi a to scatter your orders all over the city in order to get what you want | to eat. Just make out your order and call ”69” for Fresh Meats, Cur- I ed Meats, Fresh Fish, Poultry, Butter, Eggs, Fresh Florida Fruits ■ »nd Vegetables, Fancy Cakes and Crackers and any and all kinds of n Staple and Fancy Groceries. I “YOU NAME IT—WE BRING IT.” C. H. BARRIER & CO. ■ ...... . , . ~ I . SMI-LAX TONIC and , Laxative Compound The new and wounderful Medicine for people who are suffering with Weak and Rundown condition of the CSystem, Loss of Appetite, Constipation, Indigestion, Sto mach and Liver. See your Druggist for it is only sold through Drug Stores. piWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOeO) Concord Daily^Tribune TIME OF CLOSING MAILS The time of the closing of mails at the Concord postoffice is as follows: Northbound 136—41:00 P. M. 36*-10:0O A. M. 34 4:10 P. M. 38— 8:30 P. M. 30— 11 :t» P. M. Southbound 39 9 .30 A. M. 45 3 :30 P. M. 135 8:00 P. M. 29—11:00 P. M. jpLOCAL MENTION j Tlio weekly meeting of the Concord Rotary Club will be held at the Y. M. C. A. tomorrow (Wednesday) at 12:30 o'clock. Mrs. Bedec. Sides was called to Millingport today, having received a message that her grandson, Claude I.eHer. had the misfortune to get his leg broken. According to a deed filed Monday at the courthouse, J. F. Turner, of Texas, sold to V. P. Turner, also of Texas, property in Cabarrus and Stanly counties for SISOO. The local Bible story contest for Central Methodist Church will beheld next Sunday evening at 7:30. A number of contestants have made plans to speak and the general public is invited to hear them. No improvement is reported in the condition of Howard Untz, who suf fered a stroke of apoplexy several days ago. Mr. Untz has not rallied sinee stricken, it is said, and his con d tion is regarded as critical. Mrs. C. ti. Ridenhour has been called to Rockwell by t’ae serious ill ness of her grandson. Charles Lee Rhinehardt. The boy is ill with pneumonia and his eoudition has caused sonic concern. Democrats of Cabarrus county are getting ready now for their primary to be held on Saturday of this week. ! Delegates to the county convention) to be held on Saturday of next week ! will be elected at the primary. A number of Concord persons are i said to have had cheeks in the safes of Ivey's Department Store which were I looted some time Sunday. These | checks were not taken by the robbers, but were scattered about the floor of the office of the store. Mrs. ,T. T. Fisher, who underwent I an operation in the Mercy General • Hospital in Charlotte Monday, is re ported today as resting very very comfortably. Mrs. Fisher had a rest ful night relatives here "have been ad vised. Miss Beulah Courtney. county ! nurse, has resumed her work with the county health department after spend ing some time with friends and rela tives in Cabarrus. Charlotte and other cities. Mws Courtney has entirely recovered from a recent illness. The Tribune-Times office now has j two telephones, Nos. 78 and 922. No, 922 is in the new Job Office, of j which R. P. Benson is manager. If j you want to communicate with this j department please phone Mr. Benson at 922. You will find this number I listed in the telephone directory. A number of defendants were tried ! in recorder's court here Monday. The j heaviest fine paid by any one defend ant was $l5O. paid by a man charged j with operating an automobile while intoxicated. Two other defendants j paid $25 each and a larceny charge) against another was changed to tres pass. W. G. Yeager, farm agent for Row- I an county, plans to spend tomorrow j here with R. D. Goodman. Cabarrus j farm agent. The agents have the privilege of spending one day in each ■ month with agents in neighboring j counties, and Mr. Yeager plans to spend the day here with Mr. Good- Tliere were no signs early this morning of any break in the wintry weather which started Sunday and continued Monday and Monday night. Temperatures were so low Monday that persons who had removed their heaters for the summer were forced to resort to open fires. Rain fell in termittently throughout the day and night. G. S. Brown, who has been engaged in road construction work in Mexico for three months, is spending some time here with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Brown. Mr. Brown was one of the several engineers who went to Mexico about three months ago to supervise the construction of modern highways for the Mexican govern ment. Attaches at the county health offices are getting things shaped up now for the or thopaedie clinic to be held here on Saturday. Dr. Alonzo My ers will be present to conduct the clinic and all persons ordered at the last clinic to return and others who want to be examined, are expected to attend. The clinic will be held in the county health department offices. Henry Warren Poor, noted lectur er and writer, will speak here Friday night when the pictures entitled “Scenic America” will be shown nt the 5. M. C. A. Mr. Poor has spok en four times before the Harvard Club of Boston and has repeated his lec ture before other noted organizations in various parts of the country. His f lecture here will be given in the gyin of the Y Friday evening at 8 o'clock. f Protecting Whiskers. | Two men were becoming abusive in the course of a political quarrel. “I think,” cried one of them. "That there is just one thing that saves you from being a bare-faced liar.” “What’s that?” asked the other. “Your whiskers.” was the reply. America spend $300,000,000 a jear for the construction of base ments in residences. THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE SERIOUS CHARGES TO BE AIRED IN COURT Various Criminal Cases to Bo Tried in Mecklenburg Court. Charlotte. April 12. —Several im portant caries are to coin* up for trial at a term of Mecklenburg Su perior Court which will open here a week from today. Solicitor Carpenter, while in Char lotte Saturday, mentioined some of the headliners scheduled to be called during the term starting April 1«). A case almost certain to be tried is that charging Jim Knotts and Os ear Martin with robbing and a*- >nu’.ting M». Mary Wright, aged farm woman of Newell. This case was postponed from the la. ; t term of court. j Solicitor Carpenter hinted that j several surprises may b.‘ sprung j when Knott* and Martin are placed |on trial. He declined to go into de i tai’s. however. The case charging S. E. Sehorn. 1 Charlotte business man. with man slaughter in connection with the death of an aged negro, also is dock eted for trial next week. The last grand jury returned a true bill against Mr. Sehon who de nies that it was his machine that struck the buggy driven by the ne gro on the Monroe road. A renewal of activities in the shooting by Charlotte police <if A. A. Tarrant may result next week if Tarrant, who is able to attend court. Jake F. Newell, one of his attorney*, said last night, however, that he does not expect the wounded youth'* con dition will be such nsto permit him to attend court for several week yet. Another feature of the term will be the trial of Belinait Sherrijl and Mae Thornburg, admitted parents of the baby deserted last Saturday night. The couple i* charged with desertion. They were held for the grand jury by Magistrate Cobb yes terday. “EMBLEMS OF LOVE" AT THE PASTIME This Great Picture Will Be Shown at the Pastime Wednesday and Thurs day. j The loves of life combined in one I great drama of love— j “Just folks"—as our late Presi dent Harding loved to call them. “Just folks"—as you saw and loved them in "Over the Hill" and "The Old Nest." “Just folks"—but theirs a stirring drama, intense in its emotional ap peal—a big human drama with more punch than many so-called “inillion dollar" productions. You’ll wonder that there are not more pictures like it. At the Pastime tomorrow and Thursday. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to our friends and neighbors for the kind ness and sympathy shown us during the illness ami death of our husband and father, and for the lovely .flow er*. MRS. B. F. BLALOCK AND CHILDREN. LEARN TO SPEAK AND WRITE CORRECT ENGLISH By HOME STUDY Many worthy men and wo ! men are deprived of larger op portunities because of poor speech. We can fit you for i the advancement which you I deserve, and make your ajvi | pearance in good society a | real joy instead of a misery. | Write for information todav. Address Department of Extension Correct English Correspond ence School Evanston, Illinois BFrigidaire Satisfactory Electric Refrigeration Frigidaire protects the health of yourself and family, lends greater enjoyment to work in the kitchen, brings untold conven ience to your home and fresher, better foods to your table. Let us give you complete infor mation. For Sale By . *. - STANDARD BUICK CO. l:rr • --V- w 85 S. Union St. Phone 383 i \ .rial'! * ’ ... ■ ■ «: v , Frigidaire Happy Days Ahead Do this much to enjoy them Here is a gland secretion which physicians the world over are em ploying. It is ox-gall, from the liver. Modern science has discov ered that it stimulates the liver. It has also discovered that cathartics never do. Millions who are ailing have made a grave mistake. For genera tions it has been supposed that cer tain drags could make the liver ac tive, but they don’t. All authorities now recognize that fact. But Science at the same time finds that a gland secretion—ox gall—does stimulate the liver. It does what drugs tah’t do. And countless people are getting results which nothing else has brought. MOTHER KIDNAP’S HER LITTLE GIRL , Father Swears Oul Warrant and Hearing Will Be Ha l. | Danville, Vn.. April 12.—The kal | liaping of a !hroe-year-oM after Sunday school at Epiphany t’hurcb yesterday by Mis. .1. T. Carter, her mother, had a sequel here thic after noon. Her husband. Captain James T. Carter, member of the faculty of Danville Military Institute, recently instituted divorce against his wife. Site filial a like action but neither has filed a bill of complaint. Carter has had charge of the two children pending settlement of the case and on Sunday he left them both at Sunday school. Mrs. Carter appeared in a ear out side the church just before the school disbanded and beckoning to her little daughter she climbed in and the car left. The husband later . located his wife and child at the I house where Mrs. Carter boards bat ) admission was refused. The poplice lacking a warrant would take no I actiyn. Late last night Captain Carter swore out a warrant charging kid naping. Tlie police entered the hoard ing house but Mrs. Carter had left with the child. They were located in a hotel where the warrant was serv ed. A policeman guarded her door throughout the night. Mrs. Carter's attorneys today tried to have the wan'ant dismissed but failed and the niothejr was bonded in the smn of one dollar to appear in juvenile court when a deeisiion will be reached. In tlie meantime she retains possession of her child. On the cover of True Romances for May. a Macfadden publication, are the likenesses of Helen Ford and Charles Purcell, the principals of "Dearest Enemy,” the musical play that lias been delighting New York audiences. "Miss Robinson Crusoe" is the story of a little drab librarian and her adventure. "Bright Lights and Burned, Souls” is a tale of Broadway and Hollywood, the terrible tangle poor Dot made of her life. The table of contents will siiow that this number is brimful of other romances. DEMOCRATIC PRIMARIES The Democratic voters of Cabarrus County are hereby requested to meet at their respective voting precincts on Saturday April 17th, 1926, for the pm pose of selecting five members of the Township Executive Committee and naming delegates to the County Convention on April 24th to be held in the county court house. At the County Convention dele gates will be named to represent the county at the State Convention to be held in the city of Raleigh on April 29th. The primaries will be held in the several townships and wards at 2:3(l p. m. ROSA B. MI ND. Vice Chairman County Demo cratic Executive Committee. Concord. N. C.. March 22, 1926. “Because It Is So Easy To Apply 1 Says a lady in Baltimon “T use Farbo because I L can put it on my walls myself and don’t have to depend on the men follca. I was surprised how quickly I was able to Soid by Yorke & Wadsworth A torpid liver may cause many ill conditions. Now we know they never do that which must be done. The liver must be stimulated. The bile flow must be multiplied. Ox gall does that in an amazing way, as countless people know. Now ox-gall comes to you in tablets, called Dioxol. All drug gists supply them. Each tablet con tains 10 drops of purified ox-gall. We urge you to learn what it * does: It will prove a revelation to you. It may change your whole life and career. “Clip this advertisement, take it to our special agent, Pearl Drug Co., and they will give you a liberal sample of Divioi free.” iTOMpt SJMSP Robber*! lead a hard life. They have to keep in good shape or some bobbed haired girl will whip them. About two million children are born fin this country every year. Driv* , y >nr auto carefully. ; I.earn : ug to drive s!owly seems to j be harder than Icarniug to drive fast, j Arrested a man in Yellowstone Bark for killin': a deer. Os course he tried I to pass the buck. Ford says the v (Charleston isn’t a dance. \et the )>eople learned it rid ing in his cars. | House has voted $3,900,000 to catch rum runners, which seems to be about ! $1 per runner. No Good. The following letter was received recently by a company which manu factures corn syrup: “Dear Sirs; Tho I have taken six fans of your corn sirup, my feet arc in> better now than when 1 started.*’ CABARRUS MUTUAL The Cabarrus Futual Fire Insur ance Company will hold ita annual meeting at its office in Concord on Monday the 19th day of April, 1926, commencing at one o’clock. A full attendance is desired. JNO. K. FATTER SOX, Sec. 13-2 t-x. W. 0. W. NOTICE. Regular meeting of Elm Camp No. 16 W. O. W. Tiu'sday evening at 8 :00 o’clock in the Pythian Lxlge Room. Every member urged to be present. GEO. S. GRAEBER, C. C. R. C. LITAKER. Clerk. NOTICE. The annual meeting of the stock holders of the Citizens Buildiug find Loan Association will be held in its office in the Citizens Batik and Trust Company building in the city of Con <*ord. X. C., on Monday. Mfly 3rd, 1926, at 4:30 o’clock I*. M. A. F. GOODMAX, Secretary and Treasurer. CLINE& MOOSE The Seed Store, SEED CORN FOR EARLY PLANTING Adams Early, Truckers Favorite, Southern Snow Fluke. We have it by the pips, quart, peck, or bushel. FIELD VARIETIES Hickory King, Davis' Prolific, Tex as Red Cob, Improved Prolific, Coun try Grown, Golden Dent. BEANS Extra Early Valentine, Stringless Green Pod, Kentucky Wonder—loose. Also a large assortment of Ferry’s Seeds and Lake Shore Seeds in all size packages. ..Buy your seed from CLINE & MOOSE $0 CXEfe M°P See It at your dealer’s, this great polish mop. All the O-Cedar features; the light weight screw, in handle. The long cotton Unt. less swab, triangle shaped to get into hard corners. Padded so woodwork won’t suffer. Reductions in other maps in varying sites, too: 75c, SI.OO, $1.25, $1.50 and $1.75. DUSTS - CLEANS • POLISHES CHILDREN require foods rich in vita* mins, the kind that abound in cod-liver oil to build up body and strength. Scott’s Emulsion assures growing children vita min factors that they need but do not always get nA in ordinary food. Feed your child Scott’s! <44. | CONCORD COTTON MARKET I I TUESDAY, ARPIL IS, 19M Ootton .18 Cotton eead .............. S 3 IS \ What Do You Say Y All you supply is a few ticks of your watch— we’ll furnish the lake, the boat, the tackle and the where the speckled beau ( ’’t, if the beauty of a shirt can he compared to the . ,J, • • . beauty of a trout we shou dbe receiving the regulation fee of $5 a day for paddling you into such an Isaac Walton dream of Heaven ! i . New Manhattan and Berger Spring Shirts with col lars attached or collars to match. Call and see them at HOOVER’S, Inc. THE YOUNG MAN’S STORE 3 , ° ur or ** niz<l, ion i« deferential to your needs and moods, jjj Sj furnishing a service that is fairly priced. We believe that h » modern equipment and a faithful devotion to our duties $ H merits your approval. | 1 Day°and Ni 9 ht i§ B 1 2&W.Dep0tSt § I >7." Q* B*P Gsncorxl-NtC. 1 Ml Hats for Spring will be as light in color as a spring breeze. Hats of better quality will be re freshed to original brightness and shape. Send hats and ties with your suits for dry clean ing. Up to your expecta tions in workmanship and service—-responsibility al so. <mwimur “MASTER” Cleaners and Dyers PHONE 757 Office S5-ST W. Depot St For Ambulance and Profession al Services Call 640, Day or Night Bell & Harris Funeral Home Tuesday, April 13, 1926 | DREADFUL PAINS j Georgia Lady, Who Had Lost Too ! Modi Weight, Waa&riwd to Take Cardui add II Now WelL | Columbus, Ga.—Mrs. George 9. I Hunter, of this city, writes: | "After I married, thirteen months | ago, I suffered with dreadful pains | in my Bides during ... My side hurt so bad it nearly killed me. I | had to go to bed and stay some i times two weeks at a time. I | could not work and I Just dragged I around the house, i “I got very thin—l went from 128 | pounds down to less than 100. My [ mother had long been a user of | Cardui and she knew what a good i medicine it was for this trouble, so 1 she told me to get some and take It. | I sent to the store after it and be > fore I had taken the first botUe | I began to Improve. "My side hurt less and I began to Improve In health. ... The Cardui 1 acted as a fine tonic and I do not feel like the same person. I am so much- better. I am well now. I have gained ten pounds and am still gaining. My sides do not trouble me as all. "I tflsh 'every suffering woman know about Cardui.” NG-160 CONCORD PRODUCE MARKET (Corrected Weekly by Cline A Moose) Figures named represent prices paid for produce on the market: Eggs „ .30 Oarn : sl.lO Sweft' potatoes $1.(50 Darkeys .25 Onions $1,76 Peas $2.00 Butter .88 Country Ham Jftn Country Shoulder JO Country Sides JO Young Chickens .35 Hens —— J 2 Irish Potatow 2.00 I Monty back without qutitior HUNTS QUARANTEBC «—>jSr lIaKIN DIBKA3B REMEDIES /If ny (Host's Sahro ana 86ep), fall ft fI I 17 the treatment of Itch, Bcieroe V—“ /A Rtngworm, Tetter or other Iteh ' ' *•' ink ehto dloeeoee. Try tU tnetsnt at ear iSk. imliiiiiit it our Hike ,f ~ - - - | PEARL DEUG CO.

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