Wednesday, April 14, 1926 TODAY’S EVENTS. Wednesday, April 14. ,f,20. Anniversary of I he assassination of President Lincoln, in IStifn Fortieth anniversary of tlio’gri'nt tornado that almost wiped out t he towns of Sauk Rapids and St. Cloud, 'Minnesota. The seventh annual convention of the National League of Women Vot ers will open in St- Ixmis today for a session of one week. Gen. Rramwell Booth, world head «f< the Salvation Army, in due to ar rive in New York today to attend several great conferences of the or ganization in America. Ships and coastal wireless .stations the world over tonight will observe five minutes silence In memory of the heroism of op-rators who have died at sea. The extension of co-operative es -4 forts of the Weather Bureau, the new offices—if so, what are they? I ($) ! Q (j J OPPOSITE NEW HOTEL S 1 ® OOOOOOOOOOO0 ® O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC i|| For The Dining Room | !< We ate showing an unrivaled line of new Furniture !< for the Dining Room. c |!| New Suites in attractive Period styles, splendid finish- 8 ill f?’ furniture that you will really ze proud to own and the 0 S kind that will give you service for years. There’s every- 8 jij thing in Dining Room Furniture in this line. C |![ , A tastily appointed dining room makes the meal an 8 ( j enjoyable occasion. O !|! . There is taste, refinement and dignity expressed in 8 iji furniture of the character such as we have on display It 8 ;ji cannot be equaled anywhere in artistic beauty and quality, 8 i BELL-HARRIS FURNITURE CO. 1 si § QOQOOOOQOOOOOOOOOQOOOQOOCXXXXXXJCOCJOOOQPQOOOOOOOOc S^^O^^OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I Beautiful Spring | lerate prices " f $2.95 TO $6.95 I MARKSON SHOE STORE \ 8 Phone 897 ® § SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! i/V tempting COAT, SALE I All Spring Coats and Suits Entire Stock Classified and Divided Into Six Groups GROUP B GROUP C $9.50 $13.89 $20.00 GROUP E GROUP F $23.50 $27.74 $33.74 A SAVING OF 20 TO 33 1-3 PER CENT VISIT FISHER’S IT PAYS Forest Service and the Forestry de partments of Northwestern States in forest fire prevention will be the sub ject of a conference today in Port land, Ore. Representative bankers of Mary land. Virginia. Went Virginia, the Carolina* and the District of i\>- , lumbia will gather in Richmond to day for a discussion of banking prob lems under the jurisdiction of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond. Not the Listening Kind. ‘Aour wife drives her own ear, doesn't she?" . “Yes." "And does she pay attention to the ‘Stop, Look and Listen' signs at , the railroad erossings?’’ | "Well. I believe she obeys two i thirds ofthe warning, but I can’t j imagine anyone or anything making her listen.’’ I USB PENNY COLUMN—IT PAY> 808 REYNOLDS ANSWERS QUESTIONNAIRE (Continued From Page One) The luxury tax, properly used, is jus tified as an emergency tax. The ■ schools should be put squarely up to the property owners. 11. Do you favor taxing the debt on land and also the luul mortgaged to secure the debt, both at full value? Ans. No. This is double tax and ut terly unconscionable. Do you favor tlie nbolitlon of in terest and all taxatious by means of a banking system owned and operat ed by the Federal Government for ; service to all the people alike, rather - than a banking system for private profit : Ans. I live in Buncombe county, North Carolina, and not in Utopia. I try never to overheat by brain by imagining a vain thing. The dea advanced in tiiis question is so cialistic. 1-1. Do you favor further bond is sues by tlie state now that tile State's bonded indebtedness is about |l(!tt,- tMHt.BOO.' Ans. If the adequate sink ing funds- are provided, I see no rea son for refusing to issue bonds for needed capital investments. 1-4. Do you favor a law to prevent the employment of children under six teen years of age in mills, mines and other manufacturing establishments, and to prevent the employment of children under seventeen years of age ill such establishments at night? Ans. 1 think the present child labor laws in North Carolina arc almost, if not finite adequate, but am willing to let the health and educational authorities say when and how they shall be amended. 10. Do you favor a law prohib iting the employment of women in industry at night? Ans. No imma ture woman should be worked at night. Ki. Ale you in ravor of changing our school text books within five years from date ? Ans. I favor changing the text books when those charged with the conduct of the public schools think they need changing. 17. Do you favor a state wide sys tem of free text-books for our public schools? Ans. I do, IS. Arc you in favor of a work man's compensation liability law so constructed as to give workers a fair and reasonable compensation for in juries without the expense of litiga tion? Ans. \es, if a State fund is provided. It). Are you in favor of increasing the salaries of State officers, judges, solicitors, county officers, or State employee's? Ans. A blanket increase, no; but I can conceive of State and county employees who are entitled to increased pay. 20. Since lawyers and officers of the court and enjoy special privileges, arc you in favor of a law requiring lawyers to report their fees to the court for approval? Ans. I see no particular objection to this, but would it not be well enough to let the bar association look after the ethics of their members until it is certain they have failed? 21. Are you in favor of increasing appropriations to State departments and institutions? Ans. If they are justified. 22. Do you favor the creation of Ans. Looks as if there might be enough. I want only one of them— that of United States Senator, 23. Are you in favor of putting the Sjate penitentiary on a self-sup porting basis without using convict labor in competition with free labor? Ans. Can -it be done? I think the State prison should first be self-sup porting. I do not believe convict la bor should be used to compete with free labor. 24. Are you in favor of spending any more money on the Governor's Mansion? Ails. I don't know because I haye never been in the Governor's mansion. The Governor of North Carolina, however, should be given living quarters commensurate with his position. THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE 25. Are you in favor of public ap propriations for the pnr]K)se of adver tising North Carolina? Ans. Posi tively not. 2 ===== cn famous Sellers What a sale this has been! Women B( 1 B Kitchen Cabinet. The have come for miles around to take dishes are given with the cabinet advantage of it. Our mammoth pur- free. Pay the balance on the cabi* chase of a carload of Sellers Kitchen ' ®" ** ® / ffir net while you use both the cabinet Cabinets has made it possible for us to offer this amazing bargain. We are H : lit Scllers isthe kitchen cabinet you passing on to you the savings in freight, ® g| have seen advertised in national packing and quantity discount result- i b —=■ H magazines. It will add beauty as mg rom this extraordinary purchase. i j|§ well as convenience to your latch. If you buy your Sellers now you get the * MM en. It will be a permanent improve best kitchen cabinet made at the car- b> I W ment to V°ur home-a modern load sale price-a set of beautiful din- % VI If labor-saver that will give you ten ner china free and the most conven- \ / » thousand more hours to play. Any. lent terms we have ever offered. Satur- V thing that will do this is a bargain day is the last day. Only one more day. at any price. Then think what a value Its an opportunity that deserves your the Sellers Cabinet is at our carload sale most careful investigation. Come in tomor- price. Saturday is the last sale day. Act row-sure. qu ickl Get this set of dishes Free! by buying your SELLERS now everyday use. Tested and IJC&AY A handy set that alwaye approved by Good House- A sMF' ) h keeps your spices within keeping Institute. Every «“V **»<*>• Made of heavy pleceuLnoanditionally crystal glass with metal KXhis Set of Dinner China given with each Sellers Kitchen Cabinet H you buy toot Sellers now, you get this 32-piece set of Dtener K CONCORD FU RNITURE CO. Starts Saturday Morning, April 10th and Runs Through Saurday, April 17th. PAGE THREE