I * I Monday, April Id, ■Ls -„ ri , l Dinner Stories ■l _J Sf A certain rather irritable supcrln ■ tondent, visiting a school, was wor ■ ried by the noise of the scholars in ■ the belt room. At length, unable to ■ bear the uproar any longer, tie op ■ ened the door and burst upon the ■ class. 1 Seeing one girl taller than the oth ■ ers talking a great deal, he caught her ■ by the arm, hustled tier to the next ■ room, and pushed her In a rbair, say- I in *i '* Vow there and be quiet l" Ten minutes later 4 small head rtji peared round and door and a meek little voice said: “Please, sir, you've got Our teacher!” Harding—Why dor.’t you tell peo ple you are a good Mechanic? Murphy—Yes, and have my neigh bors forever wanting me to come over and tinker with their cars? Well, I gdess not. Pa Not at Home. "Harry—ls I try to kiss you, will you call your father? Carrie—Yes, but he's not at home. Nothing Much to Eat. “Father, give me some money for an evening dress!” "Where is the one you had?” “A moth has eaten it!" Quick, Watson, the Puff! The young wife was about to un dergo an operation for appendicitis and. was naturally a trifle nervous. \|"Traey, dear, «he said to her mSsband. “I want you to stand right by the doctor during the operation, and hold my vanity case.” “But. darling,” he protested, “that can't do any good.” "tlh, it cah’t, eh? Suppose my ap pendix comes out shiny?” Fixing It. “Come on over to dinner tonight,” invited Archie. “I’ve asked some of the gang undthcre will be thirteen of ÜB.” “That’s unlucky.” objected Reggie. “Better' invite one mpre.” “There won't be room. You needn’t come, I guees-” cievta-ly Disguised. (From Philadelphia Evening Ledger) lalter, he told the ponce he wgs Teddy Dorn, 42, of Newark, N. ,T. Police said he was a wife and two children. VSk PENNY COLUMN—IT PAYS . i , Protect Your Property and Your Money aXTOUR house, when painted with 1 Marietta House Paints, is practU oily guaranteed against the ravage* of foul weather by the Marietta Service Certificate. vNo other paint manufac turer offers you such a certificate. Aik us about it today. Ceacord Paint&Paper Company 342 N. Church Street Phwic 18L Vjg£a%a3 sEsvnagtoTtoH |l EVERETT TRUE BY COfTOO ev/erue-rr —-re-ei-Hia&L — \ std, Hcao s\x> you clofte I-J —. ~ T ° cl ~ ~ tau rc ; «y tuirts our THe most of it Cikus this i tse-Hes i anp thcs oir ix ante BOND Cliargcd With inviting to Riot and i Numerous Other Ofiensos in rPaasalc- Pgusaie, N. J-, April 17,—A multi- Plh'ity of charges of inciting to riot, hostility to the government ;iud con spiracy tonight confronted Albert WeisbOrd, youthful .fetrike organizer. > Rjelcaiicd iti *JE,otK) bail froife PatwrsOh jail, penultig trial on four such iiidictments. he was rearresttd and TU'kpti to GarU'eld Where Police Jndfe Richard 3. Baker 'sent him to the Bergflfe ebuttty jail at Hacktul sack'iii ffbfaglt tjf fSjfcOOO bnil dh S eomplaipt of jindHljK tb ( riot. He ink held in liis owh recognizance on a charge Os corspfrdcy fend ocstructjbir of propAty. , The charge of inoiting to riot grew out of a .qieech made by Weis boril nt Eelihortt Park, Garfield, on April 0, in which the authorities ac cused him of saying: “No ocafc« wjn be allowed to en ter the mills. You inust meet them on the streets or at, their homes or on trolleys and busses and handle them as you know hoVv.” Efforts of Wpisbord’s attorneys to have the amount of bail reduced fail ed.- Judge Baker said that he felt that whether or not a crime had been committed the matter should be investigated by the -grnhd jury. “We can hot hnvh edntlnuM pod deliberate sttemiite to intimidate people and destroy property." he said. “To put an end to this I'feel U»nccessary to hold the defendant in #20,000 bail.” Chronometer Tell* Speed of Base ball Being Thrown. New York, April 17.—Speed, al ways factor in major league biisebnll, this year has beeii put to new tests in the training camps through in troduction of a chronometer to time the flight of the thrown ball. It was found that sip-tenths of n second were required by catchers to throw to second base, while the same time was consumed to shoot the sphere from first to third base. Short stops took five- tenths of a second to throw to first base and sefcnd .basemen required four-tenths to send the ball to the snhie bag. The flight of a fast ball from thfe’ pitching slab to the catcher was three-tenths of n second- m The Queen of the Be’gians is one of the best dressed of the royal Wom en of Europe She chooses her clothes With great taste, and wears them In away that is the admiration of eveh the great dressmakers in Paris. - ■ ■ ■> - ■, 1,0 .loin, 111, h- ■ * itv ,H A tu'viTpisT KIY \KT Washington, April it—“Free' , speech ia safe: it pays," H. L. Menck \ en told me, in a talk I had with him, ‘at his'(game in Baltimore. Indications are that he's going to t have a chance to test this theory thoroughly. He's won the first round , of hi** "Hatrack” fight but fnere may , prove to be a good many mare to come. ' ’ 1 The post office department h*as i barred his “Antiigican Mercury” from the mails. Now, the post office de partment is different from a court of law, state or federal. It's pretty much a law unto itself. * * V - Mencken, personally, is just like his magazine. He’s a nice chap to, meet, lie's extremely interesting and he’6 hospitable and polite, but tiis conversation is one uninterrupted roast of the entire universe—not a single good thing in it, according to H. L. * * * If he ever docs say a good w.ord for anything, it invariably is preliminary to some qualification which makes it the reverse. To illustrate: In this Interview lie. .gave to ine. this country, he observed, is the most wohderful place on earth for making plenty of money easily. Sounds complimentary to the country, what? Well. wait. “Mind you,” he added, “I think "all this prosperity will blow up present ly, but it will last my time.” . Allha Williams, Whose Truffle is Stamped on Silver Dollars. Passes. Philadelphia April 17.—Miss An na W- Williams, retired public school teacher, whose profile as the hgooddcqß of liberty” is stamped on the silver dollar 'led at her horde to day. Shh- Was BS. Miss Williams' hip was broken ast December and she had been con fined to her bed ever since. Death was due to apoplexy. She had lived with her niece, Miw Catherine C. Wiriaina, since her retirement in 1924. Miss Williams was principal of the girjs school at the house of re fuge here when she was chosen in 1878 to be the model for the god desK on-, the silver dollar. "Her profile was considered the most perfect that could be found nt the time. Only updn condition that her identity •<h< uld not be revealed would Miss Williams consent to have her like ness stcamped upon tbo .ne>v silver dollar the tredMm-y hlld dccfded '.o mint. ' Five Room Cottage Stolen. Knoxville. Tcnn.. April 17.—Horse thieves have been lmngcd in Texas, love pirates have been slain by irate husbands, .but it remained for Nosli vUlgeto likclgrth,A house tltief. Q rl. Kfjftedyr Jdlln Oman and G. L. Kennedy were made defend ants in a chancery court suit, charg : ed with having wrongly made off with a whole 5-room cottage. They were accused of having re moved the house to another part of the city- An injunction was granted J. W. Draughon, complainant, pre venting the alleged "cottage bandits” from disposing of the property. When n party drives past a nlraP Swedish school at recess time, the youngsters erthic to attention, bring thoir Wooden Shoes together with a clatter, bow and doff their bats. * Gladiolus Bulbs All Colors V / Gibson Drug Store .« ... • —■■■■ -• JUvc WAscis^- % J. HETHCOX Chicken Feed fiaby Chick time is hefe and wc are here with the Right F eeds. Buttermilk Starting Mash for Baby Chicks Buttermilk Growing Mash >Fbr the Larger Chicks, and Buttermilk Layirtg Mash For Hens Also Good Scratch Feeds Cheap N CABARRUS CASH Q«0- CERY COMPANY Phone 57fW • - - • ’ • j- ( ; THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE - ; • Potpourri v' i 'sr%oro~ l I B««es i hum's j | Vie SmM out our way ' : ' ’ hv"wiuj^is^ — Right, < s\T ioof 'That horm amd \ OF -TAK'IMGr M£-fO A— -1 VOu'uL BETAW'iKICr ME-To /q M MA , \ Mp SAME ASVLUM) • lu4ATE> \ ' \ vniTh These Generals'. shoes - % ! ARNAV HAS TO GET HIM / MS' b 3V AMD THEM HE \NONOERS / l NLCRTiEw : % '.' ' ~ 111 - 3 J WHW MOTHERS GET „ w . wg , M H> K r.i.:. mom’n pop by Taylor r H C V\tu.o -twx SP£AKIMS-YIHV C INMONT 85 HERE ' v, NEs i can GoTo The music ) ( Foe dinner Tonight ) Iraffi 1 ®!!®;'!® TfctMfMM / BOJC FOR DIMMER-- LET’S Jlta \ CoUS/M AAATILDA- X < r\ ie:o< .^/\ FRom mom C mw<6rr earlv so \mb mJHH ( have an emoagement ) ( 72*7, Y To COUSIN W CAM DANCE A LITTLE IflH DOWNTOVON WELL! . ——■—^ { C dt©6ofo-HERE’S S ‘SLOR.YSEi IFITISNT DOT ANO ) 'AI r ) ILtelAttlH 'Mtk MR. SMO&QE - YOU DON'T MINPIF < J •( AMVANDGO TOA r oßfi HtS a I SIT AT YOUR TABLE, DO VOO?* \ | 7 ijuttur n 1 11 /1 H 1 JuSr pkoppso '<« Fora bfte to \ jl^;^ : I Don’t Be Misled, Look and see that j ' T ou get the yellow checkered Bag i and then you will know that you! have got the original Startina to 1 feed your baby chix on. Cash Feed Store ; I PHONE 122 SOUTH CHURCH ST. ] ! rj -«OC>OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC5C)OOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOS 5 FANCY DRY GOODS WOMEN'S WEAR | XXMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOtXXXKK3OCC^iOOOOOOdOOIC<3Ooeocv> DELCO LIGHT | g light Plants and Batteries I] [ ' Deep and Shaliow Well Pumps for Direct or Alter- c lj| nating current and Washing Machines for Direct or Al j ternating Current. 1 R. H. OWEN, Agent j! ,-Phone 639 Concord, N. C. g : 300000000 OOOOOOOOCraaOOOOC)OOOOS>QOOOOOOQOQOOOOOOOOOi BATTERIES ißig Price Reduction on Batteries for Fords and \ Chevrolets L*wSj PREST-O-LITE $15.50 Jm COLUMBIA $11.95 .J Compare These Prices. REPLACEMENT FOR ALL CARS " PHONE 228 | (Studebaker Sales and Service) Auto Supply & Repair Co. CLEAN, PURE, COLD AIR Get More Than Your Money’s Wrath |j Many Gurney users say they are i '|g getting more than their money’s worth |i V | from this long-lasting refrigerator. g,j U— -W Some Gurneys have been in use 25 to M|| 30 }-ears. Thej-’re built to last; also to §1 ifj) M' ’ preserve food perfectly with a mini- || ■ std mum of ice. And you’ll be surprised fljjj ®- _ <<) at the reasonable prices. We carry a ||fcg£||pl| S wide range of sizes. Cdme in and see W; them. H. B. WILKINSON Out of the High Kent District, Where Parting Space Is Plentiful s|s| and time unlimited. Concord Kannapolis, Mooresville China Grove , .bli Hot Water ,' , ’ JS This ga? hot water heater —lKa* j is surely a friend in need and Jr m a * r ' enc * * n< * ee< * °* ever y COO H 1| ]l| S gTTr,match and in a few minutfSSCL ■j injj steaming hot water wit! run■gk ® i Jg b the "dishes, for a ba«.h, etc."jSt Pays for itself quickly. E.B. GRADY PLUMBING AND HEATING DEALER Office and Show Room 39 E. Corbih St. Office Phone 334 W 1 THE DAILY TRIBUNE AN’t> —• .„$g THE PROGRESSIVfefARMpR | BOTH ONE TEAR AT THE FOLLOWING PRICES: \ In State outside Concord $5.25 The Progressive Farmer is the best farm paper published, and its price is SI.OO a year. j j You need not pay for the Progressive Farmer at the same time you < pay for The Tribune. We will get it for you a whole year at any time i -j on payment of only 25 cents. * >ay i^ Ur .r, N '. l .? >Hcr '* , fi on to The Tribune to any contestant, but 'l|a come to The Tribune offlee to pay for your Progressive -Farmer. PAGE SEVEN

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