PAGE EIGHT flow National Prohibition Was Put Over #>** Pussyfoot” Johnson Tells Inside Story “ \ V/ILUAM E. |(I \ ('PUSSVfOOT-l M.f m 11 tflff \ johns r ■ f ■ «m lv ah i II yi&ilßliSr— iTjiw- The inside story of how prohibi tion was put over in the United States is told for the first time by jwijtllam E. (“Pussyfoot”) Johnson Is the current number of Hearst’s International-Cosmopolitan. Under the heading, “I had to Lie, Bribe ftnd Drink to Put Over Prohibition so America,” Mr. Johnson bares Che inside workings of the ma chine that turned the country dry , Johnson, who lost an eye when omeone shied a bottle at him at he time he went over to London o start in to make England dry. elates many thrilling experiences Se had when he was first sent out y the government to suppress iquor traffic among the Indians. Tiese stories run from barroom ights to murders. Johnson ad mits freely that he drank gallons jef liquor to help bring about his purpose, told "enough lies to make ashamed of himself” and Sven went to the extent of resort ing to bribery to bring about the objects for which he was striving, put the bribery, he says, was done pntßide the United States and did jot have reference to prohibition In apita of tbs rumors that he h ml COAL | No Dealer in Concord Sells Coal for Less than I do. ] Best Furnace Coal SB.OO to $ll.OO. i Best Grate and Stove Coal SB.OO to $9.00. ! Best Steam Coal $4.00 to $7.50. feest Gas House Coke—Made in Concordsß.so. Purchase Your Coal where you can get QUALITY ' and SERVICE. ! A. B. POUNDS jouooooooooooooooooooooooeiocooooooooooooooooooop THE JOYCE Is among the exclusive new beauties that arrived at our store this week, this lovely step-in Pump is of ‘he popular parchment, trimmed with narrow strips of patent forming a little bow of the same. This is a wonderful little pump and fits to perfection $8.50 IVEY’S ‘THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES” MOOOOOOCXSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOoOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO K. L. CRAVEN & SONS PHONE 74 COAT &. Plaster Pack A0 Your Troubles in the Old Kit Bag and Phone, Phone, Phone! Why worry about what you are going to cook, or trouble yoursell I to scatter your orders all over the city in order to get what you want to eat. Just make out your order and call “69” for Fresh Meats, Cur- ' ed Meats, Fresh Fish, Poultry, Butter, Eggs, Fresh Florida Fruits and Vegetables, Fancy Cakes and Crackers and any and all kinds of Staple and Fancy Groceries. “YOU NAME IT—WE BRING IT.” C. H. BARRIER &CO. HSMH-Ax" TONIC and | Laxative Compound | The new and wounderful Medicine for people who are [ suffering with Weak and Rundown condition of the I CSystem, Loss of Appetite, Constipation, Indigestion, Sto [ mach and Liver. 1 See your Druggist for it is only sold through Drug killed men. he declares he neve* resorted to killing to assist th« prohibition cause. “1 am not engaged," he says “ii) the task of defending either mj own conduct or that of the Anti- Saloon League. In tbe abstract, much could not with ease be iusti fied ethically. 1 am onlv setting down facts.” One of the most difficult lessons for the drys to learn, he says was that a man’s personal habits as to drink did not necessarily iffect hi* availability as a candidate for pub lic office. "Many of our most loyal supporters.” he says, “were met) who occasionally took a drink and some of them took it more than occasionally.” Mr. Johnson tells stories of how tbe Anti-Saloon League was able to have a thousand telegrams from a Congressman’s constituents placed on the Congressman’s desk within twenty-four hours. He re lates how he says he fooled news paper editors and organized churches. Yet. he says, if be now had autocratic power to compel America to stay d.-v he would not do so. because be is democratic. THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE Concord Daily Tribune ■ hi ■—■■i w N—. TIME OF CLOSING MAILS Tbe time of the closing of mails at tbe Concord postoffice is as followa: Northbound 136-tII :00 P. M. A. M. 34 4:10 P. M. 38— 8:30 P. M. 30—11:00 P. M. Southbound 39 9:80 A. M. 45 3:30 P. M. 135 8.-00 P. M. 29—11:00 P. M. jpLOCAL [ Tlie weekly meeting of the Concord j Rotary Club will be held at the Y. | M. C. A. tomorrow at 12:30. .1. H. Brown, county welfare offi-! cer. spent Monday ill Morgauton, go ing there to place a Cabarrus county I man in the State hospital. Members of the Greensboro Unocal’ Art Club who gave a concert here | Monday night made their headquar ters at the Y while n Concord. Beginning today the men’s volley ball team will practice at 7:30 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The new schedule it* made because of the days are longer now than they were in the winter. Mrs. J. T. Fisher returned Sunday to her home here from a Charlotte hospital where she underwent an operation two weeks ago. Her friends will be interested to know that her condition is greatly improved. The bride portrait of Mrs. Edward j Swing in the Sunday Observer and | mentioned in Monday's Tribune, was j made by Boyd \V. Cox, of this city. ! Due to an error his name was not j published under the picture. It has been decided to change the | hour for the Bible Story Contest at j St. James Church Sunday The con- ; tetxt will be held at 4:30 instead of j 3:30 as first announced. The contest i will be for winners 111 local contests i in Group A. It is reported that snow fell in j Concord for a fe\v minutes early Monday morning. One police officer j who was on duty Sunday night is j quoted as saying the flakes fell for a j few minutes early Monday morning i and melted as fast as they fell. Bill Davis. Itoxboro mini charged with stealing an overcoat from AY. J. Montgomery here several days ago | and arrested in Roxboro, will be tried j Friday. When his case was called in j recorder's court Monday he asked j that it be continued until Friday. The Tribnne-Tinies office now has i two telephones. Nos. 78 and 922. j No. 922 is in the new Job Office, cf which R. P. Bensoti is manager. If you want to communicate with this department please phone Mr. Benson at 922. Yon will find this number Improvement is reported today in the condition of Aubrey (Fobby) Simpson, who was badly burned in a fire at Kannapolis last week. It was reported here Monday that his condi tion was worse but there was no foundation for this report, relatives state. Painters are competing their work at the city hall. They have repaint ed the court room and the halls lead ing to the room- The staircase lead ing to the second floor also has been painted. The court room probably will be ready for occupancy by tlie last of the week. All contestants in the finals of the Bible Story Contest are asked to meet . H. W. Blanks at the Y\ to morrow afternoon at 4 o'clock. At that time Mr. Blanks »■<: let the contestants draw for places at the final contests to be staged on Sunday aud Sunday week. Winter continues to hover around and temperatures here again last night were unseasonably low. Warm er weather is predicted for tonight, with rising temperatures tomorrow and tomorrow night. Monday was one of the coldest April days in re cent years in this city. J. N. Harris and A. M. Shinn have sold to R. B. White property on the Coneord-Mt. Pleasant road, according to several deeds tiled Monday at the court house. The purchase prices were not given in the deeds. The property is located near the big cut about a mile from the city limits. A number of cases were tried in re corder's court here Monday, several defendants paying $l2O in fines. Oth er persona were freed with payment of the costs and one man was freed on condition that he violate no law of the State for two years. One man charged with larceny had his case continued until Friday. > in Tom Gully hopes to win a place oa ( be Chicago White Sox team thta sea ion. He’a an outfielder. Cast and a -tod hitter. Ha woe one at thi (parting clotttera In the Southern Aa aoclatlon hurt year with Uttle Rock FAITH. ~ ' I The Rowau Granite Telephaa* Co.! is putting up new and larger bottles, j telephone wires and taking down ail the old. ones. They have n crowd ofj i the best and cleverest workmen you ! lever did see. They can climb the i j poles like a squirrel. The wires they j j are putting up now are double galvau-' I ized, and will last a long time. j G. W. Gardner is now ahead of j all, the other merchants in Faith. He baa just had the Southern Power Co. to put an electric ice machine in his' store. Three bread wagons were here all l at once time, They were from Albe marle, Baden and Lexington and the Salisbury outfit, all selling bread to ! the merchants here. ! Lewis Peeler has had his store en -1 larged. He sells beef and groceries. Mr. .1. L. Peeler and Mis. Jennie I Jones were married Thursday night. ! April 15th at the homo of the bride by Rev. J. D. Andrews. Only a few relatives and Venus were present. Wo all extend congratulations. ( When we took dinner today at the .Yadkin Coffee Shop we counted 181 people taking dinned there. Three pretty young ladies and.sqne young man motored up to Faith from Concord to see Venus, and they pur chased one old time chair and several old time stoves, earthen jars and no doubt belonged to King Tutt at one time, thousnmls of years ago. Some of the jars will be used for flower jars. Faire Poses of Rimer, bad stftne’ good items in the Concord Times' of April 15th. j J : bo. of No. 7 Township, says Mr. j Hugh Linker's turkey will hatch on i April 11 and calls on Venus to beat it. i He says Mrs. Honeycutt had turkeys | hatched on March 28th this year, j We met Mr. B. E. Wilson, the 1 champion baseball player of North i Carolina, and took a little trip with j him in his ear. He reads Venus' items and is a fine young man. We were sorry to hear of the death of Dr. Whitehead 'n Salisbury, j We met R. 1.. Julian of Granite j Quarry, a salesman for the Southern j Bevxerage Co. for nil of North Caro j lina. He sells the XXX Root Beer. He travels in his fine car. Wo have just heard from .Tim j Goodman, who is now ill China and was captured for 12 days. He is a local boy and a salesman at the Bell | Simp Store for quite a while. We hope Jim is free by now. Mrs. John Kuykendall is at Dr. Long's Sanatorium In Statesville for an operation. i Kuykendall Brothers, the stone j masons, of Faith, have just finished jup the large granite building at ; Blacksburg. Va.. one of the largest granite buildings that they ever built. ! The mail carrier on Route 7 seven says he set a ben on sixteen eggs and got seventeen biddies and wants Ve nus to beat it. We give it up. Mrs. I’erlie Shaver got some eczema salve from Venus some time ago and it cured her little year-old son. Venus got a setting of fine chicken eggs for one dollar from Mrs. J. D. A. Fisher and set a hen on then). Come on. Carolina Kid. We like your items. VENTS. ENOCHVILLE. Rev. A. L. Ayeock. of Mooresvillc. is holding a meeting this week in the Central Methodist Church at Kannap olis. Neal Karriker Is very low with pneumonia at the home of Mrs. Jen nie Smith. Misses Mabel and Sarah Riley, of Western Rowan, have accepted work at the Landis Mills. Mr. Eugene Smith is not showing much improvement at this writing. Mrs, Mary Wright is real sick at her home in Lower Rowan. Mrs. H. V. Karriker and children were visitors last Saturday at the home of Mr. Sam Riley's. Mr. Clyde Weddington and family, Mrs. Elva Weddington and family were visitors last Sunday at Mack Overcash's in lower Rowan. Misses Annie and Nell’e Wedding ton, Walter Weddington, Walter Bel cher visited Miss Mary Overoash last Sunday evening. G. M. Goodman and H. L. Karri ker went to a sale last Tuesday near Organ Church and bought several lambs. Mrs. M. S. Karriker. who has been spending some time with her daugh ter. Mrs. S. P. Upright, of Troutman, returned to her home in Kannapolis last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Auten, of up per Rowan, spent last Sunday with ■ Food^Health—lce jjSjH/pNEY SAVING Concord Furniture Co. THE mmui FURNITURE STORE Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Ante*!. Miw,C. C. Upright had attack of the mumps last week. Mrs. H. 1.. Karriker ami two chil-( ilren spent last Tuesday with Mrs. G. ' M. Goodman, of near Kannapolis. Miss Ethel Flow spent Saturday! night and Sunday with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. Paul I.owdor and children were visitors Sunday at Mrs. Emma Flow's. Mr. and Mrs. I.estcr Overensh and Mrs. Emma Flotve visited relatives Sunday evening. We had only 20 present at Sunday | School Sunday, at Old Bethpage j Church. We hope to have doubt that I amount next Sunday at two o'clock, ! There will be preaching at throe I o'clock by Itcv. Mr. Ruft.v. Mrs. Ed. Helms is improving at | this writing after being confined to! her home with rheumatas. Master Charlie Goodman and Zelda j Goodman have had French measles. ] Mr. Isaac Smith is still confined to li’s home with an injured leg. Mr. H. L. Karriker made a busi ness trip to Mooresvillc last Wednes day. Mr. C. C. Upright has had lumber hauled on Hie yard to finish his new house. TULIP. COL WILLIAMS FOUND GUILTY IS INDICATED Conrt Adjourns Without Official An nouncement But Verdict is Re vealed. * Marine Hase, San. Diego. Calif., April lib —Colonel Alexander S. Williams today drank the dregs of the cocktail he offered to Brigadier General Smedley D. miller. mst month, when the military court try- , ing him on a charge of intoxication > preferred by the general adjourned under ciiv urns lancet leaving no. doubt as to his conviction. While the court made no comment nr announcement other than it had. adjourned the circumstances were a tacit adiniumion that it believed the colonel guilty of appearing drunk in the public rooms of the hotel Del Coronado the night he gave a dinner party in honor of General Butler. Officers familiar with court-mar tial procedure explained as the court departed that adjournment without definite announcement of acquittal is a military court’s courteous way of informing a defendant he has been convicted. Findings and recommendations of the court will be sent, direct to the nidge advocate general of the navy at Washington and communicated by him. together with hit* recom mendation for sentence to the secre tary of the navy. The vernier n> ex pected to be announced officially in the national capital within a week or t wo. Dismissal from service is the maximum penalty possible under the naval regulations but in canes not in volving drunkenness on duty, the sentence usually does not exceed re duction in rank or numbers. Colonel Williams was not on duty when, as testified, by General But ler during the trial “he was full at his home and staggering, giggling drunk at the hotel.’’ Bacteria have been found in oil well** one thousand feet deep. { Frigidaire Requires No Attention With Frigidaire you have nothing to refill or replenish —nothing to adjust. Frigidaire is dependable, automatic elec tric refrigeration. New models, new low prices and con venient terms. Investigate today. STANDARD BUICK CO. 85 8. Union St. Phone S6S Frigidaire REFRIGERATION BARBS i Don't scare the baby. It may make 1 the little fellow grow up tq become , an esthetic dancer. pood driving is when you speed , through a bad place. Reckless driv ing is when someone else docs it. I Favoring prohibition modification in Washington. All Cue bootleggers must be out of town. They arrested Ponsi in Florida i where they shouldn't be so jealous. ' "Sm»g" is a new word coined to j describe damp fog, but it doesn't i sound enough like ettssing. Stprnt-toKsdd American Ighip was j not the ship of state. (Copyright. 1920. NEA Service, Ino.) j Babe Has Not Yet Broken Into i Elect. (Tiicago. April 18.—With the ' major league baseball season less i than a week old. the veteran Cy Wil linmx. of the I’hillies, and Jimmy I \ Itottomley. of the St. Louis Card inals. lead the home run hitting iu j the two major circuits with two . mu nil trip blows each Babe Ruth. 1 Yankee home run king, ha 9 not yet I broken into the elect- National league players had more I success at lifting them out of the j p'aying field than bitters in the t junior circuit. An «yen do*en round i tri|« have been crashed out at the j expense of National ft i tigers during ( the week while but thiee were made 1 in the American games, and all of ] them by New York Yankees. Will Not Participate in World Court : Conference. Washington. April IV).—o4*)—Form al natificatian that the United States will not participate in the world court ! conference in Geneva on September Ist has been sent to the American delegation at Berne for delivery to the league of nations. fTSE PENNY COLUMN —IT PAYB TO THE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS OF CABARRUS COUNTY, IN THE FIFTEENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF NORTH CAR OLINA. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the re-nominat'on for So licitor of the Fifteenth Judicial Dis trict of North Carolina, subject to the action of the Democratic voters in the primary to be held on Satur day, the sth of June. 1026. < I have held this office for only one ] term of four years and. during this j period. I have endeavored to fa : th- ( fully represent the State of North ] Carolina in all prosecutions and to i discharge the other duties of this l trust without fear or favor, but with j eternal justice as ray controlling pur- i pose. I. therefore, sumbit my record ' as Solicitor for this, my first term, to , the consideration gud scrutiny of the 1 Democratic Voters in my District with confidence and in the hope that it justifies their endorsement and fav orable action in the Primary. ZEB V. LONG, Solicitor of 15th District of 19. North Carolina. tgk SMALL TOWN STUFF L/ f As much as we pride H HP our merchandise. the man behind the coun ter isn’t too busy polishing his nails to get down to brass tacks! V This is a friendly store and a human one. It looks you in the eye—tells you the truth —asks you about the folks up at the house—and means it. Come in some time and make yourself at home. HOOVER’S, Inc. THE YOUNG MAN’S STORE 666 u * prescription for Colds, Grippe, Flu, Dengue, Bilious Fever and Maliria. It kills tbs germs. CONCORD COTTON MARKET TUESDAY, APRIL. SO, 1926 Cotton .17 1-2 Cotton 6eed .52 l-l JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOEOOOOE IE j ij A Specialty | We Clean Beau i tifully Ladies’ Felt Turbans Hats Received | By 10 A. M. Will! ; Be Returned 8 Same Day Pleating in All f Style*/ Cleaners and Djrem PHONE 791 Office 25-27 W. Depot 8t ~ (mrT-rn-ta s f For Ambulance and Profestion (■ al Services Cal) 640 Day or Night , Bell & Harris Funeral Home PrsgrMs, lavtteil—a, ArnywanlaionJ printed promptly st The Those-; Tribune Job Offlce. Wg hsvo a) beautiful Une of wedding invita tion* and announcements In stock and can dnlsh on e Aw bones so ttce. Times-Tribcnt Job OEee, TRIBUNE PENNY ADS. TRY ft, Tuesday, April 20, 1026 W. O. W. NOTICE. Regular meeting of Elm Camp No. 10 W. O. W. Tuesday evening at 8:00 o'cloek in the Pythian Lodge Room., /” Every member urged to be present. GEO. S. GRAEBER, O. C. R. C. LITAKER, Clerk. TO THE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS OF CABARRUS COUNTY, IN THE FIFTEENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF NORTH CAROLINA. I hereby announce myself n candi date for the nomination for Solicitor of the Fifteenth Judicial District of North Carolina, subject to tbe action of the Democratic voters in tbe pri mary to be held on Saturday, the sth day of June, 1920. B. F. BRITTAIN. 20. Asheboro, N. C.. CLINE & MOOSE | The Seed Store SEED CORN FOR EARLY PLANTING Adams Early, Truckers Favorite, Southern Snow Flake. We have it by the v pint, quart, peck, or bdahei. FIELD VARIETIES o Hickory King, Davis’ Prolific, Tex- X as Red Cob, Improved Prolific, Coun-r try Grown, Golden Dent. BEANS Extra Early Valentine, Stringless Green Pod, Kentucky Wonder—loose. Also a large assortment of Ferry’s Seeds and Lake Shore Seeds in all size packages. ; ..Buy your seed from CLINE & MOOSE V' ,v Notice. Vie annual meeting of the stock holders of the Citizens Building and Lpj« Association will be held in its oilfe Ilf the Oitlsens Bank and Trust Company building in the city of Con con, N. C.. oh Monday, May 3rd, 1998, at 4:80 o’clock P. M. A. F. GOCtoMAN, Secretary and Treasurer. NOTICE OF CANDIDACY FOB SOLICITOR OF THE FIFTEENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. To the Voters of Cabarrus County: I hereby announce my candidacy for nomination as Solicitor of the Fifteenth Judicial District of North Carolina, to be voted upon in the Democratic Primary to be held in June,' 1926. This the 12th day of April, 1926. B. F. BRITTAIN, Y lfHSwka. Asheboro, N. C. sj CONCORD PRODUCE MARKET (Corrected Weekly by Cline ft Moose) Figures named represent prices paid fer produce on tbe market; Egg* .25 Can fi-10 Sweet potatoes Turkeys ’— Jg Onions $1.75 Psas $2.60 Batter JO Country Ham Ooantry Shoulder JO Country Bides JO Young Chickens . .85 Hens „ 22 Irish Potatoes 2.00 PEARL DRUG CO. ÜBE PENNY COLUMN— IT PAYS