PAGE TWO PENNY COLUMN 4 -. i * . f^igyaALE—A 12 GAUGE \Vl\ ■ERESTER PUMP GUN IX FIXE R CONDITION CHEAP IF SUED ■pAT ONCE C. B. M.. CARE THE Hpißl' N K ■■dea, Applca. \Vi- Have Them by KpM dozen,! peek or box. the fancy ■ilWlnesaps. Phone 565, we deliver. BEd M. Cook Company. 21-2 t-p. Batata hies—Fresh Green South Caro- Hjtlte cabbage, iceberg lettuce, celery, Hsiniiftoes, new potatoes, peas, yel i’ln sweet potatoes and green on- Rj tons. Piione 565. we deliver. Ed Epti Cook Company. 21-2 t-p. Hklnccoff High School Presents “Her & Step-Husband, ' a comedy in three if;,*R'ts by Larry E. Johnson Friday, K&*ril 23. 1026. S p. m. Admission, P 25 and 35 cents. Come and bring H your friends. 21-2 t-p. ■tor Sale—Pine Stove Wood. $2.00 A ami per load. Call M. L. Ijßaruhardt 5003. 20-4 t-p. i Wanted—To Bent Small House. E Wvatt Moose at Torke & Wads- Ejk worth Co. 19-st-c. pkw Sale—Big Bargain Automobile E $.110.00. Six cylinder Overland roadster, 1017 model. Run 3,000 miles. Good condition. Mrs G. B. | p Sturgeon, Sunderland School. 10-3 t-x. j for Bent— House on Kerr Street. ; M. J. Cotl. 16-ts-x. j Veddlttg Invitations and Announce-j : ments printed on pannellel paper, in j the latest style type. Invitation j Text, at folic wing prices : 50 for j $6.50; 100 for $10.50: $4.00 for ! each additional 50. Prices include j invitations, with inside and outs'de I envelopes. Printed on a few hours' j notice. Tribune-Times Office, ts. i Lost Between Tribune Office and High School —Carrier’s collection book for; | Tribune, on Route Two. James Me-1 Eaehcrn. carrier. Finder is forbid- j J den to collect from this book, and 1 F is asked to return to Tribune office. ’ 12-ts. «r. A Pair of Sluggers Here are a pair of fence-busters —Tony Lazerrl (left) and Babe Ruth of the Yankees. JLazzerl xvas the home run king of the Pacific Coast League last season He smashed out 60 circuit clouta. Ruth, as you know, has been the Sultan of Swat In the majors for several seasons. In 1921 he> turned in 59 homers, the big league record. Lazzeri and Ruth, obviously..; form a formidable pair for the Yanks. =-*a= OOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOQQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC EFIRD’S | Spring Piece GOODS An Attractive Selection of New Spring Silks, Alwasbest Crepes, ABC Prints, Rayon Fabrics, and big assortment | of Figured Voiles and Peter Pan Ginghams. o'' B Make your selection and do your Spring sewing early. lEFIRD’S REMARKABLE VALUE jtEX’S : COATS. HATS, CAPS. GISHES, > TABLE AND KITCHEN M ARE. i C. COVINGTON. 21-H-i>._ For Sate—Several Fine Jersey MUk cows. A. J. Scott, Route 3. 31-tt-P- For Sate or Kent—House on Marsh e'reet. W. B. Sloop. 21-3 t-p. , Working Man Who would like to get into business for himself. One who is acquainted with the quality of Watkins Ex tracts, Spices and Remed ; es. We have an opening in Concord which • will not last long. This is your op portunity to make some real mon ey in the next twelve months. M’rite Dept. L-2, The J. R. Watkins Com-1 pany, 231-33 Johnson Ave.. New ark. N. J. 20-2 t-p. Stolen—Black Iver Johnson Bicycle Saturday from in front of Cline A Mabrey Market. $5.00 rewar<l for return. Ernest Richardson. 48 Cald well St. 20-2 t-p. Philadelphia Batteries — Sales and Ser vice. Goodman’s Garage. 447. . 20-2 t-p. Batteries?—Yes. Sir, We Have Them for your Ford $13.50. Goodman’s Garage. S. Church St. Phone 447. 20- I ~~ ! j For Sale—The Following Touring cars: 5 passenger Franklin, 5 pas-! senger Hupp. 5 passenger Dodge \ and one 1925 model Ford. Corl Mo-1 tor Co. 19-3 t-x. j Place Your Order Now For May ana ! .Tune dny-oid chicks. After May j 10th prices for White Leghorn i chicks will be reduced to sl3 per i hundred from my beet pens. Few: i Buff Rock setting eggs Fr sale I now. J. I vey Cline, Concord | Route 1. i Fresh Yellow Squash String Scans. spring onions, sugar p n as, new p i-! i tatoes, spinach, radishes, carrots, tomatoes. J. & H. Cash Store. i 21- I f IN AND ABOUT THE CITY FINALS FOR TWO GROUPS 1 IN BIBLE STORY CONTEST Contestants in Group A Will Speak Sunday Afternoon and Those in Group B Sunday Night. Two groups of contestants in the B : ble Story Contest will vie for first honors in local Churches Sunday. At 4:30 in the afternoon contest ants In Group A will be heard in St. James Lutheran Church. At 7:30 J contestants in’ Group B will be heard at the Forest Hill Methodist Church. The public is invited to hear the stor ies. many being described as being the best in the history of the contests. | The programs for the afternoon and night contests follAw, with the names of the contestants and their Church affiliation designated : Group A Invocation—Rev. L. A. Thomas. Songs—Lutheran choir. Stories—Eugenia Junker. Epworth- Methodist: Frances Gibson, St. James Lutheran. Mary lYeiker Crooks, Mc- Kinnon Presbyterian. Song by audience. Stories—Jessie Pike, Central Meth od’st: Susie K. Pounds, First Presby terian; Alma Rose Heilig, First Bap [ tist. j Free Will Offering. Stories—Henry Eury. Methodist I Protestant; Paul M’idcnhouse, Forest ; Hill Methodist. ! Music—St. James choir. j | Stories-—James White, Second Pres byter an : I.etha Penninger, Mt. Oli vet Methodist. I Songs by audience. ! Judges' report—Award by H. TV. | Blanks. I Dismissal by Rev. R. M. Courtney. First Prize $7.50; second prize $5; third prize $2.50. Group B I Invocation—Rev. Mr. Higgins. Old Songs—l)r. Rowlett. Stories—Ruith Kestler. Calvary Lutheran; Vera Kirby, Sunderland [Hall; Mary Gibson Junker. Epworth j Methodist: Stuart Henry. McKinnon ! Presbyteran. j Silver Offering. Dr. Rowlett, Mu st, ries—Mildred Miller, Forest Hill | Methodist: Mary X?ely Harrison. First Presbyterian ; Pearl? Fink. Kj>-1 worth Methodist: Be I'ropst, St. j J James Lutheran. j Quartette. Stories—Nancy Pike. Central Moth-[ odist; Francis Barnhardf First Bap- * t : st; Jobnsio Thompson. Second Pres-j by ter la u : Sn a Johnson. A. It. P:| Pauline Lmvder, Methodist. Report of Judges—Awards by 11. ! W. Blanks. Dismissal by Rev. Mr. Fogclman. First prize $7.50 gold : second prize ; •$5.00 g( Id; third prize $2 50 gold. It is announced that the finals in Groups C aud 1> will be held on Sun-1 lav of uext week, tin* former in the j „ First Presbyterian at -1 :MO p. j in.. and tin latter in the Firs* Bap- i tist Church a* 7 :30 p. m. He full j program will be next I ! week. < HOWARD BOST SENTENCED TO STATE PENITENTIARY ! Plead Guilty to Manslaughter Charge. —Other Cases in Cabarrus Superhi ' Court. Howard Host, negro. charged with j killing "Dad" Palmer, another negro. ! was sentenced to serve not less than ! six years nor more than 8 years iu : the State penitentiary when his ease j was called in Cabarrus Superior Court I Tuesday. Host was charged with murder in i the hill returned by the grand jury, i However, through counsel he entered ! a plea of guilty of manslaughter and | this plea was accepted. He was im | mediately sentenced by Judge T. D. Bryson to serve the sentence : n the 1 State penitentiary. The jury in the case against L. A. Fortner, charged with selling a crop without consent, returned a verdict of not guilty. A. C. Lambert was fined SSO and ■ the costs for iwssessing liquor. ■ Arthur Edwards, charged with lar -1 cony, plead guilty to forcible trespass. 11c has not yet been sentenced, j Not ;t true bill was the verdiet of I the grand jury in the ease of Mart- i 1 Sanders against whom tin- State I I sought an uidictment of larceny. [ j Taylor Anton was sentenced to I; serve 13 months on the chain gang I j for sellling liquor. II Counsel for the defense made u mo tion that the bill of indictment, charg ing Alex Walton with abandoning a crop, be quashed and the motion was sustained by Judge Bryson. Britt Pharr was found guilty of as sault with a deadly weapon. Sen tence iu his case has not been entered by the court- Hazel Newton was freed upon pay ment of the costs in a case charg’ng assault with a deadly weapon. The ease against Ike Evans, charg ed with larceny, was being heard when | court receased Tuesday afternoon. I Former Governor Low den to Be in Charlotte. Former Governor Frank O. lowden. of Illino’s, is coming to North Caro [ liua this week for speaking engage ments at Charlotte and Raleigh. He will speak at Charlotte at 11 a. m. on , Friday, April 23, in the Charlotte Auditorium. He will speak in the State theatre at Raleigh Saturday at 1 o’clock p. m. April 24. Governor laiwden ia known as a national agricultural leader and speak er. Being a live stock, grain and cot ton farmer on an extensive scale him self, be is well qualified to speak oo the farmers' problem. It is expected he will discuss the proposed farm relief bill now under consideration iu Congress Many Cabarrus county people are expected to bear Mr. Lowiten •in Charlotte. 1 The Bakery and Confectionery r Workers’ International F nloti of America ia to -bald its annual eon i vent mb in N- ,v Yeti City during r the first week of Angagt- apf? tHE CONCOftft BAILY TRIBUNE MONOGRAMS AND MEDALS FOR Y. GYM CLASSES' ; Physical Director Denny Makes Pub -1 He Names of Winners in V arious Groups at Y. J. VV. Denny, physical director of the \\ M. C. A., lias just made public the names of winners nf monograms and medals in various Hasses at the Y during the Fall and Winter sea , sons. The work completed by the winner* covers a wide range of ac tivity from bicycle racing to gym ex ercises. The winners are : Wrestling Medals and Monograms Aubrey Hoover. Livingston Easley, ; Everette Deaton. Gene Wallace. Car! Litaker. Hoyle Bruton, Irving Johns ton, Melvin Caddell and J. W. Denny. Junior boys — Leander McClellan. Bieyelf race medals, for race to Salisbury last year — Charles Long, bronze medal; Zorry Potts, silver medal; Edgar Russell. ‘ silver medal; Sinclair Williams. ■ bronze medal; Weldon Wall and Fe lix Fink, gold medals. Gold basketballs and monograms to . winners in City League— Harry Lee Johnston. Livingston Easley. J. W. Danny. Robert Dick. Carl Fink and Josh A. Goodman. Business girls’ classes— M iss Wfthehnina Allman and Missj. Sara Worthington, gold medals. Junior A b<\vs* gym class mono , grains— j Phil Orpin. Robert Beufielil. Claude ■ Weddington. William Ward, ('larenee Dellinger, Spurgeon Helms and Max j Isen hour. j Junior B boys* gym class mouo ! grams— j William MeClintock. Lawson Mel ■ chor, Charles Ivey. L. B. Presslar, ■ James Sears, and Ben Isenhour. | Junior A Girls* gym class mono | grams— j Mary Nee’y Harrison, Virginia j Smart, Miriam Earnhardt. Helen 1 Fink. Edna Fink. Lucile Tarlton. Wil- I 'inia Swink. Annie Utley, Marie El i ! liot:. Helen Ridenhour. Francor; Wcd i | dington, Louise Blume and Jean Hnn ! Junior i> girls’ gym class mono | grams— j Aliev Mae Fill er. Margaret Cline, Miriam Wall, Fay Roberts. Lucile j VcEui heru. .Junior C. g : rls* gym class mono-' I grams— j De'pina Foil. ] Business girlts’ gym class mono-1 , grams— ; Miss Janie Collett. Miss Addie 1 i White, Miss Ottilie Oesctyeitch, Miss j Vilhiminia Allman. Mim Sara WorMi ! ington. Miss Flossie Day and Miss I Margaret Fowlkes. Intermediate girls’ monograms— , Sara Deaton and Carrie Elizabeth ' Foil. j Intermediate boys* monograms— | Brown Deaton. Link Yerton. Er j licst Peele and David Sears. j GIBSON MILL DEFENDANT j IN SLVWKi DAMAGE REIT Rev. B F. Fincher .Suing Local Cot j tan Mill as Result of Accident , Here. x (\>mplaint in a $15,000 damage suit was filed in Charlotte Tuesday against the Gibson Manufacturing Company, Concord, by Hollis Fincher, o!d tion of Rev. B. F. Fincher. Metho dist minister. The complaint charges, through his father as next friend, that on Oc tober 20. 1U23, the youth was knocked . down and dragged ninety feet by a. truck operated by an employe of the I company. ! As a result, it is alleged, the boy I suffered permanent injuries from I sAock, lacerations of the head and I fractures of the foot, ankle aud leg. He charge*, that the flesh was ground i from the foot and leg and the bones x J of the limb were crushed. | The complaint charges that the i truck was being driven at a “terrific ’ j rate of speed” down a grade and t’aat j the driver was unable to bring it to a halt until it had skidded ninety feet, j I Mr. Fincher was serving a local - church when the alleged accident oe _ | curred. RECEIVER APPOINTED EOK f THE BANK OF MIDLAND American Trust Company of Char lotte Appointed by Judge T. I). t Bryson. ’ Judge T. D. llr.vson. in Cabarrus ’ Suporjor Court, Tuesday afternoon signed u petition naming the Ameri can Trust Company, of Charlotte, as temporary receiver for the Bank of 1 Midland, which was recently burned. The appointment was made at the request of the State Corporation Com mission and Clarence Latham, State ' bank cxauiiuer. Mr. Lat'.mm was here when tbe petition was presented to Judge Bryson. As a result of tbe court order, the : affairs of the btiuk temporarily wilt be inptbe hands of John Fox, trust! officer of the trust company, who is quoted as saying it would be impps- j sible to make a statement about the bank’s condition until an audit is com- i 1 pleted. All ca«li and records not burned ■ I were taken' to CViar'.dlte the day fol-1 • lowing the fire, being held there by • • bank examiners in the employ of the ’ State. What progress has been made i with the audit by them is not known. ■ - “High Cast Hindu For First Glipmse ! i at Amer-ea.” | Possibly all readers of this morn i : ing's Charlotte Observer were inter -1 ested in the picture of Mr. R. C. Ban -jnerji the High Cast Hindu of India. - If you did not read the Observer it i would interest you to look for th : s [article anti read it. (| Because some have phoned me con i' • cerning this I wish to announce that j Mr. Bauuerji will be in Concord in ’ the near future. All the people of i Concord should hear this wonderful man. M. R. GIBBON. t It is estimated that the American f oil industry loses $200,600,000 a - yetir by evaporation lessee, wnjeh t , :i mount over 8 per cent of dll the foil produce,. I • ’ I tktRiCAII LEADS WORLD Mi! BUSINESS THRIFT . By 8. W. BTftAUB, j Praaldent American Society ht Thrift. WHILE we Americans as a peo ple are more extravagant and more wasteful of our resource* than others, we have no superior* in real business efficiency. An example of this is shown la the building and construction in dustries. It takes twice aa long, and sometimes more, to erect 8 | building In England as it does here. The result Is that buildingß over there, generally speaking, cost aa much as they do here although the craftsmen engaged in construction work are only paid a third as much i as they are here. Rents, of course, i must be in keeping with building costs because the only way a build ing can be operated profitably for the owner is to secure an adequate Income. Thus a heavy burden is placed upon working people through lack of efficiency in the building! industry. When we look about us in this country and note the great progress being made on every hand, how out j cities and smaller places are for# j lng ahead and how great building projects are going forward, we galp an appreciation of the value o) j American efficiency. Better stand ! ards of living for the masses of tb i people are continually being ds ’ veloped, education is broadened | more amicable relations bet wee) ! employer and employee an fostered, and higher ideals o citizenship are brought into es Istence. American efficiency means sim ply the elimination of the greats* possible amount of waste, in othei words tlirift applied to business And it Is to be said to our honoi that European countries are takial note of our methods and are begin cing to follow them. As a nation we %ro ofte* criticised for our commercialism Nevertheless it can not be denied that we have developed a type o/ Industrial thrift that is a strong factor in solving many of our great social problems. Let us remember that standard* of individual efficiency bring th« same benefits to the individual a* business efficiency brings to indu» try. If we would make progress In the world, we must learn to foregd habits of waste. Thrifty ways, folj lowed consistently from day to day] can bring us only to successful AAaHnaHrmn A dog and cat laundry lias been opened in Brockton. Massachusetts. An attendant rails at tbe home for the animals, and delivers them fully bathed, massaged and mareel’.ed. there are being trained in various professions, including lawand medi cine. Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION HIP ’ Bell-ans lot water ure Relief \NS 254 and 75e Packages Everywhere AN ORDINANCE TO AUTHORIZE SEWER BONDS. Be It Ordained by the Board of Aider men of the City of Concord: ! Section 1. That the City Con cord issue its bonds pursuant to the j Municipal Finance Act :u nil amount not exceeding $60,000 for the purpose j of extending and improving the "xist ! lng municipal sanitary sewerage tye tem. Section 2. That a tax sufficient to ! pay the principal and interest of said bondd shall be- be annually levied oml collected. i Section 3. That u statemert of tbe debt of the City has ben filed with the City Clerk as required by the Municipal finance Act, and is open to public inspection. Section 4. That this ordinance shall take effect thirty days after its first publication, unless In the mean time, a petition ror its submission to the voters is filed uuder said Act. ip which event it shall fake effect wbeu approved by the voters oT- the city at an election as provide*! in sh'd Act. The foregoing ordinance was pass ed on the 12th day of April, 1926. and was first published on the 14th day of April, 1926. Any action or I»nrs-ee<Mng questioning the validity I of tbe said ordinance must _be com menced within 30 days publication. I w 1 B E. HARRIS. 1 U-lt-wi-’.’L L'Hy Clerk. 1 PARKS -BELK CO. | “WE SELL THEM FOR LESS” WANTED-25 Salespeople for Saturday, Apply in Person Not Later Than Friday Evening t Parks-Belk Co. have kept their standard of - Quality at a Low Price for the past fifteen years and we are today offering to the public the well known advertised line of Hosiery, such as Kayser, Lehigh, Gordon ands Oriole. t- ~ ~,, , ~, Well Known Brand Gordon Silk Hosiery, Ka.vserl ure Ihread Silk Hose, flipper known for its serv ice and quality, the IV m the seasons newest $1.65 leading colors. No. 290 *1 QE . shades, priced per pair .... price / per paijr $ I .I#s Kayser's Pure Silk fn Slipper Heel Chif fon and regular weight, new- d*t QC est colors made, special., pair I r 1 No. 11300 Priced d*o OP per pair No. G4X Kaysej All Silk Slipper Heel Hose, a $2.00 value, good 0O 25 * line of colors, per pair VSnfciM * < Tl»« Standby ~ Quality of Oriole Piyjl j | No. 15GX Kayser Extra Long Boot Silk 'J'hread Silk* g?huine full fashioned, real - *"' Chiffon._4fith only 4-inch lisle fcO Afj s2.ti() and $2.50 value 01 AQ top, especially for short dresses , * , “* vvr Belk’s Special price, pair V 1 • < »0 PHONE 138 PHONE 892 PHONE 608 Ladies' Readv-to-W ear \| f , n' 06 ' i- • , Millinery Bcautv Slu.ppc Men s and Boy s Furnish- Baby Department d , 9°°^ s House Furnishings p vnprf • Notfons, Groceries Expert ,n Char^e Office PARKS - BELK CO. Phone 138—608 Beauty Shoppe 892 Two Hears Thai Beat as One. . “Have yotfr wife and Nexdore’s anything in common?” ,r Vet»; they are both mad at the same woman.” A Sporting Chance. Mother—“ Where has Owen gone?” Father—“ Well, if the ice ix as If I'M THE MAN] MR. QRIPPg I am looking for a scoundrel by the name of Influenza. an international crook. In this country he goes under the alias of La Grippe. Abroad he is known as the flu. Some times he masquerades as a bad cold. Have you been attacked by him? Your doctor will tell you that our pure drugs will sentence him to banishment. -V ' X pearl drug I CO. 1 Phone* 22—722 strong as lie think it in, he has gone < skating--if not, he has gone swim ming Ants have been found iu Dalmatia which actually make bread by chew ing needs into pulp, forming it in . leaves, baking them in the sun and 5 MADAM KNOWS B 1 GOOD MILK Sj |j Pasteurized milk 3 | g carries its own argu- , 1 ■ ment of goodness 5 U sealed in every bot- 1 * tie. It makes its dp- , 1 ■ peal to your sense 1 K and to vour appetite. W Wednesday, April 21, 1926 then storing them away for future IIHC. The navel orange orieiiwtcu iu Brawl and was first inti„ducofl into the t inted States In IX7(> bv tVil- Init" Maunders of the V. s itonart nient of A 4. iculture. OOOOOOOOCOOQOQcaMsfrOOiKHK* I Daily Arrivals \ Os Gage Hats Let Us Show -l You f 1 i2f^ ONS I MMS AUMt LfiGQ, p**. Phene ISO

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