PAGE TWO • ». % i ?T • _7_ W*i ~~~ In the Spring a HousmWs Fancy r ' v ees J-r* - t =-LH-. T«i - Issi _ f tainly mustbe changedk Theymrat be new, with'some lumsio lmqpnor U M .♦!«:, lovely touch of color, to match the Spring. Something m- k A ■ ' A rwuße nOlU that suggests the flame-tipped, goldy-green banners that &. # .-,/X waving outside .youn windows. .' CORTAMt Visk °* r House Furnishing Department flaring these tides we are running.special for SLOO during this event ft r%Ufm&r rtnifar ru__ i » , ' v , A few of the items listed below will convince you we Sell . 1 ' ~ ' ' " •> '* Dollar-Sales Days and let; us show you the various ar- It For Leas. * Nettfcretnan can «rgeexpress- ——. . . . ' ». _.,, CHINA'WARE ;ed in these lints. For only a womaad’kecwue the rising pas- n j~~ 'P. 1 LJg -'—'■'—■■* u -lasi-m—i n 1 at .Jim. 1 tir- |**P»te Bine Bird Pattern t ? Qfl sion for a change in window draperies that comes with * if. if 13 '• 1 ! „ \ Special, per, -set a— wO»W the first breath of Spring. .i \lf iff W'. • ■ s P ecial Saving in Our House Furnishing Department. Gold and BHick Pattern. 42-piece set */? QC I 6 * . • I. t/' ffi nV•, , With every purchase or purchases amounting to SIO.OO ' Special f>er set „ wv*vJ «*” SI.OO FREE l v "'. Po '"'"'s9.9s - Rdae Raffled Cuitaui. SIOO;r„ .. n.oo ~ r ■ \ • 98c $1.25 <»-r.»L. • - c - r t i-.„ BrimJhUl of the Biggest Bargain* you hare ever seas. Coma to ace. i l '( * U'M- 4$ Department (secowi Floor) aftering remarkable purchases from "WP* I a ' . t K > TfV t the well known Alexander Smith * Bon* “Auction Bale'* of Bug# re- 0 Jr®. „ r . .. __ S' ' : '3-a* * ' •- - "“‘JyJgd >» New Yorii, in which millions of dollars worth of § Saucers.ljollar £$ ,Q 0 H * w«ntedfßn*».wrr« soM to Bidden at Big Barings.’ ■ J Stic 10 for m» A *VW [’ T*H Cretonles thej are beau- Beths liar in Car Load Lots. \™ R,i Pl Perfect Rugs! Sixes ;>7»>4 E***in Certain- /• r- - n- 4 . MjZI.:U-4 ties Come see for your- ’ w 94,2 Wm * : teed Covering sos \ ' ™ JSSar, ob .-« £“ ceriS SS“' Do,lar ays * «*•»•M«hB W *wn»h trays, SI.OO 1 P r 2Sc 29c^ 35c vooker* Axmiaater, $63 value, special ggvHtii Dollar Sate . T 1 OllUldW (b*th ’size) tl Aft 1 Hndseu Tapestry, $25 value, special jffrS xj r , .. n.. i ■—— '■ ■ , DolUr- Safe $ lor _ #ilwUU »xi 2 Manor Tapestry, S3O value. fpe ciai --- Sue New-Pretty Patterns in *r —V. fr* - ' rr, " r ''' ~-~T— 9x12 Nepperhan Tapestry. $35 value, special __ MS*. f A^JJH f - SS BSS SS 6? 52S fe awl Fl ® rtWi 2 *”* Nt, --*- »•• kt&aamiiW K 'Sd n “ h * 79c Grin Riigs; Sixs4 si«, MO. fOSchroeters Unproved Al- wi» mb «OB illMsll mo-d or VegeUWe Grater K s, “ Jk WW (mmrtan "£*?£„U.7B "-*“«• | - 9x12 Woorttx Bugs. sl#.po value, special ... aaaaa . g A perfect working grater/ made 'A*** 1 : ■ 1 .„ \ ■a- light," strtong, durable and » tnmt In Addition to oor eatca low price on HI »lu sn* t StSStSSrAmm* !;«•»* /: : am &*"&»»*? ■sguarsar Mill ipt 1 Potatoes (for potato pan caltts. etc.') All Bogs from sao.OO t.. s2y.» (g 0 ftA Off tex, 2 yards wide. Special . U K»I l Uv (CocoAttUts tfor cakes, etc.), Cheese * Qa.„. $4.00 - , A ,\ew at id Distinctive W[ A | for macaroni and cheese), Pin cap- EtMCtTIC 3COV6 AH Kogs from srm«o t „ $39.50 Aim. g\r\ oft sfcft ▼*$«•(&, • O'lßl Utility Dish for Kitch- if 9 ■BPBW!Sf ides ,ior frun sal»r v e*c.). Turnips. W.UU running yard ... en. Ice Box. Storage JkJ CarrotirAnd othrit foetto 5 . . «--A aeae AM By» S4O/)0 to $41.95 t/f.AA > and Tabfe Service. . Jw^^3E3HSfeM' ; ‘ nou • k Special $1«25 An Ku|