PAGE FOUR » e* ™ix x ' . mix Beer's Child” is one of the best we h»ve bad In a long time. You .ouSfcUo hear It. Also: •A Sailor Boy’s Farewell Lee County Blues . Let tjie Shack Burn Down, Do Bound My Lindy Tfri'daiin’ i John Carson) V The Governor’s Pardon (Good.) Down by the tHd Mill Stream. Kidd-Frix, ,-.3?-2t-c. Two Manes or Tft Mules For Sale. W. H. Braffowl. Route 3, Concord. 22-lt-p. Summer Millinery. New Shapes, and colors, four and five dollar hats, special $2.95. Miss Brachen. i 22-3 t-p. Edison Records! Regular prices >I.OO and up. Special Sale price 25c and 50c, All guaranteed new records. ; Closing out Edison Record stock. Kidd-Frix. 22-2 t-c. Apples, Apples, We Have Them hr the dozen, peck or box, the fancy winesaps. Phone 565, we deliver. Ed M. Cook Company. 21-2 t-p. New Player Kolb, 75c ami >I.OO at Kiidd-Frix. Come in and hear them. 22-2 t-c. Vegetables— Fresh Green South Caro line cabbage, iceberg lettuce, celery, tomatoes, new potatoes, peas, yel low sweet potatoes and green on ions. Phone 565, we deliver. Ed M. Cook Company. 21-2 t-p. Wlnccoff High School Presents “Her Step-Husband,” a comedy in thjee acts by Larry E. Johnson Friday, April 23. 1926, 8 p. m. Admission, 25 and 35 cents. Come and bring your friends. ’ 21-2 t-p. For Sale—Pine Stove Wood. $2.00 and $3.00 pet load. 'Call M. L. Earnhardt 5003. 20-4 t-p. Wedding Invitations and Announce ments printed on pannellel paper, in the latest style type. Invitation s Text, ,at folic wing prices: 50 for $6.50 i 100 for $10.50; $4.00 for each additional 50. Prices include invitations, with inside and outside envelopes. Printed un a few hours’ notice. TribUne-Thnes Office, ts. A Gruesome Coincidence. The Pathfinder. Some very strange coincidences happen in this world. Sometimes they are so strange indeed that it seems as if they could not possibly be true. For example you would doubt the facts if some one told ion that un undertaker offered ill a news paper advertisement to furnish fun erals for other people, and in the very same paper there was an account of •his own funeral. Yet a New York City reader sends the Pathfinder the following letter, with the actual copy of the paper in question; ,) V , j “White reading T»tF of the New' York Sunday papers recently Rsaw a large gd of Thos. M. Quinn & Sons, ‘leading undertakers of Greater New York.’ Also on the same page was a picture of Thomas M. Quinn and an account of his funeral. Reading into the article l found that it was the same man and that llis funeral services had been held at the Quinn chapel, the use of which, according to the ad., was free. Although a com plete high-class automobile funeral was advertised for $l3O, including furnishing of a polished bardwOod casket, and one limousine, among EFIRD’S Spring Pilct GOODS An Attractive Selection of New Spring Silks, Alwasbcst Crepes, ABC Prints, Rayon Fabrics, and big of Figured Voiles and Peter Pan Ginghams. Make your selection and do your Spring sewing early. ■ ' uur i «nny vwC Ji/iixcx *ubuujeb jacKOit ran: at nuciiun a most ideal location for home o r investment. City wafer and elecific lights will be pit detfm oh aft Min streets. Ar range now to be at this sale. J. B. Linker. 22-2 t-c. Victor lfeosrdh! Fox Trots and vST. My Castle in Spain A Little Bungalow (duet with or chestra) Moonlight in Mandalay. Say Mister, Have You Seen Rosie's Sister? Horses What! No Women?—The Happi ness Boys. “Gimme” a Little Kiss (Task Smith) Let’s Talk About My Sweetie. Kidd-Frix. 23^2t-c. Six Fresh Milk Cows For Sale -or trade for beef cattle. Phone 510. Chas, C. Graeber. ‘22-2- We Are Prepared to Give Too Any, kind of work in the trim and paint' line. Seat covers. Duco, or ,var-‘ nish painters, McGill St. A)ito' Paint and Trim Co. Phone 756 W. 22-flt-p. \ For Saks—Several Fine Jersey Milk cows. A. J. Scott, Route 3. ’ 21-4t-|>. For Sale or Rent—House bn Marsh | e'reet, W. B. Sloop. 2J-3t-p. Place Your Order Now For Alay dbo June day-old chicks. After May 10th prices for White Leghorn chicks will be reduced to $lB per hundred from my host pens. Few Buff Rock setting eggs for sale now. J. Irey Cline, Concord Route 1. ‘ Lost Between Tribune Office and High School —Carrier’s collection book for Tribune, on Route Two, James Mc- Eaehern, carrier. -Finder is forbid den to collect from tWh book, and is asked to return to Tribune office. 12-ts. Wanted—To Rent Small House. Wyatt Moose at Yorke & Wads worth Co. 19-st-c. j things, the undertaker's oikn j casket whs of bronze ‘a duplicate of the one in nffilch President Harding was buried.’ The funeral cortege numbered 54 automobiles.” George W. Bradley, who pitched the first no-hit, no-rnn game in the National League, is now a police man in Philadelphia. It Will be fifty years on July 15th next since Brad ley performed Ills great stdiit- He I was pitching for St. Louis at ilie time, with the Hartford team 'as opponents. J Stanford University. ■ has made known its intention to adopt the plan of apiiointing a field captain for each game in football, baseball and other varsity sports, instead of following the usual custom of nam ing a permanent captain for the en tire season. The Toronto Golf Club, which has been a pioneer in the development of the game in Canada, is preparing for a celebration next September jn honor of the fiftieth anniversary of its founding. DSD PENNY CBLCMF*—IT PATS • - ~ . ■ >• ’ * - • * THINKS NA'm&AL PARK HR SfAfM W ASSURED Great Park. ’ „ I’nless the matter is. overlooked in the rush of the clbffiii days, Con gress at this session *flj| pass, a law creating the great Smoky Mountains National Park, Judge T. to. Bryson bßSeties.... judge Bryson explained, tp a news reporter Wednesday tbit the bill cre ating the park has been -presented to egrfie* endorsement plAhe admin it will be enacted at the present ses sibtt of Congress. sgid, “»rtd that 1? the Wet that Con glfess fs preparihg tp .wind up its Business in the near future. Were It not for that fact I feel certain the bill would be passed. As ii is the matter Will be kept bejMt .Congress apd. tiitre reason to bpliera, that cvefi the tush of last-minute badness win not sidetrack it.” Wpen fhc movement for the park was -Sturted. Jadge Bryson explained. §?, WVm'Dl agregl io tdke. oVer deyelop pared and presented to “As I understand the planeropwa tion," Judge Bryson said, “this, sl,- 000,000 is to be used in the purchase of land which is to be turned oyer to the government, to be laid out find maintained as a national park. The government insisted that 300,000 acres should bq turned over to it be fore any development work was start ed. This acreage and more will be purchased with the $1,000,000 so the park project can be started.” Judge Bryson also explained that $1,000,000 will not be enough to pur chase the 700,000 acres decided upbn as the park. “The campaign for funds will go on just ns it has aiid as more" money is seeured more of the 706,000 acres will be purchase;). As more land is purchased its develop ment will be begun by the govern ment." It was also stated by Judge Bryson that reports from Washington were to the effect that Virginia. has raised enough money for the purchase of tpc Shenandoah National Pgrk find this too, will be taken over and main tained by the goverroqent. Judge Bryson is a resident Os Bry son City, located in the great Smoky Mountains. He has been one of the most enthusiastic supporters, of the park movement arid gave great impetus to the local campaign with several able talks on the grandeur of the park and its scenic and commer cial Value. , Judge Bryson is presiding over sessions of Cabarrus Superior Court here this week. JUDGE BRYJSON DENIES HE IS SEEKING OFFISH Tells Newspaper Man He Is Not a Candidate For Any Office at PtW ant Time. Judge T. to. Bb’spn, .pLj.BryAw City, who recently announced that he would not be a candidate to suc ceed himself ih the Democratic pri nifiry, sthjed here Wednesday that be is not a candidate for any office. The jurist made this statement,in answer to it newspaper man’s query as to whether or not he would be s' candidate lor a seat bti the Supreme Court of North Carolina. Several weeks ago the Washington coire spondent of a North Carolina dajly stated that Washington rumor had it that Judge Rrysoh wodld t>i>i>bse Jus tice Clarkson in the Democratic pri mary. Asked directly whether he would oppose Justice Clarkson. Judge Bryson said, “I am not a candidate now for any office.” , Mefitbers of the Concord bir hive often been heard to express regret over the amioutieetneut by Judge Bryson that he is Jtp retire from (he Superior Court bepcli. He. is recog nized over the State as One of (he ablest men now sitting as a Su perior Court judge. DEMOCRATS OF COUNTY MEET HERE SATURDAY Large Delegation From All Parts of County Expected to Attend' Conven tion. Democrats frOin hll parts of Cabsr riis County grid iu large numbers, are expected to .attend the county oPriveu tion here Saturday afterhooil. Miss Rosa Mund, vice chairman,,of the county executive committee, has calif ; ed the convention to meet in the court house at 2:30. , Delegates to the eonvknridii wew chosen at the primary hrid RiU urday. In addition to the delegate thus chosen many other members of the pgrty are expected to attend. e Naming of delegates to various com ventions will be one of the importagt business matters before ,tllfi. -m nv efit tion, Ij is rumored that tcsqjutiomi of endorsement for several office hold ers are to be presented. BUck’s Place Robbed Last Frkfiy Night. Mooresville Enterprise. , , Str.rebreakers . ylsited the pjae" Os i. Bliek Alexander, at the forke qf the Ridge roads %( Friday night, having entered by breaking through a window. About $75 worth of automobile accessories ♦nd„a Jew upsiot items, such as cigar- were taken. Mr. Alexander was in town Friduy niorf ing and secured iron bars to be fasdl ened over, ; tiiswindows.'-but nqd npt iiut tiM-iiif’un v ,'Bo.l|enl». gMffe. tdo whaf pleases my want he have for me. , pend on the moraf iShr, ' I ,'dei>eij)Von my own goodness. Tlfc.prophet’raoke Becoming a Jenebd in the grace and the \tHjH|g JetW Carigt wjio will clothe us rightebua nese. 1 am filth in Him. Jesus savetCSg I n \VTe»t wW. IrxSn ] the text in Galat»p« from me u> gigrj. RH* the grope ..f our Lord Jv>us,,a»|st. which the world hiS-'Tigp'u crucified untojne, grid. I JmM lac \ybrld.” HeJaftMipt erbss as a symbol in art *w3omty dedorate ISR "I>E •feijowsliift of the BuffeHng” ofJSW's Christ. Many - ate. .. the Chratjan hymns that gre iusoftef-liy th> ®>fs »f Jespa Cliriflt. hswuut pat, Os a life rudeeaied. hi,tlMi viour. John Xewtftn, noted ( hy/hn writer. Wan saved frsan, * life ,«£jpe lowest: end vilest servftudet, “pow Sweet the name of Leaps sqnndilAiß a believer's ear.” It Wtt. the eggttf sion of the blessed experience in nls own life when he was awakened at -the Cross of Jesus Christ. The strongest tie is not the blood tie, the tie of bloid relation in this t life. The strongest lies are those' of love and faith in the Lord JeSus Christ. Tlie majority'of the people of oUr churches, the bind of faithful men aiid women, are Jmuud -,to the Lord Jesus Christ by those sweet ties that enoble and ehritffi life. ’ These are the men and the women who carry on the work of the church and are the builders of the Kingdom of God. How strong is that tie in yout life? The church needs g baptism of the J spirit of Calvary, lest the spirit of ivorldlluesg oveiwhelta its. It will* bzing again a Pentecostal day, a day' of the baptism of Bre. - Dr. Wiest will brh)g. gospel n)es sageu thih afternoon at 3:30. Also tomorrow afternoon. , Services to night and Friday night at 7:43. Sunday will be the last day. One of the special services will be a service stir the “old folks” at S jn the after noon. This setvice is to be. for os many of tbat number jii Concord as gre able to come. The officers of the church will make provision for the transportation of .all who have ho shell conveyance. ■; COUNTY COMMENCEMENT j PROGRAM is announced Program Will Be Giveti’Here Satafr day - Afternoon in ttsie High sehob| Auditorhan. l’rof. J. B. Robertson, edutity sup erintemjent of schools, todhy made public the program for county coin meueement to be held here Saturday aflernoou iu the high school auditor ium. The program will open with a, jiand concert at j :30 and continue the 'rest of the afternoqti. I The cqmtiSeneemcnl. this year will be the 14th iu the histbry of the coun ty, In order to aupyi- farm people to s[iend the entire morning at honie without missing atiy of the program, all of the exereises wilt be twd during the afternoon. ' , ~ Special music will be Veudewi dilut ing the afternoon by the Mooresville String Band. , “We believe iq, the (sltieatibfl of all, the children of gll (he tieople,” the. Slogan the ieouhty deiikttiiietk of education, ... . . The program for Saturday fdUows: I:36—Baud concert in Ml ditorium. 2:06 —Song: Come Thou Almighty King. ~ Invocation—Rev. Rev. O. Herman TMibbfood. / Presentatioß of certificates and thfc awarding of, scholarships: c I—CertjficStesl—CertjficStes in spelling,. 2. Certificates for Perfect At tendance. 3 —Certificates of Qradubtjon. 4. —Awarding of Scholarships. 2:36—Address to the Gnidß>tlfir Contest for Chas. B. Wagoner Gold Medal in Declamation. «tf)...Presented at lioss of Inspira tlo»5l Service in the Pint Baptist Church. At the close of the prayer mcCtliig service last night in the First Bait* tist Church an inspirational talk was made by G. F. Agee in whl« he Mt [forth the value and success of the reeent revival meetings which were s# successfully conducted ,lty' the Bailor, Rev. O. Herman Trueblood. Then O. J. Barnbardt, in gjAoiJ and appropriate s)ieceb, and much' to of elothck of llieeougrtW tiou. An unusually Urge crowd was prfts entsfor the services in the chureii lae) The I’sjstoli Red Sox ktgrt (lib 1020 N«awm with s new playem in the litieyti) auy ot wrath of some of toe nwat Swpunent writers in the South. jwnt||«H wera quick to’ tab ”*l# formula, one being Col. tOomf ey, leading man pit the editor*W t*ge of The. Houston Boat CM. BMley yrrofe with some bent: “About that corn bread recipe Which IttfliiSie* three-quarters of a cup of sugar. Wi htwi Ji" iiStjf tp be If violates ts- He put |n at) the edgkf JseinVeniiel ft to have.'* attack, by BMley, tjpon the newest Tice; and, though more ton eighth year* of ajpe, the Jflfreidfl colonel rushed to thp 'aide of. fji'c Teias ehlon* el to strengthen bis arm in the at tacit. .. ’%*; jfl Si -In a letter to the Cotirior-Joprpal' the Kentucky colonel, after quoting the Teana .cqjopel, said:. '.* ■'Com Bread, with sugar in it w* , an tfaventum bprti to the devil, plant ed in Newj England and sCpt South hy our enemies. „ It .is threatening the lift of real. corn bread rifcM in the land qf its birth. It has done, AUd is. doing, worse,... ft makes men. trifling end women frivolous. It is responsible for mpet of the murder*, suicides and divorce*, ft is the moth er of Bolshevism and the d*dy of an archy. , .If weakens the brain, an fu.riates iJie ,ll*er and grows people ijpt-ijelljed. It brings eorns and bald- Wes, atld g«ttroni»es the complexion. It makes the hose shiny apd the skin pimply,, . 1 , , "ft drives husbands down town of nights. It causes the servants to file insolent and obstreperoim. It create* in appetite for moonshine... . .r jLh thi underlying cause qf pyorrhea. It emboldens, a man, to re fuse his wtteV request fop money. Bit, for sjjgar in 90‘tn bread, tbere would be no war, no Hies, ,00 jm<»: qultoes, no roaebto, ho I. W. W, ala no Republican. JPatiy.. .. “Let the. ’twentTith; amendment, iA the constitution forever prohibit sujiF in .corn bread and let’s have the vote right away, , ~ . Z , . “This would seem ail embJUciatahd is sufficiently conclusive. New TSui* land miy know Btfjt to bfljje beanjL Tl)ey say tjie cider ift M4|nAiS a' koSP substitute for whikcy.j i It' ttitwt JK admitted Wat in Bostm ‘Pitnftkin Tie’ is .no sloilch. But ’corn bread; ‘La!’ lb* requires all tsat lieorge Bailey )Ufe said, and a pair of wd hini to hoot—ani a red It4|- qlinna handkerchief—and an ojd mam my’s voice! rich, mellow and dev*- tiohai ‘ “Bow fS’uiiaa’tioii, Tc siidtfi or the tdr|.”_ ' iudk>. , Albflko .Tbnds rtn away from home. foiiy Xttira him,. Since then he aittf his bitter Bad Jiot seep.eefcb othhr’, nor did, either know where' the other Robert. Hakim,;lfrihx bAVgolumhhs. Ohio, longed to see’ heV- Brijfber. Jjme had a dream that dhV feuld read him by radio, so she told her story to MBHMs or the CfbTo State tiki; versity broadcasting station. They had their announcer |lVe a'dttttjp l turn of man over the radio a ini ask him th CommUnitate with Ids sistef at a certain address. In the iittlf town of ’tomato iu &' ffblrd' jiMe $j §- on his ears and got the kppeW'np* his sister Who wVe lf»0 uiil’es aw |K He her lifeiWtillbijrtf iW oil New Teaf’s’day brother "And be. ter, thtf trtlly 'lfvihtnmembers brthjsr family, 'hid -a Tcutiton. . 1 :f| K*ieh e |Wr d«r* tremefly cold in we»t*ni huhlfyOl E at'drsfia^*® am not tap* :1* ibis afternoon,a nc.nses.^ ' ;M "'l'' ... SEW ER BONOS. T "fr ys ,-ii ■■■■■••., i, §e f!fey Itie of toWre men of the City Os seetfCh t: Mit ttfi'CWJ. Wh*i cord issue ito bOada BtfUfjttt jyW T|iHtr- pubiifbSl cei tit** llth 1 « the steamer O, T. tnatoeeji 3 ES* iw.aJl v» . . $», '••''• ’ 5# f "-'1 •? 1 ;-'t. - • •■,- ',!- ! r . 'S costs little more than lowwsf priced c c ' it famous Supct-Six pateifts Ji fftVes' the pexfortnancc, cotiilph, I smoothriess, good looks aniTTtttfne case of the larecst Selliho i f ’I, “Sbc” in the world It is economical in fiuel, %£SR In^vcrjfautOtotiila^ tjiialityittstitiieproVed'n tvfehakßsof iVnrcthun olferylritJ* 1 , l > Concord Motor Go. ■ - * ■ • 1 , ■ m The Tarts QfihatUh Becoming AcutV. Biitnr CSarencc Poe,' in ' The Plogres-, jdre Farmer. Amoni, .Western Republicans the unri*t .abput; the tariff increases rfittot thgu .diminish™. An uiiushul ptwewfc ;»h’ fiat, i» goiuu on iu jbe tWkqPorties igday. Because ok r i* growth -XU , guiuufacturihg in B« Squjh, the, .fljimer js ‘ beconriitg lies gpd ltsthcMWiM-'in .the Heriitr era tic .party—ln same states dottoo MUJWfacturem iprgefy control she |»WHlb.*.Prt a 'lii»tions where ttjey ia(jM«t)s—and among Southern Demo- WeSfero iUp&b'hpan states, on Ibe cohtrao, nets arc' becoming mar*, anil wore boetile to -a,.tariff ». d<„i£ed t,; prut,.-, fnauu&c aiTtSjwraout,. progjanigoffsetting HnffWlh foe n the. »«ner... and ?3Wu?UEv,£#r AmticuitureV.,i« ifetotn; Ing bmjmjffy. Senator At thur Cfpjpff jif Kaimas is.a cautious { C'!g33nP>eiii7i .i.'ii'iiw'' i.'imS'..«s< I .s - > ■ banishment. ,f® . -if - ■ ' £ - .<■ ~'«l . .- . 1- <.* 1"' f y- : ■ f'ftr* r '^d m. tu ' : fj • -*\ Thursday, April 22. 1925 nriirniid' when he .akciiim o\it ae.jfee does in m indftStWe or a (Shweifnl a&iMZt revolt among Western farmers. Skys . he:— i “Now toe protective' ayeteyn bat tpfetrttf maiWifocfurer hr eimlfled to pay *ij|h wa|.« to workers to make good prints from his Mies in, the t>rot«ciad Kdiiie market- If he produces an export surplus, lie «*ed _M , X T ' v m ! : : FEATURiNG ‘v ‘ MEADOVraRO°I| [ltf KiTmiw ' •'jiff 1 r■ • S