PAGE SIX [poultry loading ; The following good prices will be I paid for poultry at Railway Depot, Jphina Grove Friday, April 23rd, and liponcord Saturday, April 24th. With Iprarm weather prices of hens will lifeline, so bring all your expect to i tharket this spring: ; Hens 24c; Colored Broilers 45c; (Leghorns 40c; Cocks 12c; Ducks 20c; I Turkeys 25c. I CAROLINA POULTRY & EGG COMPANY B. H. ELLER, Manager Salisbury, N. C. : COAL • .... No Dealer in Concord Sells Coal for Less than I do. Best Furnace Coal SB.OO to $ll.OO. Best Grate and Stove Coal SB.OO to $9.00. Pest Steam Coal $4.00 to $7.50. f • Best Gas House Coke —Made in Cfoncordsß.so. fejry Purchase Your Coal where you can getH QUALITY and SERVICE. A. B. POUNDS THE JOYCE Is among the exclusive new beauties that arrived at our store this week, this lovely step-in Pump is of the popular parchment, tr : mmed with narrow strips of patent forming a little bow of the same. This is a wonderful little pump and fits to perfection $3 50 IVEY’S ‘THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES” K.L. CRAVEN & SONS PHONE 74 COAT s, Plaster ™ Mortar Colors Brack All Your Troubles in the Old I Kit Bag and Phone, Phone, Phone! |l Why worry about what you are going to rook, or trouble yoursell ■ to-scatter your orders all over the city in order to get what you want B to eat. Just make out your order and call “89” tor Fresh Meats, Cur- B ed Meats, Fresh Fish, Poultry, Cutter, Eggs, Fresh Florida Fruits » and Vegetables, Fancy Cakes and Crackers and any and all kinds of B Staple and Fancy Groceries. * ■ “YOU NAME IT—WE BRING IT.” I C.H. BARRIER & CO. SMI-LAX j TONIC . Laxative Compound LThe new and wounderful Medicine for people who are ■Kffering with Weak and Rundown condition of the nisystem, Loss of Appetite, Constipation, Indigestion, Sto p»Ch and Live* \ flp:. your Druggist for it is only sold through Drug PI nr IDS. J.KS GET RESULTS I Concord Daily Tribune TIME OF CLOSING MAXES- The time of the closing o t mails at tfce Concord postoffice is as'follow*; . Northbound 138—dl :00 P. M. 80*-10:00 A. M. i 34 4:10 P, M, . ! 38— 8:30 P. M. SO—U:00 P. M. Southbound , 30— 9 30 A. M. 45 3 :30 P. M. 1 135 | 29—11:00 V. M. fLOCAL MENTION | ■": -r- y-1 According to a deed filed Wednes- j day J. Burris has sold to B. Durham for 8400. properly in'Villa-! rnonl Heights, Kannapolis qgburb. ' | The wekly meeting of the Concord! Kiwnnis C)pb will be held at the Y.! M. 0. A. tomorrow nj 12.30. Dr. Joel Hewlette will be chairman of the I meeting. The auction sale at Jackson Park,! near the Jackson Trajwng School.! will begin Saturday at 7:lit) and not j 2 o'clock as was seated in an ad. in i The Daily Tribune Wednesday. The annual reunion of the Tubed Confederate Veterans? Will be held at It'rmiughmn. May 19. 20, and 21. There are several who will*-probably | go from here and others sh the conn.- t.V. e ■ I Members -f the- men's volleyball i team are to meet at the Y tonight at I 7:30. A large crowd was present, f(r the games Tuesday night and an other large crowd is expected to- i night. j Today and tomorrow Conway Tcarlc | and Doriithy Mackail in ‘‘The Dancer! of Paris" at the Concord Theatre. Also a Pathe News Shore Shy,, Com edy. Saturday "Lash of the Law".[ and a comedy "Plti.v Ball." Local Pythians ate urged to nt- j tend the meeting of the local lodge i tonight. A degree team from another! city will be present' to eomiuct work | in tile third rank. Members from | Albemarle ami Mooresville will be | present. \ It is probable that iiainters will complete, their work at the city hall today. They have finished with the i seeond and third stories and today i are finishing up on the ground Door. There they have painted the olfiees of the police department. Very little improvement is reported in the condition of little Jack Scar boro. son of Mr. and Mrs!. P. H. Scarboro. of Anne street. The child was struck by a passing automobile Tuesday afternoon, and has since been confined to his luime. Police officers this morning stated that they had no new business to re port. Everything as a. rule is quiet during sessions of Cabarrus Superior Court and the rule has held good this week. It is planned to hold a ses sion of tlie recorder's court tomorrow afternoon. Plans for the big Y circus arc go ing forward rapitPv. In Charlotte Wednesday J. W. Denny secured sev eral fine exhibits, and planned for ol'aer local exhibits. The circus will be given twice- on May first on the Igwn at the Y. once in the afternoon and once at night. Quite a number of Concord women went to Mooresville today to atlAid sessions of the Presbyterial of the Concord Presbytery which is in ses sion in the First Presbyterian Church of that city. All of the local Presby terian Churches are represented at the session, it ; s said. The South Atlantic League opens this afternoon with the Charlotte team playing at home. The Hornets have been going good in recetit prac tice games and Manager Kennedy ex pects his team to make a tine show ing again fhis'yeur. Quite a num ber of local fans went to Charlotte for the opening game. Relatives here have been advised that Everard Harris, brother of O. J. Harris, of Concord, is seriously ill at his home in Gideon, Mo.. Mr. Harris left Concord more than thirty years ago and has been associated with a lumber concern since. Rela tives are waiting further report* about his condition. The public is invited to hear the finals in Groups A and B in the Bi ble Story Contest Sunday. The Group A speak at 4 :30 in St. James Lutheran Church, and those in Group B will speak at 7:30 in Forest Hill Methodist'iChurch. Prac tically every church in the 'city is represented atpong the speakers. MooreKviileS-lnterprise: “A very in teresting visitor and guest of Miss Ju lia Stirewalt, is Miss Eugenia-Robim son. now of. Charlotte, formerly of Poplar Tent. Miss Robinson is rec ognized as the oldest living member of the Woman's Missionary Society of the l’resbyteriau Church. Miss Robinson being in her 86th year, and the society to which she belongs has been functioning fqr rpore than 100 years. The society meets oiiec each year aifd the annual, dues or, 00 cent* per member' * Pythians Plan Big Meeting Hekw To nlgfr.. i Members of the local lodge Knights 11 of Pythiap are perfecting plans today I -for a big meeting tonight. l{ Members of the Albemarle and j Mooresville lodges have been invit«! i to the meeting and have assured k>- l cal Pythians they ( wHI be hero in great numbers. A crack degree team from one of the lodges will be pres ent. Work in thg tided rank. will be giv en by this degree team. This degree, work will br pne of the most' import ant features of the meeting. All local J?ytbians .are urged to at tend. yCr A— ,- - A lacrosse ball is about the she of a tennis ball, bat is of ao!H rub . ber and weighs nearly five ounces. THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNB | New Buildings Urow.sjg 6reensbcro, April 21.—Worx cbo ] the new buildings ;il Itorth OjaHej lUun college, the auditorium and fas ’ [Vdm'nttan building. i.- makiflf a Set- I ter showing now rial ! ■'*’ -hotter! (Weather is giving tlm-e ''"iphgMnf; I the construe: ion a chance. noth buildings arc rapidly shaping up* M> that it may he seen that is going to be a r.-al pantribntiqtt;l a .lha material equipment of vn'thj tiari ■ line college. i tfjJrl The educational bu.l'lm itijH tin, doubt be finished much oner than the auditorium. It is understood, however, that both will lie completed within- th? next scholastic . year. Alunwmv of the institution arc e*.‘ ported to have charge rs tin deliest tion ceremonies for the mw audito rium,-when it is tin ally cimipletnflgß DBE PENNY COLUMN—IT PAlsj rupture! EXPERT HEREj F.'H. Seeley, of Chicago and Phil-1 adeiphia. the noted truss expert, will | personally be at the Charlotte Hotel, I and will remain in Charlotte Satur-1 dayand Sunday only, April 24-23.) Mr. Seeley says: “This Spermatic Shield will,not only retain any cake) of rupture perfectly, but contracts th>| opening in ten days on the average ease. Being a vast advancement over I nil former methods—exemplifying Sn-i stantaneohs effects immediately np- 1 preeiable and withstanding any strafn or position no matter the size or loca tion. Large or difficult cases, or. In cisional ruptures (following opera tions) specially solicited. This in strument received the only award in England and in Spain, producing re sults without surgery, injections, med ical treatments or prescriptions. FACTION—AII eases should be cautioned against the use of any elas tic or web truss with understrapd. as same rest where the lump is and not where he opening is, producing com plications necessitating surgical op erations. Mr. Seeley has documents from the Cnited States Government, Washington, D. C., for inspection. He will be glad to demonstrate with out charge or fit them if desired. Bus iness demands prevent stopping at any other place in this section. N. B.—Every statement in this no tice has been verified before the Fed eral and State Courts.—F. H. Seeley. Home Office, 117 N. Dearborn St., Chicago. , P. S.—Fraud warning—?>lanv com plaints have reached me from dissatis fied purchasers that certain parties have been traveling about under mis representations—imitating my a<TS. and claiming to be associated with me or my establishment. Substituting an inferior imitation for my goods and improperly fitted, all of which is false and fraudulent and an imposi tion on the purchaser. HOW SHE GAINED 10 POUNDS IN 22 DAYS Skinny Men Can Do the Same That's gping Mini—but skinny men. women and I'iiildreu just can't help putting on good, healthy flesh when they take McCoy’s Cod Liver Oi Compound Tablets. ■ As chock full of vitamines as the nasty, fishy-tasting cod liver oil it self, but these sugar-coated, tasteless tablets are as easy to take as candy, and won't upset the stomach. One woman gained ten pounds in twenty-two days 00 tablets, 00 cents. Ask the Pearl Drug Company or any druggist for McCoy's Cod Liver Com pound Tablets and if you don't gain at least 5 pounds in 30 days your druggist is authorized to hand you back the money you paid for them. “Get McCoy's, the original and genuine, and avoid imitations. K. ofr P. NOTICE Regular meeting Concord Lodge No. K1 K. of P. Thursday evehing at 7 :30 o'clock. Work in Third Rank. We will have visitors from Albemarle and Mooresville lodges present and assist in giving rank. All members are cor dially invited and expected to be pres ent and help give our visitors a good reception: W. R. FISHER, C. C. Food-Health r lce jHBB/dney "saving ■SSfIrSS ehATIC BEFRIGERAHH Lagag WEEK/ [IB I |EH 11g33.; of features, found only in the Automatic, JH HIM w ! 11 ma ' Ke y° u f ee ' certain that this offers you the largest measure Concord Furniture Co. THE WSUABLS FURNITURE STORE . > I. ii .2. ■ ‘ * ■'.. :. - Tils Victory at Miami Places Him in ! Vanguard of Raring Fraternity. \ Charlotte, N.* C., April 2V.—Yic itury on the Miami track places t’eter Ji.paliilo, the little Italian, again in Tl.c vanguard of the racing fraternity Pit ml that young upped king expects to add materMUy to hie championship islanding for the 1028 season nt [Charlotte, according to those in [t itch with the 1925 champion.. It Sr ill he remembered that Dcpaolo was the first registered entry for the .Charlotte event, and with his entry ;c:inic the statement that he expected to :<oe material increases in 250 mi> re nrd on May 10. Fresh from his (Miami success, with the 300-mile [purse in his pocket and the’ shoo- of ■ hSs infant son on the steering of his Hepaoto signed his entry binnk with a smile, j "Wilt I be there? Watch file! That Charlotte track is a wonder. It [is capable of splendid speeds, tor the thigh hanks eliminate any tendency rto skid aml ymi onn steer the car 'with one finger. The Charlotte track hvill make records of from 135 to 140 [miles an hour and some driver wilt inttnin that score.” The smiling, [pleasant fai-ed young artist of the [roaring road further announced that he would make an effort to he the Bhiau who accomplished this feat. I Dcpaolo will drive his Duesenburg Bn the May 10 race. He is kmiwn as aiuc of the most daring and ac complished pilots on the American i nek today. His su'eoss at .Miami. [February 22. gnined at an average ■peed of 129.29 miles per Jioar es tablished a ti w world's record which fell under th* onslaught of Bennett Hill at Culver City one auuitli 'ater. Dcpaolo lias, set out to ..make a new record at Char'otte which must b*‘ au average speed of more than 130 50, and he is consid ered in racing circles qualified to hold out for that mileage. Both De- Pacln and Hill made signal non slop victories. The feeling is general among race pilots that new lenoriis may be established here ~s a direct result of the splendm i bck which does not punish tires as many of the board ovals do. Faculty Managers to Arrange High School Baseball Schedules. Chapel Hill. April 20.—-F. R. Rankins, Secretary of the North Carolina High School Athletic As sociation, announced today that a com'erenee of faculty manugers will be held this week, to arrange sche dules for the thirteenth annual States championship contest in high school baseball. He will bold con ferences with the pustorn faculty managers in Raleigh Tuesday and with the western faculty managers in Salisbury Wednesday . Thus far fifty-six schools have sent ill their applications for entering the contest which will be open only to member schools of the High School Athletic Association. The regula tions govering this year's contest will be virtually the same as those of la-1 year. A trophy cup will be awarded the winner. The committee in • charge of ar rangements for the contest is .com posed of N. W. Walker, Chairman; A. W. Hoobs, O- T. Woollen, and F.. p. Rankin. Secretary, of Chapel Frigidaire Requires No Attention With Frigidaire you have nothing to refill or replenish—nothing to adjust. Frigidaire is dependable, automatic elec tric refrigeration. New models, new low prices and con venient terms. Investigate today. STANDARD BUICK CO. 85 8. Union St. Phone 383 Frirfidaire ELECTRIC# REFRIGERATION In Dayton, 0.. tboufthnds of dollars went up In smoko instead of in air planes. Delivery truck almost ran over President Ooo'ridgo. Can't always get iby on your reputation. t Newest, grand opera stnr*is only 20. No doubt due to bad environ ment. Turkish women'are bobbing their | hair Sheiks may smoke rlgarvts soon. j It's a fanny world. There are peo ple who can-worry about bridge. Blizzard in t%ino. Bet they stuck ; their shirt tails in then.', 1 (Copyright, 11)2(5, NBA Service, Inc.) Hill; W. R. Kirkman, Os StateevilTe.; C. (!• Credle, of Oxford; H. A. Oar roll. of King, and H B. Smith, of New Hern. Among the 5C schools that have already entered the contest are: Bad in, Bessemer. Charlotte, China drove. Cherryville, Concord, Dur ham. (lastoma. Lexington. Monroe, Mt. Holly, Salisbury, Shelby, Spen cer. , •• •• s' V— ! WILLIAM HOLLOWAY DIES IN CAPE FEAR Durham Youth, Student at Buies Crock Academy, Drowns When ltrait Strikes Rock. Dunn. April 19,—The reel waters of Cape Fear river still hold the body of William Holloway, 38-year old Durham youth who was drowned Saturday afternoon near. nuies Creak, when a small row boat .in which he was riding ran upon a rock and capsized. The unfortunate yohth, in com pany with Claude Pope, Jr„ of Dunn, had gone fishing in the river. After drifting along for sever*! ODD FELLOW NOTICE. Meets every Thursday evening at eight o’clock. Work In initiatory degree. M. L. ROSS. N. G. ‘ , C. H. RITCHIE, R. S. QI'IT GETTING t’P RIGHTS w* A Ilea'.tliy Bladder Arts During the Day. C. N. Shuman. Republic. Ohio, i says: "Before tnking Lithinted Buehu I (Keller Formula) had to get up six lor sevfti times' each night. .Now I do not get up at all. You may use | ray name if it would benefit anyone I with bladder trouble." Be careful 1 not to take drugs tbnt cheek the ac : tion of the bladder. You may have to continue its use. Lithinted Buehu ! (Keller Formula) increases the ac tion during the day. It cleanses the bladder ns epsom salts do t'ae bowels . driving out foreign matter, neutraliz i ing excess acids, thereby relieving the j irritation which causes "Getting Up : Nights.” The tnblets crist 2c each at all drug stores or Keller Labora tory, Mechanicshurg, Ohio. Gibson l Drug Store. “IT'S JUST LIKE THE AD.” The lapels like Dad’s—-the pockets full and roomy— —n’everything just like the ad said —— ‘‘GeeL-you lucky Bum” ■ ‘‘Lucky Nothing—didjever buy a suit or anything else at hjoover’s that wasn’t O. K. ?” The boys know Hoover’s and Hoover’s know the boys— and in this stock of apparel there is the Spring merchan dise for the bgjrs of Concord schools that offers you every thing that right and nothing that isn’t. Short and Long Trouser Suits V Spring Waists-r-Shirts—Ties and Caps. HOOVER’S, Inc. THE YOUNG MAN’S STORE miles, the boat came, upon a rock and Abrew both out into the waster. .After prolonged and xtrenuo#* ef forts, ' Pope succeeded- in reaching shore. He. heard his companion call for help and' then saw him go under for the last time. Each of more than 200 I’eoxta, lowa, farmers recently donated a pig to pay off a- debt on their com mnnity church. - ■ \ - Man Sleeps Like Log, Eats Anything "After taking Adlerikn I can eat anything and sleep like a log. -I had gas on my stomach and couldn't keep fowl down nor sleep." (Signed) R. C. Miller. ONE spoonful Adlerika removes GAS and often brings sur prising relief to the stomach. Stops that full, bloated feeling. Often brings out old waste-matter you never thought was in your system. Exeel lent for chronic constipation. Pearl Drug Company. DRAPERY TIME comes in April—the 1 month of putting Spring- j time into the home. All hangings and fabric floor coverings should go to | 1 the Dry Cleaner now. A i x few pieces at a time— O serving your convenience ] 5 and solving a . spring < x cleaning problem. Cleaners and Dyers PHONE 787 , Office 25-87 W. Depot St For Ambulance and Profession al Services Call 640 Day or Night . Bell & Harris Funeral Home : y*'; 't' -2'- • - Thursday, April ?2, 1920 CONCORD COTTON MARKET THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 1026 Cotton —_ .17 1-2 CottQU seed --S2 1-2 TO THE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS OF CABARRUS COUNTY, IN THE FIFTEENTH JUDICIAL. DISTRICT OF NORTH CAROLINA. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the nomination for Solicitor of the Fifteenth Judicial District of North Carolina, subject to the. action of the Democratic voters, in the pri mary to be held on Saturday, the sth day of June, 1928. B. F. BRITTAIN. 20. Aaheboro, N. C. Melrose Flour Liberty Self Rising Flour Why use Flour that may please you at some time, and will not please you at other times, and that too, when you most want the very best. Melrose is just the very best at all times. It has stood the test —on this market for more# than twenty-live years. liberty Self-Rising is made ready to bake. It’s Melrose in quality. ! (If Our price is no higher now than any other brands. CLINE & MOOSE Phone 339 P. S. —Wc Deliver Quick Ev erywhere. NOTICE. The annual meeting of the stock holders of the Citizens Building and Loan Association will be held in its office in the Citisens Bank apd Trust Company building in the city of Con cord, N. C.. on Monday, May 3rd, 1026, at 4:80 o'clock P. M. A. F. GOODMAN, Secretary and Treasurer. notice of Candidacy for SOLICITOR OF THE FIFTEENTH judicial District. To the Voters of Cabarrus County; I hereby announoe my candidacy for nomination as Solicitor of the Fifteenth Judicial District of North Carolina, to be voted upon in the Democratic Primary to be held ib Jane, 1626. This the 12th day of April, 1626. B. F. BRITTAIN, HWJwks. Aaheboro, N. 0. .s CONCORD PRODUCE market (Corrected Weekly by Cline A Moose) Figures named represent prices paid for produce on the market: Bp* .26 Corn gx.lo Sweet potato** $1.50 Turkey* M g.== zss Blitter ju Goon try Ham jin Country Sbrailder .20 Crentry Side* £0 Young Chickens 35 Hen* .22 Irish Potatoes 2.00

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