PAGE SIX 1 ' 11 1 I I a pl/Cnil WILL BE SOLD AT AUCTION 0/1 r j actvMjn i aiK At 230 p. m. April Z 4 SIOO.OO Radio Set Will Be Given Away! K is located on th ™'ation7H?J7ay TrliitalTschool aJdfe mlv ."ta'’ 1 ' “T' V ’h "? kin * lhiS . ““.T* 4 teautiful suburban development anywhere in the County. Jackson Park I the principal streets in Jackson Park water and el« ricity b“ available *ri V ! " de ""l th * c,ty of Concord - «*« have been laid off and graded up. o7",ch „f S have nearby schools and churches. Jackson ptetahoJltZrri' t l P " k ' Y »“ *> »<* have the buSeTf city toes. You ; I < the money that you are able to save from your * P 306 h ° me 0r investment * Eas > terms will * offered > ™&ing it posable for you to own one or more of these beautifuHots with I ; William Jennings Bryan said- r” Re ? l Estate T: it Is a Sur * “><• the Only Sure Way to Save stocks is risky, and even dangerous, but whenyou buvrr f! T, Sma “Ts - Mor * " lo ' u ‘ y ia madc from the rise in real estate than all other causes To speculate in not yet. There are just as good opportunities now as there was in thc past " *" erltance ' Real Estate ln and around the city of Concord has jumped by leaps and bounds and the end is REMEMBER THE DATE OF THIS SALE AND DON'T FAIL TO BE THERE. YOU WILL SEE THE LARGEST CROWD YOU HAVE WITNESSED HERETOFORE AT ANY AUCTION SALE. YOU WILL HEAR ONE OF THE GREATEST AUCTIONEERS OFTHE DAY HERETOFORE AT ANY Sale conducted by the Atlantic Coast Realty Co. , „ , _____ j LIiNIvER, Owner S^g* <,t * 1 * 1 * 1 * 1 I COUNTR.Y J ICQRRESPONDENCH CENTER GROVE. I A recent Demonstration Club mcrt ; ing held at rhe home of Mrs. S. M. : Shinn fn Ceuterview. Kannapolis, proved Very interesting and instruc tive. ii A good bit of fun, games and songs were mixed" in the afternoon's pro gram. ; We like Miss Coo'ey, olir pres ent hotoity home agent, very much, i She ie extremely efficient and so will ing to help out in measures j . of betterment fop our people. j 1 , The Missionary Society ! of Cetfer Grove E. E. Church has just finished the study of “Looking 1 Ahead Wirli Latin America." This 1 book was highly interesting. The final study bind discussion of the chapter 1 v.-as hsd Thursday. April Tilth, , Eightefo women were present at the i all-day Smeeing. and pronounced the 1 t method of study tiie best the rural! t church has found. The interest was 1 kept closely linked. ! v The Woman's Missionary Society has just finished a very successful c year's work, in spiritual growth, in- f crease -in numbers and amount of « money Raised. t b It all comes out of an oil well. It keeps every "thump; ping ; WWck" out of jour cylinders. Fill jour tank with Sinclair H-C Gasoline-apure pe troleum product that owes its tmti m hfloc\ quality to its refining process. It is vn&jhriM answer to jour question What gas can Iput in my tank to keep the out of my cylinders^ ■gi. • better altyear oAnti-KnockJuel SINCLAIR/HfjGASOUNE The following officers have been 1 elected for the ensuing year: President—Mrs. J. L. Eddleman. Recording Secretary—Mrs. R. M. Cook. Treasurer—Mrs. C. H. Castor. Statistical Secretary—Mrs. D B. Castor. Magazine Secretary—Mrs. Edd M Cook. Life Membership Secretary—Mrs. Floyd Winecoff. Thank Offering Secretary—Mrs. 1.. K. Hurlocker. : Extension Secretary—Mrs. W. F. j Eddlemaai. Mr. and Mrs. 1., O. Winecoff and Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Ross had their i babies baptised at the morning Di-, vine service Sunday. April 18tb. i Berie Catherine was the name of the ■ first named; and Phife Charles the! name of the latter baby. The hour for Divine services at J Center Grove continues to be 3 o'clock I p. m. on the second and fourth Sun-! days. The, first and third Sundays | the ,hour is 11 a. m. In -.11 cases I the Sunday school hour is the one 1 before. All visitors and friends are I welcome. f The 1 riday night teacher training | class keeps up interest. This class ' rtf prospective teachers should be well | attended, even if you do not plan to teat’.i, you have an opportunity for i'l-eal worth-while gaining of Bible knowledge, and taught by such a splendid leader as Pastor Roof. I licle Henry Blue, an old war vet eran of this vicinity, continues feeble. He has asked to have the pastor at Center Grove <;ome to his home some Sunday soon and sing and have pray er service. This will he done at the earliest opportunity. I East Sunday Mrs. .1. D. Chambers gave a birthday dinner to her father. -Tn<t- w. Proust, of Concord, and Xell Brown, the baby of Mrs. Cham bers. Only near relatives of the i family were present. But the din 'ner: O, my, it was a feast of good things! - The table almost groaned ' under its heavy Weight of food, i _^ r - an d Mrs. Ervin Karriker and | Kathleen Chambers recently spent Sunday with Mr, Karriker's people j ou Route 1. Mooresville. I Lloyd Sides visited at his home j recently. I Vi e are glad to note the improve- I ment in rtie condition of Harry Hile | man since he is under the care of a stomach specialist in Charlotte. ; Mrs. C. M, Castor and Miss Vertie j Castor have resigned their positions | with the Cannon Manufacturing Com ! pany. Kannapolis. ! Mrs. Edd M. Cook is visiting lier I daughter, Mrs. M. X. Clayton, in Asheville. M . A. Castor visited his daughter. THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE j Mrs. Will Allison, near Charlotte, some time ago. The cold snap of this week killed the early beans of truck growers of this section. Our people say this is the latest spring they can recall. Farmers have spring they can recall farmers have ever had to contend with. Continued cold prevents the growth of most early vegetables. So grow ers have little prospect ahead for the marketing of early crops. LEIDY. MIDLAND. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. McManus have moved to their farm near here. Mrs. Rain Green has returned af ter visiting her sister near Charlotte. Laura Mae Shinn spent the week-end at her home in Georgeville. Mr. Julius Williams is very ill. Little Francis Sides, of Albemarle, is ivsiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Yow. I r ‘ T a ! 1(1 rs * Will Page have moved to Cnion county. Miss Pink Willeford spent the week-end at her home in Concord. | Mrs. Dan Widenhouse and little' son, A. I'., are visiting Mrs. Widen-j house's parents iu Polkton. Miss Faye Black has returned, after, being called to her home in Mat-: thews on account of llm s of her ' unde. Jig! Mrs. Arch Ford, of Concord, has been visiting Mrs. Don Hagler. Miss Ida Mae Widenhouse spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. I*. Widenhouse. Misses Veda and Annie Yow have returned from Ridgecrest, where they have been teaching. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Green celebrat ed their golden wedding anniversary Sunday. Those present were: Mrs. M. T. Tucker, Mr. and Mrs. G. (’. Love, of Concord. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Brooks and children, Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Green and little daughter. Dor othy Neal. Mr. and Mrs. Bam Green. Miss Louise Green, Little Billie and Bettie Brown, of Enoehville. WRITER. EASTERN NO. 11. Born to Mr. and Mrs. John Yan derburg, April 13 a son. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Plott. of Con cord. visited his father, Mr. G. I’. Plott Sunday. Mrs. Fink, of No. 7, and Mrs. j Myrtle and her sister, Miss Ollie, | Walker, of Kannapolis, visited their i ; sister, Mrs. Vance Cline, last Sunday. ! I Our neighborhood was well repre- 1 i sented at the High Point school clos-1 , ing in X'o. !> last Friday afternoon and evening. The play, “The Patch Across the Hill,” was a splendid one, and was well enacted. Each part was rendered just as well as it possibly ": could have been done, to the credit i of both the pteaehers and the pupils. Those who were not there mimssed a jolly time. Mr. F. O. Faggart and family vis ited Mr. Frank Furr, of Georgeville, Sunday. Mr. Furr is seriously ill aga : n, we regret to learn. Mrs. Alice Isenhour has moved from her home in Concord to her new home near the Cross Road filling sta tion. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Hartsell, of Kannapolis, spent the week-end at E. F. Whitley’s. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Shimpock spent i | Sunday at her father’s, Mr. Dan Hop- j kins, of X'o. 7. Miss Johnnie Lee Isenhour, of Kannapolis spent the week-end at the home of her mother, Mrs. Alice Isenhour. Mr. and Mrs. Troutman and chil dren, of No. 10, visited her sister. Mrs. John Vanderburg, Sunday. X. KANNAPOLIS. ROUTE ONE. Mrs. H. M. Pethei is right sick at this writing. i Misses Bessie and Ruth Pethei - visited their aunt, Mrs. Wilhelm, near Statesville Sunday. i i Mrs. Josey, from Faith, visited her 1 | brother, Mr. Pethei, near Kannapolis, ( - Sunday. ] ! Mr- and Mrs. W. A. K. Sloop vis ited his brother, near China Grove I Sunday. ! Miss Sloan, of near Landis, spent j Thursday night with Miss Peaerl Bos j tian, Mrs. J. Y. Bostian and Mrs. Eller, of Cabarrus, visited Mrs. H. M I Pethei Friday. j Mrs. Hattie, near Kannapolis, has an apple she has kept in her trunk since last September. It is now April 20, 1020. She raised the apple on her farm. Trot out your apples, Venus. Rev. E. F. K. Roof, of China Grove, spent Thursday evening at Mr. L E 1 Bethel's, near Kannapolis. ' , BASE. RIMER. Quite a few of the Rimer people attended the closing exercicse of the Mosse school Friday night Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Safrit and chil dren, of Salisbury, visited relatives in Rimer Sunday afternoon. Misses Violet Faggart, Gladys and Xan Furr, of Kannapolis, spent the week-end wi«i home folks. Mr. and Mrs. John Carter and fam ily spent Sunday ln Salisbury. Mr. and Mrs R. D. A. Safrit vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Brown Bost, of Salisbury. ’ Misses. Zelma Safrit, Esella and Daisy Stallings spent the week-end at their respective homes. Miss Nell Furr is spending this week in Salisbury. A large crowd from Rimer Want to Parks school house Saturday night to see the play, “The Clod-Hopper.” Roy Stallings, Harry Blaekwaldtr and Miss Esella Stallings motored to j Charlotte Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Flowe. of No. I 7, visited Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Stal* I lings Sunday evening. Harry Blackwelder and Roy Stal lings visited in No. 0 Saturday eve ning. There will be preaching at Prosper ity E. L. Church Sunday at 11 a. m. Everybody is cordially invited to attend. Mrs. T. C. Stallings Bpent Sntur '• day night with her sister, Mrs. A. C. Flowe, of No. 7. Come on. Venus, with your items. . We enjoy reading them. FAIRE POSER. CHINA GROVE ROUTE ONE. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. H. Dabbs, from | Concord, spent Sunday with Mr. and i Mrs. J. A. Dabbs. Miss Lillie Troutman, of Concord, spent n few days with Mr. and Mrs. E.'mer Bost. Miss Hope Ritchie, of East Spen cer, spent rtie week-end with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Ritchie. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Dry and fam ily spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. L. 1.. Cranford, near Concord. Miss Hliaabeth Flowe and |Miss Ilinma Howell, from Concord, spent a_ short while Sunday with Miss Kathleen Dobbs. j Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Hahn, of East I Spencer, spent Sunday with Mr. and ■ Mrs. W. L. Ritchie. Mrs. Mary Troutman is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. G. H. Sides, of Concord Route 3. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Eesperman, of Rockwell, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Dobbs. Misses Sarah ami Bessie Jackson were given a surprise party 'Paursdav night by Mrs. G. C. Dry and Sirs. L. B. Sifford at G. C. Dry's. Eevery one enjoyed the music rendered by Mr Barringr and G. C. Dry. The young people played many games un til they were called to the dining room about 11 o’clock, where delicious supper was served. The guests were: HaFvey Trexler, Victor Yost, Ralph and George Safrit, Frank Moose, Jack Cress, Floyd. Yost, Harold Foggert, John. George and Clarence Sifford, Claude Wilhelms, Fred Furr Jack i aggart Herman Kluttt, Elmer, Y’aths Faggart, Herman, Elmer, Yates, Mgr | vin and Lewis Kluttz. Marvin Dry, j Cansler Kluttz, Slae Kluttz. Irene Kluttz, Ophie Penninger, Addle and Gladys Yost, Elma and Sarah Ritchie Florence Sifford, Mamie Yoet, Inez Dry. Mr. and Sirs. W. C. Dry, Mr. and Sirs. L. B. Sifford and Mr. and Sirs. Tom Bnrrlnger. Sir. and Sirs. Milan Overcash spent Sunday evening with Sir. and Mrs. T. SI. Yost, of Rowan. A large crowd attended the birth day dinner Sunday given in honor of Mrs. Slary Troutman. Mr. and Mrs, G. C. Dry and fam ily Slisses Sarah and Bessie Jackson and Victor Yost spent a while Tues day night with Mr. and Mrs W C Di T- TULIP. ENOCHVILLE. E - S. Sereey H. V. Karriker and H. L. Karriker and Millard Sereey all went on a filshing trip last Wed nesday at Rocky River. Little Pauline Karriker was real sick last week. Lola Karriker was confined to her home last week on account of ill ness. E. M. Watson is building a new barn on his place. C. C. Upright has his naw bouse ready to put the roof on. Sfiss Anna Weddington, o t Enoch* viile, was the guest of Mias Rena Carter, of Kannapolis, Saturday night. T. M. Widenhouse’s bam was burn ed last Thursday night. Also his truck and automobile. Those who attended tbs land sale Saturday around here, the lucky ones to receive five do] la res in fold, were: C. H, Hall, Caldwell Weddington and Vahsti Triplett Neal Karriker ia improving at this writing, we are glad to know. Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Karriker and children, of Unity, spent Sunday at H.-L. Karriker’s. V'hatl Triplett spent Sunday with Lola Karriker. - Andy Simpson, of Kannapolis, who' well bUrned ' WttWff along very -: Master Jamah Auten bad the mil-! fortune of getting his head hurt the! other day at school while playing, MU. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Overcash mo-! tored to the show at Kannapolis last j Saturday night >f r - «»> M". Clyde Weddington/ IWa. EJva Weddington and two fhil- . «*• »«“>» iMt Sunday foe- , otuirXir of Mack ° rercMh ’ | ifejfe.taasfc' . Sunday evening. E * Smith is still confined to his > home with an injured leg. umj l "' nnd George Triplett and children visited relatives in Landis ’ Sunday. Lots of farmers through here cov ered up their tomato plants last Mon day evening. Lots of them were looking for frost. L. H. Overensb toon n nice load of lettuce, greens and onions to Kan napolis last Monday. Willie Auten purchased two lots last Saturday north of Enoehville. ’ Grady Ballard of Kannapolis, pur ' chased five lots north of Enoehville last Saturday. T. M. Widenhouse, of Kannapolis, ', spent a few days in Alabama last ; week. TULIP. LOCUST. , Vernor Hartsell and bride, of Mon roe, were visitors here Monday. Aiex Dunn and family have moved ' to Stanly Hall. Jacob Hartsell has returned from High Point, where he has been for Some time. Rosalie Jenkins waa taken again one day last week to Gastonia for examination. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hartsell, of High Point, were Sunday visitors here, Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Teeter have returned from Florida and hay* been visiting relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. James L. Easley, of Albemarle, have been gardening here on their farm. Two heartless young women in a car ran-over the pretty white shep herd dog belonging to Fetzer Hart sell. There was no excuse for the deed as they had the entire highway in which to drive. Fetzer took his pet to Monroe for treatment. Mrs. James F. Hartsell returned Snnday from Concord, where she had been the past several weeks. Mrs. Jim Hartsell, who has been here with Mr. Hartsell, returned to her home in Kannapolis. The play, “Clubbing a Husband,” a comedy in three acts, will be given by the Woman's Club at Stanly Hall on Saturday night. May Ist. In the synopsis the first act is “Planned,” aecond “Fanned,” third “Manned." Mrs. T. M. Hartsell plays the prin cipal role as a suffragette and reform er. Her young daughter, (Jamie Green) keeps everything and every body alive. Dr. Georgiana Jordan (Mrs. Simpson) a spinster and man hater, but —be sure to hear it all. M. NO. to TOWNSHIP. Sleet fell here last Sunday night and Tuesday morning the ground was white with frost. Much garden truck I was killed and it is feared the fruit r crop is ruined. Farmers are busy preparing their fields for planting. Somem fields | have been planted to cotton but the the ground is so cold good stands are • not expected. School! are closing here and from reports much progress was made the past session. The school at Flowe’s Store closed two weeks ago. Misses Fanny McCurdy and Ethel Spears were the teachers and are commend ed for the splendid work they did. Both are good instructors and disci plinarians. The closing exercises of the Bethel school will be held on Thursday and Friday evenings of this week. Prof. Hollingsworth is the principal and is assisted by J. M. Jenkins, Miss Ma mie McEachern and Miss Karriker, all are excellent teachers and have had a successful term. > Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Measamer, of Maryville, Tenn., are visiting relatives and friends here. Their daughter. Mra. Tom Hough, died recently and on the day of her death, Mr. Measa mer’e brother, J. M. Measamer, of Concord, died. The people sympa thise with them in their bereavement. I D. E. Black, of near Salisbury, vis ited for a day or ao this week, with friends In and around Cabarrus. Considerable inconvenience is be • ln « “used the people of this section i on account of the Bank of Midland | being burned. Many farmers had money on deposit with which they ex i pert* l to P»y lo'I o ' fertiliser and defray | other expenses. As yet no one knows Whether there was robbery or not. Anyway tension ib running high. The depositors are wanting their money nnd wanting it bad. We hope when the audit is completed it will show that no money is miming. Speaking of chickens, Mrs. 8. D. Friday, April 23, 1926 and some of the largest are selling on i the market for sl. Our old hen set on 1C eggs for four weeks arid “nary” a chick. Mrs. W. M. Gourley has a pitcher with raised flowers on it known to be more than ICO years old. It is bright and shiny, seems as if it was just out of the shop. The passing of David Hough on April 14th, removes the oldest citi sseen of this section. He is said to have been 101 years old on the Bth of last March. He was born in An son county and came to No. 10 town ship when 19 years old. He was married to Miss Jane Forte, of Un ion county and to that union were bora ten children, five of whom sur vice. They are: W. 8., T. D., and .1. M. Hough, Mrs. W. D. Dorton nnd Mrs. W. H. Bost. The deceased wns a (juiet unassum ing man. He had been a member of Bethel Church for 40 or more years. He served for four years in the War Between the States and wns wound ed once. He was a man of good hab its and attributed his long life to his moderation in drinking and eating. Funeral services were conducted by his pastor, Rev. D. C. Ballard and in terment wns made in the Bethel cem etery. H WINECOFF. Frank Scott, of Farmington, igjtkv "V -tb* Tor. and Mrs. .T. A. Scott hero. Miss Margaret I.itaker is at her home here, her school at Harrisburg having closed for the summer vaca tion. Mrs. Stroud, of Statesville, is the guest of her son, J. A. Stroud. Mrs. Holder and Miss Holder, of Farmington, accompanied Frank Scott to his home here nnd were also guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Scott over the week-end. Mrs. Anna Peters, of Virginia, who is sick here at the home of her'broth er. Mr. B. L. Umberger Sr., is re ported as improved. Mr. Umberger, who is sick at a Charlotte hospital, is not improved. His condition remains unchanged. Mrs. B. L. Umberger visited Mr. Umberger in Charlotte on Sunday. Mrs. W. (J. Graham who has been on an extended visit to relatives and friends in Sylvn and other places, is at her home here now. Mrs. N. E. Lubchenko and chil dren, Kate Parker, and Lucy, of Har risburg, are visiting at the home of Mrs. Lubchenko’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stroud. John Barrier, of Tyro, spent the week-end here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Barrier. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Fink and small son, of Charlotte, spent the week-end : with the former’s parents, Mr. and : Mrs. W. A. Fink. Mrs. Walter Yost, of Kannapolis, visited Mrs. R. A. Caldwell on Sun i day. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Winecoff, of Midway spent Wednesday with their daughter, Mrs. A. W. Winecoff. Monday a mad dog bit eight mem bers of Mr. L. W. Mills’ family. The dog was killed, it’s head sent off and pronounced mad, and treatment waa forwarded. The dog alao bit a cat and a cow belonging to Mr. Mills and a dog belonging to a neighbor. Thursday night the commencement of Winecoff school*begins. We want everyone to take not'ce and come. We are planning a good program through out and want good crowds. The pro gram follows; Thursday night at 8 o’clock—Two or three short plays by the primary nnd grammar departments. No ad mission charges. Friday night at 8 o’clock—High school play, entitled “Her Step-Hus band.” Saturday—No local program, but the county commencement exercises will be held at Concord ia the after noon. Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock, at Mt. Olivet Methodist Church, Rev. T. F. Higgins, of Forefo Hill Meth odist Church, Concord, will preach the baccalaureate sermon to the grad uates. Monday night at 8 oWock the lit erary address combined with the class day program, will be given. As yet we are unable to say just who this speaker wiU be, but assure you that you will hear a good address, so ev eryone come. r Mr. and Mrs. Roy Webster, Mrs. M. E. Welch, and Mrs. Bowman, of Mt. Pleasant, spent a short while here. Tuesday with Mr. and Mra. W. H. Mitchell. Mrs- Bowman and Mrs. Welch aim visited Misses Myrtle and oOtUNI Kliini. '’ ■’

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