Friday, April 23, 1926 .—.— I .■ ] Dinner Stories Holding Out. ‘'Why did you tell that reporter , that you wt*e robbed of a hundred ! dollar* when you never had that much on you?” “I was after revenge. I wanted thnt holdup man to get in trouble with his wife.” 1 Not His. “Don’t you think people are read-! ing altogether too much trash these days?” ashed tile author. “Just whdt do you mean by .trash?” contitered the cautious publisher. “Ob, you know—the sort of stuff all these other chaps are writing.”'’ I! The Lesser Evil. ! “George,” inquired the motorist’s wife, “why did you buy that ticket to - the policemen's ball ” •‘Because, my dear,” replied George, “I saw that if I didn't buy a ticket the policeman was going to give me one." . 1 I “Well, So Long, John. Dear. Millbonk, S. D„.Herald Advance. I! Immediately after the ceremony the bride left for a brief honeymoon tour to tiie Twin Cities. , i Something Like the Truth. First Gasoline Dealer: “If tern- ' perance wasn’t the cause of prohibi- ; tion, what was?” Gastoline x Dealer: “T'lie fel- ' flb vs who used the Saloons for filling i stations.” Cut For the Act. ! 1 An American tourist sat ill a I’aris ; case and wrote to his wife in In- j din nn: "I have been in Paris two weeks and have not taken a drink.” Just then an American orchestra struck up: "My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean.” The Good Old Guerre. i The seene was aboard ship at Brest, I Lady Liberty bound. “What's lioldlfa' up the parade! now?" filmed nn impatient soldier. I “They're a-welgUln’ anchor.” ex-| plained a gob. "That’s the navy for youspult-' tered the transportee. "Wily don't you fellers write down what it weighs and not be ho'.din’ up the ship every time a guy waiits to get started in a hurry?” u. i • Protect Your Property and Your Money Jp—faawpgl 'VT’OUR house, when painted with felMgmlL * Marietta House Paints, is praeti ’J S' c *Uy guaranteed against the ravages of 1 fRv rn foul wealfaer °y Ac Marietta Service F-URORA Certificate. Ho other paint gngnufap j tttrcr offcre y° u sucil a certificate. A4 m abouMt today. -‘‘ ■ • Concord Paiat&Paper Ceaptny 842 N. Church Street Photu 10L ~ j EVERETT TRUE BY CONDO - ——i l ii m 1 i I——l— \\ T /Vi tjf l» 3 o 0: N 1 1 YOU* WOMeN IN y»ClYlCif. tfco OUGHT —riir— j , 1 -t.,E j „,1 PLANO FOR MEETING OF WOMEN IN MAY Nori ClpraKna federation of Worn- i eb’s JCtU* RUU jgeet in Asheville, j returns Are going forward here forj the Uvenly-fpurtn annual convention j of tli* fipyth Caroling Federation ofj Women's Clubs, to be held here Mgy 4th to 7th. .1 The sail for preparations and plans to attend has been issued already by | Mrs, E. L. McKee, of Sylvia, yresi-, i dent. Outstanding addresses of the con- ; vention are expected to be those by Mrs John D. Sherman, Chicago, and , Astes Park, Colorado, president o? tha general federation of* women's^ . c übs, Bqth will address the con-J i vention May sth. I Mrs. Rose V. S. Berry,, of Newi ' York, chttieman of art of the general' federation, will speak on May 6th. i Muny social features have been! planned for the convention by club women of this city, including a drive to Hendersonville, Where the dale-' gates will be entertained. Another i social function will be a tea at the: j Biltmore Forest Country Club here., j and a reception by the city federa tion of clubs of Asheville. The annual federation dinner will take place at § o’clock -on the sec j ond day pf the fathering. Breakfast and luncheon conferences of the delegates have been planned! and several matters of forward-look ing nature will come up at the meet ing, according to officers. Sugar is the only food commodity' which is supplied to the consumer in a state of complete chemical purity. ===========^^ Now Is The Time to Exter minate Flies, Aants and All Other Insects BY USING | CENOL j Sold and Guaranteed by 1 . - • Gibson Drug Store (Agents) 1 ' ", ■ B¥ CHARLES l\ STEWART i M, Service Writer | Washington, April 22. —It isn't ranch toorc yet than a faint rumbling of distant thunder, bnt it hints at , a storm Coming, and my guess is that | it’s headed for the office of Indian af fairs, in the Interior Deprtment. Proceeding with our meteorological! metaphor, the lightning Hashes are awgy over on the other side of the I horizon and it’s impossible to tell much about ’em from here, but they’re significantly numerous. ♦ * * According to Mead Steel, a Sioux I from the Fort Peck (Mont.) reserva-' tion, who's here trying to do some tiling about it, tiie trouble isn’t so much with the office's personnel as with the system. He complains that it has too much arbitrary power, which frequently, he says, is exercised oppressively and un justly. Steel, be it understood, is the Fort Peek Sioux's unofficial representative in Washington. Such of tiie various tribes’ official delegates as come here from time to time, almost invnriob'y declare that everything's lovely! * * * “Bure they do,” agrees Steel. “The; regular way for a tribal council to be held, to choose a delegate to Wash ington, is for thd reservation super intendent to call ond control it and see that it makes a selection that suits' the Indian office.. “But if Bic tribe holds its own council, independently of the superin tendent, and picks out a real kicker — why, the Indian office says that wasn’t a tribal council at all, and refuses to recognize its delegates. “He may be able to get Congress to listen to him but he has no stand ing with thfc Indian bureau.” (Copyright, 1026, NEA Service, Inc.) LAW NDALE MAN SERE DELLINGER IS ROSS i t__ Says “There Is No Doubt at AU”; Willing to Make Affidavit. Charlotte. April .lt). —Julius C. Del linger. of Denver. Lincoln county, was positively identi.ed ns Charlie Brewster Ross, kidnapped in Phila delphia when a child, according to in formation received Monday’ from Dow H. Crowder, of Lawndale, who de clared he knows there is no doubt of Dellinger’s real identity. Mr. Crowder and friends visited Mr. Dellinger at his home. After making nn exhaustive investigation Mr. Crowder declares there is “no doubt at all,” and expresses a willing ness to make an affidavit to that effect Mr. Crowder was a youth at the time of the kidnapping. The in formation regarding Sir. Crowder's visit was brought here by C. L. Mc- Call, of Denver. CONCORD ROL'TE THREE. - L: IT. Troutmati, Who'Ms Been real, sick for some time is,.-not improving! . Miss Sadie Cook spent Saturday night with SB’s. Will Earnhardt. G. G. Ellis lias purchased a Chev rolet car. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. A’aiter and family, of St. Johns, spent Sunday with relatives on Route 3. Miss Myrtle Ellis, who has been sick, is improving. L. J. Sapp has purchased a Dodge car. Miss Mae Cooke, of Kannapolis, spent Saturday night with her par- Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Cooke. Lee Haynes spent Sunday in Con cord. S. Quarreled-Since Wedding Day “M,v stomach aud liver trouble, made a regular grouch of me. I was sore at everyone, including my wife, and. we quarreled every day since the wedding. She is a dear little girl and I know it was my fault. MAYIt’S ‘One Dose Will Convince’ was recom mended for my stomach trouble, and since taking it I have felt like u new man. My wife and 1 now get along beautifully." It is a simple, harmless preparation that removes the catarrhal mucus from the intestinal tract and allays the infiaiiimatinu which causes practically all stomach, liver and in testinal ailments, including appendi citis. One dose will convince or money refunded. Gibson Drug Store pnd druggists everywhere. -’ ’rA ,£/ vie W. J. HETHCOX Chicken Feed Baby Chick time is here and, we are here with tbfe Right Feeds. Buttermilk Starting Mash for Baby Chicks Buttermilk "Growing Mash For the Larger Chicks, and Buttermilk Laying Mash J For Hens r gJiq Good Scratch Feeds : Cheap CASH GRO CERY COMPANY Phone 571 W thr concord daily tmauNß A Successful Operation ] OUT OUR WAY- ~~ BYWILLIAMS ; vNUOOVA! -THt-rX fW ’ laa&R, / cour o' WoopM VE> SHORE. A Rymem nootH sees vuh_ Games WOH 'feel. uv(& wore’ SUPPim’ AM LVFES GOT WOK BEAT". . _ _ j But it doklt gvT im mumoer wore. ■SKUsI AKIW MORE'M Tww.lL.amcr. ' \WEkI A/uH HEFTUH STAND BACK AMGWE \ ASOUMQKWdSWH. POP ~ BY TAYLOR It hotels are all right 'For a The state house awd r AM 1 CHANGE BUT THERE’S NOTHING / OH COUSIN T MET ATtInDOO A l | UKE MOUR OVdN NEST / MATILDA t 1 HIS vOtFE AND A LOT OF y Qiygiq gy iL INHERE WOU CAH STRETCH J X the The RgfR£SENTAT I ver r / T^ N c^ BIIJ (T TOD MEAN I 'NORKEpI HERE k > | T I'\JE SEEN) SLAVING AWAV \ m NNHIUE tou and VOOCI \\KFe WERE X In L OUT GAMBOLING LIKE A COUPLE /If OF LAMBS -X. MOST SAY Olßfiß / m that’s a tine voav to t«?eat VJHQ RRS j— ■■i-..—r—j !"••• yk\ J..:y OOCVOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQ - I Don’t Be Misled, Look and see thaHP* t ou get the yellow checkered Bag~jjj and then you will know that yoik | have got the original Startina to & feed your baby chix on. ~ \ Cash Feed Store PHONE 122 SOUTH CHURCH ST. | ciooodoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooaoooooooeoeoo J min tiiwwri ibih n 1 FANCY DRY GOODS WOMEN’S WEAR >JSS33SS33B33ESSSSEBg£3nSB3iS3SS3SSSSEBSI!!E33BB|EB 3000000CXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX3000C50CJC^jCXXXXXXXKXXXXX>OCX> I DELCO LIGHT ! Light Plants and Batteries :,! [ Deep and Shallow Well Pumps for Direct or Alter |' 1 nating current and Washing Machines for Direct or Al- [ ' ! I ternating Current. < R. H. OWEN, Agent ] | —Phone 669 Concord, N. C. 2 I BATTERIES !Big Price Reduction on Batteries for Fords and u Chevrolets , ii PREST-O-UTE $15.50 COLUMBIA $11.95 Compare These Prices. | ‘ * REPLACEMENT FOR ALL CARS PHONE 228 (Studebaker Sales and Service) jjij .11,., Auto Supply & Repair Co. >y ■' I - *■*“ —; Just Received Another Large L \ Shipment of Fiber and Over-Stiffed Living Room Furniture * \\ e cail your special attention to our Fiber Furniture, [ the Most Practical and Economical Sun Parlor Furniture. » ' • | TVe carry a complete line at all times. Come in and l * see it. H. B. WILKINSON j || Out of the High Kent District, Wlicre Parking Spare Is Plentiful j§ and time unlimited. • 3jj || Concord Kannapolis, Moorcsville China Grove Hot Water. (' This gas hot water heater —U7">, | I is surely a friend in need abji PH ( I a friend indeed of every eoa* !:! 11l match and in a few minutes M, tw|||l wf steaming hot water will nqn |j 'lip j from the faucet—enough f<3t avxifllsSL Let us install one for 'jSf . Pays for itself quickly. ** E.B. GRADY . % PLUMBING AND HEATING DEALER Office and Show Room 39 E. Corbin St. Office Phone 334 W | THE DAILY TRIBUNE 1 THE PROGRESSIVE FARMER I BOTH ONE TEAR AT.THE FOLLOWING PRICES: 1 In State outside Concord $5.25 H i Tlle Progressive Farmer is the best farm paper published, and ita'tV | price is SI.OO a year. You need not pay for tire Progressive Farmer at the same time you Is pay for The Tribune. We will get it for you a whole year at any I on payment of only 25 cents. Pay your subscription to The Tribune to any contestant, tut®* 6 ! come to The Tribune office to pay for your .Progressive Farmer. PAGE SEVEN