PAGE EIGHT Our Assortment ofßabif CarriagesTirft What you want is the smartest, most comfort* able, serviceable and easily handled baby carriage you can get —and for not too much money. We have it. But not until you see the quality, can you $ appreciate the saving you’ll make. Lloyd Loom Woven Carriages are the ones we ' feature. These are the baby carriages famous for their spiral weaving and for the exclusive steel wire center in every upright strand. No baby carriages made are more stylish, comfortable, better con* structed, desirable in every way. And yet the Lloyd Loom weaving process means a price unbe lievably low. No other baby carriages, st 'kies or strollers give so much value. Our assortment of juvenile vehicles contains everything in wheeled-goods children can want. Everything dependable. Sat i* fiction and price saving guaranteed with every purchase, uhdj ua and look around today. Concord Furniture Co. ■OOOOOOOOOOOOOOQQOOOOiJOODoOOOOviOrJOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOI COAL I No Dealer in Concord Sells Coal for Less than I do. 9 8 Best Furnace Coal SB.OO to $ll.OO. Best Grate and Stove Coal SB.OO to $9.00. 8 £est Steam Coal $4.00 to $7.50. Best Gas House Coke —Made in Concordsß.so. Purchase Your Coal where you can get QUALITY a : and SERVICE. 9 A. B. POUNDS uOtiOOOOOOOOOOtxxioooooooQOsiooeaoooonoootjnann^r^j^ THE JOYCE Is among the exclusive new beauties that arrived a. our store this week, this lovely step-in Pump is of the popular parchment, trimmed : With narrow strips of patent forming a little bow of the same. This is j a wonderful little pump aud fits to perfection $3 50 • IVEY’S "THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES” IL L CRAVEN & SONS i PHONE 74 rOAT e. Plaster Mortar Color. Joououooooooooiooowooorooocxwooooooooooooonoooqo Pack All Your Troubles in the Old Kit Bag and Phone, Phone, Phone! Why worry about what you are going to cook, or trouble yoursell to scatter yuur orders all over the city in order to get wbat you want to eat, - Just make out your order and call “00” for Fresh Meats, Cur ad Meats, Fresh Eiah, Poultry, Butter, Eggs, Fresh Florida Fruits and Vegetables, Fancy Cakes and Crackers and any and all kinds of Staple and Fancy Groceries. “TOC/NAME it—we BRING IT.” I C. R BARRIER & CO. results pinny Advertisements Get the Results Hspi ‘L 1 v - ■ $ Concord Daily~ Tribune TIME OF CLOSING MAILS The time of the closing of mails at the Concord postoffice is as follows: Northbound ISO—gl :00 P. M. A. M. 34 1 4 :10 P. M. 38— 8:30 P. M. 80— 11 :00 P. M. Southbound 39 9:30 A. M. 45 8:30 P. M. 135 8 rOO P. M 29—11:00 I*. M. j°LOCAL MENTION [ According to a deed filed here Sat urday .T. C. Burris has sold to W. M. Bcstian for $l9B property in Villa monnt Heights, a Kannapolis .suburb. Marriage license was issued here Saturday by Register of Deeds El liott to Verneil Rary and Miss Pearl Foil, both of Kannapolis. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cook and children and Mr. and Mrs. J. .7. Goldston ami children spent Sunday in Rook Hill with Mr. and Mrs. John Neal. It was reported at police head quarters this morning that several cases are to be tried in reeorder’s court this afternoon. None of the charges arc of a serious nature, it is said. Miss Helen Fox was rushed Sun day night to the Concord Hospital, where she was operated on immediate ly for acute appendicitis. She is getting along as well as could be ex pected. Rev. C. Herman Trueblood, pas tor of the First Baptist Church, left this morning for Rosemary, X. C., where he will be engaged for ten days in a revival meeting, assisting the pastor of the First Baptist Church of that city. Patrolmen Holdbrooks and Cook went to Hickory Sunday to get W. E. Brady, wanted here on a charge of pawing a worthless check. It is probable that he will be given a hearing in recorder's court this aft ernoon. A call meeting of the T’nited Daughters of the Confederacy will bo held at the home of Mrs. R. K. Rid enliour. Sr., Tuesday morning at 10:30. An important business matter j is to be discussed ami the members are urged to attend. W. A. Overcash, head of the local ebautauqua committee, has been ad vised that Soli's Marimba Hawaiian band will be here with the Chautau qua troupe this year. This band has a national reputation ami is booked as one of the features of Chautauqua week. Carpets are being laid in the new hotel here now. The work is being done by employes of the Bell & Har ris Furniture Co., which secured the contract for this part of the equip ment in the hostelry. Other equip ment is heing placed in the building as fast as workmen complete their work. The next meeting of the Rotary orthopaedic clinic in Charlotte will be held in the city and county health department offices there next Satur day. Ail persons from this county who have been attending these clinics are expected to report there Satur day for further examination and treatment. Physical Director Denny and his gym class of the Y. M. C. A. have been secured as an added attraction for the New Concord Theatre on Thursday nnd Friday nights. “Sally of the Circus” will be the picture shown and the local experts are to give in real life some of the stunts to be pictured in the films. Fred C. Correll, of Greenstioro, has been elected secretary of the Greens boro Motor Car Company, of that city. Mr. Correll has been with the Greensboro concern for several years, starting in as manager of the parts department and gradually working himself up to his present position. His friends here will be interested to know of his newest promotion. The H M. Fink home, in the Gilead neighborhood, was destroyed by fire yesterday about sundown. It is believed the house caught from a defective flue or chimney. A few articles of clothing and some valu able papers were the only things taken from the home. It is not known whether or not the loss was covered by insurance. Salisbury Post: “H. 8. Williams, of Concord, has been named as the judicial candidate in the fifteenth district to run against Judge Ogles by, also a Concord man. Mr. Wil liams is a very clever gentleman, a party leader and will no doubt poll as large a vote as any man the Re publicans could name in the district. As for election, that is not a prob ability.” *** Caused Big Damagcg to Truck Raleigh April 25—How the recent frost and freeze damaged crops in eastern North Carolina is revealed in an official report by Frank Park er agricultural statistician. Crop* .already retarded by cold weather were damaged as follows: Beans 30 per cent; Potatoes, 20 per cent; cucumbers, 75 per cent; strawber ries 15 per cent and watermelons and cantaloupes out of the ground, 50 per capt. Indeterminate 'but heavy damage is also reported to the dewoerry and huckleberry crops. Tobacco plants in j cold frames are reported to have been damaged by the freeaing of leaf tips. | Veteran driven of harness borne* claim that it is harder to drive a pacer than a trotter, as the pacers rock the sulky. In Ruth, Msnse) nnd Laaerri, the New York Yankees possess three’ playeita who are record holders in homa tuns either for a season or for all time. THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE Stops Robber i KS W ' J Sanford Nelson. Seattle messenger boy. saw five bandits hold up a pay car. He jumped off his bike, caught one of them, disarmed him and held him until the police came. Now Seattle business men are raising a fund so he can get an education. He supports hts mother and crippled father and goes to night NO LATE DINNERS NOR GOLF FOR MARION TALLEY . Youthful Singer Not Katsified With Present Success—Wants to Stand on Top. Atlanta, Ga., April 24.—Marion ■ Talley, who sang last night before the largest audience that ever packed the Atlanta auditorium to hear a grand opera program is not satisfied with her position in roe world of music. This was revealed today when Miss Talley, the youngest member of the Metropolitan Opera Company, deflat ed she could not be content with the success she has achieved pirns far. With the applause of thousands COULDN’T DO HER HOUSE WORK FOR THREE YEARS ILL HEALTH PREVENTED Is Now Feeling Fine and Has Gained Eighteen Pounds. “For three long years I could not do any housework. 11l health pre vented. I was in a general run Jowl condition. I could not bu'ld up. 1 was so very nervous that everything worried me. | could not say what in particular hurt me. but I simply hurt, all over. A real restful sleep was unknown to me and I lost fifteen pounds in weight. It was a great day for me when I heard of HERB JUICE for as soon as I had taken a few doses I began to feel better." Mrs. R. H. Kelly of South Gastonia, North Carolina, gave the HERM JI ICE demonstrator the above interesting facts. ■ " M ! *• *: ■V4'*As3?M MRS. R. H. KELLY As there are so many HERB JUICE enthusiasts in Gastonia, it was not hard for Mrs. Kelly to hear of HERB JUICE and she is uwng this means of telling others of it NOW. “At present I am doing my own housework,” continued Mrs. . Kelly, “after a lapse of three years. I never felt better in my life. HERB JUICE has built me up by first re moving tbe cause of my sickness. It has given my entire system a good cleaning, my bowels and kidneys are regulated. I eat anything I want, sleep well and am enjoying doing my ■work. It is hard for my friends t* realize that I am the same person of a few months back. I have gained about eighteen pounds in weight. “In my opinion, there is no other medicine in the world like HE Kg JUICE. It is not only pleasant to take, but it brings about results iu a very short time and there are no bai after effects. It will help anyone who tries it. It hasn't failed yet and it won't in your case.” For sale by Gibson Drug Co. i Girls Love NeW Wonderful Powder j You will not have a shiny noae i now. A very fine, pure, new French 1 Process Powder is all the rage. Keeps j shine away—perspiration hardly at- I feet* it. Lines or pores won’t show. 1 Ixcoks like natural skin and gives a J beautiful complexion. Get a box ' I today. It 1r called MELLO-01.0. ] Portey Drug Store. still ringing in her ears as a result of her triumph last night in “Lucia,” Miss Talley expressed her intention jf striving onward tofrnrd musical -lerfecrion. “No, 1 am not satisfied,” she as serted. “1 want to keep on -improv ing. 1 want to study and praetice and train until 1 am as near per fection as it is possible for me to be." O Nor is tier mother. Mrs. Helen H Talley, satisfied with her youth ful daughter's success in her first season of o)iera. Mother's Wish “I want Marion to be the premier, inger in whatever she undertakes,” llrt. Talley explained. “I want her to be the best p.iere is. My ambi ion is for her to become the outstand ing figure either in opera or in con cert.” | Miss Talley, together with the other members of the Metropolitan Opera Company, left here tonight for Cleve land. Ohio, for an engagement ex tending frpm Monday until May sfa. Then ihe company will go to Roches er, N. ¥., for two days, after which Miss Talley will begin a concert t.our. . In September she will give a eon-i cert at Kansas City, her home town, i where she is idolized. At her Metro politan debut in New York a large! delegation from Kansas City was I present nnd a number of Kansas eiti-i zens came to Atlanta to hear Sier sing. Doesn’t Play Golf She doesn't play golf—never had a golf club in her hand—and she doesn't participate ill any other sports. Nor is she interested ixi society. She -aid she always received a large num ber of invitations to attend dinners and danees but that she rarely ac-1 reined. S'.ie made an exception, however, during her week's stay in Atlanta. East night she attended n dinner given in honor of Ootto H. Kahn, chairman of the board of directors of the Metropolitan Company. “I didn't get to the hotel until 1 o'clock,” she laughed. "T'.mt's the latest I ever stayed up in my life. Ylvery other night 1 have been here I was in bed by ’9 o clock. You see, my work tires me so I have to go to bed early in order to get enough sleep.” And she gets up at (1 o’clock. Early Start "I have never been able to sleep nte." she explained, “and besides. I : 'ike to get an early start at my work. If 1 had 48 hours every dry there wouldn't be enottgfi time for what I , want to do.” i: “How long did it take you to pre [Vtrv for last night's opera?” she was asked. i; “Nineteen years." she smiled. Then she recited the events which ■Sr.' j For Ambulance and Professional Services CALL 640 DAY OR NIGHT BELL & HARRIS FUNERAL HOME Frigidaire Requires No Attention With Frigidaire you have nothing to refill or replenish—nothing to adjust. Frigidaire is dependable, automatic elec tric refrigeration. New models, new low prices and con venient terms. Investigate today. * STANDARD BUICK CO. 85 S. Union St. Phone s«S Lrictfdaire aaMUOERXfrow SMI-LAX TONIC 8 Laxative Compound g The new and wounderful Medicine lor people who ere 9 suffering with Weak and Rundown condition of the 8 CSystem, Loss of Appetite, Constipation, Indigestion, Sto -9 mach and Liver. ll 9 |« your Druggist for it is only sold through Drug Oj mm April showers bring May bills for having rugs cleaned. Dressing sensibly makes a girl look so conspicuous. Look aijd sec if you have enough gas to get back on unless you are taking a good looking girl along. The spring fas’.iion warning seems to be. "Don't count your clothes be fore they match." ■ Now comes the season when a man who gets mad at his wife can go to the ball park and yell at the umpire. l’lie real reason many a man looks down on his wife is because site was silly enough to marry him. (Copyright. 1920, NEA Service, Inc.) led up to her Metropolitan debut. At the age of 10 she began to study music and to sing occasionally in the First Christian Church of Kansas City. Then she began to appear at : dinners and society gatherings. When 1 she was 15 she went to New York I to study music, and later went to Europe to study ami travel. Her contract with the Metropoli (tan Company was signed in Milan, Italy, last July 4th. Previously she had been offered a contraet but de clined. feeling, she she was too young. ' sa Following the pennant race of the newly-organixed New England Lea gue this summer will seem like a re turn of the good old days to many iof the veteran baseball fans ’way down East. 1 The first record of a bowling game in America was on January 1, 1840, in New York. ************** IK IK * A WORD TO OCR ADYER- * * TISERS. * ■K IK SK Our good friends, our adver- IK SK Users, are asked to help us give IK IK all better service b" observing IK IK strictly our rule that copy for IK J IK all advertisements requiring ex- IK IK tra space or a change in form of IK ! I IK the ad. be in the office the after- IK i IK noon before the day the ad. is to IK ] ,41 be inserted. Copy for ads. oe- IK i iIK cupylng the regular space will IK ] IK always be changed if received in IK i IK the office by. 10 A. M. on the IK I I IK dny of publication. IK J * IK < **************] .’.w■JBW.J.I t-nieAMSaiLUL ■ j | POOOOOOOOOCWMWyOOqOOOOOOOaOOOQOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOI ij Climate—in Underwear! still snowing to the man O 1 1/n vr>' wearing winter weights? 2 weather overhead —if you O I are not prepared for it underneath—and it’s impossible to 8 feel springy if you’re dresseed stuffy. 8 Come in—put a change of Underwear under your vest — j and let the cedar chest take the burden off yours. 2! Allan A, Manhattan and Varsity Are all Featured at ) HOOVER’S, Inc. THE YOUNO MAN’S STORE JOOOOOOOOOOOOOPOOOOOOOOf I DRAPERY TIME comes in April—the month of putting Spring time into tTie home. All hangings and fabric floor coverings should gt> to the Dry Cleaner now. A few pieces at a time— serving your convenience | and solving a spring 8 cleaning problem. j “MASTER” Cleaners and Dyers PHONE 787 Office 28-87 W. Depot St Watch Your FtotfL|Piwy Child Grow Strong Take on Weight In just a few days—quicker than you ever dreamed of—4these wonder ful flesh making tablets called Mc- Coy’s Cod Liver Oil Compound Tab lets will start to help afcy ..weak, thip, under-nourished little one. 1 After sickness and where rickets are suspected they are especially valu able. No need to give them any more nasty Cod Liver OUr-theae tab lets are made to take foe place of 'that good but evil smelling, stomach upsetting medicine and they surely do it - They do put-ou.fUsb. Ask the Pearl Drug Company or any druggist for McCoy’g Cod Liver Oil Compound Tablets —as easy ’to take as candy and’not-at all expen sive—CO tab'.ts 60 cents. Be sure and get McCoy's, the orig inal and genuine- and give the child a chance for 30 days. aren't delighted with results just get your ’money back. LOYAL pRPEB Ofl Regular meeting of Concord Lodge No. 404 Loyal Order of Moom Mon day evening at 7:90 o'clock. All mem ber* requested to to present. W- «T. HETHOOX. gee. TO THE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS OF CABARRUS COUNTS, (N THE FIFTEENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF NORTH CAR OLINA. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the re-nomination for So licitor of the Fifteenth Judicial Dis trict of North Carqlina, subject to the action of the Democratic voters in the primary to be held on Satur day, the fitb of Jun*', 1096. 1 have held this office for only one term of four years and, during this period, I tore endeavored to foitb fuily represent the State of Nerfo Caroline in All prosecutions and to discharge the other duties of this trust without fear or favor, but with eternaT justice as my qentroUtnf pur pose I, therefore,. sumbit my record as Solicitor for this, my first tsrm, to the consideration and scrutiny of the I Democratic Vote™ in my District with confidence and Ist the hope that it justiOas their endorsement and fav orable action in the Primary. 1 Solicitor of Ulth IMatrict’of j W. North Carolina. Monday, April 26, 1926 I CONCORD COTTON MARKET MONDAY. APRIL 28, 1828 Cotton .17 1-2 Cotton seed .. .52 1-9 TO THE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS OF CABARRUS COUNTY, IN THE FIFTEENTH JUDICIAL * DISTRICT OF NORTH CAROLINA. [ I hereby announce myself a candi | date for the nomination for Solicitor I of the Fifteenth Judicial District of | North Carolina, subject to the action | of the Democratic voters in the pri [ mary to be held on Saturday, the sth | day of June, 1926. B. F. BRITTAIN, i 20. Asbeboro, N. C. Melrose Flour | Liberty Self Rising j Flour j Why use Flour that may 1 please you at some time, and | wilL not please yoq at other I times, and that too, when you • most want the vqry best. -Melrose is jusftuye yery best *t all times. It Mas stood the , test—on this marfcyt fqr.more than twenty-five years. Liberty Self-Rising is made ready to bake. It’s Melrose in quality. Our price is no higher now thin any other brands. CLINE & MOOSE Phone 339 P. S—We Deliver Quick Ev erywhere. ■ *_ m ' ' ,»V • -> v . XQVUfc The annual meetUfo of the stock -1 holders of the Citixqok Building and ' Loan Asaoolation will be held in ita ’ office in the Citiaens Bank and Trust - Company building in Realty of Oon • C*rd, N. CL. on . Monday, May 3rd, 1996, at 4:30 o’clock P. 14. ’ A. F. GOODMAN, Secretirty and Treasurer. r yj - . ■—**.-«" ■ i . [ NOTICE OF 'CANDIDACY, FOR , 8«WD»OR OF THE FIFTEEN TH , v ATiOAh BStrict. f Ti foe Voters of Oabarrus County: f hereby announce my candidacy , for nomination ae Solicitor «f the . Fifteenth Judicial Dbtrlct of North Carolina, to -be voted upon in tbe . Democratic Primary to be held fn I Juto, 1996. ~ HMB the 12th day of April, 1626. , B. T, BRITTAIN. J 16-6wks. Asbeboro, N. C. Concord produce market , (Corrected Weekly by CUne ft Moose) Figures named represent prices paid . for produce on tbe market: „ Oor« giJto freft potktoea sl*o Onions ’ inra 1 Feea Rsi-OO Butter M Country Ham JO Oountry Shoulder JO Orongrr Sides JO Young Chickens .45 Reas jj ■ Irii * Pototo * J *joo I 1 • nffi’pVff-frlfr i bvfciiit i I fi , tot- ■#» mil PEARL DRUG CO. »r noon DoanoMi pays

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